Astronauts from Nibiru Engineer Us Hybrid Earthling Slaves

Sasha Lessin, Ph. D.

based on Zecharia
Sitchin's 2002 epic
he LOST BOOK OF ENKI: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God


"At the end of days a day of judgment there shall be.
The earth shall quake and the rivers change course,
and there shall be a darkness at noon and
a fire in the heavens in the night,
the day of the returning celestial god
[Nibiru, the far-orbiting 10th planet of our solar system] will it

"And who shall survive and who shall perish,
who shall be rewarded and who will be punished,
[astronauts from Nibiru] and men alike,
on that day it shall be discovered;

"For what shall come to pass by what had passed
shall be determined; and what was destined
shall in a cycle be repeated, and what was fated and only by the heart's will occurring for good or ill shall for judgment come.

"The record read, the past remembered,
the future as prophesy understand,
let the future of the past the judgment be!'

These are the words of Enki, Firstborn of Anu of Nibiru"
From The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an
Extraterrestrial God, by Zecharia Sitchin

Dr. Sasha (Alex) Lessin (a UCLA Anthropology Ph.D.), guides you though Zecharia Sitchin's revolutionary proofs (and their implications for us) of the history of our solar system and on Earth from 500,000 years ago until 2023

Sitchin archeologically documents events, from the atmospheric crisis on Nibiru, the solar system's far-orbiting tenth planet propelled the noble Enki and 600 miners and 300 shuttle crewmen to Earth 445,000 years ago for gold for Nibiru's atmospheric shield.

300,000 years ago, Enki responded to a mutiny in the goldmines by genetically altering homo erectus, a local primate, into Earthlings--Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Sapiens-- to tend mines, crops and livestock of Earth's Nibiran colonists. In Sumer (Iraq) after the universal deluge, Nibirans Lords taught Earthlings astronomy, math, agriculture, herding, writing, massive architecture, geologicalinformation about planets and moons--to better serve. Earthlings obeyed the Lords; excess earthlings escaped into the hinterlands, away from the wars Lords fought with Earthling soldiers, In 2023 B.C. these wars climaxed in thermonuclear genocide of Earthlings in Caanan and Mesopotamia. The fallout from the nuking prompted the lords to scatter over or exit Earth.

Records the lords left us include stone-carved star charts that map Neptune, Uranus, Pluto--three planets beyond eye-range from Earth. The maps show rocket routes through our solar system. The maps show accurate geographical details of the entire Earth. The maps show the landmass under the Antarctic icesheet. The Lords mapped Antarctic land after 11,000 B.C., when the sheet slid into the Ocean, caused the Deluge and drown most of their Earthlings.

Our science confims the Nibiran goldminers' scientific, mathematic, astronomical accounts. In our museums and hinterland caves earthlings have drawn Sumerian rocketships. Modern biology validates Sumerian engravings of Enki splicing DNA to create an Earthling worker. Our science still hasn't deciphered how the Nibirans moved
giant rocks better than we can to build their navigational landmarks--the Giza pyramids, monuments on our moon, Mars and on Mars' moon, Phoebos.

With Sitchin's evidence we free ourselves to create a new paradigm, a paradigm unfettered by the"godspell". Godspell is philosopher Neal Freer's word for the yearning of Earthlings for the return of their Lords. Our yearning for such "divine" lead created religions which mandate murder of millions for their particular gods. And the gods, remember, are merely long-lived, technologically advanced humans with a wide range of individual quirks and a hierarchic, largely patriarchal, warlike culture. They were, by and large, obsessed with genealogy and male superiority. Many Lords were petty, murderous slavers, contemptuous of Earthlings' consciousness. And genetically we're half Nibiran.

Our other half, the Homo Erectus in us--the evolving hominid the Nibirans altered--resonates with Gaia, this planet. Our Gaia aspect cooperates more than our Nibiran aspect. We know and balance both within us, we break the godspell
and become peers rather than servants.


Six thousand years ago, astronaut/pioneers from the planet Nibiru dictated Enuma elish--the Creation Epic--to the Sumerians. The Sumerians wrote on clay tablets what the Nibirans told them about how our solar system formed, some 4.6 billion years ago [Sitchin, Z., Genesis Revisited, page 109]. The Creation Epic says Solaris, our Sun, then a solitary star, first created a planet the Nibirans called Tiamat. Tiamat was the proto-Earth. It orbited Solaris counterclockwise.

      Next, Solaris, called Apsu, created Mercury and propelled Mercury with water and gold to Tiamat.  Planet-pairs formed: Venus with Mars, Jupiter with Saturn, Uranus with Neptune.  These planetary partners, say the Enuma elish,  orbited the Sun counterclockwise, the same direction Tiamat followed. 

Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu prepared to partner with Tiamat. Then Kingu could orbit the Sun, rather than Tiamat.   But, 4.6 billion years ago, before Kingu could attain planetary orbit around Solaris, Nibiru invaded the Solar System clockwise.

 The gravitational pull of Nibiru pulled a piece of Neptune into space. That's how we got Neptune?s moon, Triton. Triton, unlike other moons in the System, orbits its planet clockwise.

As Nibiru pierced the System, it lost three moons. But Nibiru gained four.  Nibiru tore four moons from Uranus.  Not only that, but the invader tilted poor Uranusí orbit.

Nibiru pulled Gaga, Saturnís largest moon, into clockwise orbit (between Neptune and Uranus). We call Gaga Pluto.

One of Nibiru's moons slammed into Tiamat and gouged out huge chunks. These chunks of Tiamat careened into space. The huge gouge in Tiamat where Nibiruís moon hit is now the Pacific Basin. The chunks of Tiamat that exploded into space are now asteroids and comets. What's left of Tiamat is our present Earth.

In the Pacific, waters and life-seeds of Nibiru and Tiamat evolved together.

 Nibiru's gravity took with it all Tiamatís moons except Kingu, the moon who, just before Kingu invaded, readied himself to claim an orbit around Solaris.

 Nibiruís invasion left Kingu lifelessly orbiting Earth, rather than Solaris. Tiamat's other moons became satellites of Nibiru. 

Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise orbit (equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun).

Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise orbit (equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun).

Spacemap recorded by Sumerians of Nibiran Lords' route map to Earth from Nibiru to the passage between Jupiter and Mars. Segments are arranged in the sequence of approaching Earth. line at 45 degees  shows spaceship coming though vapor.  [Sitchin 1978, The 12th Planet, page 274]

Sumerian seal depicting (in background, upper left, between the two Nibirans), long before Copernicus, our solar system, including planets beyond unaided human eyesight.)  [Sitchin Cards 8 of Spades]

In the Creation Epic, the Sumerians knew and wrote of an advanced
civilization on a planet in a different solar system. They had the
concept of a pulsar, the star around which Nibiru had orbited before
that star collapsed. The Niburan astronauts, the Lords, had
their Sumerian scribes write--only lately being confirmed by our
scientists--of the composition and movement of the astronomical
bodies of Solaris' system. The Lords told the Sumerians that there
was water on asteroids, comets, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Mars,
Saturn, Jupiter, also on the rings of Saturn and Saturn's and
Jupiter's moons as well. Our astronomers recently confirmed what the
Lords dictated. The Sumerian Creation Epic lends compelling evidence
for the extraterrestrial settlement of Earth by Nibirans, the human
astronauts who came to be regarded as the gods of Earth.

      Millennia passed after Nibiru and the solar system stabilized around Solaris.  Life on Nibiru evolved a technologically-sophisticated, long-lived Homo Sapiens, the humans of Nibiru.

The Nibirans fought disastrous nuclear wars, but then unified under a single, planet-wide kingship.  The King of Nibiru, 500,000 years ago, King Lahma, confronted environmental disaster.  Nibiru was losing its atmosphere, critical to heat regulation and survival.

King Lahma vacillated.  Should he nuke the volcanoes to renew the atmosphere?  Or send miners to Solaris' Asteroids, where probes showed gold? His scientists told him that they could powder and spread gold to hold Nibiruís atmosphere.  Lahma spent centuries pondering options while the planet's precious oxygen bled into space.  [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki pages 32 - 33]

Alalu, exasperated by Lahmaís inaction and desperate to save Nibiru, pushed Lahma off a tower.

Lahma's heir, Anu, agreed at first to Alaluís rule.  Alalu and Anu sealed their alliance when Anu's firstborn son, Ea/Enki (whose autobiography, compiled by Sitchin, is the principal authority for our tale), married Damkina, Alalu's Daughter.

Anu had earlier denied Ea his bride-to-be.  Anu had decreed Ninmah, another of his children, betrothed to her half-brother Ea.  But Ninmah defied Anu and bore a child to still another of Anu's royal children, her brother Enlil.  Anu angrily forbade her marriage to Ea or anyone else ever.  Anu wed son Ea, instead, to Damkina.

Anu pledges fealty to Alalu, becomes Alalu's cupbearer. In exchange Anu's son Ea and Alalu's Daughter Damkina will begat the heir to the Nibiran Throne.  [Sitchin, Z., The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, page 84]

Anu, married Ea and Damkina and proclaimed his fealty to Alalu. The first male born of Ea and Damkina would rule of Nibiru. bringing together the descent lines of both grandfathers, Alalu and Anu. Ea and Damkina did indeed have a boy; his name: Marduk.


King Alalu nuked the volcanoes, but this failed to re-establish Nibiruís atmosphere. He also failed to get gold for an atmospheric shield from the Asteroids; en route, the rocket of goldminers he sent crashed without survivors. For nine more Nibiran years (nine orbits of Nibiru around Solaris ñ 32,400 Earth years), Alaluís rule failed to stop Nibiruís air loss.

Anu, claiming to be rightful king by Nibiran tradition, raged at Alalu's failure to protect and replenish Nibiru's atmosphere.  He challenged Alalu.

"Anu gave battle to Alalu.  To hand-to-hand combat, with bodies naked, Alalu he challenged.  Alalu in combat was defeated; by acclaim Anu was hailed as king." [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki pages 24 - 39]


[Sitchin Cards, King of Hearts]

Alalu stole a rocket loaded with missiles his men had used in their failed attempt to stimulate Nibiru's volcanoes to regenerate an atmospheric shield for the planet.  Alalu launched the stolen rocket for Earth.  He blasted his way through the stones of the Asteroid Belt, nuking them from his path with some of the missiles He landed in the Persian Gulf, anchored his rocket, and made his way to shore.

Alalu confirmed gold in the Gulf.  From Earth, he controlled the gold Nibiru needed to survive. The gold gave him power over the home planet. In addition, Alalu positioned his nukes to blast Nibiru on its next pass by Earth. Alalu thus dangled gold as a carrot and menaced missiles as a stick. "The Speaker-of-Words he stirred up; toward Nibiru the words to carry."  [Sitchin, The Lost Book of Enki page 60] To Anu on Nibiru he beamed," "On another world I am, the gold of salvation I have found. The fate of Nibiru is in my hands. To my conditions you must give heed!  Return my throne"  [Sitchin, The Lost Book of Enki page 60]

Back on Nibiru, the Council heard Alalu's demands.  Enlil, King Anu's Foremost Son, beamed Alalu back, Prove there's ample gold on Earth.  Alalu transmitted his data to Nibiru. Enlil impugned Alalu's data.  He and the Council begged Anu to resist Alalu's attempt to regain rule. 


The scientist Ea, Firstborn Son of Anu, addressed the Council.   Ea, though Anu's Firstborn Son, was second in succession to Anuís throne. 

 Enlil, the Foremost Son, was king Anu's legal successor.  Enlil was first in succession because his mother, Anuís Royal Spouse, Antu, was Anu's half-sister. This made Enlil, not Ea, Anu's Foremost Son by Nibiru succession rules.

Enki  [Sitchin Playing Cards, 2003, Ace of Hearts]

 Remember Ea, though only Firstbornñnot Foremost--Son, married Damkina, Alaluís Daughter.  As Alaluís son-in-law as well as Anuís Firstborn, Ea could mediate between Anu and Alalu. Thus all in the Council listened intently to Ea address the threat and promise Alalu offered them.

Ea proposed that he, in person, verify gold on Earth. If from gold dust of Earth, a shield for Nibiru its atmosphere to save, said Ea, let Alalu Earth rule as King. For kingship on Nibiru, let him wrestle Anu.   

Let me in a chariot [rocket] to Earth journey, a path through the Bracelet [Asteroids] with water, not fire [Alalu used nuclear missiles to get through the Asteroids] I shall fashion. On Earth, from the waters let me the precious gold to obtain; to Nibiru back it will be sent. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki op.cit. page: 66]  

 [Sitchin Playing Cards, 
2003,4 of Hearts]


Anu endorsed Eaís plan and sent him with Alalu's kinsman, pilot Anzu, and fifty male astronauts to Earth.  Ea pre-empted the heroic mission to Earth.  Enlil, who'd wanted the Earth mission, seethed while Ea and Anzu rocketed through space to their meeting with Alalu on Earth.


Ea rocketed from Nibiru toward Earth. He shot, with water from his ship, Asteroid-Belt rocks in his path.  Pilot Anzu warned that theyíd depleted their water.  If they didnít replenish it, their propulsion system would fail.   Water from Mars could save them.

     So Ea and Anzu landed on Mars.  Not only did it have water, but it had an atmosphere too.  "The water was good for drinking but the air was insufficient for breathing, which means they needed their "Eagle's helmets to breathe"
[Tellinger, M., Slave Species of god, page 432] On Mars, they drew water from a lake. [Sumerian records on clay tablets unambiguously indicate water on Mars (long before Twenty-First Century scientists documented water's presence there)].

Rocket's water replenished, Ea blasted for Earth, "its gold Nibiru's fate for salvation or doom containing."  [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki page 71]

"' The chariot must be slowed or in Earth' thick atmosphere it will perish" said Anzu the pilot to Ea.  They circled the planet a few times slowing the ship down before they entered the atmosphere hurtling toward the solid ground.  The gravity was playing havoc with their ship and they were still moving too fast for a dry landing.' "[Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god: page 443] So, 443,000 years ago, they splashed into the Persian Gulf.  Alalu guided them ashore.  

Ea built a settlement, Eridu, at the head of the Persian Gulf, near modern Basara.  From Gulf waters, he extracted some gold.  He built a plane, and with his personal pilot, Abgal, tested all over the planet for more gold.

Nibiran scientists powdered the gold into fine dust and experimented with it; they could use it, they reported, to disperse as contrails in the air and shield Nibiru's atmosphere.  Get more gold quick, they said.  Anu beamed Earth: Send us Alalu's ship with all gold you gathered.

So Ea and Abgal entered Alalu's spacecraft.  In it, they found seven nuclear missiles. They hid the nukes in a cave in the African Great Lakes area.  Anzu, the interplanetary pilot, saw no missiles when he came to ready Alalu's rocket to return to Nibiru.


Anzu confronted Ea. When to Earth we flew, only water cannon did we use to blast through the Asteroids, nearly killing our engine due to water wasted blasting rocks.  To return to Nibiru,  I need the nukes you took from this ship.

Ea retorted, This rocket you cannot with your attitude pilot. Foresworn is the weapons' use. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 82]. Replaced as interplanetary pilot you are Anzu.  Abgal, who pilots my craft, will return Alaluís ship to Nibiru while here on Earth  with you kinsman Alalu you, Anzu, must remain.  And with water cannon only shall Abgal navigate the asteroids.

Ea programmed a return route through the Asteroids and Abgal flew the spacecraft to Nibiru with sample gold to test as an atmospheric shield there. 

On Nibiru, scientists processed the gold "to make of it the finest dust, to skyward launch it was hauled away. A Shar [one orbit of Nibiru around the Sun, equal to 3,600 Earth years; Nibirans live so long they seem immortal by our standards] did the fashioning last, a Shar did the testing continue. With rockets was the dust heavenward carried, by crystalsí beams was it dispersed. 

[But] when Nibiru near the Sun came, the golden dust was by its rays disturbed; the healing in the atmosphere was dwindled, the breach to bigness returned." [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki, page 86]

Anu sent Abgal back to Earth for more gold.

 On Earth again, Abgal found only a small gold yield, all Ea could mine from the Gulf so far.  Ea sent Abgal to Nibiru again with this disappointing yield of gold. 

Then Ea found gold, huge veins of it, in southeast Africa (Abzu).  Jubilant, he announced his find to Nibiru.


Drawing form Sitchin,Z.,  2004,
The Earth Chronicles Expeditions, page 26

 Back on Nibiru, Anu and Enlil received Ea's news of vast veins of gold.  Enlil, angry still that brother Ea leads the Earth Mission, demanded proof, not just of gold, but of lots of gold.  False hope Ea gave already that gold enough could from Earthís waters could Nibiruís atmosphere save.

The King, unhappy with Enlil's complaints about Ea, gave in.  Enlil, To Earth I order you.  Take charge there and the scope of Ea's gold find assess, said Anu.


Enlil made landfall on Earth and examined Ea's find.  Enlil beamed back to Nibiru that, despite his initial doubts, Earth probably had gold enough to save Nibiruís atmosphere. 

But the basic rivalry between Ea and Enlil (that plagues Earth to this day) surfaced again.


Father Anu, Enlil beamed from Earth to Nibiru, affirm, by the law of succession, that I, your son by your own half-sister Antu, precede and have authority over Ea, though, he, your eldest son, be. 

Come, Enlil implored, to Earth in person and deal with Alalu, too, who claims rule here over Nibiru too.

So, 416, 000 years ago, Anu flew to Earth and drew lots with Ea and Enlil. 

At the drawing Anu decreed, one lot would bestow rule over Nibiru; another lot would give its holder rule of Earth and control the Persian Gulf headquarters; the last lot would give responsibility for African mining operations and sea transport.

"By their lots the tasks they divided; Anu to Nibiru to return, its ruler on the throne to remain.

"The Edin [Mesopotamia] to Enlil was allotted, to be Lord of Command, more settlements to establish, of the skyships and their heros charge to take.  Of all the lands until they the bar of the seas encounter, the leader to be. 

"To Ea the seas and the oceans as his domain were granted, lands beyond the bar of the waters by him to be governed, in the Abzu [southeastern Africa] to be the master, with ingenuity the gold to procure." [Sitchin, Z., Lost Book of Enki, pages 92 -93]

Enlilís first act was to award Enki his initial settlement, Eridu, on the Persian Gulf, in perpetuity. 


No sooner did Anu and his sons divide rule of Nibiru and Earth, then.......

 "Forward toward Anu Alalu stepped, shouted, ëMastery of Earth to me was allotted; that was the promise when the gold finds to Nibiru I announced! Nor have I the claim to Nibiruís throne forsaken.í" [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki, page 93] 

Anu wrestled Alalu.  They grappled.  [Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men,  page 86]

"Anu on the chest of Alalu with his foot pressed down, victory in the wrestling thereby declaring, ëI am Kingí"

But when Anu lifted his foot from Alalu, "swiftly he the manhood of Anu bit off, the malehood of Anu Alalu did swallow.!"  [Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men,  page 94]  

Enlil tied Alalu up while Ea gave Anu first-aid. "Alalu," Anu groaned, "will slowly die from my seed." *

Anu condemned the sickened and doomed Alalu to spend his last days on Mars.   The Nibirans knew Alalu would die soon from biting Anu's penis. "There was apparently something in the "flesh" of others that killed anyone who consumed it." [Tellinger, M. 2006, Slave Species of god, page 438] 

So Anu, on his return to Nibiru, dropped Alalu on Mars, with food and tools.  Anu also left Alalu's kinsman, Anzu--the interplanetary pilot Ea had discharged--to tend Alalu as Alalu died on Mars.


When Anu arrived back on Nibiru, he told the Council his plans for gold hunting throughout the solar system.  He ordered continuous freight rockets to and from Earth.  Rockets will shuttle among way-stations on Mars, Earthís Moon, other planets and satellites between Nibiru and the sun.

King Anu sent his daughter Ninmah with female health officers to Earth.  Stop, said the King, on the way, at Mars.  If Anzu lives, give him men to start a base there.  

On Mars Ninmah found Alalu and Anzu dead.  It was too late for the condemned Alalu, but Ninmah revived Anzu.  

