Water - like DNA - can perhaps best be understood -from pure symmetry terms - as a device to permit the successful compression of electrical charge. The result of charge compression is the information density we call LIFE. To complete compression successfully - nature uses what every mathematician knows is the ONLY geometry for infinite or perfected - compression: FRACTALITY (self similarity). Golden Mean ratio is the essential dynamic of all PLANT SYMMETRY (phylotaxis) - and the basis of the FIVE SIDED - PENT nesting in GOLDEN MEAN RATIO - which is the shape (5 sided) of most every living protein. The KEY connection - is understanding WHY Golden Mean ratio is the KEY to compression. This is because Golden Mean ratio is the key to self-similarity - which IS the key to compression.
Our hypothesis under testing is: COULD THE ONSET OF RECURSION (DODECA or similar Compression Symmetries) be the SOURCE and key to what we are seeing in the cascades .. of charge harmonics ( goldenmean.info/biophoton life force measures) we are measuring in water?? This would then confirm the pattern we illustrate in the new book: "IMPLOSION: Secret Science of Ecstacy & Immortality" goldenmean.info/consciouskids
Below: Cliff Pound assisted in measuring the charge radiance comparing the new Bunna Water from Fiji.. new Feb 9, 2004. Dark Blue Cascade Shows Excellent Symmetry.
Below: We are grateful to Frank- heartcoherence.com for Data harmonic analysis below - of the above Fiji Water data... NOTE: We expect to be able to isolate (and optimize) the charge sources in the environment which contribute to the life force in the water - by looking at their harmonic signatures!
Capacitve charge can be focused like a lens and projected - making for example the billions spent on hiding Stealth jets radar trace - truly wasted.
Take for example the relatively well known work of Hodowanec and Ramsey- proving that a weak capacitor passively in a quiet spot - is better than telescopes - and faster than light - for measuring star explosion events etc.
Altho - charging a capacitor and sending off the wave - is the basis of radio - Little is written to explain HOW capacitive charge moves faster than light.
As you view the pictures here - ask yourself - HOW it is that consciousness is best understood in principle as a name for perfected charge distribution. (awareness)
begin exerpt from "Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality" ( goldenmean.info/consciouskids )
Roses and pine cones are perfect examples of FRACTALs - the idea is called being SELF SIMILAR. This simply means the inside looks like the outside. When waves of charge get FRACTAL like this they compress perfectly and therefore allow charge to go in and out of implosion - speeding up at center. The overall information connecting thru light speed of CHARGE by implosion (attracting charge) is called LIFE!
We can measure this because things that are alive attract electrical charge from within - (goldenmean.info/biophoton).
LIFE IS where the MOST WAVES TOUCH! (Harmonic Inclusiveness predicts vitality in everything that lives). LIFE itself is another way of talking about the infinite communication based on Golden mean that happens between waves when they compress perfectly into IMPLOSION/ FUSION. In Science this is sometimes called "Infinite Multiply Connected TOPOLOGY". This just means - how many different folds on surface can a converge or compress into one wave or fold at one place.
We can now make a definition and meaning for the term ORGANIC. This is good, because the word is getting too vague for use in the grocery store. Organic is a name for the ability of biology to attract charge when the electrical SYMMETRY (pattern inside) is more FRACTAL. When waves of charge nest inside each other very nicely, then the CHARGE does not bleed. If you could put your food inside a good biology CAPACITOR like a PINE CONE - or EGG - then it would keep longer. Putting your food inside a refrigerator has a serious problem. Refrigerators made of square shape, and metal are TERRIBLE leaking capacitors. This is why your food loses life so fast inside. Refrigerator designers are almost as stupid as city designers - who use too much metal and square shapes - in letting people use leaking charge for their space to be.
