A Galactic Context .
Daniel Winter with Lorin Kiely and Cheryl Lynn Triplet
Planet heart biofeedback
Crystal Hill Farm, Eden, NY 8/88 .
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solar system weaving sperm shape over 1 precession.
"Copulation on the Galactic Level, produced a sperm
(comet) that struck an egg (Earth) causing the moon to be created
from the Earth 4.6 billion
years ago. "CONSCIENCE
Consider that if you could squeeze all of your focus inside an atom, you would need mythic stories to describe what it means to be a molecule. Only mystics would see the truth in the greater mythic context. The rest of the electron and proton brothers & sisters would be quite convinced that their tiny particle world was quite a big place, and very much enough to be
concerned with.
Electrons can be perceived as particles, yet from a larger conception, in CONTEXT, they are
an orbit... whose pattern creates a body we label shell or MEMBRANE. Averaging or
scanning the continuous paths of electrons creates the 3D image physicists call shell or cloud. The broader contextual view completes the picture which the particle view only begins.
Additionally, because of the shape of the spinning PARTicles, atomic SHELLS are able to
decide what goes through them, and what doesn't. (This is because the shape determines the
frequency -or Fourier- content, which is like the size of the screen which sifts the sand: A
kind of fabric of weft and woof. ) We could say that atoms and molecules get membranous
identity (Immune self, not/self), from the frequency patterns of electrons.
Now suppose you had squeezed all your focus and "light speed blinking" capacity down
into something so small as say.... a planet. And further suppose that everybody there had
done such a fine job of getting their focus inside such a tiny thing, that they had forgotten the
SHAPE, (and therefore the CONTEXT/MEANING), of the body they were getting in to being
a part of ! (There they were... minding their own business... when all of a sudden... it
wasn't the 7 hills of Dublin or Rome, it was "Love's Body". Norman O. Brown.)
How would you set about picking up the clues about what was the body you were inside of?
It might be a lot like being on FLATLAND as a 3D cube were passing through. You would
stare at your flat land.. seeing a dot, then triangle, then hexagon, then triangle, then
disappearing dot. Perhaps after this happened a million times, the most transcendental part
of you would "grok" what it is to be a tilted CUBE passing though a plane.
When a dodecahedron passes through a plane, at a certain angle, it leaves twelve faces as
cones or wedges on the horizon. According to "ISIS UNVEILED" (From Theosophy), these
twelve light cones on a plane ARE the twelve houses of our zodiac. In other words our zodiac
is a 2D projection of a 3D DODECAHEDRON. Even as our hebrew and sacred alphabet are
multiple 2D projections of ONE 3D "Flame Letter". (The simplicial 7 color strip off the
archetypal torus/donut: Understanding this now allows us to enfold in our attention
more of the context of our planetary shape as a "dimension" or spin (symmetry) weaving the
mem(ory)brain of a great body.
A galactic core beamblip urgently requests of our Gaia airbus: UNKNOWN FLYING
BODY: IDENTIFY YOUR..SELF (.....context within the galactic body); or be destroyed.
Remember that CONTEXT dependency is the woven umbilical cord which massages our
genetic signal-to- noise ratio toward high "immune" identity. (Reference: "Grammatical
Man, Information, Entropy, Language & Life", by Jeremy Campbell.)
CONTEXT is how you would correctly replace a missing thread in a tapestry. This
coherence is what makes gene replication dependable and ageless. This is what makes a
membrane able to enfold (unlock) the keys to correctly interpret the "intention" of the virus at
the gate.
This insight should send us thirsting for a new remothering experience: bonding with
the planet, solar system, and galaxy.
Elsewhere, we have suggested that ALL BONDING IS PHASE LOCKING. We have
learned that phase locking with mother EARTH's heartbeat- the "Schumann Resonance"
produces a womb-like euphoric sense of well being. Like barefoot in the garden or rainforest
We have also demonstrated that the shape of this non-homogenous (flow-form like) blood
stream of Earth's gravity body/envelope.. IS DODECAHEDRAL. (Anti-Gravity and the World
Grid, by Becker and Hagens.)
CAT(all consuming)HEDRAL(faces).
We've looked at the spinning DODECAHEDRON trace out DNA as a wave guide path for
information across scales. ("ONE Crystals Dance", Dan Winter, and "Geometric Extensions
of Consciousness", Ann Tyng.)
AND we've noticed that the angle, relative to the plane of the galaxy, EARTH spins at to
make the great light CONE called PRECESSION (26000 yr), is exactly the 32 degrees you tilt a
cube (our 3D) up at to MAKE a DODECAHEDRON ! Earth as a body, is MAKING the perfect
shape-wave-guide-path, to be genetic material for the larger living cell that is the body of the
Solar System.
- Let's change the way we blink (or sample vision at) when we look at Earth. Let's see
whole orbits as circles... as if Earth were leaving a trail of bread-crumbs for memory's
sake..... trailing clouds of glory. So that just like the physicist who now knows she can never
truly be separate from the bath tub once having touched the bath water, Earth leaves an
Ariadne's Thread in the great gravity bubble of the solar system. Any space once touched is
forever bound in the weave.
Ahh, but Earth is not really weaving circles. Our Sun too is traveling round some great
(Sirius?) center. This makes Earth's and all the planets paths, really great helix braids in the
sky. Thus planetary motions are an "Eternal Golden Braid" (Godel, Escher & Bach, by
Hoffsteder) whose weft and woof emBODY consciousness.
We must choose some fixed time on which to SET the shutter speed of our great visual
camera/sampler. What could be more natural than the great archetypal delineator of the
ages.. PRECESSION. So let us set our shutter speed on this great helical multiplanetary
precess, at 26,000 years. (and then "TAKE" a picture.)