      To commemorate Alalu who discovered the gold that can save Nibiru, Ninmah and Anzu, "The image of Alalu upon the great rock mountain [Cyndonia] with beams they carved.  They showed him wearing an eagle's helmet; his face they made uncovered." [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki, page 104].

Face on Cydonia, Mars

Before she left Mars for Earth, Ninmah gave Anzu twenty of the astronauts from her company and ordered him to build the first way station for the gold freighters.

[In the later Hittite version of this tale, Anu appointed Alalu's grandson Kumarbi his cupbearer (as Alalu had appointed Anu to be his cupbearer).  Anu took Kumarbi to Earth to watch him.  In the Hittite version,  Kumarbi bit Anu's penis.  Anu then forced Kumarbi to swallow poisonous stones but Kumarbi managed to spit them out.  

Kumarbi visited Ea/Enki, his sister's husband on Earth.  But on Earth, Enlil's younger son, Adad/Teshub incited Kumarbi.  Adad bragged how he and big brother Ninurta would get privileges of knowledge and power Kumarbi wouldn't.  Ea took Kumarbi in a rocket for Nibiru to plead with Lama, the ancestress of both Alalu's and Anu's lines, for mediation. But Lama, when she learned Enlil's sons opposed Enki's mission, sent "lightening winds" against Ea's spacecraft and forced him and Kumbari back to Earth. 

Kumbari returned to Mars Base and agitated among the Igigi (astronauts).  They attacked Enlil and his people on Earth.  Seventy of Enlil's men flew aircraft against Kumarbi and the Igigi. They defeated Kumarbi but Ullikumi, Kumarbi's son by one of the female astronauts, rallied the Igigi again.  380,00 years ago, Ullikumi (Filling the role of Anzu in the Sumerian account) led the Igigi as they attacked the "whirlbirds" of the Enlilites. Enlilite champions Ninurta and Adad defeated Ullikumi and the astronauts.

 Sitchin identifies the battles between Alalu and his descendants the basis basis for later Indian tales of battles the Indira vs Vrita fight even later Greek tales of the Titans vs Gods War.  Indira/Vrita and Titan/Zeus are based on the Anzu/Ninurta and Adad tale the Nibirans dictated to the Sumerians. [Sitchin, Z., 1985,The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 91 -101]


 Ea tells us how he sees his love, his sister Ninmah, Chief Medical Officer for the Earth Mission.  He reveals his perception of his rival, their brother Enlil, Commander of the Earth project.

"Enki and Enlil and Ninmah...Offspring of Anu the three leaders were, by different mothers.... 

"Enki was the Firstborn Son; a concubine of Anu's was his mother. 

"Enlil by Antu, the spouse of Anu, was born; the Legal Heir he thus became. 

"Ninmah by another concubine was mothered, a half sister of the two half brothers she was....Greatly beautiful she was, full of wisdom, one quick to learn.   

[Sitchin Playing Cards, 2003, Card 6]


[Sitchin Playing Cards, 2003, Ace of Hearts]


[ Sitchin Playing Cards, 2003,4 of Hearts]


"Ea, as Enki was then named, by Anu to espouse Ninmah was chosen, thereby their offspring son the legal successor thereafter to become.  Ninmah of Enlil, dashing commander, was enamored; by him she was seduced.... "" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 112-113] Ea dictates to his scribe.  (The rivalry between Ea and Enlil--the critical competition that affects Earth, to this day, shows here, as Ea refers to the sexual connection between his fiancÈ Ninmah and their half-brother, Commander Enlil, as "seduction.")

"A son from Enlil's seed Ninmah bore, Ninurta.... Anu angered; as punishment he Ninmah ever to be a spouse forbade!  Ea his bride-to-be by Anu's decree abandoned; a princess named Damkina [Alalu's daughter] he instead espoused; a son, an heir to them was born, Marduk." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 112-113]

We return from our genealogical segue to Ninmahís journey to Earth. We left her on Mars.


     Princess Ninmah rocketed her company of female health officers from Nibiru first to Mars (where she left Anzu to start a gold-transfer station) then to Earth, at Eridu, the head of the Persian Gulf.

From Eridu, Commander Enlil flew his sister Ninmah to his home in Lebanon so she could plant seeds sheíd brought.   She said the seeds would grow into plants that bare a fruit from which a "euphoric elixer" could be made.

Enlil promised Ninmah he'd send their son together--Ninurta--to Earth from Nibiru.   Enlil also pledged to build a health sciences center in Mesopotamia for Ninmah's health officers.  Despite these promises and intense courting, Enlil failed to seduce Ninmah.

Enlil [SItchin, 2003,  Playing Cards]


Enlil lured Ninmah into his airplane and flew her to his house "by the Cedar Forest" [Lebanon], as a perfect place to plant her seeds. "Once inside, Enlil embraced her, with fervor he kissed Ninmah, 'Oh my sister, my beloved!' Enlil to her whispered. By her loins he grabbed her." But "Into her womb his semen he did not pour."[Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki,  page 108]

Though he promised her a healing city and said he'd bring their son Ninurta to Earth, she remained sexually aloof from Enlil.

Hurt when Ninmahís rejected him sexually, Enlil mooned about his gardens at the Landing Platform. He watched Sud, Ninmahís gorgeous Assistant Health Officer there, bathing in his stream with other young women from the medical team.

Enlil invited Sud to get high on elixir made from seeds Ninmah brought from Nibiru and planted in his garden. "Sud drank, Enlil drank too; to her Enlil of intercourse was speaking. "Unwilling was the lass....Enlil laughed and embraced her, kissed her. His semen into her womb he poured.

"To Ninmah, Sudís commander, the immoral deed was reported. Enlil, immoral one. For your deed judgement you shall face. So did Ninmah to Enlil in anger say.


In the presence of fifty Anunnaki, Seven Who Judge were assembled. On Enlil a punishment decreed: Let Enlil from all cities be banished...Let him exiled be. In a skychamber they made Enlil leave the Landing Place [Lebanon]; Abgal was his pilot." [Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki,  pages 112-114]

Abgal, remember, had helped Enki hide Alalu's nuclear missiles.


Abgal flew Enlil to exile in Africa. But in Africa, in what The Seven had decreed must be "a Land of No Return", Abgal showed Enlil the cave where he'd helped Enki hide the nukes. Abgal thus secretly betrayed Ea/Enki, his old patron and aligned with Enlil against Enki.

Abgal told Enlil he'd chosen Enlil's banishment site near the missiles so Enlil could regain rule of Earth. Enlil could intimidate all rivals with the missiles Enki believed securely hidden. Abgal told Enlil, "Take the weapons into your possession, with the weapons your freedom obtain!"[Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki,  pages 114]

Meanwhile, Sudís womb swelled from Enlil's rape. Enki and the tribunal asked Sud if she'd marry Enlil if she were his official spouse. She agreed to wed Enlil only if she were his Royal Wife. Enlil consented.

So the tribunal and even Ninmah pardoned Enlil and he and Sud married. Enlil returned to Lebanon and his command of the Nibirans on Earth without having to disclose his knowledge of the missles' locale in Africa. Sud reigned with Enlil; she was given the title Ninti and bore Nannar/Sin, the first Nibiran Royal born on Earth.


Ninmah spurned Commander Enlil.  Now she could explore her relation with Enki, her former fiancee.

Enki told Ninmah, "Come with me in the Abzu [Africa] ... your adoration of Enlil abandon."  

In Africa, "Enki to her words of loving spoke, sweet words he spoke, 'You are still my beloved' to her he said, caressing.  He embraced her, he kissed her, she caused his phallus to water.  Enki his semen into the womb of Ninmah poured.  'Give me a son,' he cried."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 115]

But Ninmah bore Enki a daughter, then, immediately, another daughter.  

When he insisted on again impregnating her, "Ninmah against Enki a curse uttered, whatever food he ate was poison in his innards.... 

"To distance himself from Nimmah's vulva Enki by raised arm swore; from her curse Enki was freed.  To the Edin Ninmah returned." [The Lost Book of Enki, page 116] 


Enki's Lineage: When Ninmah stopped Enki from impregnating her again, Enki sent to Nibiru for his wife, Damkina (Ninki), and their son,  MARDUK.  With them, and with the children Damkina bore him on Earth, Enki built his clan--Marduk's Earthborn  half-brothers--NERGAL, GIBIL, NINGISHZIDDA/THOTH and DUMUZI--and their progeny.   

Enki's eldest son, Marduk, recall, was grandson of Alalu.  When Alalu seized the Nibiran Throne he bestowed his daughter, Damkina, on Anu's son Enki/Ea.  

The first son of Damkina and Ea was Marduk.  Marduk (Anu and Alalu agreed) would one day reign as King of Nibiru.  So Marduk, the son of Enki and Damkina, was supposed to inherit the Nibiran throne.  

But Anu deposed and condemned Alalu, sent Enki and Enki's siblings Ninmah and Enlil to Earth.  On Earth,  Enki and Enlil bred lineages.  Powerful groups of patrilineally-related (related-through-men) kin who competed for power in Operation Gold Dust. 

Enlil's Lineage: Enlil bred his lineage on Earth with his wife, Sud/Ninti.  Their sons together-- NANNAR/SIN and ISHKUR/ADAD/TESHUB--reinforced him and his eldest son, NINURTA (Enlil's illicit child with Ninmah) in their struggles with the Enkiites.  

Top row: Enlil and sons Ninurta, Nannar/SIn, Ishkur/Adad




Bottom row: Three of Enki's sons: Nergal, Gibil and Marduk

From Sitchin, Z., 1983, The Stairway to Heaven, page 114, Sumerian frescos of stone:
Enlil's lineage above, some of Enki's below.



By some 400,000 years ago, Enlil had built seven Mission Centers in Mesopotamia.  The centers: Sippar the Spaceport; Nippur, Mission Control; Badtibira, Metalurgical Center; Shurrupak, Med Center.

Anzu, kinsman to the deposed and deceased King Alalu, commanded 300 Nibirans on Mars Base and in the shuttle service.  His men, the Igigi, rocketed gold from Mesopotamia, where Enki's sea vessels brought it from Africa.  Anzu's men on Mars transferred the gold to spaceships bound for Nibiru.  On Nibiru, scientists powdered the gold and seeded it into the air. "Slowly was the breach in the heavens healing." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 117]  

The Igigi, led by Anzu, demanded Enlil grant them better working conditions, more elixir from the fruit Ninmah grew and a rest facility on Earth.  King Anu beamed orders from Nibiru for Anzu to go to Enlil on Earth.  Enlil must,  the King ordered, show Anzu the entire mining operation so he'd understand why the Igigi must persevere.  

Mission Control, Nippur 

[Sitichin, 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 88]

Anzu landed at Nippur, Enil's Capitol.  Though Anu'd ordered him to show his operations to Anzu, Enlil stalled.  Enlil's father, King Anu, had killed Anzu's kinsman, Alalu.  Now Anzu incited the Igigi.  Enlil insisted he--not Anzu--gave orders to the Astronauts.  Enlil believed that he alone bossed the entire Earth operation; Anzu and the astronauts must obey, not challenge him.

Enki, however, persuaded Enlil to explain the gold mining, refining and transport system to Anzu.  Our father, King Anu, said Enki, says to convince Anzu to keep his men on the job.*  So Enlil admitted Anzu to his chambers.

But when Enlil undressed and set down the key to his control room, Anzu purloined the key. 

 Anzu slipped into the control room and stole the computer crystals that ran the spaceport and the astronaut cities in Mesopotamia.  Anzu forced Eaís pilot Abgal to take him to the spaceport,  There, Anzu's men declared him King of Earth and Mars.  Anzu shut down vital services at headquarters (Nibru-ki) and cut communication between Earth and Nibiru.  

Ninurta (Enlil and Ninmah's son) shot Anzu down in an spectacular air battle.  Ninurta then freed Abgal, captured Anzu and retrieved the crystals.

Ninurta, Enlil's Eldest Son, "Foremost Warrior" brought Anzu before Enlil [copied from Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page124--Drawing of cylinder sealVA/243, Berlin Museum]

The Seven Who Judge--Ea/Enki, Damkina/Ninki, Marduk/Ra, Nannar/Sin, Enlil/Yawheh, Ninmah/Ninharsag and Ninurta--ordered Anzu executed "with a killing ray."  [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 99]


Ninurta executes Anzu
[Sitchin,Z., 1985,
The Wars of Gods and Men, page 99]

Sitchin, in The 12th Planet [pages 107 -116] wrote that Nannar, Enlil's Legal Heir ( (Enlil's first son by Sud/Ninti( his legal spouse) directed Anzu's revolt.  Nannar, with Anzu as his agent, intended the revolt as a challenge to his half-brother Ninurta (Enlil's Firstborn) for Command of Earth.  Enlil therefore exiled Nannar from Ur.  Nonetheless, after Enlil's son Ninurta defeated the Igigi and executed their leader, Anzu, all the Nibiran leaders--including Nannar,--pledged to honor Ninurta as Enlil's successor on Earth. Before, Ninurta was Enlil's successor only on Nibiru; Enlil's successor on Earth had been Nannar, Enlil's son with Sud. [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 95 -102].

Ninurta, now Enlil's "Foremost Warrior," enforced Enlil's rule over the entire system of gold extraction, processing, and transportation to Nibiru. 

To make sure Ninurta's obeyed, Enlil gave him the IB missile, "a weapon with fifty killing heads."  [Sitchin, 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 102]

Marduk, however, sympathized with the Igigi complaint that made them revoltñno R&R facilities on Earth, infrequent rotations back to Nibiru, little elixir. 

Marduk, Enlil ordered, to Mars take Anzu and there bury him that the Igigi see it is I alone they must obey or die as did Anzu.  Improve conditions and boost morale there but let them see the wages of rebellion.  

Astronaut Corps (Igigi) wearing eagle helmet/masks and winged capes.  They flank the Tree of Life and hold the Fruit and Water of Life [Sitchin, Z,. 2003,  The Anunnaki Playing Playing Cards, 9 of Clubs] 

Enlil and Ninurta thus defeated the Astronauts, asserted their authority within the Enlil lineage and could now, with unmatched firepower from the multi-headed missiles, intimidate the Nibirans working the goldmines Enki was supposed to be supervising in Africa.


300,000 years ago, Earth's climate warmed dramatically.

 In Africa,  Enki left goldmines to Foreman Ennugi.  Enki went North, to what's now Zimbabwe.  There, Enki and his son Ningshizidda set up a lab to study some of the species evolved on Earth in the more than 4 billion years since the waters of Proto-Earth (Tialmat) and those of Nibiru, mixed [Sitchin, Z., Genesis Revisited, page 121]

Homo Erectus particularly fascinated Enki and NingiziddaEnki believed Homo Erectus would, in a few million years, evolve into Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the species of the Nibirans.  Homo Erectus apemen's  intelligence and their compassion for other animals drew Enki's interest.  The apemen freed animals from Enki's traps.

Back at the African goldmining center, miners complained that Ennugi worked them too hard.  Ennugi radioed Enki, but Enki sympathized with the miners.  Enki secretly coached the miners to trap Commander Enlil and manipulate him to accept a plan he (Enki) had for the apemen.

The miners followed Enki's plan.  First, they drastically reduced their shipments of gold to Ninurta in Badtibira.  

Enlil sent Ninurta to investigate and Enki returned to the mines.  At the mines, Ninurta and Ennugi heard miner-complaints.  The miners "were backbiting and lamenting, in the excavations they were grumbling.  'Unbearable is the toil.'" 

Invite Enlil to the mines, Enki suggested to Ninurta, Let the Commander see how the miners suffer. 

When Enlil and his Vizier, Nusku, arrived, "'Let us unnerve Enlil'...mine-working heros shouted.  'Of the heavy work let him relieve us.  Let us proclaim war, with hostilities let us gain relief.'  To their tools they set fire, fire to their axes they put."  They held Mine Boss Ennugi hostage and, with tools as torches, surrounded the house Enlil occupied.

Enlil beamed King Anu to shuttle to Earth and execute the miners' leaders and their instigator (implying Enki).   Anu arrived in Africa and conducted an inquiry.  But no miner revealed leaders or instigator.  The King also sympathized with the miners

 Ninurta wanted better equipment for new miners from Nibiru.  

         Enki told Ningishzidda,
"Let us create a Lulu, a primitive worker, the hardship to take over, let the Being the toil of the Anunnaki
[astronaut-pioneers] carry on his back....  The Being that we need, it already exists.  All that we have to do is put on it the mark of our essence [ie, our genes], thereby a Lulu, a Primitive Worker shall be created!" [The Lost Book of Enki, pages 124 -127]

Enki showed the apemen to Enlil and Ninurta, "Ningishziddha, my son, their fashioning essence [DNA structure] has tested; akin to ours it is, like two serpents it is entwined. When with our life essence shall be combined, our mark upon them shall be, a Primitive Worker shall be created. Our commands will he understand. Our tools he will handle, the toil in the excavations he shall perform, to the Anunnaki in the Abuzu [Africa] relief shall come." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 130]


The Research Team.  Ningishzidda and Enki face Ninmah.  She holds Adamu, the hybrid Nibiran/Homo Erectus they made.  "My hands have made it! victoriously she shouted." 

The critter's  cute and he and female hybrids the team creates enjoy sex.  But the hybrids can't breed yet.  [From Sumerian cylinder seal (in Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 13)]

Enlil objected to Enkiís plan. Don't create a Nibiran/Apeman slave class here on Earth, Enlil reminded Enki, "On our planet [Nibiru], slavery has long ago been abolished, tools are slaves, not other beings."[Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 130].  Ninurta added that to get gold better, Enki should make machines, not slaves.

Earthlings we create, Enki repied, shall helpers, not slaves, be.

Enlil still protested: To clone hybrid beings is in The Rules Of Planet Journeys forbidden.

Enki responded, a new species create we shall not; the Apeman of Earth [Homo Erectus] is in his fashoning essence [genotype] as we of Nibiru [Homo Sapiens, Sapiens] are. Our ancestor the Apeman is; into us he evolves. Quicken Apeman shall we, speed him but some millions of years to what has only always been his destiny.

The brother rivals, Enki and Enlil, beamed their dispute to King Anu and the Council on Nibiru. Each brother had his say on whether Enki's team should develop hybrid workers. King and the council ruled, "Gold must be obtained. Let the Being be fashioned! The Council decided....Forsake The Rules of Planetary Journeys, let Nibiru be saved."[Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 132].

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishziddha--The research team---created many combinations of apeman and other creatures (depicted by our ancients as hybrids such as centaurs) in their lab in Africa. [Sitchin, Z., 1990, Genesis Revisited: 164 -165]

Enki and Ningishzidda copulated with apewomen. When no pregnancies followed, Enki and Ningishzidda collected their own seed and used it to fertilize apewoman ova and create zygotes in test tubes. They surgically implanted the zygotes in apewomen.

But the hybrid babies born of the apewomen lacked vision, hand dexterity or internal functioning.

Ninmah overcame some of the deficiencies when she added copper and clay of Earth to the vessels for the next zygote. But this zygote developed into a hybrid Earthling who lacked speech capacity. [Sitchin, Z., The 12th Planet, page 352].

Enki implanted a test-tube-grown zygote formed from his sperm and an apewoman ovum in Ninmah's womb, rather than the womb of an apewoman, to see if the baby Ninmah bore could speak. "In the clay vessel the admixture they made, the oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together. The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted. There was conception.

"To a male child Ninmah birth was giving. Enki the boy child held in his hands, the image of perfection was he. He slapped the newborn on his hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds." He could speak. "He handed the newborn to Ninmah. 'My hands have made it!' victoriously she shouted." [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 138 - 139].  

[Our ancestors were, by Enki's account, the result of both evolution (Erectus had evolved in a million years from Australopithecinae) and creation by Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda. Evolutionists and Creationists are both--partially--correct.]