You could make a lot of money by making refrigerators that are better holders of CHARGE. This is what a scientist named REICH meant by ORGONE! People kept inventing new words like SPIRIT and CHI and ORGONE and MICROVITA and BARRAKAH because that did not know what a capacitor is or how they communicate ( it is sheer magic!). Life uses this faster than light way that capacitors communicate and we call it telepathy and spiritual healing. We have measured the way trees do this - using capacitors. goldenmean.info/biophoton
We should talk more about how making houses and buildings into
holders of CHARGE is absolutely necessary to holding BLISS and
LIFE. This creates new meaning for success & the word SACRED
( goldenmean.info/architecture
In order to understand for yourself - the meaning of the word
ORGANIC a bit more - let us consider how waves of charge can be
shared or distributed perfectly. (since this is how life works).
Waves of charge are wrapped in little nests of wave packages called
ENVELOPES of waves. When an envelope of waves hits you, you call
it a particle or matter. But matter and particles are only named
for the INERTIA of these rotating spinning 'envelopes' made of
waves. (Just waves of compression moving about in something you
could imagine as a universal smoke or even jello - somethings
called ETHER. Nice book: NOTHING BUT MOTION - by Dewey Larson).
This is important, because eventually YOU are going to be able
to steer waves (tornadoes, wormholes, and everything in science)
by understanding this. We call this "Adopt a Pet Tornado"
- you are A.P.T. to like it.
Remember- HOW TO STEER A TORNADO as a Shaman or priest - is how to steer everything! Feel compassion for the anger (the spin that does not fit the nest), electrically sucks you in to the center (of gravity) of the tornado.
More pictures & story at goldenmean.info/dowsing )
So let's get back to the question of what shapes make perfect
LIFE FORCE in principle. Imagine you were sitting there looking
at the perfect head of broccoli or cauliflower - and you thought
to yourself- hey- that look's fractal!
Remember in the movie '2001' where Dave touches a monument on Mars and finds he is distributed everywhere at once? Well there is a science to this.
This science is called: Infinite Distribution has NO Storage.
There is a famous book said to be by Christ and Einstein (Primer on Energy - Primer on Rotation) which says something like: ALL HUMAN WANT AND LACK or SCARCITY - COMES FROM THE ATTEMPT TO STORE RATHER THAN DISTRIBUTE. This is particularly true of spiritual information and bio-logic immortality. There is one symmetry or pattern which will allow PERFECT INFINITE DISTRIBUTION with ZERO STORAGE. (This SHOULD be applied to spiritual business).
Picture this..
Suppose you had a row of billiard balls - lined up from here to
the moon. If there was a tiny gap between each ball - then when
you bounced one ball into this end- it would take a VERY long
time before exactly ONE ball bounced off at the moon. And if the
space between each ball was not tiny enough ... the INERTIA of
the ball you hit into this end - would NEVER reach the moon!
Now - suppose you re-arranged that long line or chain of balls.
Let us now put them so that every ball precisely TOUCHES the ball
next to it. There are no spaces between balls. NOW- in your imagination
- bounce ONE ball into this end of the row which goes to the moon.
Sure enough - exactly ONE ball bounces off the chain at the moon
- AND this happens FASTER than the speed of light - AND - there
is absolutely no INERTIA (motion) lost on the way! And yet - every
single ball on the way - has FULLY FELT and been informed of ALL
the INERTIA (information) which passed thru them.
Now - imagine you are a network of waves of charge- and you want to breath into them in this way. This charge being breathed into you network is called LIFE and is the root of the word to AN-imate. (The word AN comes from the Sumerian Extra Terrestrial REAL star trek story - goldenmean.info/enki ).
See- the thing is that life can happen if waves of charge can constantly be fed back to center. This is why to SELF-REFER is the definition of LIFE in ancient Veda. Golden Mean Ratio is the perfect way for waves to self refer and create awareness..