Fortunately for us, someone has already developed the film from our context expanding
camera experiment. The trace of all the planets over ONE precession is nicely imaged in
"Theory of Celestial Influence" by Rodney Collin. (frontispiece here). He illustrates the
beautiful wave bubble thus created as a living body with bright head (SUN), torso and tail (the
planets 3D waveform).
This is a great image, but what is the FUNCTION of this BODY of the SOLAR LOGOS?
One clue may be what Jose Arguelles says about the solar cycles being the HEARTBEAT of
the Mayan Calender ("Mayan Factor"). Laying out this solar pattern on a simple grid reveals
the profound set of trigrams we call "I CHING" and the DNA codons. We have mapped this,
the HARMONIC MODULE grid onto the dodecahedron. So it does appear SUNbody knows
something about heartbeat and immune membrane generation. So by moving and pulsing in
this particular way, the Sun weaves a coherent membrane, which clearly is
INTENTIONAL. A long wave "cats cradle" or spiders web is woven, which by recursiveness
(physicists fractal term for the origin of consciousness), (w)rings out the dodeca-genetic
Earth & cell grids.
Let's look closer at this 3D SUN & planet path body bubble. I always wondered why Rodney
Collin didn't explain why this "living" body had an undulating tail INSTEAD of legs. But
then I "got to thinking" about all this material suggesting the dodeca- Earth grid system
making literally genetic material by the shape of its spinning grid, AND its ratcheting
precess. This being the case, it is then logical to position our planet spun web inside a living
cell. Of course then in order to understand what we are here for, we need to know what is
the specialized function of the cell we inhabit.
And then it came to me in a rush, how dramatically like a living SPERM cell was the
appearance of the solar system when drawn out in 26000 year 3D. A leading bulbous (Solar)
head complete with enzymatic penetration system at the front (Solar cycles). The torso body of
the planets, carefully wefting and woofing out just the shape to make genetic material (the
memory bank of the sperm), and the other sub-cellular organelles. And finally there is a
complete propulsive undulating comet-like tail. The image is too dramatic to ignore. We are
compelled to reconsider our entire concept of the interrelationships of life forms.
Then too, having addressed with this model, so many questions about what IS the Solar
system; telling questions are immediately posed about WHO is fertilizing WHAT??
The Solar System is the SPERM; the Milky (motherly) Way galaxy herself is EGG.
This seeding role gives exceeding power to transform the whole galaxy through the genetic
strands of biology here on Earth. Christos propagated Bios-Logos (biology) informs the cells
of the whole galactic body how to feedback/uplift mass into light, a recursive nest called
So now when we hear our astronomers and astrologers telling us that we have just
turned the corner in the path of precession, we have more context to understand. Specifically
up to now (the last 13000 or so years) we have been moving as a solar system, OUT of the
plane of the galaxy, and against the grain or wind of the galactic gravity bloodstream. NOW
having just turned around this corner, we just are beginning to move INto the bubble or EGG
of the galactic core. (Things get friendlier when you're going with the wind.) To use the
HARMONIC MODULE kind of terminology, "we are approaching GALACTIC
Love's secretions are finally irresistible as the sperm flagellates past the, at first, negative
flow in its path. There approaches an electric "moment of no return" in the ORGASMIC
This means that:
1. The sperm head (SUN) begins executing the enzymatic key codes (Solar cycles) to
penetrate the egg wall (surrounding the galactic core, or Hunab Ku, which as membrane is
2. The membrane around the sperm (Earth's ozone layer and the magnetic sheathing
around our planet & solar system) begins to dissolve in
order to prepare for gene insertion
into Galactic EGG.
3. The body of the sperm is to be expected to be merged and unrecognizable after
impregnation. Many parts of it, including the (planetary) tail are simply discharged.
4. We need to teach the "children" to breathe in the light in such a way as to hold the
memory in (genetic/Grail) CONTEXT. ...Check it out for yourself... start with an "inner
smile" - a gently LOVING sensation; breathe smoothly through your nose into your lower
abdomen... and release... The quality of oxygen is that it sets biology's flame alight. Notice
that breath infused with simple attention to shape inside (a kind of geometry of pressure),
literally BUILDS that shape as FEELING. Start with the simplest, the tetrahedron... later a
2 nest of these builds octa-hedron inside & cube outside... then the cube tilts and spins
weaving the infinite dodeca-icosa nest. The cells went through the archetype of "Platonic"
shapes on their way to being YOU. Try retracing your memory back the way you came.
The steps in RESONANCE seem to be:
Intentional relaxation, brain/heart entrainment, group mind entrainment, planet and then
solar entrainment/phase locking/bonding.
The results are:
Knowledge of purpose (context), true REcollection, essence of program,.. BONDING..,
We use our bond with the planet "ring" (Schumann resonance heartbeat) to "hang
together" enough (the collective mind becomes ONE), to move into hyperspace*, our next
dimension (*cf Hyperspace by Pawlicki).
Thus the context GAIA has "in mind" would use the geometry of her own planet body, as
this next necessary "Bond of Power" for our species, her children. Only bonded to the planet
are we "collected of mind" enough to carry memory so far. Thus we prepare the seed to
propagate across galactic spaces... folded, packed, embodied, Chrystened as ONE.
5. The neuronal activation of the gene/light key sites on the planet grid must be TIMED
(synchronized or phased in rotational order). They need to align to the lightening BEAM..
waves of Galactic Orgasm.. to catch the light grid of the Galaxy's own even more vast
starseed context.. body. Thus to pour richly into what here would incarnate.