The baby, Adamu [One Who's Like Earth's Clay] had smooth, dark red blood-colored skin and black-hair.  His penis differed from that of a Nibiran baby. "They looked at its malehood; odd was its shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded, unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it was. 'Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished.' So was Enki saying." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki page 139]

Once she had Adamu, the prototype for the primitive worker, Ninmah sent for seven women from her Medical Corps in Shurubak to be womb-mothers to Adamu's clones. "'His essence alone as a mold shall be!,' so was Enki saying."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 141]  Ninmah assembled her volunteers, prepared the zygotes.  She and her volunteers pledged unity with the Earthlings theyíd create. 

"In seven vessels of the clay of Abzu [Africa] made, Ninmah ovals of the two-legged females placed."  The fertilized ova, the zygotes, had been fertilized (with sperm from her brother Enki and his son Ningishzidda) in the clay jars.

"The life essences of Adamu she extracted bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted. Then in the malepart of Adamu an incision she made, a drop of blood to let out.  'Let this a Sign of Life be; that Flesh and Soul have combined let it forever proclaim.' She squeezed the malepart for blood, one drop in each vessel to the admixture she added. 'In this clay's admixture, Earthling with Anunnaki shall be bound. To a unity shall the two essences, one of Heaven, one of Earth, together be brought.' In the wombs of the birth-giving heroines the fertilized ovals were inserted."   [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 141] 

Ninmah and Enki create test-tube zygotes for primitive worker experiments [Sitchin, Z., The 12th Planet, page 352]

The birth heroines delivered, by caesarian, seven male hybrids, seven little clones of Adamu.

Ningishzidda next created a female zygote to clone.  He planted this zygote in Ninki, Enki's spouse. The hybrid Ninki bore and Ninmah delivered by caesarian, was Ti-Amat [Mother of Life], a sandy-blonde.  

Ningishizidda cloned Ti-Amat's essence into seven test-tube zygotes.  He planted them in the same Med Corpwomen who'd borne the hybrid males.   All of the surrogate mothers carried female hybrids, again delivered by caesarian.  

Ningishizidda told the surrogates he needed their wombs again.   But Ninmah objected.  For my heroines too burdensome is baring more Earthlings. Too few are the heroines to bare numbers enough to work mines.

      Enki brought Adamu and Ti-Amat to Edin, his place at the head of the Persian Gulf. 

He left the seven female and the eight male hybrids cloned from Adamu and Ti-Amat together in an enclosure at his African lab. The hybrids copulated frequently, but the females didnít conceive.

Astronauts who worked the mines and shuttled gold threatened mutiny if Enki and Ningishziddha didn't deliver  workers to relieve them.  At the Med Center in Shurubak, Ningishzidda compared Nibiran genes and genes from Adamu and Ti-Amat.  So Ningishzidda searched for the genes that allowed reproduction. 

 When he compared  genes of breeding Nibirans and the genes of Adamu and Ti-Amat,  Ningishziddha found the loci on the Nibiran genotype that allowed reproduction.  Nibiran females had a recessive XY chromomsomal allele in their genotype whereas Ti-Amat had only XX.  

Ningishzidda then anesthetized Enki, Ninmah and Ti-Amat.  "From the rib of Enki the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted.  From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted.  He proudly declared, 'To their Tree of Life two branches have been added, with procreating powers their life essences are now entwined.' "  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 148]

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishziddha kept their alteration of Ti-Amat secret.  Ti-Amat and Adamu wandered in Enki's orchard in the Edin, the mouth of the Persian Gulf, while Ti-Amat's pregnancy progressed.  She made leaf-aprons for herself and Adamu.


Enlil noticed  Adamu wore aprons.  He demanded Enki explain.  Enki confessed.  Enlil raged. "The last bit of our life essence to these creatures you have given, to be like us in procreation knowing, perchance our [millions of years] life cycles on them to bestow." 


"My lord Enlil," Ningishziddha was saying, "knowing for procreation they were given, the branch of Long Living, to their essence tree was not.

"Then let them be where they are needed," Enlil with anger said. "To the Abzu [Africa] away from the Edin, let them be expelled." [Sitchin, The Lost Book of Enki, page 149  In this context, Enlil is clearly the "Yahweh" of the Bible; in other contexts, as we shall see, the Bible writersí ìYahwehî will be other Nibirans]

Sitchin writes that Enki's genetic team sped hominid evolution that would have occurred anyway. "Modern man would have undoubtedly evolved on Earth just as he had done on Nibiru, both having come from the same 'seed of life.' " Enki and company hastened our evolution by one to forty million years. [Genesis Revisited, pages 165 -166] 

To reiterate Enki's narrative so far:

Spurred by mutiny of Nibirans toiling in the goldmines of Zimbabwe, Nibiruís King Anu and his Council allowed Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda to graft Nibiran genes with Homo Erectus and clone Earthling workers to replace Nibiran goldminers.  

After several unsuccessful attempts to create Earthling workers, the team implanted a zygote (female Erectus ovum fertilized in a test tube by male Nibiran sperm) in Ninmah's womb.  She delivered the child, named it Adamu.  To duplicate Adamu, Ninmah implanted test-tube hybrid zygotes from Erectus eggs fertilized by Nibiran sperm in the wombs of seven female astronauts from her Medical Corps.  All the resultant seven hybrids were male.   

Ningishzidda then created a zygote to develop into a female hybrid. He implanted this zygote into Enki's spouse.  Ninki carried the fetus, who emerged as Ti-Amat, a sandy-blonde female.  Ningishizzida cloned Ti-Amat's essence into test-tube zygotes and implanted them in the same seven Med Corps women who bore the hybrid males.  All of the surrogate mothers carried female hybrids, again delivered by caesarian. The seven female and the eight male hybrid clones were put together in cages in the African lab.  The clones copulated frequently, but the females did not conceive.

Ningishzidda discovered the genes in the Nibiran genotype that allow reproduction. "From the rib of Enki the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted.  From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 148]

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishziddha concealed the fact that they'd genetically changed Ti-Amat so she could reproduce.  Enki brought Ti-Amat and Adamu to his place at the head of the Persian Gulf.  Ti-Amat and Adamu wandered in Enki's orchard at the head of the Persian Gulf while Ti-Amat's fetus, the first bred from hybrids, grew inside her.

Enlil discovered Ti-Amat's pregnancy.  He raged, realizing the hybidís could henceforth breed among themselves.  Enkiís team had exceeded its mandate to make workers.  He, Enlil, Commander of the Mission, did not authorize Enki's team to create a new species.  

Enlil rebuked Ningishziddha.  But Ningishziddha said he'd withheld the Nibiran longevity gene from the hybrids.  Enlil appealed to the Council on Nibiru, but the Nibiran Council, desperate for the new primitive workers to mine Earth's gold to save Nibiru's atmosphere, ratified breeding hybrids.  Enlil angrily expelled Ti-Amat, Adamu and the seven hybrid males back to Zimbabwe to breed as miners.

We resume Enki's narrative:

In Zimabawe, Enki settled Adamu and Ti-Amat in a forest enclosure. There Ti-Amat bore the twins she'd conceived with Adamu. She bore other children who interbred and multiplied till they took over the work in the goldmines.

In a few thousand years, "the Earthlings were proliferating....To be with the Anunnaki [Nibiran astronauts] they were eager, for food rations they toiled well. Of heat and dust they did not complain, of backbreaking they did not grumble.  Of hardships of work the Anunnaki were relieved.  The vital gold to Nibiru was coming, Nibiruís atmosphere was slowly healing." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 151]

Nibiru, recall, revolves around the Sun every 3,600 years in a long elliptical clockwise orbit.  When closest to the Sun (perigee), Nibiran rockets could easily visit Earth.  But also at perigee, Nibiru 's netforce sometimes disturbed the planets of the inner solar system.

One of Nibiru's orbital nearings to the Sun disturbed the atmosphere, volcanoes and earthquakes on Earth and Mars.  King Anu visited Earth from Nibiru and inspected damage. 

The King decided to end transshipment of gold from Mars.  His decision favored the Enlil lineage--sons of Enlil and their children--over the Enki lineage.   Anu suspected Enki of abetting revolts by Alalu's kinsman Anzu and the Astronaut Corps and also instigating the miners' revolt in Africa.  When Anu ended gold transfer on Mars he deprived Marduk,  Enki's eldest son and heir, of his power base on Mars.  

King Anu further favored Enlilís lineage; he awarded rule of new spaceport (from which the gold was to be directly rocketed to Nibiru) at Sippar to Enlilís son's son Utu (the first Earth-born Nibiran). 

Enki sympathized with his son Mardu and pledged that Marduk would one day supplant Enlil and his descendents: Marduk the Earth Shall rule. 


 Enlil (at this point the Yahweh of the Bible; other Anunnaki later amalgamate as Yahweh) waged propaganda campaign against Enki.  Enlil/Yahweh warned Earthlings controlled by his lineage to resist Enki the Snake. To counter Enlil's campaign against him and help Earthlings survive, Enki started the first Earthling secret society, The Brotherhood of the Snake.  "Enki had to resort to a clandestine approach to uplift mankind...the establishment of a small group of humans who were introduced to more advanced thinking, information and technology." [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 147]

Anu ruled, Earthlings multiplying in Abzu [Africa] must assist excavation, transport, refining gold till after several shars [3,600 year revolutions of Nibiru around Solaris] sufficient will be the shield of Earthís gold powder to save Nibiru. Then home shall the heroes [astronauts] from Earth return.

At one point, Earthling slave-miners in South Africa--after 100,000 years of toil to extract what seemed to them to be an intrinsically unimportant substance, gold--revolted. Many Earthlings were then "allowed to leave the mining compounds."  Others continued mining for the Nibiran gods, "while many of the slaves tried to live in newly formed communities and survive without the help of the gods [Nibirans]." [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 117.]


But after forty orbit nearings [144,000 years, forty perigees] of the homeplanet, most of the Nibirans in Mesopotamia--but not their boss, Enlil--wanted Earthlings to work for them too.

ìIn Africa where the first humans were created, they lived and slaved in isolation from other emerging human communities and they established their own unique cultures, highly influenced by their master ëgodsí.î This isolation in Africa with but a few role-model gods, accounts for the huge differences in the religions and mythologies of Africans and the religions and mythologies of humans elsewhere. ìThere was very little contact between these early humans in Africa and the rest of the world, where interbreeding," --started en masse by a raid Ninurta led--took place ìbetween humans and the offspring of the Anunnaki, giving rise to the Aryans of the north.î [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 117.]

Enlilís eldest son Ninurta and fifty of his men raided Africa and caught hybrid Earthlings to work orchards and cities back in Mesopotamia. Enlil let his clansmen keep and breed the captured Earthling slaves for now, since all Nibirans would, he believed, soon leave Earth anyway.

Ninurta and Earthling Servant 
[Sitchin, Z., 1878, The 12th Planet page 106]

Sitchin, Nibiru, Anunnaki, Enki, Ninmah, Thoth


The hybrids in the Edin proliferated and, in addition to slaving for the Nibirans, foraged all over Mesopotamia.  The naked Earthlings cavorted, copulated and bred everywhere.  As their numbers grew, they exhausted their own food supply and created food shortages for the Nibirans as well.

Enlil, already angry at Enki for creating the fertile hybrids, demanded Enki do something to solve the food crisis his genetic meddling produced.

In response, Enki said he'd introduce plants and domestic animals for the Earthlings to tend. But Enki kept to himself a plan he'd concocted to upgrade hybrid intelligence with his own genes.


Hybrid Earthling slaves descended from Adamu and Ti-Amat are ADAM-ites (note the "m")ñAdamites. The Adamites proliferated in Enki's Africa. As slave numbers grew, Nibiran Lordsñthe Anunnaki-- re-introduced Adamite slaves to Mesopotamia, there to serve and plant food.

One of Nibiru's approaches, however, created climate degeneration that decimated crops. The Adamite Earthlings foraged widely for food and thereby exacerbated food shortages. To alleviate the shortages, Enki planned, in a most delightful way, to uplevel the hybridsí intelligence. With enhanced intelligence, Earthlings could tend plants and domestic animals.

In his African reserve, "Enki in the marshlands looked about. With him was only Ismud, his vizier, who secrets kept.

"On the river's bank, frolicking Adamite Earthlings he noticed; two females among them were wild with beauty, firm were their breasts. Their sight the phallus of Enki caused to water, a burning desire he had.

"A young one to him Enki called, a tree fruit she offered him. Enki bent down, the young one he embraced, on her lips he kissed her. Sweet were her lips, firm with ripeness were her breasts. Into her womb she took the holy semen, by the semen of the Enki she was impregnated." Enki then made love with the second young hybrid [Sitchin, Z., 2002 The Lost Book of Enki, pages 167 -168] .

One of the Adamite girls bore a boy, Adapa; the other, a girl--Titi. Enki hid his paternity of Adapa and Titi. Enki's wife, Damkina (Ninki) "to Titi took a liking; all manner of crafts was she teaching.

"To Adapa, Enki himself teachings gave, how to keep records he was him instructing." Enki boasted, "A Civilized man I have brought forth. A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness. From seed they from food will grow, from ewes sheep they will shepherd. Anunnaki and Earthlings henceforth shall be satiated." [Sitchin, Z., 2002 The Lost Book of Enki, pages 168-170] .


Adapa and Titi, Enki's son and daughter, mated.  Titi bore twins, Ka-in and Abael, the first ADAPite humans [note the P in AdaPite; contrast it with the M in AdaMite], humans with far moreñdue to Enki's genetic infusion--Nibiran genes relative to Erectus genes than their mothers, the already hybrid ADAMite girls Enki impregnated.

Enki raised Adapa; he educated him as the son he was (albeit clandestine).  Enki taught Adapa to manage and teach Earthlings to manage plantations, herds and estates. Then Enki brought more Earthlings from Africa to Mesopotamia and had Adapa train them to serve the Nibiran colonists.  

Adapa, "a busybody, in charge of the services for which the primitive workers were brought over to the Edin," supervised the bakers, assured water supplies, oversaw the fishing for Eridu [Enkiís estate on the Persian Gulf] and tended offerings" [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 51].  

Adapa begged Enki to give him the substances of Nibiru to allow him, like the Nibirans, to live for hundreds of thousands of years.

Enki used a machine [a device similar to the U.S.ís HAARP laser batteries] to halt the wind that blows up the Gulf from the South so Adapa could, on a south-sailing vessel, voyage secretly down the Persian Gulf.


Tales of Adapaís brilliance had already reached King Anu on Nibiru.  When Anu heard that Enki manipulated Gulf weather to send Adapa on his mysterious voyage, the King sent his vizier Ilabrat to Earth to get Adapa from Enki and then to fetch Adapa to Nibiru.

Enki yielded Adapa to Ilabrat.  Enki also sent his two unmarried Earth-born sons, Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, with Adapa to Nibiru to meet their grandfather, King Anu, and perhaps find Nibiran brides.   

On Nibiru, Anu questioned Adapa about the seacraft he'd used and the mission heíd been on when Enki halted the Gulf wind for him back on Earth. 

Ningishzidda, who'd taken DNA samples from Adapa and therefore knew Adapa was also a son of Enki, slipped Grandfather Anu a sealed tablet from Enki.  On the tablet, Enki confessed fathering Adapa and Titi with Earthling hybrids descended from Adamu and Ti-Amat.  Enki asked Anu to send Adapa back to Earth to generate more hybrids, to father more Adapites--Civilized Humans.   

Enki's tablet asked Anu to deny Adapa food or elixirñthe Bread of Life and the Water of Lifeñthat would make Adapa and his progeny immortal. The King realized that the Earthlings descended from both Adam and Adapa were his descendants as well.   Anu's DNA, donated by Enki and Ningishzidda and mixed with DNA of Homo Erectus had unlawfully created a new civilized species.  Enki wanted Anu to deny the new species immortality so they'd stay long quarantined on Earth.

ìTo protect themselves against possible competition from a new species on Earth, the Anunnaki gods ensured that the genome of the slave species was severely stunted. They ensured that the new human species falls way short of a complete genome. They insured that the new human species did not live too long, was prone to disease, did not use much of his brain and had a finite memory. They did not count on evolution of our genome and our intelligence because they truly did not expect to stay on this planet for so long.î [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 131]


King Anu gave Ningishzidda grain seeds and told him to take them and Adapa back to Earth.  The King told Ningishzidda to tudor Adapa, to work with Enki for the Earthlings' welfare and development.  You and Enki, Ningishzidda, shall the teachers of Civilized Man be.

The King ordered Dumuzi to stay on Nibiru and learn animal husbandry till Nibiru next approached Earth (in one shar--3,600 years).  When Nibiru neared the Inner Solar System again, Dumuzi would return to Earth with female goats and sheep for his nephew Abael to raise.  Dumuzi would bring as well a sperm bank for goats and sheep to Earth. [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, pages 49 - 65; 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 173 -174]


Ningishzidda rocketed back to Earth with Adapa and grain seeds.  Ningishzidda's job: prepare Abael, one of Adapa's twins, for Dumuzi next time Nibiru approached Earth, in 3,600 Earth years.

When Dumuzi returned to Earth, however, Ningishziddaís elder brother, Marduk, Enki's eldest son, took charge of Abael and the animal husbandry project.   Whether Dumuzi or Marduk supervised Abael, the Enki lineage ran livestock for Mission Earth.

To balance Enkiite control of livestock, Enlil insisted that his own eldest son and Foremost Warrior, Ninurta,  tutor Ka-in in farming.  Agriculture on Earth, augmented by the grain seeds Ningishzidda brought from Nibiru, was to be a project of the Enlil lineage.

At a "Celebration for Firsts, " Ka-in, guided by Ninurta, presented his first grain.  Abael, guided by Marduk, presented his first lambs to Enlil and to Enki.

Though Enki was both maternal and paternal grandfather of twins Ka-in and Abael, he praised Abaelís lambs and meat and wool theyíd give.  But Enki said nothing of Ka-inís offering of grain, for Ka-in had been co-opted by Ninurta. 

Ka-in sulked.  "By the lack of Enkiís blessing greatly was he aggrieved"

The twins quarreled for an entire winter about whose contributionñKa-inís grains and fish-abundant irrigation canals or Abaelís meat and wool--contributed most. 

"When summer began, it was not raining, the meadows were dry, the pastures dwindled.  Into the fields of his brother Abael his flocks drove, from the furrows and canals to drink water.  By this Ka-in was angered." 

The twins fought with fists till Ka-in bludgeoned Abael with a stone, then sat and sobbed. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 183- 184].


Enki brought his grandson, Ka-in, to Eridu to be judged by The Seven Who Judge (Enlil, Ninki, Ninurta and Nannar from Enlil's Lineage, Ninmah, and Enki, Ninti and Marduk from Enki's). 

Marduk, Abaelís mentor, demanded the Judges order Ka-in--protege of his rival Ninurta--executed.  But Enki revealed that Marduk that he, Enki, was Ka-inís grandfather, so Ka-in was Mardukís grandnephew.  Enki told Marduk that Ka-inís survival was critical to generate genetically superior Adapite Earthling laborers for field, pasture and mines "If Ka-in too shall be extinguished, satiation [of food supplies] to an end would come, mutinies will be repeated."

The Seven ruled "Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart.  Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart."  Thus Ka-in and "his generations shall be distinguished." 

By Ningishzidda was the life essence [genotype] of Ka-in altered: his face a beard could not grow."  This marked the lineage ancestral to some Asians and the Indians of the Western Hemisphere.

"With his sister Awan as a spouse Ka-in from the Edin departed." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 186 - 187].  They wandered in the wilderness to the east. 

King Anu had, at Enkiís request, denied Adapa the genetic and herbal modifications that would give him the same immortality as the full-blooded Nibirans. Now Adapa, though long-lived by Earthlings' life expectancies, was dying.

Ninurta, in his rocketship, fetched Adapaís son Ka-in to Edin. "The eyesight of Adapa having failed, for recognition of his sons' faces he touched.  "The eyesight of Adapa having failed, for recognition of his sons' faces he touched. The face of Ka-in was beardless" Adapa told Ka-in, "For your sin of your birthright you are deprived, but of your seed seven nations will come.  In a realm set apart they shall thrive, distant lands they shall inhabit.  But having your brother with a stone killed, by a stone will be your end."