More on the nature of compression perfected- implosion as the definer of self organization at:
Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration Implosion Solution ( phiricais )
If Wilhelm Reich had known how capacitors work - he clearly would not have had to label his confusion with a new undefined word: ORGONE - which alienated science. Current western science does not understand how capacitors communicate. This - as we shall discuss - explains their failure to answer the question - Why does an object fall to the ground? Gravity occurs when charge centers discover self-similarity- perfected in Golden Ratio. When wave fronts converge in Golden Ratio -(the pent nature of DNA and Water for example) - their wave fronts add and multiply recursively only CONSTRUCTIVELY. What is constructively added and multiplied in addition to their wave lengths - is their WAVE VELOCITIES. This is how compression (in pent/Golden Ratio based self-similarity) is CHANGED INTO ACCELERATION. The acceleration path which then opens for charge thru the speed of light- pulls the plug for suction down the drain - called gravity. This is the solution to gravity, (gravity is our name for acceleration) the unified field, and the problem that stumped Einstein (infinite non destructive compression). This explains how biological structures get voltage from gravity ( volts generated inside a fresh egg - a pine cone - or better - the Fibres of Perkinjole of a heart in bliss). The attraction for biology to the self similarity symmetry - IMPLOSION - which produces the connection thru the speed of light - is important. Biological charge - unlike unconscious current science (& your doctor who calls the blue flash of menopause and tantra a 'disease' symptom) - is aware that it is fatal (mortal) - and unsustainable - to be trapped below the speed of light. ( The advanced material teaches the physics of how DNA's gravity producing role (10 oz or so of weight loss at deaths instant etc.) becomes critical in atmosphere creation - surviving solar maxima (rapture) and star birth. )
This success in compression become IMPLOSION - is the symmetry of LIFE. Charge in water - compressing well - is key to life- because obviously life is mostly water.
Compression success - is life success- because charge density (non destructive compression) is information density. (Waves that acheive infinite mulitple connectedness). The Vedic definition of consciousness as ABILITY TO SELF REFER - is answered by the Golden Mean spiral as the only angle at which a wave can re-enter itself without hurting itself. We develop this theme extensively in my 5th book: Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality - ( goldenmean.info/consciouskids ). The summary being that - since bliss and euphoria (eeg and ekg harmonics spaced at Golden Mean) create charge compression - and since this is the ultimate form and expression of biological information - therefore bliss and euphoria are the ultimate educator. We further develop the notion that bliss (biologically acheived charge density) is the only way to acheive and sustain an immune system - and succeed in carrying memory (biological charge pattern) thru death. ( goldenmean.info/death ) Thus we present step by step the scientific case that bliss and euphoria is the only scientifically defendable purpose for having DNA and having political government.
The purpose of this article -is specifically to extend the notion that perfected charge compression - is the very essential dynamic of life itself - to the STRUCTURE OF WATER.
preliminary notes from Randy Masters - on Golden
Mean Ratio .62 or ~ .618 Balmer Series Phi Wavelength One angstrom unit = 10 billionths of a meter 360 degrees/1.62 = 222.222222 degrees With one of Randy's favorite quotes saying, "Just say Balmer M3 and the body knows what its for". Lyman Series ratio to 1.62 = 81250 wavelength |
(letter to Stuart Hameroff, Paul R. scientist
group dialog on the film: To: Paul Ramirez <phinuic@gmail.com>
CC: Dean Radin <deanradin@noetic.org>, Rupert Sheldrake
<ars@dircon.co.uk>, River <riverjj@sbcglobal.net>,
Candace Pert <pertc@georgetown.edu>, fred@fredalanwolf.com,
da5@columbia.edu, jrenard@totalfinancial.com, jtigrak@totalfinancial.com,
mlevinson@manatt.com, Michael Heleus <mheleus1@cox.net>
From Dan Winter, consultant@heartcoherence.com , Goettingen - , Germany
I know that Stuart rather dismissed an earlier email in which
I included the picture from Michael Heleus suggesting that the
concentric rings in many micro tubules may approximate Golden
Mean ratio RADII self similarity. ( Implosion / Fusion / Collapse
/ Scale Invariance .. hint .. hint.. ) . I suggest it may be time
to reconsider..
1. Microtubule may be just 1 example of implosive charge compression due to self similarity (Golden Ratio) optimized concentric tube arrangement?