Ninurta returned Ka-in to the wilds east of Edin where "in a distant realm Ka-in had sons and daughters" Ninurta, "for them a city built, and as he was building, by a falling stone was he [Ka-in] killed."  Sitchin [1985, The Wars of Gods and Men page 112] suggests this might have been a murder rather than accident.

Ka-in's survivors planted grain.  They founded and ruled the city of Nud [also called Dun, Dunnu and Nu.dun].   Ka-in's successors for the next four generations were murdered by their sons.  For the next three generations after that, each ruler of Nud ascended to rule after marrying his sister and murdering his parents.

Ka-inís son's son's son (great grandson), Enoch, who succeeded Ka-in in the fourth generation of Ka-inís descendants, married two of his own sisters, Adah and Zillah.  One of Adahís sons, Jabal, and his followers lived in tents and raised cattle.  Jabalís brother Jubal, begat a line of musicans who played lyre and flute music.  

Lamechís other wife, Zillah, bore Tubal-Cain, who was a smith, "an artificer of gold, copper and iron." [Sitchin, Z., 1885, The Wars of Gods and Men pages111 -112; 2002,The Lost Book of Enki:, pages 181-193].


Adapa left behind the descendants of thirty sons and thirty daughters he and Titi begat.  The Nibiran colonists divided these genetic descendants of Enki among themselves as proteges and taught them writing, mathematics, well-digging, body oil preparation, harp and flute mastery and the preparation of elixir of the Inbu fruits.  These educated hybrids identified with their respective Nibiran teachers. 

Nibirans taught Adapa's descendants to use bitumens for furnaces for gold smelting and refining.  

Enlil's son, Nannar, taught the Adapite Hybrids ceremonies to worship their Nibiran lords. "Of the rites of worship of the Anunnaki [Those who from Sky Descended, i.e., Nibirans] that the beginning was."

 Enki taught astronomy to one of his hybrid descendants, Enkime.  Enki's son Marduk rocketed Enkime to the Moon and Marsbase, then sent him to the spaceport at Sippar, to be Prince of Earthlings under Nannar's son, Utu/Shamash, Sippar's chief.  

Lu-Mach, a descendant of Enkime, was appointed workmaster of the Earthlings in Edin, "the quotas to enforce, the rations to reduce." But "in his days conditions on Earth became harsher; the toilers in field and meadow raised complaints" [Sitchin, Z., 1885, The Wars of Gods and Men pages 111 -112; 2002, The Lost Book of Enki:, pages 188-193].


Climatic, magnetic and astronomical disruptions damaged Marsbase, where Asronauts refined and transshipped Earth's gold to Nibiru.  The Anunnaki leaders on Earth--Enki, Ninmah and Enlil--met to deal with the crisis. 

Face-to-face, they saw each other's wrinkling visages.  The three half-siblings, children of Anu each, worried at what they saw.  They'd aged drastically.  Said Enki, "Old on Earth we became, but those on Earth born are even older sooner."

     To deal with the crisis caused by the astronomical disruptions, the siblings sent Ninurta,  Enlil and Ninmah's son "to the Land Beyond the Seas
[The Andes Mountains of South America] in the mountainland a Bond Heaven-Earth [transmission tower] to establish."  They sent Ninurta's rival, Enki's son Marduk, to evaluate damage at Marsbase. 

Enlil, Enki and Ninmah ordered Enki's son Nergal, Lord of South Africa an his wife, Ereshikigal (Enlil's granddaughter) to run instruments at Africa's south tip [Cape Agulhas] to monitor the space and Earth disturbances. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 195]


      Marduk told his parents he wanted to marry an Earthling, Sarpanit, daughter of Marduk's Earthling protÈgÈ, Enkime (a descendant of Enki's part-Earthling son, Adapa).

Marduk's mother, Ninki (Damkina), warned Marduk that if he married Sarpanit "to Nibiru with his spouse he would never go. His princely rights on Nibiru he forever will forsake.   To this Marduk with a bitter laugh responded: My rights on Nibiru are nonexistent. Even on Earth my rights as firstborn have been trampled" [by Enlil and his heir, Ninurta, who preempted Earth commands]. 

Though trampled on Earth, Marduk vowed, he would rise and become master.  He'd marry Sarpanit, and by the marriage, bind the Earthlings to himself .  They'd be weapons for him to claim mastery, first of Earth, then to his birthright on Nibiru.

     Enlil beamed King Anu on Nibiru.  He asked the King to stop Marduk and Sarpanit from marrying.  But Anu and his counselors ruled, "On Nibiru Adapa, the maiden's progenitor, could not stay. Therefore to return to Nibiru with her, Marduk must forever be be barred. Marduk marry can, but on Nibiru a prince he shall no more be."

     Enlil let Marduk and Sarpanit announce their wedding at Eridu, Enki's place on the Persian Gulf. However, Enlil also ordered that Marduk and Sarpanit, after their wedding, banished to Egypt (which would henceforth be Mardukís own domain), within Enki's sphere of influence (Abzu/Africa).

      "A great multitude of Civilized
[Adapite] Earthlings in Eridu assembled,.... Young Anunnaki [Nibiran Colonists and their pure progeny], Igigi from Lahmu [Mars] in great numbers came" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 198 - 199].  The astronauts planned to use Marduk's wedding to assemble, capture brides of their own and seize power.


      200 Igigi-- astronauts-- occupied the Landing Platform in Lebanon (the Cedar Mountains), then flew to Edin and mixed with the crowd of Adapa's descendants and Nibiran colonists at the wedding of Marduk and Sarpanit.

After the ceremony, each astronaut seized one Adapite Earthling maiden.  They took the 200 women back to Lebanon and "into a stronghold the place they made, to the leaders a challenge they issued...'The Adapite daughters to marry we wish. Your blessing to this you must give, else by fire all on Earth destroy we will.' " [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 201]

      Marduk, commander of the Igigi, challenged Enlil verbally.  What Enlil called abductions of the Hybrid females were, in Marduk's opinion, marriages.   Enlil fumed.

"In his heart things against Marduk and his Earthlings was Enlil plotting."

Marduk settled some of the Igigi and their half-Nibiran, half--Adapite issue ("Children of the Rocketships they were called") in Babylon; he and Sarpanit stayed with others in Lebanon.

By 100,000 years ago, some of these "Children of the Rocketships," allied with Marduk settled in "the far eastlands, lands of high mountains."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 202; 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men: 346]  

Enlil ordered his successor Ninurta to counter the spread of Marduk's Earthlings. "'The Earth by Earthlings inherited will be,' Enlil to Ninurta said. 'Go, the offspring of Ka-in find, with them a domain of your own prepare.'"

       To counter Marduk's threat, Ninurta recruited the descendants of Ka-in. He showed them how to build balsam rafts. They crossed the seas, settled the Andes highlands, and, at Lake Titicaca, Ninurta taught them tin and gold mining, smelting and refining
. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 203]

 So Marduk and Ninurta, patrilateral parallel cousins (father's brother's sons), cultivated clients from among the Adapites--the Hybrid Earthlings descended from Adapa. The cousins, each the apparent next leader of the Enkiite and Enlilite lineages (respectively), recruited these clients to rule large numbers of Earthlings who could supply armies and exert force against the followers of each others' lineages.

As his son recruited among the descendants of Ka-in, Enlil planned to let climate changes kill all the Hybrids in the lowlands.


Enki lusted for Batanash, wife of Lu-Mach, Workmaster of Earthlings in Edin. 

When Enlil ordered Lu-Mach to enforce work quotas for Edin's Earthlings, Enki sated his lust.  Incensed by the increased work Lu-Mach demanded, when the Workmaster told them he'd cut their rations, the workers threatened him.

 Enki rescued Lu-Mach and sent him to learn city-building from Marduk in Babylon.  Enki sent Lu-Mach's wife, Batanash--ostensibly for her protection from Edin's workers as well-- to sister Ninmah at the Medical/Science complex of Shurubak, "from the angry Earthling masses protected and safe to be.  Thereafter Enki his sister Ninmah in Shurubak was quick to visit.  

"On the roof of a dwelling where Batanash was bathing Enki by her loins took hold, he kissed her, his semen into her womb he poured."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 204 ]  From this encounter, she bore Ziusudra (Noah). 

When Lu-Mach returned to Edin, "to him Batanash the son showed.  White as the snow his skin was....  Like the skies were his eyes, in a brilliance his eyes were shining."  Lu-Mach complained, "A son unlike an Earthling to Batanash was born.... Is one of the Igigi [astronauts] his father?"  Batanash swore "None of the Igigi is the boy's father. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 204 ]  Lu-Mach's father Matushal assured him Ziusudra was destined to help Earhlings survive the Ice Age Earth was entering.  

Ninmah loved and cared for Ziusudra; Enki taught him to read Adapa's writings.   


But drought, plague and starvation stalked the Earthlings [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki:204 -205].  Enki and Ninmah proposed teaching Earthlings medicine for plague, sea-fishing as well as pond- and canal-building for drought and famine.  But Enlil (Yahweh) still seethed at Enki for creating the Earthling hybrids.

Enlil also raged at Enki's son Marduk, Marduk, who aggressively recruited followers from the hybrid line descended from the daughters of Adapa.  Igigi astronauts had abducted the hybids at Marduk's wedding to the Earthling Sarpanit. The pure Nibiran genes the astronauts added to the most-Nibiran-like genomes of Adapaís daughters made their progeny  among the healthiest, strongest, smartest and longest-lived of the Earthling hybrids, hence potentially Mardukís best followers.

Marduk conditioned this hybrid population to serve him for the time when he and the astronauts who had taken hybrid women must remain on Earth, the time when enough gold had been sent to Nibiru to shield the homeplanet's atmosphere and the other Nibirans would return home. 

Enlil, to thwart Marduk, forbade any Anunnaki help Earthlings. Let the Earthlings by hunger and pestilence perish, decreed Enlil. He forbade Enki from giving the desperate Earthlings access to ocean fishing.

The Earthlings at Shurubak, where Ziusudra lived under Enki's and Ninmah's tutilage, sent Ziusudra to Enki at Edin for help.  Enki suggested the Earthlings protest Enlil's anti-Earthling policy and boycott worship of and service to their Nibiran lords.  He said, however, he couldn't openly ignore Enlil's order and help the Earthlings.  

Covertly, Enki fed Earthlings from his corn stores.  He trained them in ocean fishing and gave them access--disobeying Enlil-- to the seas.  When Enlil accused Enki of defying him, Enki lied, said he didn't know the Earthlings were fishing the seas.

Frustrated, Enlil planned for the final destruction of Earthlings and the end to Nibiran occupation of Earth [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 206; 1978, The 12th Planet, pages 292 -294].  


Each 3,600 year return of Nibiru to the Inner Solar System created more violent disturbances on Nibiru, on the sun (huge solar flares) on Mars (Lahmu) and on Earth.

On Earth, Enki's son Nergal reported from the south tip of Africa that next time Nibiru nears the Sun, the Antarctic Icesheet will slide into the sea and launch waves that will engulf most of Earth.

King Anu and the Counsel on Nibiru beamed Earth: For evacuating Earth and Lahmu prepare.í  In the Abzu [Zimbabwe] the gold mines shut down; therefrom the Anunnaki [colonists on Earth from Nibiru] to the Edin came; ... smelting and refining ceased, all gold to Nibiru was lofted. Empty, for evacuating ready, a fleet of celestial chariots [interplanetary spaceships] to Earth returned." 


One spaceship brought the mysterious white-haired Galzu (Great Knower) with a sealed message from Anu to Enki, Enlil and Ninmah 

"Enlil the seal of Anu examined; unbroken and authentic it was, its encoding trustworthy. 'For King and Council Galzu speaks. his words are my commands.' So did the message of Anu state. 'I am Galzu, Emissary Plenipoteniary of King and Council, to Enlil,'" said the mysterious visitor.  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 208]. 

Plenipoteniary Galzu summonsed Enlil's elder sister and brother, Ninmah and Enki. Galzu told Ninmah, "'Of the same school and age we are.' This Ninmah could not recall: the emissary was as young as a son, she was as his olden mother." Galzu told Ninmah she'd aged and he hadn't because she'd been so long on Earth.  She and her brothers had been on Earth so long that they'd die if they returned to Nibiru, where their bodies could not survive the homeplanet's netforce.  

"The three of you on Earth will remain; only to die to Nibiru you will return." Ninmah and her brothers must orbit Earth in their rockets when the antarctic icesheet slipped into the ocean and waves washed over the planet. When the waters calmed, the Leaders were to return to Earth, the only place they could survive.

King Anu's order continued, "To each of the other Anunnaki, a choice to leave or the calamity outwait must be given.  The Igigi [astronauts] who Earthlings espoused must between departure and spouses choose.  No Earthling, Marduk's Sarpanit included, to Nibiru to journey is allowed. For all who stay and what happens see, in celestial chariots they safety must seek." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 209 - 211]. 

Enlil convened the Anunnaki Council, which consisted of the Leaders' sons and grandchildren and the Igigi commanders.  He said he decided the Earthlings must drown in the deluge.  

Enki protested, "'A wonderous Being by us was created, by us saved it must be,' Enki to Enlil shouted."  

Enlil roared back,"'To Primitive Workers you gave to them knowing you endowed. The powers of the Creator of All into your hands you have taken. With fornication Adapa you conceived , Understanding to his line you gave. His offspring to the heavens you have taken, our wisdom with them you shared. Every rule you have broken, decisions and commands you ignored. Because of you a Civilized Earthling brother [Abael] a brother [Ka-in] murdered.  Because of Marduk your son the Igigi like him with Earthlings intermarried.'"   

Enlil demanded Enki and all Nibirans on Earth swear not to tell the Earthlings of the impending inundation.  Enki refused to sign; he and Marduk stamped out of the Council.  But Enki hestated to openly defy Enlil, who, after all, had drawn command of Earth Mission  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 212 -214]. 

Enlil brought the Council back to order.  Astronauts with Adapite wives and children, he decreed, must move to the peaks above wave level. When the deluge engulfs Earth, repatriating colonists must rocket to Nibiru.  Enki, Ninmah, and I--as well as our sons, daughters and their descendants--will orbit Earth till the Earthlings drown and the waters recede.   Marduk was to shelter on Marsbase; Enlil's son Nannar would wait out Earth's flood on the moon.  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 230]. 

Enki and Ninmah buried their records and computer programs deep in the Iraqi soil.  They prepared genetic banks of Earth's creatures to save from coming flood. "Male and female essences and life-eggs they collected, of each kind two by two ... they collected for safekeeping while in Earth circuit to be taken, thereafter the living kinds to recombine.  The day of the deluge they waited." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 216]. 

Enki dreamed Galzu spoke "'Into your hands Fate take, for the Earthlings the Earth inherit. Summon your son Ziusudra, without breaking the oath [swearing not to tell humans] to him the coming calamity reveal. A boat that the watery avalanche can withstand, a submersible one, to build him tell, the likes of which on this tablet to you I am showing. Let him in it save himself and his kinfolk and the seed of all that is useful, be it plant or animal, also take.  That is the will of the Creator of All.'"

Enki woke and pondered his dream. He stepped out of bed and kicked an actual tablet-- where none had been before he slept--next to his bed. He searched his home and grounds
for Galzu but Galzu was not there, nor had anyone seen him, except Enki, in the dream. The appearance of the tablet--a physical object--following a dream or trance encounter with a representative of a higher power--Galzu in this instance-- is what Sitchin calls a Twightlight Zone miracle.

"That night to the reed hut where Ziusudra was sleeping Enki stealthily went. The oath not breaking, the lord Enki not to Ziusudra but to the hut's wall [computer bank?] spoke from behind the reed wall.

When Ziusudra by the words was awakened, to him Enki said, "Reed hut, a calamitous storm will sweep, the destruction of Mankind it will be. This is the decision of the assembly by Enlil convened. "

Galzu tells Enki (depicted with his snake icon) to warn Ziasudra (touching the "wall"--probably a computer bank, depicted with Xs across the screens and slots for programs) of the Flood. Galzu guides Enki's arm to convey tablet (possibly a computer or holo disk. The disk is shown leaving Enki's hand en route to Ziasudra's computer)

 [See for drawing from Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: page 194, but interpretation mine.]

Enki continued, " 'Abandon thy house, Ziusudra and build a boat. Its design and measurements on a tablet....A boatguide [Enki's son, Ninagal] to you will come. To a safe haven the boatguide will navigate you. By you shall the seed of Civilized Man survive.  Not to you Ziusudra, have I spoken, but to the reed wall did I speak.'" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 220 -222]

13,000 years ago, "in the Whiteland, at the Earth's bottom, off its foundation, the [Antarctic] icesheet slipped. By Nibiru's netforce it was pulled into the south sea. A tidal wave arose, northward spreading.

"The boat of Ziusudra the tidal wave from its moorings lifted. Though completely submerged, not a drop of water into it did enter. For forty days, waves and storms swept Earth, downing everything on the planet except those on mountaintops and in Ziusudra's boat" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 227].

Surfacing, Ninagal raised sail and steered to Mt Arrata, where Ziusudra built a huge fire as a signal and roasted lamb as an offering to Enki. Enki and Enlil descended in helicopters (Whirlwinds) from their rocketships.

"When Enlil the survivors saw, Ningal among them, "`Every Earthling had to perish', he with fury shouted'; at Enki with anger he lunged, to kill his brother with bare hands he was ready." Ningal radioed Ninmah and Ninurta to bring their copters down quick.

"`He is no mere mortal, my son he is,' Enki to Ziusudra pointing. `To a reed wall I spoke, not Ziusudra.'"

Enki, joined by Ninmah and Ninurta, revealed his dream vision. He told Enlil of the instructions and tablet Galzu gave him.

Together, Enki, Ninurta and Nimah convinced Enlil "The survival of mankind the will of the Creator of All must be." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: abridged from pages 228 - 229].

The flood waters from the Deluge, 13,000 years ago, receded; they left the uplands intact.  The waters had totally carried away the Nibiran settlements and buried Mesopotamia and African goldmines under silt and mud.  "All that the Anunnaki had built in the past 432,000 years was wiped off the face of the Earth or buried under miles thick layers of mud.  [Sitchin, Z., The Cosmic Code, p 54] Of the Anunnaki settlements, only the raised stone Landing Place at Baalbek, Lebanon, was intact; their spaceport at Sippar was totally gone. 


Enlil summonsed to the Landing Place the Nibirans who survived the flood on the Earth's peaks and the astronauts in spacecraft orbiting the planet.  He also called in his son Nannar from his refuge on the Moon and called in Enki's son Marduk from his refuge on Mars. 

Marduk reported: "Lahmu [Mars] by the passage of Nibiru was devastated. Its atmosphere was sucked out, its waters evaporated, a place of dust storms it is." 

Nannar reported the moon was now only  usable with Eagle Masks [helmets].


Enki opened the vault under the Lebanon Landing Platform.  He unlocked diorite chests and recovered the grainseeds Nibiru'd sent Earth.  

Commander Enlil had Ninurta create an irrigation system for Mesopotamia.  Eathlings would build the system to water the grain.  Earthlings would grow wheat for bread. The Commander ordered Ziasudra's son direct the workers for Ninurta.  Before they planted, moreover, Enki enhanced the grain.  He doubled, tripled and then quadrupled its chromosomes. [Sitchin, Z., 1985 The Wars of Gods & Men, page124].

Enlil sent his youngest son, Adad, to survey fruit trees that survived the flood.  As he surveyed, Adad found the grapes, grapes Ninmah'd brought from Nibiru.  Earthlings could again make wine, both white and red.

Enki's son Ninagal, who'd piloted Ziusudra's submersible, revealed the genetic starts Enki and Ninmah had stowed aboard.  Ninagal said, "The life essences and life eggs, in the four-legged animals from Ziusudra's boat can be combined.  Sheep for wool and meat will multiply, cattle for milk and hides will all have."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 229 - 234] Enki bade his son Dumuzi (helped by Ziusudra's middle son) shepherd the livestock. 

Enki and Ninagal engineered a system of dams and sluices to regulate the Nile to create a pastureland for Dumuzi's herds. 

Enlil chose the Saudi Arabian Peninsula for a new interplanetary freighter rocket terminal site to ferry the gold to the homeplanet.

The passage of Nibiru through the Inner Solar system not only damaged Earth and Mars; it also ripped away the shield of gold dust around the planet Nibiru, gold the astronauts had struggled for millennia to ship to the mother planet. Nibiru's atmosphere again dwindled. The mother planet desperately needed Earthís gold. Just when the Nibiran on Earth were ready to leave the planet forever, to leave Earthling slaves to drown and maroon Marduk and the pesky Igigi whoíd bred with Earthlings on the innundated planet [Tellinger calls the offspring of Igigi and Earthlings ìAryansî [Tellinger, M., Slave Species of god, page 116]. Nibiransí mining enterprise on Earth needed to restart. They needed more Earthlings and they needed more goldñquickly.

But mud covered the African mines.  The hundreds of Nibiran miners had repatriated to Nibiru.   The thousands of Hybrid Earthling miners had drowned.  The gold refinery at Bad-Tibira had washed away.  Waters had swept away the rocket terminal at Sippar in Mesopotamia. 

Ninurta came to the rescue.

Ninurta prospected huge gold finds of pure gold, needing no refining, in Peru.  High in the Andes, he also found beardless descendants of Ka-in who'd survived the flood on rafts and now lived on an island in Lake Titicaca.  South America had the gold Nibiru needed as well as potential miners.


From the Andes (southeast modern La Paz and east of Lake Poopo in alluvium of rivers running into the east coast of Lake Titicaca) also Ninurta could obtain copper and pure, unsmelted tin (rather than have to mine cassiterite and smelt the tin from it with CO2  and limestone) to combine  with six parts copper and cast into bronze. 

Hard bronze had been needed to face the temples of brick.  It had taken 7,000 years after the Deluge for the human survivors, directed by Ninurta, to resettle Mesopotamia, but the mud of the deluge had buried all the stone and minerals there, so brick was the only local building material.  Hard bronze tools were needed to face the brick.  Local and European tin and cassiterite sources were inadequate to supply needs of the burgeoning civilization and the pure tin located by Ninurta, then developed by his half-brother Adad (also known as /Teshub, Ishkur, Hadad, Rimac, Zabar Dibba and Viracocha).  [Sitchin, Z., 1990, The Lost Realms, pages 228- 222.]

THE NEW SPACEPORT ("Place of the Celestial Chariots") IN SINAI

    Enki's son Ningizidda (with power tools better than those we use to cut and move rock) built two pyramids in Egypt.  First he built a model pyramid. Then he built the Great Pyramid.  He put the Great Pyramid at the South end of a straight line through the Landing Platform in Lebanon (Baalbek) to Mt. Ararat (Eastern Turkey) in the North.  Ningishzidda installed Nibirans' master computer programs and astronavigational equipment in the Great Pyramid.

     Enki got Enlil to order a monument, the Sphinx, to Ningishzidda for the pyramids: "Let us beside the twin peaks a monument create, the Age of the Lion to announce. The image of Ningishzidda,  the peaks' designer, let its face be.  Let it precisely toward the Place of Celestial Chariots gaze."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 238]

Enlil chose his son Utu to run the actual Sinai Spaceport on the 30th Parallel.  This line, the 30th Parallel, separated the realms of Lineage Enlil (North of the Parallel) and the realms of Lineage Enki (South of the 30th).

     In the Great Pyramid, Enki's son Gibil installed pulsating crystals and a capstone of electrum, to reflect a beam for incoming spacecraft.  The beam from the capstone marked the western edge of the runway line from Ararat to Tilmun on the Sinai .  Mt. Katherine, at the southern tip of the Sinai, marked the eastern edge of the rocket runway corridor. Mission Control perched on Mount Moriah (the future Jerusalem), off-limits to Earthlings.


     Marduk, disinherited as future king of Nibiru when he married an Earthling, lost  command of Marsbase when, 500 years before, Nibiru sucked off the Martian atmosphere.  He protested the glory Enlil gave Ningishzidda.  Marduk resented the authority Enlil gave Utu. "Marduk to his father Enki words of aggrievement said, `To dominate the whole Earth to me did you promise. Now command and glory to others are granted, without task or dominion I am left'"
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 238].

     Enki's other sons as well as Enki's Champion Ninurta and Ninerta's brothers in the Enlil Lineage also demanded "lands for themselves and devoted Earthlings."


Ninmah, ever the peace-maker, proposed all these Royals be given lands and Earthling followers.  Enlil followed her proposal.  He awarded Ninmah the entire Sinai; she was his sister--a daughter of Nibiru's King Anu--as well as the mother of Enlil's son and heir Ninurta.  Ninmah also exercised influence in Enki's lineage through her daughters with Enki.  So when Enlil gave Sinai--Tilmun (Land of Missiles) it was called--he created neutral ground between his own lineage and Enki's.

     Commander Enlil allotted lands east of Sinai to his lineal descendants, supported by Ziusudra's sons Shem and Japheth and their descendants. The Commander awarded Africa to Enki and his lineage, supported by Ziasudra's son Ham and his descendants.  Enki in turn appointed Marduk ruler of Egypt, with Earthling supporters too.

     Ninurta built Ninmah a palace on Mt Moriah.  Enlil and Enki installed Ninmah in the palace, awarding her the title "Ninharsag, Mistress of the Mountainhead." 

Nibiran whirlbirds began lofting Peru's gold nuggets to the Sinai for transport to Niburu to resume shielding the home planet's atmosphere with gold dust.

For 300 years, peace prevailed on Earth.

Enki moved to Elephantine (Abu) Island near Aswan (Syene). From Abu, he supervised workers building dams, dykes and tunnels to control the Nile's flow to the Mediterranean.

9,780 years ago, Enki, now called Ptah, gave son Marduk, now called Ra, rule of Egypt and the workers there. [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 38; See The Lost Book of Enki pages 242 - 248]

Earlier, during the Great Deluge of 13, 000 years ago, Marduk, his Adapite Earthling wife, Sarpanit, and their sons, Asar (Osiris) and Satu (Seth) sheltered on Marsbase with the Igigi Commnader, Shamgaz. Marduk's boys, Asar and Satu, married Shamgaz's girls, Asra (Isis) and Nebat (Nephys). Shamgaz formed a close friendship with Satu [Sitchin, Z., 2002 The Lost Book of Enki pages 243 244.]

Asar and Asra settled near Marduk in the northern lowlands of Lower Egypt. Satu and Nebat settled in the mountains of southern Upper Egypt, near the villa of Shamgaz and the Landing Platform in Lebanon.

Shamgaz and his daughter Nebat lobbied Satu. They convinced Satu that he and the Igigi Astronauts had no chance of good land on Earth. Asar, Shamgaz agrued, living near Marduk, would succeed to rule of the fertile lower Nile area, leaving only Upper Egypt to Satu and his Igigi friends. Satu, Nebat and Shamgaz decided to assassinate Asar.

Shamgaz and Satu invited Asar to an Astronaut and Royals banquet honoring Aso, Ethiopia's visiting Queen. Shamgaz drugged Asar's wine, and when Asar fell unconscious, sealed him in a coffin and tossed the coffin into the sea.

Word of Asar's murder reached Asta, Sarpanit and Marduk. They retrieved Asar's coffin from the sea. Satu declared himself, as the sole surviving son of Marduk, to now be the ruler of both Upper and Lower Egypt. Marduk wanted to kill Satu for killing his brother, but Enki forbade this. Instead, Enki had Asta extract semen from Asar's corpse and impregnate herself with it.

Asta announced her pregnancy and disputed Satu's claim to Lower Egypt. She went into hiding and bore Horon (Horus). She raised Horon to fight Satu and avenge Asar. Shamgaz and the Astronauts ignored Asta.

The Igigi Astronauts spread their estates and their armies of Earthlings toward from Lebanon all the way to the borders of Ninmah's neutral Jerusalem region. The Igigi advanced toward the Sinai Interplanetary Landing Zone, The Place of Celestial Chariots.

Meanwhile, in Upper Egypt, Marduk's brother Gibil tutored Horon to manhood. Gibil taught Horon how to pilot aircraft and fashioned multi-headed missiles for him and taught him and his Earthlings how to smelt iron and make iron weapons for his Earthling armyñall to ready Horon to defeat Satu. Fully armed, Horon's army marched on Sinai. Rather than face Horon's better-weaponed army, Satu challenged Horon to a one-to-one areal battle.

As Horon flew his fighter toward Satu, Satu struck him with a poisoned dart. Ningishzidda gave Horon antidote and a "blinding weapon." In a far-ranging aerial battle, Horon hit Satu with the blinding weapon, then with a harpoon. Blind, Satu crashed.  The crash crushed his testicles.

Horon bound Satu and dragged him before the Council. The Council let Satu live out his life, without the life-extension treatment, among the Astronaut Corps.

Developments so far: The principals of Enki's lineage, in their competition among themselves,  transferred much advanced technology to their Earthling minions.  Marduk, Enki's eldest son, married to the Adapite Earthling Sarpanit, forged an alliance with the Astronaut Corps (Igigi).  Following Marduk's example, the Igigi took Earthling women and captured the Landing Place in Lebanon, and in 8970 B.C., in the name of Marduk's son Satu, were advancing on the Spaceport in Sinai.  Gibil, another of Enki's sons, taught Earthlings commanded by Marduk's grandson Horon to make iron weapons.


Enlil and his sons--Ninurta, Nannar and Adad--saw the command of the gold mining expedition and control of Earth (which they felt should be theirs alone) threatened by Earthlings led by the descendants of Enki, particularly Marduk, Marduk's sons and his grandsons.

Enlil and sons feared Enkiites would control Earth's space facilities.  Enkiites would determine how much gold flowed from Earth to Nibiru.  They'd rule Earth and Nibiru.  Enlil and his lineage couldn't even escape Earth when the mining there was done if Marduk and his allies controlled space travel and communication with the home planet.

To counter this, Enlil sent Ninurta to secretly build a communications center next to Lake Titicaca.  Ninurta built also a spaceport on the plains next to the Andes.  "From there" Ninurta reported, "gold shipments to Nibiru can continue, from there in need we too can ascend" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, 1976, The 12th Planet, pages 248 -249]

Into the intense and building rivalry between Enki's and Enlil's lineages, their darlings fall in love.

"After the Deluge, on the Landing Platform [Lebanon], Dumuzi and Inanna their eyes on each other set. Hesitant at first they were, he of Enkiís lineage, she of Enlil an offspring [sonís daughter]."

Enkiite and Enlilite elders hoped to heal the deadly rivalry between their lineages when Dumuzi and Inanna wed. ìëPerchance the espousing peace between the linages truly will bring!í  Enlil to them all did say.ì
 [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, :251]

Hereís Inannaís Background: Rulers of Nibiru and Earth pampered Inanna, who, as a child, was called Irnini.  Known in later years as Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Annutitum, Aphrodite, Athena, Venus, Eshdar, Innin, Ninni, Kali and Shakti, Inanna was Commander Enlil's son's daughter--a royal member of the Enlil Lineage.

           "Inanna by her parents Nannar and Ningal was beloved. Enlil
[Her Grandfather] by her cradle sat.  Beautiful beyond describing she was, in martial arts with Anunnaki heros [Nibirans on Earth] she competed.  A skyship of her own, to roam Earthís skies, to her the Anunnaki presented." [The Lost Book of Enki, Sitchin, 2002:250]  Inanna and brother Utu, twins of Nannar (Enlilís second son), were both Nibirans born on Earth.

            Inanna and her twin were long-lived like homeplanet Nibirans.  But the Earthborns matured faster.  "Who on Nibiru in diapers would still be, on Earth became a child; Who on Nibiru began to crawl, when on Earth born was running around."
[Sitchin 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, p152]

            Dumuziís Background: Enki's spouse, Damkina, bore Dumuzi (a fast-maturing Earthborn like Inanna) long after their sons Ningishzidda and Gibil.  Dumuzi accompanied Ningishzidda and their Hybrid half-brother, Adapa, to Nibiru.

Dumuzu brought sheep and goats to Earth from Nibiru.  After the deluge receded, Enki put Dumuzi in charge of Africaís domestic herds and the humans tending them.  Dumuzi became Enkiís favorite son.

Marduk, Enkiís eldest, envied Dumuzi, felt jealous.   

         Marduk sent his sister Geshtinanna to Inanna.  ìTo her Inanna what was in her heart revealed, ëA vision of a great nation I have. As a Great Anunnaki Dumuzi there will rise. His queen-spouse I shall be.  To Dumuzi I will status give, the country I will rightly direct.  Inannaís visions of rulership and glory by Geshtinanna to her brother Marduk were reported.  By Inannaís ambitions Marduk was greatly disturbed; to Geshtinanna a secret plan he said.î
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, :251]

        Marduk had Geshtinanna seduce Dumuzi.  She told Dumuzi, ìBefore you your young wife in your embrace will sleep, a legitimate heir, by a sister born, you must have"
[ie, keep succession within the Enki Lineage]."  Inannaís son to succession shall not be entitled.

After sheíd received his ejaculate, Geshtinanna panicked Dumuzi.  She said, Marduk of raping me will accuse you, evil emissaries to arrest you he will send.  To try you and disgrace you he will order, the liaison with an Enlilite to disunite.

Dumuzi, aghast, fled to hide behind a waterfall but slipped into the rapids and drowned.   [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 253].

Dumuzi's brother Ninagal retrieved Dumuzi's body from Lake Victoria. He brought the body to their brother Nergal and his wife, Erishkigal (Inanna's sister) in South Africa. Inanna flew to her sister's place.


 Erishkigal believed Inanna pursued
levirate, whereby a man impregnates his dead brother's wife.  Inanna thought she, as widow of Nergal's brother Dumuzi, should rule in Africa.  If she invoked her right to levirate, sheíd get Nergal to begat a son with her.  A son by levirate would inherit Dumuzi's realms in northeast Africa.  Inanna would usurp Erishkigalís and Nergalís power in Africa. "Of scheming an heir by Nirgal, Dumuzi's brother, Inanna was accused"
[Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki, 2002:255].

       When Inanna arrived at Ereshkigal's place, Erkishkigal
barred her entry.  Inanna forced her way in, but Ereshkigal disarmed Inanna and hung her on a stake to die.

       And die Inanna did.  But "from clay of the Abzu
[Africa] Enki two emissaries [robotic androids] fashioned, beings without blood, by death rays unharmed, to lower Abzu he sent them, Inanna to bring back.  Upon the corpse the clay emissaries a Pulser and an Emitter directed, then the Water of Life on her they sprinkled, in her mouth, the Plant of Life they placed.  Then the dead Inanna arose"  [ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of

      Inanna brought Dumuzi's body back to Mesopotamia and had Dumuzi mummified, to rise on a "Final Day" and rejoin her bodily.  Sitchin identifies Inanna's mummification of Dumuzi as both a way for her to deal with her grief at his death and also as part of a move by the Nibirans on Earth to preserve the myth of their immortality.  Nibirans at the time were actually just very long-living, compared to Earthlings; one Earth year equals 3, 600 years on the homeplanet, Nibiru
[The Cosmic Code, pages 90, 96].


    Inanna led the Enlilites to war against Marduk for instigating Dumuzi's death.

     Marduk's brothers Ningishzidda and Nergal refused to defend him.  But Marduk's other brothers, Ninigal and Gibil, his father Enki and Marduk's grandson Horon joined Marduk and his Astronaut Service (Igigi) allies fighting the Enlilites. 

Inanna blinded Horon's right eye in the fight. 

Inanna's brother Utu held off  the Igigi in Sinai. 

 Inanna and Enlil's sons, Ninurta and Ishkur/Adad attacked Marduk from aircraft. Marduk retreated  into the beacon pyramid [Giza].  On foot, Inanna, Ishkur and Ninurta cornered Marduk in one of the pyramid's air-tight chambers.  "Let the slow death, by alive being buried, be Marduk's sentence!  Inanna her consent gave.  Each one of them one stone for plugging slid down, Marduk as in a tomb to seal" [Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki, 2002:255]. 

          Enki brought Sarpanit, Marduk's Hybrid Eatthling wifeñtheir young son Nabu in hand, and Inanna's father Nannar and her brother Utu to plead for Marduk's life.  Sarpanit prostrated herself before Inanna, begging her to spare Marduk.  "Appeased not was Inanna. 'For the death of my beloved Dumuzi, the Instigator must die,' Inanna retorted.


         Ninharsag brought her feuding brothers Commander Enlil and Enki into the confrontation between Sarpanit and Inanna.  Ninharsag told Enlil, Exile Marduk, replace him with our son Ninurta.  Ninurta, not Marduk shall you succeed.  Enlil and Enki accepted Ninharsag's proposal.
 [ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki, 2002:259].

In the pyramid, Enlilite Champion Ninurta and his men explored the Enkiites' astronavigational  guidance systems and secret weapons.  The Champion threw away equipment wrecked by the fighting.  He destroyed weapons he couldn't use but salvaged the interplanetary landing beacon.  And he saved "the Gug Stone that directions determined." [ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of  Enki, 2002:262.] 

Ningishzidda tunneled into Marduk's chamber.   He found Marduk unconscious but revived him.  Enlil exiled Marduk, his wife Sarpanit and their son Nabu to "a place where horned beasts were hunted, a land uninhabited by the descendants of Ziasudra [Enki's hybrid son]."

All astronavigational communications and guidance would, Enlil ordered, stay in lands he and his clansmen ruled.  [ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of  Enki, 2002:260].  The Igigi [Astronauts]--who'd sided with Marduk--must get out of the Landing Place in Lebanon.  

"To replace the incapacitated beacon a mount near the Place of the Celestial Chariots was chosen, within its innards the salvaged crystals were  rearranged.  Upon its peak the Gug Stone, the Stone of Directing, was installed--Mount Mashu, Mount of the Supreme Celestial Barque, the mount was called."   [ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of  Enki, 2002:263].


Enlil, his lady and his sons--Ninurta, Ishkur and Nannar--sat with Ninharsag and Inanna.  Enlil awarded Ninurta, his Champion, active rule of Earth. 

Enlil gave Ishkur the Landing Place and the lands to the North, South and East of Lebanon--the lands the rebellious astronauts and their hybrid children had occupied. 

Enlil awarded Nannar "The peninsula wherein the Place of the Chariots [The rocket base at Sinai] was, in Nannar's lands was included, Utu [Nannarís son] as commander of the Place of the Navel of the Earth was confirmed."  [ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of  Enki, 2002:264].

When Enlil let Enki choose Ningishzidda--known in Egypt as Thoth--to replace Marduk as Lord of Nile Lands.  Inanna Erupted.  Her Betrothed, Dumuzi, Inanna shouted, was entitled to the Upper Nile to rule with her.  As Dumuzi's Queen to Be, she should be ruler of the Nile.  Marduk had caused Dumuzi's death and she should be Dumuzi's successor of Upper Nile.  I led the war against Marduk and that too entitles me to my own domain,  she declared.

The Enlilite leaders appealed to King Anu on Nibiru.  Anu had not visited Earth for 7,000 Earth Years.  They pleaded with him to visit Earth and deal with Inanna.

"How Inanna's demands to satisfy the leaders contemplated.  Regarding the Earth and its resettling, words with Anu [on Nibiru] they exchanged.  From the time of the Deluge [11,000BC] almost two Shars [7,200 years] have passed.  The Earthlings have proliferated, from mountainlands to dried lowlands they went.  Of Civilized Mankind by [Enki's son] Ziusudra there were descendants, with Anunnaki [Nibirans] seed they were intermixed.  Offspring of the Igigi [Astronaut Corps] who intermarried roamed about.  In the distant lands Ka-in's kinfolk survived. 

"Few and lofty were the Anunnaki who from Nibiru had come, few were their perfect descendants.  How over Mankind lofty to remain, how to make the many the few obey and serve.  About all that, about the future the leaders with Anu words exchanged.  To come to Earth Anu decided." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 264 -265]

 In the 7000 years since the Deluge, The Anunnaki pioneers  had reclaimed Mesopotamia.  They rebuilt homes for Enki and Enlil on the silt that covered their predeluvian abodes: Eriki's Eridu and Enlil's Nibru-ki.  But for King Anu's visit to Earth, the Anunnaki built Unug-ki, a new temple in Eden, in an area (Uruk) that was not controlled by either Enki or Enlil.