2. Biology's acheivement of COHERENCE instead of 'decoherence'
in warm (non cryogenic) environments (like the brain in BLISS
) - may be specifically due to the implosive - self - similar
and implosive nature of DNA itself (+ microtubules) . discussion:
In summary - failure to account for the simple nature of
biologic implosion
seems to be the limiting factor in science's (AND THE BLEEP MOVIE's) progress in describing the electrical nature of life AND CONSCIOUSNESS itself.
For example consider the simple truism -
If a potentially infinite number of capacitively coupled charge
waves were recursively nested in the 10 spiral Golden Ratio top
down view of DNA - ( similar to microtubules in this sense) -
(subject of my last 2 books in 5 languages
Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstasy & Immortality
Implosion's Grand Attractor
) "Holy Communion in DNA" - see the hologram multiple
connectedness and DNA as waveguide articles below-
the phase velocities could add and multiply constructively allowing
(charge) compression to be turned coherently in to acceleration
(gravity). This could then suck charge thru the speed of light
igniting measureable things like
- germination
- bliss and creativity
(notice the role of Golden Mean ratio / charge compression in
eeg bliss / creativity measurement)
In summary - we might conclude - that getting biologic capacitors
( like micro tubules and DNA)
into self-similarity ( like the fibres of perkinjole that bring
voltage to the EKG from gravity) produces both LIFE AND CONSCIOUSNESS.
This is because when compression is perfected (coherence limit
condition is fractal idealized by Golden Mean) then capacitance
is radiated
from center with zero storage - Perfected charge distribution
(implosive charge field effect coherence) = consciousness.
By missing IMPLOSION - as literally the WAVE MECHANICS of FUSION - the Heart of all biology - the movie - WHAT THE BLEEP - seems to me to be largely an embarrassing demonstration of just how confused western science currently is about the FRACTAL SYMMETRY OF CHARGE (and perfected charge distribution that results) which is the very definition of LIFE AND CONSCIOUSNESS.
The GRAVITY of this weighs on me.
Dan Winter
Stuart Hameroff M.D.Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology, Director, Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
I read with interest Michael Shermer's skeptical criticism
of the
surprise hit film What the #$*! Do We Know? (Whatthebleep?
to its
fans) in which I appear. The film attempts to link consciousness
the weirdness of quantum mechanics. As the best candidate
for such a
connection, Shermer cites (then attempts to refute) a theory put
a decade ago by British physicist Sir Roger Penrose and me.
We attribute consciousness to quantum computation in structural
proteins within the brain's neurons called microtubules. Though
Shermer correctly describes microtubules-part of the cell's
cytoskeleton-as scaffolding, they also actively organize
intra-cellular movement, transport and neuronal synaptic plasticity
(the apparent cornerstone of learning and memory). How are such
activities organized? Pondering the amazing feats of unicellular
protozoa which swim, avoid predators, learn, find food and mates
have sex-all without benefit of a single synapse-the famed
neuroscientist Charles Sherrington surmised a half century ago
nerve there is no trace, but the cytoskeleton might serve".
cytoskeletal microtubules' periodic lattice structure (resembling
switching circuits in computers) seems ideally suited to
molecular-scale computation.
The states of microtubule protein subunits (bits in a microtubule
computer) are regulated by quantum mechanical (van der Waals London)
forces in intra-protein non-polar pockets, suggesting that microtubule
subunits could act not only like classical bits, but also like
bits (qubits) in quantum computers.
To debunk our theory Shermer cites an assertion in a book by
Stenger that the product of mass, velocity and distance of a quantum
system cannot exceed Planck's constant. I've not seen this proposal
a peer reviewed journal, nor listed anywhere as a serious
interpretation of quantum mechanics. But in any case Stenger's
assertion is disproven by Anton Zeilinger's experimental demonstration
of quantum wave behavior in fullerenes and biological porphyrin
proteins. (Skepticism should cut both ways, Mr. Shermer.) Nonetheless
I agree with Stenger that synaptic chemical transmission between
neurons is completely classical. The quantum computations we propose
are isolated in microtubules within neurons. Classical
neurotransmission provides inputs to, and outputs from, microtubule
quantum computations mediating consciousness in neuronal dendrites.