About 3800 B.C., Anu and his wife Antu landed at Tilmun.   Enki, Enlil and Ninharsag--Anu's three children--greeted them.  "At each other they looked, aging to examine: though greater in Shars were the parents, younger than the children they looked.  The two sons [Enki and Enlil] looked old and bearded; Ninharsag, once a beauty, was bent and wrinkled."  [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of  Enki, 2002:268].


Enki told Anu, Enlil and Ninharsag his dream of Galzu, Anu's self-styled secret Plenipotentiary.  In the dream, Galzu showed Enki a plan for a submersible vessel for Ziasudra, his clan and the villagers who would help build it.  Enki told his father and siblings how, on waking, he found the boat's plans engraved on a stone tablet beside his bed.  "By that was Anu greatly puzzled. "Never did I send a secret plenipotentiary to Earth," said the Nibiran King.

Enki and Enlil exclaimed, "On account of Galzu Ziasudra and the seed of life were saved.  On account of Galzu on Earth we remained." 

"'The day you to Nibiru return, you shall die', so did Galzu to us say.   Incredulous of that was Anu; the change in cycles [between Earth and Nibiru] indeed havoc did cause, but with elixirs cured it was."

 " 'Whose emissary, if not yours was Galzu?'  Enki and Enlil in unison said.  'Who the Earthlings to save wanted, who on Earth made us stay?' For the Creator of All did Galzu appear."  Ninharsag asserted that the creation of the Earthlings was also destined by the Creator of All.  A

Anu said, "While fates we decreed, the hand of destiny at every step directed. The will of the Creator of All is: on Earth and for Earthlings, only emissaries are we.  The Earth to the Earthlings belong, to preserve and advance them we were intended.  

"Whatever Destiny for the Earth and Earthlings, let it so be.  If  Man, not Anunnaki to inherit the Earth is destined, let us destiny help. 

"Give Mankind knowledge...secrets of heaven and Earth them teach.  Laws of justice and righteousness teach them then depart and LEAVE." [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of  Enki, 2002:271, 275].


On his sixth day of this visit to Earth, King Anu summoned daughter Ninharsag and his sons, Enlil and Enki to the palace they'd built him at Unug-ki.

 Enlil reported the rich gold discovery in the Andes. He related that since he, Anu, Ninharsag, and Enlil realized the Creator of All had, via Galzu, ordained they protect and develop the hybrid Earthlings they bred by gene splice and sexual congress, they decided:

 "To create civilized regions the Great Anunnaki decide, therein knowledge Mankind to provide, Cities of Man to establish, therein sacred precincts abodes for the Anunnaki create.  Kingship as on Nibiru on Earth establish, crown and scepter to a chosen man give, by him the word of the Anunnaki to the people convey, work and dexterity to enforce; in the sacred precincts a priesthood to establish, the Anunnaki as lofty lords to serve and worship.  Secret knowledge to be taught, civilization to Mankind convey. " [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 271 - 272]

The King decreed four regions, three--Mesopotamia, Egypt and Africa, and Indus Valley--to be ruled through Enki the sons of his son Ziasudra with the Adapite hybrid Batanash (wife of his son Adapa's descendant, Lu-Mach, Workmaster of Earthlings in Edin). 

Region 1: Enlil's lineage's domain:  Enlil and his lineage, decreed the King, rule Mesopotamia through their designated kings, descendants of Ziasudra's sons, Shem and Japhet the Fair.  Ziasudra's eldest son, Shem, and his descendents, ruled the nations from the highlands running from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean.   Around 3800 B.C., Shem's descendents settled the ex-spaceport area of Iraq and the Landing Place at Lebanon.   Shem's brother Japhet ruled for the Enlilites from the highlands of Asia Minor, the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as the nearby coasts and islands, as they recovered from the flood.


[Sitchin Playing Cards, 2003,4 of Hearts]


Region 2: Enki's lineage's domain: King Anu ordered Enki and his descendants rule Egypt and Africa though the descendants of Ziasudra's son Ham the Dark.  Ham's line ruled Caanan, Cush, Mizra'im, Cush, Nubia, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Libya, beginning from the highlands and spreading to the reclaimed lowlands.



[Sitchin Playing Cards, 2003, Ace of Hearts]



Region 3: Inanna's domain: Anu decreed Inanna would rule the Indus Valley (to be settled around 2800 B.C.) as a grain-source for the other regions. 



[Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters
page 173]

Region 4: Ninharsag's domain: Ninharsag would directly rule, The forth region, Tilmun (Sinai).  This King announced this region reserved exclusively for Nibirans and their immediate descendants.   [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 129-135; 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 271 - 272]

[Sitchin Playing Cards, 2003, Card 6]




"Anu to his great-granddaughter Inanna took a liking; he drew her closely, he hugged and kissed her." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 273]

At Anu's temple at Uruk (Erech), Sumer's sacred precinct, Anu's wife, Antu, gave Inanna sexual instruction, then ceremonially offered her to Anu. Antu and the Nibiran elite meditated outside the love-chamber as Anu and Inanna conjugated. As the King and his new consort coupled, his wife and elite group shared ecstasy, epiphany and satori. "The sexual experience was a merging of energies which enhanced the creative powers of both parners and the aggregate of their race." Ferguson suggests much of the tantric knowledge of sacred coupling to uplevel individual and group consciousness was concealed from the hybrids till Inanna began sharing it with her human intimates. [Ferguson, V., "Inanna Returns," in Of Heaven and Earth, Z. Sitchin, Ed., page 92]

Delighted, Anu gave his great granddaughter the name Inanna,  "Anu's Beloved;"  She'd been called Irnini before this.   Inanna was to be Anu's bedmate henceforth on his visits to Earth. 

Anu gifted Inanna with the Uruk temple and the skyship he was using to survey Earth.  Inanna was to administer the temple district in Uruk through a priest/king who was her paternal nephew (the son of her brother Ute/Shamash by a Earthling female.)  [Sitchin, Z., Divine Encounters, pages166 -176]  

Nonetheless, Inanna raged while the Mesopotamian domains of her lineage (the other Enlilites) were being built in the first region.  "All the while the domain of her own she demanded.  The Third Region [India] after the second one well come! her leaders thus assured her." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 279]


Rather than just wait, Inanna resolved to expand her ceremonial center at Uruk into a city, a city dedicated to her, grand as the cities dedicated to the other Enlilite Astronauts.  She noted that Enki had given Enlil's heir, Ninurta, fifty MEs, including the programs for mathmatics, beermaking, smithing, pottery, wagon and wheelmaking and law.  To make Uruk a city, Inanna, too, needed MEs.   Great-uncle Enki  had the MEs.  

Great Uncle Enki used to flirt with her when he came to his villa on the Persian Gulf.   He had MEs for weaponry, statecraft, math, writing, metallurgy, masonry, arts, courts.   Uncle Enki could help her start a city and thrill her with advanced sexual practices too. 

Inanna visited Enki at Abzu, his palace in southeast Africa.  She got Enki drunk, seduced him and had him hand her the ME chips she needed to create her city.   She had her pilot take the MEs back to Uruk before Enki captured her.  And capture her he did; Enki held Inanna in his Mesopotamian villa at Eridu and tried to get the MEs back. 

Inanna's grandfather, Enlil, heard of her plight and flew to Eridu to confront Enki.  "By right the MEs I have obtained, Enki himself placed them in my hand placed them!  So did Inanna to Enlil say; the truth Enki meekly admitted." [Sitchin, The Lost Book of Enki, 2002:281]

Enlil ordered kingship of Sumer transferred to Inanna's city of Uruk.   Inanna used the MEs to make Uruk from a temple precinct into a mighty city state, ruled by Enmerkar, the son of and successor to her nephew.  


Anu and Queen Antu flew (In the skyship he was leaving to Inanna) with Enlil's sons Ninurta and Adad/Ishkur/Teshub (known in the Andes as Viracocha) to the Tiahuanancu temple, observatory and metallurgy (tin) works Ninurta built at Lake Titicaca.  They viewed the spaceport Ninurta built on the plain below Titicaca as an alternative to Baalbek when Marduk and the Igigi took over in Lebanon.   On the runway of the new facility, "Anu and Antu's celestial chariot stood ready, with gold to the brim it was loaded." [Sitchin, Z., 1990, The Lost Realms page 255,  The Lost Book of Enki, 2002, page 272 -275]

Anu summonsed his grandson, Marduk, who was in exile in North America, to the new Spaceport atop the Andes.  Marduk had once been heir to the throne of Nibiru itself.   Marduk's mother, Damkina, daughter of Alalu, Anu's predecessor, had married Enki and bore Marduk, who was supposed to succeed Alalu.  But Anu deposed Alalau and Marduk married Hybrid Earthling, Sarpanit.  For his marriage and the subsequent seizure of 200 Hybrid wives and the spaceport at Baalbek, Lebanon by the Astronaut corps, the Nibiran Council banned Marduk from Nibiru and succession there. 

Anu blamed himself for adding to Marduk's hurt pride by favoring Marduk's younger brothers Dumuki and Ningishzidda when he invited them, but not Marduk, to the homeplanet.  Anu wondered if "by Dumuzi and Ningishzidda to Nibiru inviting, Marduk's ire I myself have caused. " [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 272]

Marduk and his son Nabu came before Anu at the new spaceport.  Marduk told the king that Sarpanit had died.  Anu pardoned Marduk and commuted his exile.   [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 272]

"Anu to his children words of guidance said: If Mankind, not Anunnaki, to inherit the Earth is destined, let us destiny help.  Give Mankind knowledge, up to a measure secrets of heaven and Earth them teach, laws of justice and righteousness teach them, then depart and leave."   [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 275]

After Anu and Antu flew back to Nibiru, their rocket filled with gold, Marduk raged about the new South American spaceport and the award of regions.  He blamed Inanna as a cause of the death of his brother, Dumuzi, for which he, Marduk, had been blamed.  Now, Marduk bitterly noted, Inanna was Anu's consort and Anu had awarded her her own region in India, as well as Uruk.  Anticipating trouble from Marduk, Enlil ordered Ishkur to stay and guard the astronauts' South American facilities while the other Nibiran Earth Mission leaders returned to Mesopotamia. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 275 -276]

Enlil named the present era, his, "Age of the Bull," and set his sons to teach Mesopotamian Earthlings they controlled to use bricks to build cities of mud about temples for the Leading Astronauts--the Royals--and their pure Nibiran descendents. These Royals were given numerical ranks; Earthlings must serve  them in their respective precincts. These Astronauts were to hereafter by designated "gods". The top gods, Enlil and his successor and son by Ninharsag, Ninurta, were 50s, topped only by Anu, who was designated 60. Enki was 40, Enlilís son Nannar with Sud/Ninlil was 30. Nannar's son Utu/Shamash was 20, his sister Inanna, 15.

The Gods rebuilt the cities of Edin/Mesopotamia; in each city there they built a temple-home for its principal god.   Ninurta got Lagash, where he had a both a hangar for his aircraft, armory for his missiles and a temple-home for himself and his wife, Bau.  Utu, from his rebuilt city of Sippar,  was given the task of creating laws for the humans.  Nannar was given the city of Urim.  Ishkur/Adad returned from the Andes to a temple in the mountains north of Mesopotamia.  Marduk and Nabu came to stay at Enki's place in Eridu.  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 276 -278]

The Anunnaki lords created Ninurta's city, Kishi, the first city ruled by a Adapite king he appointed.   Ninurta had journeyed  to Eridu to get the computer programs (MEs) he needed for a human city.  

Remember that Inanna had, in reaction, traveled to Eridu on the Persian Gulf, seduced Enki and got him, while he was drunk, lusting and enchanted by her, to give her MEs which would let her convert her Mesopotamian temple precinct at Uruk into a king-ruled city dedicated to her. Enki had tried to get the MEs back, but Enlil had not only said Inanna could keep them for Uruk, and that "When their time term of Kishi shall be completed, to Ung-ki kingship shall pass." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 281]

Marduk felt he, not Inanna, should succeed Ninurta as the Lord whom the next line of Earth kings should obey.   Marduk raged when he heard that Inanna also now had precedence over him un Mesopotamia.


 When Marduk heard Enlil gave rule of Uruk to his grandaughter Inanna, Maduk "a sacred city of his own in the Edin from Enlil he forthwith demanded."  But "Enlil to Marduk's appeal paid no heed."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 281]

The Enlilites were firmly in control of most of Mesopotamia.  In 3760 B. C., Enlil' s grandaughter Inanna choose the first King, the Lugal.  The Lugal represented the Lords to the Adapites there.   23 successive Lugals ruled the Adapites.  Enlilite-appointed lugals  ruled the Land Between the Rivers for '24, 510 years.  They shifted their administrative centers from Kush to Inanna's Uruk, then to Akad--all areas ruled by the the Anunnaki Council.  


Yet, Marduk's allies, the Astronauts (Igigi) who'd abducted Adapite beauties at Marduk's wedding, ruled great estates in Lebanon and Sumer. Their estates and the number of their servants grew as the Igigi Lords continued infusing their genes with the genes of the servants.

Nabu, Marduk's son, summoned these Igigi communities. 

Marduk taught the gathered hybrid Eathlings to make bricks for Babylon, which was to be his spaceport. With his own spaceport, Marduk could challenge the Enlilite spaceport on the Sinai, the port Utu/Shamash, Enlil's grandson, commanded.  

Building the Launch Tower  (Duke of Bedford)


Enlil asked Marduk to drop the project peacefully, but Marduk kept building the launch tower of Babylon [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 110 - 115; 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 281 - 282].

By 3450 B.C., Enlil told his lineage lieutenants--sons and grandchildren--"Marduk an unpermitted Gateway to Heaven is building, to Earthlings he is entrusting.   If we allow this to happen, no other matter of Mankind shall be unreached."  "This evil plan must be stopped, " said Enlil's Champion, his eldest son, Ninurta. 


The Enlilites staged a night airraid and destroyed the launch tower and the Enkiite camp at Babylon.  

Painting by Pieter Bruegel

 Marduk fled to Enki (Ptah)'s region, the Nile. 

The Enlilites scattered Marduk's 'servants" and programmed them to different languages and scripts.



The Anunnaki from Nibiru and their direct descendents ("gods"--as they had the Adapite Hybrid Homo Sapiens call them), knew they'd soon have enough of Earth's gold to shield Nibiru's atmosphere.  Then they could go home to Nibiru.  They'd leave the Hybrids to fend for themselves.

 So the Anunnaki let the Hybrids proliferate and slave for them.  Hybrids worked for Anunnaki leaders as well as for lesser, more local Anunnaki "gods"--lesser nobility and astronauts (Igigi) from Nibiru.  Many gods ordered Hybrids to war against armies of rival gods.  Gods lesser and greater loosed laser, explosive and biological weapons against their rivals' Hybrids. 

Anunnaki Commander Enlil and Enlil's son and Champion,  Ninurta, used Hybrid armies and Nibiran weapons in Mesopotamia to subdue Inanna and her Kings Ur-Nammu and Shulgi when they invaded the Anunnaki reserve in the Spaceport area. 

Marduk/Ra proclaimed divine right, as heir of Enki and Damkina (Daughter of King Alalu) to rule Earth. 

Long ago, the Nibiran Counsel and then King, Alalu, declared the son of Prince Anu's son Ea/Enki with Alalu's daughter, Damkina, would be Alalu's Successor.  The son Damkina bore as Enki's wife was Marduk/Ra.  Marduk was a legitimate successor to the throne of Nibiru. 

Later, however, Marduk's greatgrandfather Anu deposed Alalu.  Marduk migrated to Earth.

King Anu and the Council banned Marduk from Nibiru for marrying the Hybrid Sarpanit.  The Council would not risk the return of Marduk as potential claimant to rule.  The Nibirans refused to have a pretender with sons begat with a hybrid wife he took from an illegally bred slave species--a species proving far too intelligent to introduce as migrants to Nibiru. 

Marduk's proclamation that the time had come for him to rule the Earth resonated with Enlil's vision.  In Enlil's vision Galzu, representative of the Creator of All, said Marduk would rule Earth when the Anunnaki left.

Marduk proclaimed to the senior Anunnaki gods, "In my temple house let all the gods assemble, my covenant accept....By his appeal for their submission, the Anunnaki gods were disturbed and alarmed. 

To a great assembly, council to take, Enlil them all summoned.  Opposed to Marduk and Nabu they all were." They agreed that if they were to abandon Earth to Marduk and Nabu to rule when they were gone, they'd at least deny them the Spaceport in the Sinai.  The senior Anunnaki--all except Enki--agreed to use nuclear weapons stop Nabu's advance through Canaan toward the spaceport.  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 308]

Enki says he, "angry and distraught, the council chamber left, in his heart was Enki smiling: only  he knew where [In Africa] the weapons were hidden, so did Enki think.  For it was he, before Enlil to Earth had come, who with Abgal in a place unknown the weapons did hide. That Abgal, to the Exiled Enlil, the place disclosed, that to Enki was unknown.  Thus it was that without Enki needing, Enlil to the two heros [Ninurta and Nergal] the hiding place disclosed. " [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 306 - 307]  

The Anunnaki Council on Earth radioed King Anu back on Nibiru: would he authorize nukes against the spaceport and against Nabu and his human armies?  Anu gave his okay.  Marduk, after all, believed he should rule Nibiru, as per the dynastic agreement between King Alalu and Anu.   Marduk threatened Anu in every way.  So Anu told Enlil use the nuclear missiles to stop Marduk.

Enlil evacuated the Igigi Astronauts from the Sinai and sent Ninurta and Nergal (the "angels" of the Bible) to confirm from his spys in Canaan--Ibruum and Lot--that they should bomb Sodom, Gomorra and other cities allied with Marduk.   Enlil gave his spies time to flee, then ordered the attack.

2024 BC, Enlil's son Ninurta attacked the Sinai.   "The first terror weapon [a missile called One Without Rival] from the skys Ninurta let loose; the top of Mount Mashu [where the controlling equipment was housed] with a flash it sliced off, the mountís innards in an instant it melted. Above the Place of the Celestial Chariots [rocketships] the second weapon [called Blazing Flame] he unleashed, with a brilliance of seven suns the plainís rocks into a gushing wound were made, the Earth shook and crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance were darkened; with burnt and crushed stones was the plain of the chariots covered, of all the forests that the plain had surrounded, only tree stems were left standing." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 310] *

Nergal bombed his brother Marduk's forces in Canaan [Enki sired both Marduk and Nergal; [sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 315 - 316]: He nuked Sodom, Gomorra and three other cities Ibruum had identified as allied with Marduk.  Nergal's nukes made the Dead Sea dead. To this day, "the water of springs surrounding the Dead Sea has been contaminated with radioactivity, ëenough to induce any animals and humans that absorbed it...í" Archeologists confirm the flooding, abandonment of the area and sudden deadening of life in 2024BC. "Over the five cities ... Erra [Nergal] upon each from the skies a terror weapon sent, the five cities he finished off, all that lived there to vapor [erroneously called "salt" by translators] was turned. ... Mountains toppled, where the sea waters were barred the bolt broke open,down into the valley the seaís waters poured, by the waters was the valley flooded."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 311]. 