But the brain seems far too warm for significant quantum
apparently running into the problem of decoherence. (Shermer
the strong Copenhagen interpretation of the measurement problem-that
conscious observation causes wave function collapse, with
decoherence-in which any exchange of energy or information with
environment erodes a quantum system.) But recent evidence shows
quantum processes in biological molecules are actually enhanced
higher temperatures. Moreover biological mechanisms within
(actin gelation, laser-like metabolic pumping, plasma layer shielding
and topological quantum error correction in/around microtubules)
preserve quantum states in microtubules for hundreds of milliseconds
or longer at brain temperature.
(Insert note here from Dan Winter - how critical the recursive wave guide nature of IMPLOSION in DNA and MICROTUBULES -
is - to predict + describe superconductivity / phase FUSION - eliminating HEAT in biologic materials - AND creating the CHARGE DISTRIBUTION COMMUNION which makes biology efficient and 'conscious' . Fractal electrical symmetries are what make's the field effect appear to self organize called SEED GERMINATION and BRAIN WAVES going into BLISS - CREATIVITY - ENLIGHTENMENT..)
(back to Stuart) Is there any evidence for the relevance
of quantum states/processes to
consciousness? Well, general anesthetic gases selectively erase
consciousness while nonconscious brain activities continue (e.g.
evoked potentials, control of autonomic function, EEG). The anesthetic
gases act in the same intra-protein non-polar pockets in which
London forces control protein conformation. This occurs in a class
receptors, channels and other brain proteins including cytoskeletal
structures. And the anesthetics do so by forming only quantum
mechanical interactions, presumably interfering only with
physiological quantum effects. It is logical to conclude that
consciousness occurs in quantum pockets within proteins throughout
Shermer also conflates the Copenhagen interpretation with the
quantum mind proposal of Sir John Eccles. Suffice to say that
in the
Penrose-Hameroff model, consciousness does not cause collapse
of the
quantum wave function (a la Copenhagen). Rather, consciousness
collapse. More precisely, consciousness is a particular type of
self-collapse proposed by Penrose involving quantum gravity (currently
being tested). Pre-conscious (unconscious/subconscious) information
exists as quantum superpositions-multiple coexisting possible
or experiences-which, upon reaching a specified threshold at the
moment of consciousness/self-collapse, choose a particular action
experience. Such conscious moments are calculated to occur roughly
times per second.
Shermer closes by advising researchers to look for emergence
consciousness at the neural level and higher. This has been precisely
the tack taken by armies of scientists and philosophers for decades,
and the result is nil. Consciousness is ever more elusive. The
prevalent paradigm-that axonal action potentials and chemical
transmissions are fundamental units of computation from which
consciousness emerges at a higher-order network level-force-fits
consciousness into an illusory, out-of-the-loop epiphenomenon.
this might be true, the prevalent paradigm is also incompatible
the best electrophysiological correlate of consciousness-synchronized
gamma EEG ("coherent 40 Hz" oscillations). The latter,
it turns out,
is mediated by coherent activities of neuronal dendrites linked
electrotonic gap junctions, windows which link adjacent neurons
glia) into large-scale syncytia, or "hyper-neurons".
In 1998 I published a list of twenty testable predictions of
our model
(which, unlike prevalent emergence theories, is falsifiable).
predictions have proven true (e.g. signaling and action of
psychoactive drugs in microtubules). To explain the extension
quantum states among many neurons throughout the brain, I also
predicted that neurons connected by gap junctions mediate
consciousness, subsequently validated by gamma EEG studies. That
doesn't prove that quantum states extend among neurons (e.g. by
tunneling through gap junctions), but it casts serious doubt on
conventional approaches (which have yet to generate a testable
prediction). Skeptics like Shermer should apply their craft to
conventional dogma as well as to upstart hypotheses.
(oh how much easier to use Golden Ratio power spectra of EEG to teach BLISS - creativity. Fully implies the hygiene to get there - embed or die..)
Regarding the film, I stand by my statements (Shermer didn't
anything I said). But Whatthebleep? is entertainment. Lighten
up! The
early animations of Jules Verne's moon landings were crude by
standards, but planted the seed of a wonderful idea in popular
Stuart Hameroff popularized seeing the microtubule within the cell as the waveguide of consciousness. Michael Helius claims the layers of the concentric rings of the microtubule create self-awareness because their radii nest in Golden Mean Ratio (charge compression). Alex K. from Finland - the famous physicist of Golden Mean ( goldenmean.info/goldenphysics ) describes the role of water in the charge compression - making turning inside out - in the microtubule..(below pic).. (his paper: Hierarchical Theory & Biosystems).
Golden Mean as a Driving Force of Molecular Self-Assembly
... [3]. Clathrin and microtubules are two main proteins
which structure and
energy properties are based on Golden mean.. Clathrins
are ...
Annals of the Academy of Studenica
... s-1 in crystal state and structural-energy properties by golden
mean law) and ... case
we considered the mechanism of taxol influence on microtubules
during cell ...
In Vitro and In Vivo Investigation of Collagen - C60(OH)24
... Some biomolecules, such as DNA, microtubules, clathrin
and others have been discovered
to possess the Golden Mean properties (structure-energy-information
Gibbson: Peptide Plane as a Unique Biological Nanostructure
... that microtubules and clathrin, alongside with water
clusters, are major proteins
within the body for biomolecular communication governed by
the Golden Mean ...
Alex Kaivarainen
... of Bivacuum fermions symmetry shift, corresponding to Golden
Mean condition, fusion
of ... act of consciousness, involving water clusters in
microtubules in state ...
Cantorian Fractal Spacetime and Quantum-like Chaos in Neural
... The golden mean is incorporated in the fractal architecture
of the cycloskeleton
network ... Watt, RC, Automation model of dynamic organization
in microtubules, Ann ...
v2 30 Apr 2002
Exerpt: "(In) the most general fractal strings/sprays construction recently expounded in the book by Lapidus and Frankenhuysen, it is shown how the complexified extension of El Naschie's Cantorian- Fractal spacetime model belongs to a very special class of families of fractal strings/sprays whose scaling ratios are given by suitable pinary (pinary, p prime) powers of the Golden Mean.
Another example is given by the so-called Golden string
in [1] whose scaling rations are r1 = 1/2 and r2 = (1/2)1+. In
particular, the complex dimensions of these strings are given
by solving a transcendental equation which yields a nonlattice
structure of points in the complex planes. For this reason these
strings are called non-lattice, despite being self-similar.
The complex dimensions of the Golden string is given by
an almost periodic structure in the complex plane. All complex
dimensions of a self similar string with scaling ratios r1, r2,
...rN lie to the left of, or on the line Real(s) = D [1]. In order
not to confuse the reader with the nomenclature used in [1] we
emphasize that our construction of Cantorian-Fractal spacetime
[2] is based entirely in a particular class of fractal strings,
and higher dimensional fractal sprays or branes, based on suitable
binary powers and pinary powers of the Golden mean. By pinary
we mean powers of a prime number p: 2-j. p-j j = ±1,±2,±3....
(11) 2
In section 3 we will show that complex dimension is not just a
mathematical artifact but that is deeply related to the log-periodic
laws in Nature discussed amply by Nottale et al [4,5] in their
theories of the Fractal Tree of life and Fractal Evolution and
by many others in particle physics in the renormalization group
context [6,7]. We believe that quantum gravitational
phenomena should involve interference of complex dimensions."
end exerpt
(insert from Dan: Perception = the successful compression / fusion which sorts waves into phase- like the physics of why your vision sharpens dramatically the charge implosive moment you take a deep breath under a sacred / charge fractal TREE!)