[Sitchin [] writes that, starting in 1999, scientists found evidence that the depopulation of Sumer coincided with abrupt climate change [See Science, April 27, 2001 and Geology, April 2000]. DeMenocal, who wrote the article in Science cited in brackets above, used as evidence for the abrupt changes in the areaís vegetation, rocks called tephera. Tephera are "burnt-through pieces of blackened gravel-like rock" usually associated with volcanos. Tephera still cover Sinai--which lacks volcanos. Sinaiís tephera result from Ninurta's bombing of the spaceport.  The bombing left a huge black scar on the Sinai plain (where the shuttlecraft runway and launch platform had been) so large it can only be seen from satellite. Millions of black-blasted rocks, north northeast of the scar in an area where all other color rocks--no black--are found.] [See photos, The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, pages 332-334]


Anu and Queen Antu flew (In the skyship he was leaving to Inanna) with Enlil's sons Ninurta and Adad/Ishkur/Teshub (known in the Andes as Viracocha) to the Tiahuanancu temple, observatory and metallurgy (tin) works Ninurta built at Lake Titicaca.  They viewed the spaceport Ninurta built on the plain below Titicaca as an alternative to Baalbek when Marduk and the Igigi took over in Lebanon.   On the runway of the new facility, "Anu and Antu's celestial chariot stood ready, with gold to the brim it was loaded." [Sitchin, Z., 1990, The Lost Realms page 255,  The Lost Book of Enki, 2002,page 272 -275]

Anu summonsed his grandson, Marduk, who was in exile in North America, to the new Spaceport Ninurta and the Enlilites had built atop the Andes.  Marduk had once been heir to the throne of Nibiru itself.   Marduk's mother, Damkina, daughter of Alalu, Anu's predecessor, had married Enki and bore Marduk, who was supposed to succeed Alalu.  But Anu deposed Alalau and Marduk married Hybrid Earthling, Sarpanit.  For his marriage and the subsequent seizure of 200 Hybrid wives and the spaceport at Baalbek, Lebanon by the Astronaut corps, the Nibiran Council banned Marduk from Nibiru and succession there. 

Anu blamed himself for adding to Marduk's hurt pride by favoring Marduk's younger brothers Dumuki and Ningishzidda when he invited them, but not Marduk, to the homeplanet.  Anu wondered if "by Dumuzi and Ningishzidda to Nibiru inviting, Marduk's ire I myself have caused. " [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 272]

Marduk and his son Nabu came before Anu at the new spaceport.  Marduk told the king that Sarpanit had died.  Anu pardoned Marduk and commuted his exile.   [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 272]

"Anu to his children words of guidance said: If Mankind, not Anunnaki, to inherit the Earth is destined, let us destiny help.  Give Mankind knowledge, up to a measure secrets of heaven and Earth them teach, laws of justice and righteousness teach them, then depart and leave."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 275]

After Anu and Antu flew back to Nibiru, their rocket filled with gold, Marduk raged about the new South American spaceport and the award of regions.  He blamed Inanna as a cause of the death of his brother, Dumuzi, for which he, Marduk, had been blamed.  Now, Marduk bitterly noted, Inanna was Anu's consort and Anu had awarded her her own region in India, as well as Uruk.  Anticipating trouble from Marduk, Enlil ordered Ishkur to stay and guard the astronauts' South American facilities while the other Nibiran Earth Mission leaders returned to Mesopotamia. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 275 -276]

Enlil named the present era, his, the Age of the Bull, and set his sons to teach Mesopotamian Earthlings they controlled to use bricks to build cities of mud about temples for the Leading Astronauts and their pure Nibiran descendents. These Royals were given numerical ranks; Earthlings must serve  them in their respective precincts. These Astronauts were to hereafter by designated gods. The top gods, Enlil and his successor and son by Ninharsag, Ninurta, were 50s, topped only by Anu, who was designated 60. Enki was 40, Enlilís son Nannar with Sud/Ninlil was 30. Nannar's son Utu/Shamash was 20, his sister Inanna, 15.

The Gods rebuilt the cities of Edin/Mesopotamia; in each city there they built a temple-home for its principal god.   Ninurta got Lagash, where he had a both a hangar for his aircraft, armory for his missiles and a temple-home for himself and his wife, Bau.  Utu, from his rebuilt city of Sippar,  was given the task of creating laws for the humans.  Nannar was given the city of Urim.  Ishkur/Adad returned from the Andes to a temple in the mountains north of Mesopotamia.  Marduk and Nabu came to stay at Enki's place in Eridu.  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 276 -278]

The Anunnaki lords created Ninurta's city, Kishi, the first city ruled by a Adapite king he appointed.   Ninurta had journeyed  to Eridu to get the computer programs (MEs) he needed for a human city.  

Inanna had, in reaction, traveled to Eridu on the Persian Gulf, seduced Enki and got him, while he was drunk, lusting and enchanted by her, to give her MEs to convert her Mesopotamian temple precinct at Uruk into a king-ruled city dedicated to her.  Enki had tried to get the MEs back, but Enlil had not only said Inanna could keep them for Uruk, and that "When ther time term of Kishi shall be completed, to Ung-ki kingship shall pass." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 281]

Marduk felt he, not Inanna, should succeed Ninurta as the Lord whom the next line of Earth kings should obey.   Marduk raged when he heard that Inanna would rule next.


To summarize what we've covered in the last several pages: Marduk's allies, Igigi, ruled estates in Lebanon and Sumer.  Nabu, Marduk's son, summoned these Igigi communities to Mardukís city, Babylon, to build a launch tower from which  Marduk could challenge the Enlilite spaceport on the Sinai.  Enlil asked Marduk to stop but he kept building his tower.

"Marduk an unpermitted Gateway to Heaven is building, to Earthlings he is entrusting,î  Enlil told his clan, the Enlilites. They bombed the launch tower and the Nabuís camp at Babylon. The Enlilites scattered Marduk's  servants and programmed them to different languages and scripts.


Marduk fled to Enki's region, the Nile.

ìWhen Marduk [now called Ra], after a long absence, to the Land of the Two Narrows [Egypt] returned, Ningishzidda [called Thoth in Egypt] as its master he there found.  With the aid of offspring of the Anunnaki [astronauts from Nibiru] who Earthlings esposed did Ningishzidda the land oversee, what Marduk had once planned and instructed by Ningishzidda was overturned.î [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page  284].

For the next 350 years, the armies of brothers Marduk/Ra and Nigishzidda/Thoth clashed over Egypt.  Finally, Enki, their father, known in Egypt as Ptah, ordered Thoth to Leave Egypt to Ra.   Thoth moved on: he guided the building of the Stonehenge around 2800BC [Sitchin, 1993, When Time Began, page 310].

Triumphant, Ra reunited Egypt.   And he honored Father Ptah.   Ptah as Enki hadn't been able to give Marduk rule of Nibiru, which was once to have been his patrimony.   But Ptah could at last settle Ra down in Egypt.  Ptah gave his son the MEs (super computer programs) to make Egypt prosper; he gave Ra all his knowledge except how to revive the dead.


Ra rewrote Egyptian history, relegating Thoth to "the Divine Measurer."   Ra replaced Thoth's image on the "Stone Lion" (Sphinx).   The  new face of the Sphinx was now Asar, Marduk's son.

Exiled, Thoth, after he'd finished with Stonehenge, took a band of his followers in 3113BC to Mesoamerica, where Thoth, once Ningishzidda, was now Quezecoatl, the Winged Serpent. [Sitchin, Z., 1993, When Time Began, page 2002; The Lost Book of Enki, page  284 -285].


Inanna, who had hithertofore been honored with her brother Utu as one of the two namesakes in the Constellation The Twins, was given, as recognition of her growing power, Ninmah's place as the Anunnaki named in the Constellation The Maiden [Virgo] .  

ìIn the eastern lands, beyond even seven mountain ranges, was the Third Region, Zamush, Land of Sixty Precious Stones, was its highland called.  Aratta [Harappa] the Wooded Realm, was in the valley of a meandering great river [Indus] located.  In the great plain did the people cultivate crops of grains and horned cattle herd.  There too two cities with mud bricks they built, with granaries they were filled.î[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 286 - 287].  Inanna appointed an Adapite Hybrid Shepard-Chief (descended from her deceased fiancÈ Dumuzi) King of Aratta. 

Ordered by Enlil,  Enki created a new language and script for Aratta, Inanna's Indus Valley Civilization.  Enki refused, however, to give Aratta the computer programs (MEs) that would let Indus Civilization function as a world power.   Enki said Inanna could share with Aratta the MEs she'd already seduced out of him for Uruk, her kingdom in Sumer.

Inanna shuttled  in her skyship between Aratta and Uruk.  

Her second ruler in Uruk, Enmerkar (a direct Adapan Hybrid descendant of Inanna's twin brother, Utu) sent an emissary to the Arattan King.  Enmerkar's emissary bore an inscribed message to Aratta.   In the message, Enmerkar demanded Aratta swear feality to Uruk.  But the Arattan King couldn't read the inscription in Sumerian.

After ten years, Enmerkar asked his grandfather Utu to have Nisaba, the Astronauts' scribe, teach him Arattan script.  When he'd learned it, Enmerkar sent his son, Banda, to Aratta with a message in Arattan: "Submission or War! "  

The Aratta King wrote in reply that he'd prefer trade--Aratta's precious stones for the MEs of Uruk, or if Enmerkar insisted on war, that the war be settled by a contest between only one Arattan and one Urukan champion. 

"On the way back, carrying the peace message, Banda  fell sick; his spirit left him.  His comrades raised his neck, without the breath of life it was.  On Mount Hurmu, on the way from Aratta, to his death was Banda abandoned."   So the peace message never reached Enmerkar, and "In the Third Region, Civilized Mankind did not fully blossom." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 287-289].

"What to Inanna was entrusted she neglected, other domains, not to her granted, in her heart she coveted.... By Inanna was the bitter end started, Marduk as Ra with Destiny tangled."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 291].

Inanna now ruled two kingdoms, Aratta on the Indus and Uruk in Sumer.  She ruled, but she hallucinated Dumuzi.  

"Journeying between Unug-ki and Aratta, Inanna restless and ungratified was, for her Dumuzi she still mourned, her love's desire unquenched remained.  When she flew about, in the sunrays Dumuzi's image she saw shimmering and beckoning."  In her dreams and visions, Dumuzi told her he'd return and share with her the "Land of the Two Narrows."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 291].

 In Uruk, "A House for Nighttime Pleasure she established. To this young heroes, on the night of their weddings, with sweet words she lured: Long life, a blissful future to them she promised; that her lover Dumuzi was she imagined. "  But "each one in the morning in her bed was found dead." 


Then Utu, Inanna's father, revived Banda and Banda got back to Uruk, Inanna hallucinated that Banda was Dumuzi.  "A miracle! excited Inanna shouted. My beloved Dumuzi to me came back!

"In her abode Banda was bathed....

"Dumuzi, my beloved! she called him.

"To her bed, with flowers bedecked, she lured him.


"When in the morning Banda was alive, Inanna shouted: the power of dying in my hands was placed, immortality by me is granted. Then to call herself a goddess Inanna decided, the Power of Immortality it implied." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 292]


Banda succeeded his father, Enmerkar, as King of Uruk.  Banda married Ninurta's daughter, Ninsun, who bore Gilgamesh.  Banda,and later, his son Gilgamesh, went to the rocketpad at Baalbek, Lebanon to plead with the astronauts for immortality. 

Gilgamesh and his guard-android, Enkidu, sought the launchpad at Baalbek, Lebanon, hoping to get transported to Nibiru to get the immortality his mother and the Anunnaki all apparently enjoyed.  In Lebanon, near Inanna's home, they found the tracks of the security robot and followed them to the launchpad. 

As Gilgamesh and Enkidu watched a rocket launch, Inanna watched them from her skychamber. She saw them break Enlil's security robot.  "At the entrance to the Cedar Forest its fire-belching monster their way blocked....To pieces it they broke." 

"Watching Gilgamesh take off his clothes, bathe and groom himself ... glorious Ishtar [Inanna] raised an eye at the beauty of Gilgamesh. "Come, Gilgamesh, be thou my lover.  Grant me the fruit of thy love!"  

But when he declined her offer, Inanna, enraged, demanded Anu release the gurard-bull at the launchpad.   Anu complied.  The bull charged Gilgamesh and Enkidu but Gilgamesh stabbed it while Enkidu held it. 

Gilgamesh then pursued longevity by plant means.  He journeyed all the way to the Spaceport in Sinai. 

In a tunnel in Sinai he met Enki's son, Ziusudra/Noah, still alive all these centuries after the Deluge.  "Ziusudra to Gilgamesh the secret of longliving he revealed. a plant in the garden's well was growing, Ziusudra and his spouse from getting old it prevented."   Enki, with Enlil's permission, said Ziusudra, granted Gilgamesh this plant too.  But when Gilgamesh had the plant, a snake [snake may symbol an Enki agent] snatched it from him and so Gilgamesh, like most of the hybrids, eventually died. [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, pages 132 -172].

Marduk pondered Inanna's proclamation of immortality of Anunnaki "gods."  He contemplated the human longing for immortality that motivated Gilgamesh's failed attempts to live forever.  Marduk could use this yearning for immortality to thwart Inanna's ambitions of world domination as well as her specific claim to the Land of the Narrows--now under Marduk's control-- land Inanna would have ruled with Dumuzi had not Marduk engineered Dumuzi's death. 

MARDUK, from The Lost Book of Enki, Sitchin, 2002:275]

Marduk devised for Egypt "a clever way wherewith the loyalty of kings and people to retain."    His Egyptian kings would journey after death to Nibiru to enjoy immortality among the gods." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 295] The immortality cult he devised for the Egyptian pharaohs would, Marduk believed, unify the People of the Nile behind him in his struggle with Inanna.


So Marduk pondered Inanna's proclamation of immortality of Anunnaki "gods."    He contemplated the human longing for immortality that motivated Gilgamesh's failed attempts to live forever.  Marduk could use the Hybrids' yearning for immortality to insure their loyalty to him.  Marduk devised for Egypt "a clever way wherewith the loyalty of kings and people to retain."    His Egyptian kings would journey after death to Nibiru to enjoy immortality among the gods.  The immortality cult he devised for the Egyptian pharaohs would, Marduk believed, unify the People of the Nile behind him in his struggle with Inanna.  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 295]


 Inanna and her line, the Enlilites, ran Mesopotamia.  The Council of Twelve put Inanna's Father's Brother, Uncle Adad, in control of the landing place at Baalbek (Lebonon).  The  Council put her father, Nannar, in control of the Sinai spaceport.  To Inanna, The  Council transferred the energy source known as "The Heavenly Bright Object." 

Inanna with her weapons, armies and powers of immortality held the kingship of Sumer, the First Region, for 1000 years. Here she and her lineage--the Enlilites--who controlled the city-states tributary to Inanna, encouraged the hybrid Earthlings to worship and serve them.   


But in Egypt (Second Region), where Marduk had retreated and deposed Thoth, Marduk allowed worship of one supreme deity: the god Ra aka Marduk,  "So did Marduk, as Ra, above all other gods himself emplace, their powers and attributes he to himself assigned.  ''What has you overpowered?' Enki to his son Marduk said. 'Unheard of are your pretensions!'

''The heavens my supremacy bespeak,' Marduk answered."  His rule was proclaimed, he told his father, by " the coming Age of the Ram," his sign. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages290, 298].  The Nibirans and their Earthlings examined the heavens and found sun still rose in the constellation the Bull, marking Enlil's rule; not the Ram, Marduk's constellation.  Marduk and his son Nabu nevertheless, mobilized their humans to challenge the Enlilites.


In the First Region to unify the lands under one leader the Anunnaki leaders wanted a warrior king.  "To Inanna, of Marduk the adversary, the task of the right man to find they entrusted" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 300]

In 2400 B.C., Inanna chose her gardener, Sargon, the Akkadian warrior king the to lead her Earthling armies and rule all Sumer for her.   He rose from gardener to king because he raped her and she enjoyed it.  [Ferguson deduces that Sargon was Inanna's half brother.  Sargon's father was also Inanna's: Nannar Sin.  Inanna's grandfather, Enlil, was Nannar's father.  Thus Enlil found it easier to ratify his hybrid descendant Sargon as ruler of most of Mesopotamia.  [Ferguson, V., "Inanna Returns," in Of Heaven and Earth, Z. Sitchin, Ed., page 95]

Sargon began his rise when he saw Inanna snooze in his garden.  He bent over her perfect face and lightly, then, as she--half awake--responded, kissed her savagely.  He entered her as she opened her eyes and her eyes shone with pleasure.   Sargon, she declared, was her lover.  Inanna, as we shall see, repeatedly joins powerful aggressive Adapite men to lead her armies.

Inanna convinced Enlil to ratify her choice of a warrior king.  So the strongman she choose was Sargon of course.   Sargon would unify the cities Sumer and protect the Enlilite lords for whom the cities existed.  

Sargon and Inanna ruled from Akkad (Agade) which they built near Babylon.  They left Lagash, the area northeasten of Sumer to Inanna's Uncle Ninurta and avoided Babylon, Marduk's city. 

But in 2316 B.C., while Marduk and his son Nabu were in Egypt, Sargon invaded Marduk's stronghold, Babylon, took soil from the city, then withdrew to plant the soil in Agade.  "to understand the severity of this deed, recall the meaning of Babylon/Bab-Ili--Gateway to the Gods--a title and function claimed for Babylon by a defiant Marduk, it was symbolized by its hallowed soil.  Encouraged by Inanna, Sargon took away the sacred soil to spread it as a new foundation for the new Bab-ili, audaciously aiming to transfer the title and the function to Agade. " [Sitchin, Z.,1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 250]

Marduk and Nabu returned from Egypt to Babylon.  They fortified the city and diverted  rivers from the other Sumerian cities.  Marduk said he'd build his spaceport in Babylon. "In the heart of Edin, in the midst of the First Region, Marduk himself established!

"Inanna's fury no boundaries knew; with her weapons on Marduk's followers death she inflicted. The blood of people, as never before on Earth, like rivers flowed."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 301] She and Sargon fought Marduk; both sides used laser weaponry on each other's Earthlings. 

"While Inanna remained gorgeous and enticing, Sargon began to age and drink too much.  Inanna watched helplessly as the man she once loved passionately crumbled into a pathetic drunk afflicted by insomnia, haunted by demons." He died besieged by Mardukís minions, but before Sargon died he cursed Inanna.  [Ferguson, V., "Inanna Returns," in Of Heaven and Earth, Z. Sitchin, Ed., page 97]


The Anunnaki Council asked Mardukís brother, Nergal of Kuth, to disarm Marduk and Babylon.   Nergal and his retinue of Black Earthlings left south Africa for Babylon.

En route to Babylon, Nergal visited Inanna in Uruk. Though she was Enlilite and Nergal an Enkiite, Nergal (an Enkiite) allied himself with her against his brother, Marduk (also of Enki's lineage).  Marduk ruled Egypt, above Nergal and Erkishkigal's reallm in the South of Africa, and Marduk's claim to rule all Earth alarmed Nergal.  And Nergal found Inanna alluring, maddenly desirable.  It was not surprising then, that Nergal and Inanna became lovers.  The lovers, one of the house of Enlil, one of the house of Enki, together planned Mardukís defeat.  They also planned to conquer all Earth for themselves.


When Nergal left Inanna, he and his men continued to Babylon, where Marduk greeted them. Nergal promised Marduk, if he'd leave Babylon immediately for South Africa, he could get weapons and computers hidden there since the Deluge .  Marduk took the bait and left for South Africa.

At Babylon, Marduk, on platform, holds both a weapon and a symbol of welcome as he greets Brother Nergal (who's also armed) up from Kuth to manipulate Marduk to leave his bastion for the weapons and computers hidden in South Africa since the Deluge (drawing is by ancient artist, copied from Sitchin, Z.,1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page:252).

As soon as Marduk left Babylon for South Africa, Nergal broke into Marduk's control room and snatched his "brilliance" (energy radiation source), which controlled the irrigation system for all Mesopotamia.

Enki, Nergal's father, banished Nergal back to Africa, but Nergal left a garrison of his men near Babylon, where they could aid Inanna.  Inanna then publically, "to defy the authority of Anu and Enlil, abrogated their rules and regulations and declared herself Supreme Queen."  [Ancient text, Queen of all the MEs]

In 2291 B.C., "In the First Region, Enlil and Ninurta absent were, to the lands beyond the oceans Inanna and Nergal went; In the Second Region, Ra was away, as Marduk in other lands he traveled; her chance in her hands to seize all powers Inanna envisioned." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 303]  

Inanna, Naram-Sin ( Sargon's grandson) and the Akkadian armies captured Baalbek, the spaceport in Lebanon.  Then they stuck out along the Mediterranean coast for the Sinai Spaceport and Mission Control in Jerusalem. They marched across the Forth Region, the region taboo to Earthlings (across the Jordan from Tell Ghassul, the astronauts' private city).  Ninurta's city, Lagash  [Tello], was able to hold out against Inanna and Naram-Sin.

Then Inanna and the Akkadians conquered Jerico. 


 Jerico switched alliance from  Inanna's father, Nannar, to her.  

Inanna's armies, under Naram-Sin, joined Nergal's Kuthians, and conquered Egypt.  

In 2255 B.C., Inanna recaptured Uruk, destroyed Anu's temple there and sent Naram-Sin to attack Enlil's minions at Nippur.  She thus declared herself supreme to even Anu, King of Nibiru and father of Enlil, her father's father.

Enlil commanded his son Ninurta and Ninurta's calvalry and army of Gutiums (from the Zagros Mountains of northeast Mesopotamia) to reconquer Sumer and kill all Earthlings in Akkad/Agade.   Ninurta's forces laid waste to most of Sumer; they spared only Ninurta's city, Lagash. 

Enlil ordered death for Inanna's strongman, King Naram-Sin, for his attack on Nippur.  Enlil's agents got a scorpion to sting and kill the King.

Enlil also ordered Inanna arrested.  But Granddaughter Inanna claimed sanctuary with her parents--her father Nannar (a son of Enlil) and Ningal, her mother.  Inanna next  fled to Nergal's Lower Africa, where she and Nergal spent seven years plotting new ways to overthrow the Council.

The Gutians who subdued Inanna's rebellion of 2255 B.C. and Gutian calvary supported Ninurta's rebuilding of Mesopotamia returned to the Zagros Mountains 2160B.C.. and Ninurta's brother Nannar ruled Sumer for ninety-one years.  The Era of Ninurta, an era of agricultural develpment.  During this time Nannar, no longer eclipsed by daughter Inanna, ruled Sumer.  Nannar appointed Ur-Nammu, son of the the "goddess" Ninsun, as Supreme King. [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 262-264],  

Shulgi, who succeeded Ur Nammu in 2095 B.C., was so effective and powerful that Inanna invited him to visit her in Uruk.  She proclaimed Shulgi "the man chosen for the vulva of Inanna."  They ritually joined in the temple where Anu had once elevated her in tantric ritual.  Another alpha Adapite Earthling for Inanna! [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 276 -279],


Enlil dreamed the mysterious Galzu, whom he thought represented the Creator of All, warned him that when Earth moved zodiacally from the Enlilís age--the Age of the Bull--to the Age of the Ram, Marduk would rule the Earth. In the dream, Galzu told Enlil "a righteous and worthy man must be choosen, by him and his seed will Civilized Man be preserved! " Enlil told no one of the vision but prepared to create a mobile general who could stop incursions by Marduk and his son Nabu.  Enlil ordered his son Nannar to have Tirhu, Nannar's high-priest/king [ie, hybrid of much Anunnaki ancestry] establish Harran, for Enlil had plans for Tirhu's son, Ibruum. 

2048 BC: Enlil sent Ibruum/Abraham from Harran on missions to thwart Marduk's moves to position his forces to capture the spaceport on the Sinai.  "Protect the sacred places, the chariots' ascents and descents enable, Enlil Ibruum to go commanded."  As soon as Ibruum left Harran, Marduk moved in and spent the next twenty-four years planning his take-over of Earth [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 302 - 306] .

In 2041 Ibruum and his cavalry blocked a coalition of kings near the (not yet but soon to be) Dead Sea at a fortified oasis at Kadesh-Barnea  (Dur-Mah-Ilani), "the closest place where men could approach in the region of the spaceport without special permission.  The war was intended to prevent the return of Marduk  [to Babylon] and thwart the efforts of [Marduk's son] Nabu to gain access to the spaceport."  [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 302 - 307]. 

Ibruum/Abraham was Enlil's loyal general.  Enlil "equipped him with the best chariots, finest horses. "  Abraham won many skirmishes for Enlil, "defending the spaceport in the Sinai which was out of bounds to all humans.  Abraham had a crack squad of 380 well-trained, well-armed soldiers." 

Enlil gave Abraham weapons that "could smite an army of ten thousand men in hours."  Enlil rewarded him with riches and land which made Ibruum the richest man of his time.

Enlil's emissaries/angels--Ninurta and Nergal--"used Abraham and his nephew" [Lot] to spy on Sodom and Gomorra, cities Marduk controlled.  From Sodom and Gomorra, Enlil feared, Marduk "would marshal his large number of human followers and take control of all establishments on Earth, including Enlil's spaceport."  [Tellinger, M. 2006, Slave Species of god, page 506]

So far, Anunnaki from Nibiru and their direct descendants ("gods"--as they had the Adapite Hybrid Earthlings call them), knew they'd soon have enough of Earth's gold to shield Nibiru's atmosphere.  Then they could go home to Nibiru.  They'd leave the Hybrids to fend for themselves.

 So the Anunnaki let the Hybrids proliferate and slave for them.  Earthlings worked for Anunnaki leaders as well as for lesser, more local Anunnaki "gods"--lesser nobility and astronauts (Igigi) from Nibiru.  Many gods ordered Hybrids to war against armies of rival gods.  Gods lesser and greater loosed laser, explosive and biological weapons against their rivals' Hybrids. 

Anunnaki Commander Enlil and Enlil's son and Champion,  Ninurta, used Earthling armies and Nibiran weapons in Mesopotamia to subdue Inanna and her Kings Ur-Nammu and Shulgi when they invaded the Anunnaki reserve in the Spaceport area. 

Marduk/Ra proclaimed divine right, as heir of Enki and Damkina (Daughter of King Alalu) to rule Earth. 

Long ago, the Nibiran Counsel and then King, Alalu, declared the son of Prince Anu's son Ea/Enki with Alalu's daughter, Damkina, would be Alalu's Successor.  The son Damkina bore as Enki's wife was Marduk/Ra.  Marduk was a legitimate successor to the throne of Nibiru. 

Later, however, Marduk's greatgrandfather Anu deposed Alalu.  Marduk migrated to Earth.

King Anu and the Council banned Marduk from Nibiru for marrying the Hybrid Sarpanit.  The Council would not risk the return of Marduk as potential claimant to rule on the home planet.  The Nibirans refused to allow Marduk on Nibiru, for he was a pretender with sons begat with a hybrid wife he took from an illegally bred slave species--a species proving far too intelligent to introduce as migrants to Nibiru. 

Marduk's proclamation that the time had come for him to rule the Earth resonated with Enlil's vision.  In Enlil's vision Galzu, representative of the Creator of All, said Marduk would rule Earth when the Anunnaki left.

To resume our narrative: Marduk proclaimed to the senior Anunnaki gods, "In my temple house let all the gods assemble, my covenant accept....By his appeal for their submission, the Anunnaki gods were disturbed and alarmed. 

To a great assembly, council to take, Enlil them all summoned.  Opposed to Marduk and Nabu they all were." They agreed that if they were to abandon Earth to Marduk and Nabu to rule when they were gone, they'd at least deny them the Spaceport in the Sinai.  The senior Anunnaki--all except Enki--agreed to use nuclear weapons stop Nabu's advance through Canaan toward the spaceport.  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 308]  

Enki says he, "angry and distraught, the council chamber left, in his heart was Enki smiling: only  he knew where [In Africa] the weapons were hidden, so did Enki think.  For it was he, before Enlil to Earth had come, who with Abgal in a place unknown the weapons did hide. That Abgal, to the Exiled Enlil, the place disclosed, that to Enki was unknown.  Thus it was that without Enki needing, Enlil to the two heros [Ninurta and Nergal] the hiding place disclosed. " [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 306 - 307]  

The Anunnaki Council on Earth radioed King Anu back on Nibiru: would he authorize nukes against the spaceport and against Nabu and his human armies?  Anu gave his okay.  Marduk, after all, believed he should rule Nibiru, as per the dynastic agreement between King Alalu and Anu.   Marduk threatened Anu in every way.  So Anu told Enlil use the nuclear missiles to stop Marduk.

Enlil evacuated the Igigi Astronauts from the Sinai and sent Ninurta and Nergal (the "angels" of the Bible) to confirm from his spies in Canaan--Ibruum and Lot--that they should bomb Sodom, Gomorra and other cities allied with Marduk.   Enlil gave his spies time to flee, then ordered the attack.

2024 BC, Enlil's son Ninurta attacked the Sinai.   "The first terror weapon [a missile called One Without Rival] from the skys Ninurta let loose; the top of Mount Mashu [where the controlling equipment was housed] with a flash it sliced off, the mountís innards in an instant it melted. Above the Place of the Celestial Chariots [rocketships] the second weapon [called Blazing Flame] he unleashed, with a brilliance of seven suns the plainís rocks into a gushing wound were made, the Earth shook and crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance were darkened; with burnt and crushed stones was the plain of the chariots covered, of all the forests that the plain had surrounded, only tree stems were left standing." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 310] *

Nergal bombed his brother Marduk's forces in Canaan [Enki sired both Marduk and Nergal; [sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 315 - 316]: He nuked Sodom, Gomorra and three other cities Ibruum had identified as allied with Marduk.  Nergal's nukes made the Dead Sea dead. To this day, "the water of springs surrounding the Dead Sea has been contaminated with radioactivity, ëenough to induce any animals and humans that absorbed it...í" Archeologists confirm the flooding, abandonment of the area and sudden deadening of life in 2024BC. "Over the five cities ... Erra [Nergal] upon each from the skies a terror weapon sent, the five cities he finished off, all that lived there to vapor [erroneously called "salt" by translators] was turned. ... Mountains toppled, where the sea waters were barred the bolt broke open,down into the valley the seaís waters poured, by the waters was the valley flooded."  [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 311]. 

Sitchin [] writes that, starting in 1999, scientists found evidence that the depopulation of Sumer coincided with abrupt climate change [See Science, April 27, 2001 and Geology, April 2000]. DeMenocal, who wrote the article in Science cited in brackets above, used as evidence for the abrupt changes in the areaís vegetation, rocks called tephera. Tephera are "burnt-through pieces of blackened gravel-like rock" usually associated with volcanos. Tephera still cover Sinai--which lacks volcanos. Sinaiís tephera result from Ninurta's bombing of the spaceport.  The bombing left a huge black scar on the Sinai plain (where the shuttlecraft runway and launch platform had been) so large it can only be seen from satellite. Millions of black-blasted rocks, north northeast of the scar in an area where all other color rocks--no black--are found. [See photos, The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, pages 332-334]

Nergal and Ninurta flew over the areas they'd just bombed.

"The Place of Launching, the Spaceport, obliterated: the Mount within which the controlling equipment was placed was smashed; the launch platforms were made to fade off the face of the Earth.  The plain whose hard soil the shuttlecraft had used as runways were obliterated, with not even a tree left standing. " [Sitchin, Z. 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men page 331]

"By the darkening of the skies were the brilliances followed, then a storm began to blow, gloom from the skies an Evil Wind carried.   From the Upper Sea, a stormwind began blowing, the dark-brown cloud eastward toward Shumer the death was carried. Whereever it reached, death to all that lives mercilessly it delivered. 

"The alarm Enlil and Enki to the gods of Shumer transmitted, Escape!  From their cities the gods did flee.

"The people of the land by the evil storms hand were clutched.  Those who behind locked doors hid inside their houses like flies were felled.  Those who in the streets fled, in the streets were their corpses piled up.  Everything that lived perished." 

But Babylon, "where Marduk his supremacy declared , by the Evil Wind was spared." [sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 312 - 313].  Enlil concluded that Marduk was now to be supreme on Earth, as his vision of Galzu had predicted.

Do read The Lost Book of Enki; get a feeling for the poetry and essential authenticity of Enki, one of our creators.   Zacheria Sitchin has, in this book, made our history available in this form.   His-story-- history--is our story.



1. In the later Hittite version of this tale, Anu appointed Alalu's grandson, Kumarbi his cupbearer (as Alalu had appointed Anu to be his cupbearer). Anu took Kumarbi to Earth to watch him. In the Hittite version, Kumarbi bit Anu's penis. Anu then forced Kumarbi to swallow poisonous stones but Kumarbi managed to spit them out.

Kumarbi visited Ea/Enki, his sister's husband on Earth. But on Earth, Enlil's younger son, Adad/Teshub incited Kumarbi. Adad bragged how he and big brother Ninurta would get privileges of knowledge and power Kumarbi wouldn't. Ea took Kumarbi in a rocket for Nibiru to plead with Lama, the ancestress of both Alalu's and Anu's lines, for mediation. But Lama, when she learned Enlil's sons opposed Enki's mission, sent "lightening winds" against Ea's spacecraft and forced him and Kumbari back to Earth.

Kumbari returned to Mars Base and agitated among the Igigi (astronauts). They attacked Enlil and his people on Earth. Seventy of Enlil's men flew aircraft against Kumarbi and the Igigi. They defeated Kumarbi but Ullikumi, Kumarbi's son by one of the female astronauts, rallied the Igigi again. 380,00 years ago, Ullikumi (Filling the role of Anzu in the Sumerian account) led the Igigi as they attacked the "whirlbirds" of the Enlilites. Enlilite champions Ninurta and Adad defeated Ullikumi and the astronauts.

Sitchin identifies the battles between Alalu and his descendants the basis basis for later Indian tales of battles the Indira vs Vrita fight even later Greek tales of the Titans vs Gods War. Indira/Vrita and Titan/Zeus are based on the Anzu/Ninurta and Adad tale the Nibirans dictated to the Sumerians. [Sitchin, Z., 1985,The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 91 -101]

2. Sitchin shows that Ea, allied through his marriage to Alalu's daughter Damkina (Ninki) and their son Marduk to the Alalu's lineage (matrifiliated), was part of the plot. "It was with Ea's connivance" that Anzu, kinsman of Alalu, is admitted to Enlil's inner sanctuary for energy source crystals, vital computer chips, orbital data panels, and controls for Earth and Earth-Nibiru, Mars communication. Ea suggested Enlil entertain Anzu as a stall to responding to the demands of the Igigi.

Sitchin, in The 12th Planet had earlier said the role of Anzu in The Lost Book of Enki's account of the revolt of the Igigi [pages 117 - 121] was actually the role of Nannar (Enlil's son by his half-sister and legal wife, Sud) was Legal Heir on Earth. Nannar's was a challenge to Ninurta (Enlil's Firstborn and heir on Nibiru) to succeed to Enlil's command of Earth. In The Wars of Gods and Men, too, Anzu, the leader of the revolt is a descendent of Alulu (his grandson); in this version Anzu's an orphan adopted by the Mars Service, rather than Anzu the pilot who took Ea to Earth and stayed on Mars to die with Alalu [page 97].

Both Nannar and Ea would have benefited if Anzu vanquished Ninurta. But it was Nannar, not Ea, that Enlil exiled in the aftermath of the Igigi revolt. [The 12th Planet, pages 107 -116].
Anthropologists will recognize Enki's description as a classical system of segmentary patrilineal (agnatic) lineages. In segmentary patrilineages, collateral lines (like those that descend from Ea and Enlil) cite alliance through different mothers to other royal patrilineages. The Ea lineage within the Anu clan, and especially the Marduk line of the Ea's lineage, is allied with the Alalu clan for leverage against the Enlilites within the Anu clan). In anthropology, Marduk's line is a matrifiliate of Alalu's clan. Matrifiliated alliances give lineages external allies as they vie for precedence in authority within their patriclans.

3. Sitchin writes that Enki's genetic team was speeding up hominid evolution that would have occurred anyway. "Modern man would have undoubtedly evolved on Earth just as he had done on Nibiru, both having come from the same 'seed of life.' " Enki and company sped our evolution by one to forty million years. (Genesis Revisited, pages 165 -166)

Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, 1976, The 12th Planet;  1980, The Stairway to Heaven; 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men; 1990,  Genesis Revisited; 1990, The Lost Realms; 1993, When Time Began;
1995, Divine Encounters; 1998, The Cosmic Code; 2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions; Freer, N., 2000, Breaking the Godspell; Tellinger, M. 2006,
Slave Species of god
[sic] .  Enki/Ea is the Nibiran who (4,000 years ago) dictated his autobiography to his scribe, Endubscar of Endu.

The Lost Book of Enki, Sitchin's translation of Enki's tale (augmented a bit by my imagination) is the sourceñwith many of Enki's slants--of most of the account in these essays. The Lost Book of Enki itself is
historical fiction, wherein Sitchin has woven information meticulously documented in his Earth Chronicles.


(Click on title to open)            


The Celestial Battle: Nibiru Meets Solaris and Tiamat ( Proto Earth)


Alalu Kills Nibiru's King Lahma, Gives Daughter to Ea for Feality From Anu


Alalu, Deposed by Anu, Nukes to Earth, Threatens Nibiru


Nibiru Council Sends Ea, Not Enlil, to Earth


Ea Blasts to Earth with Water, Hides Alalu's Nukes, Sends Anzu & Gold to Nibiru


Anu Sends Enlil to Rule Earth, Verify Gold


Anu, Enlil & Ea Draw Lots for Nibiru, Earth, Seas & Mining


Anu Defeats Alalu, Banishes Him & Anzu to Mars


Ea (Enki), Enlil & Ninmah, Three Incestuous Siblings


Enlil Banished for Rape; Abgal Betrays Enki


Enki & Ninmah Make Girls Till She Curses 


Anzu & Astronauts Rebel


Enki Instigates Goldmine Mutiny


Ninmah, Enki and Enki's Son, Ningizidda (Thoth) Create Adamu and Slave Species


Nibiru Nearing Means Climate Crisis & Food Shortage on Earth, Marsbase Closing


Enki Loves Hybrids Descended from Adamu & Ti-amat; Hybrids Bare Son Adapa & Girl Titi


Ningishzidda Takes Adapa to King Anu on Nibiru, Tells Anu That Enki's Fathered Adapa, Wants Adapa Denied Immortality


Adapa's Sons, Ka-in & Abael


Marduk & Astronaut Corps Seize Hybrid Brides, & Spaceport, Threaten Enlilites


Enki Begats Noah (Ziusudra)


Galzu Keeps Nibiran Leaders on Mission Earth


Galzu Helps Enki Save Ziusudra & Earthlings


Ningishzidda, Memorialized as Sphinx, Creates Pyramids to Lead Rockets to Sinai Spaceport


Marduk's Son Satu Kills Brother, Asar; Asar's Son Horon Defeats Satu, Unites Egypt


Enlilites Send Ninurta to Build Second Spaceport in South America


Marduk Foils Marriage of Enlillite Inanna & Enkiite Dumuzi


Inanna Revived Defeats Enkiites; Ninurta, Not Marduk to Next Rule Earth


Enlil Deposes Marduk, Divies Earth, Gives Ningishzidda Egypt but No Realm for Inanna

    30   Anu Uncovers Galzu's Ruses to Keep the Anunnaki Fostering Nibiran-Earthling Hybrids

  Enlil, Enki, Inanna rule regions through kings, Ninharsag, Sinai for Nibirans & Their Families Only

    32    Anu Takes Inanna as Lover; She Seduces Enki for Programs for Uruk
    33    Anu Pardons Marduk, Departs Tiahuanacu for Nibiru

Enlilites Bomb Marduk's Babylon Spaceport, Confound Earthling Languages

    35    Marduk/Ra Deposes Ningzidda/Thoth in Egypt
    36    Inanna Rules Indus & Uruk
    37    Utu Revives Banda; Inanna Beds Banda As Dumuzi Ressurect;
Banda & Ninsun Begat Gilgamish, Who Seeks Immortality


 Inanna & Marduk Again Fight, This Time, For All Earth

    39    Enlil Sends Abraham/Ibruum to Stop Marduk
    40   Anunnaki Nuke Sinai Spaceport Before Leaving Earth to Marduk
    41   Fallout from Nergal and Ninurta's Nukes Kill Sumer, Spare Marduk's Babylon

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Ancient Anthropology Certification Program

Web design by Janet Kira Lessin,

  Contact Dr. Lessin at

Ancient Anthropology Certification Program

Web design by Janet Kira Lessin,

