Prague - the Magical City- Special Easter Event ... and more with Dan Winter and Friends

Summer of Spiritual Insight and Inspiration..

& Latest News & Events -Updates in Biologic Architecture
- Preview-Introducing GDV- Fractality in AIR- to Measure Life Force (the Sacred) in Space..

More-European Tour Conference Options for 09 with Dan Winter and Valerie Sandelin:
Prague-Science Alchemy April 9-16, South France Grail Tour July 1-8

Main Implosion Group FILM LIBRARY, or return to Main Index
--IMPLOSION GROUP newsletter url: - Feb 22,2009 Implosion Group distribution of Dan Winter's work- Main Index: 1 Million hits/month, >our film library.. Subscribe/Unsubscribe email to: , Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian-new>SiteSearch
25 DVD Set --COMPLETE- 144 Euro:DVD's/Books - "World Tours!">Course Calendar - Films Online -
HeartTuner/BlissTuner System - Complete 2 ch - EKG&EEG-WITH 25 DVD Training 1399 Euro with Shipping!: HeartTuner/BlissTuner Latest
Newest Compleat 400 Image Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor, 4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles -with new master photo galleries

Academy of Sacred Geometry

Dear , join us this Easter,
April 10-15

Six-day special event in Prague, with Dan Winter, the music of Erik Berlund, author Vincent Bridges and many guest teachers

Seminars, concerts, ceremonies, walking tours, parties and river cruise. Alchemy and a special Easter theme of Angelic forces, John Dee, Immortality explained, sacred sites and sacred geometry.
Join us for this amazing meeting of kindred spirits in the magical city of Prague

Download our 23 page brochure here (6MB)

To read more click here


  • 6 days of seminars held in the heart of Prague
  • Day tour to the ancient alchemical township of Kutna Hora
  • Musical performances and healing angelic harp music with Erik Berlund
  • Teachings from Bohumil Vurm, the author of Praga Mystica: History, Myths and Symbols; Prague As the Archetype of the European Magic City
  • Teachings from Dan Winter, international expert on Alchemy, Sacred Geometry, Bio Feedback, Ancient cultures and Bloodlines, include unique teachings from Dan Winter on the alchemist John Dee.
  • Teachings from Vincent Bridges, author and international expert on Alchemy and John Dee.
  • Visiting sacred sites and special off the track locations, walking tours and the only alchemical museum in the world
  • Prague seminar held in a renovated building completely based on ecological principles and design using green materials- a special place in the heart of Prague, includes vegetarian restaurant and tea house on site.
  • Celebration Saturday dinner and cruise on the beautiful Vltava River
  • Many surprises and guest teachers are planned

Early booking ends March 7th

More on Prague event below...

Preview to Biologic Architecture- the New Science

(main article below- contains the rationale- for defining building space life force-

for the advanced science of how FRACTALITY- / more precisely PHASE CONJUGATION defines self organization AND THEREFORE SUSTAINABILITY - electrically for all living systems- see , more detail on related measurement of life force: ) - (more on GDV - fractality in space measure: , and also of course at

Here is our preview of our upcoming Biologic Architecture Foundation of Britain conference 09- Wales (Sequel to Mexico City International Conference pics below)

Our Partners and Co-Host / Venue to this conference in Cardiff Wales (attn Tim):

Continue reading-definitions of BIOLOGIC ARCHITECTURE..-

Updates from Spanish Speaking World..

Feb 28-Mar 1 - Barcelona, Spain: see link

Mar 28-29: Bellaria, Rimini, Italy- Italian Association for Psychic Researches, (host Dr. Nicola Cutolo ) - Mystery of human existence from the mind to the Innerself.


April 9-15: New SCIENCE OF ALCHEMY in Prague: see Flyer Below -Prague-Science Alchemy April 9-16

July 1-8, 09 : South France Grail Tour

April 17-19: Stars and Stones Conference- Bury St.Edmunds, Suffolk, UK. -Launch new School of Biologic Architecture and Science of Geobiology Britain- Including Stephane Cardinau ( )
Stephane will be translated and introduced by Valerie Sandelin- who helped bring the vision of world leading geobiologists encounter in UK- more on Valerie below. -
Update!- Professor Konstantine Korotkov - and also Vincent Bridges -also presenting at Stars and Stones-

"Valerie Sandelin will introduce and translate Stephane Cardinaux's advanced geobiology presentation. Valerie's intent is to bridge different European and World schools of Geomancy and Geobiology together to establish a better understanding of common goals and intents and a better coordination for a better protection of our Planet. .. and learn how to work with nature spirits and all hierarchies concerned by the preservation of Mother Earth and by developing our sensitivities and perceptions to help create a better immune system for the planet and heal millenniums of patriarchal exploitation and abuse... We are becoming the gate keepers of the Earth ... in the way Aborigines in Australia are responsible for their piece of grid where they feel connected... We carry this high sense of integrity and commitment .. to counter balance the abuse most men that have forgotten their feminine and nurturing sensitivity, have imposed on our planet - thru exploitation, imperialism, ...remember even Feng Shui was used to ensure the power of the Emperor - and Earth Grid used to comfort and establish the domination of the Catholic church ... By shifting those old patterns we create a paradise on Earth based on ethical values of respect for each individual and each living beings thru a real spirituality devoid of any narrow sentiments and dogma (Neo-Humanism / "Pro.U.T.") - and the right socio-economical approach - where there is no place for greed and exploitation of the poor.

-or- Join us in the Beautiful Countryside Outside Turin, in Sunny Italy!!

May 21-24, 09: Part One - Course Intensive- Turin.. Part 1-Complete Course Curriculum - Turin- English & Italian (German Available) - info: (Italy) +39-0161468313 - or or New AssociazionePhi

Aug 27-30, 09: Part Two - Advanced Course Intensive- Turin..

Comes share the excitement- in fabulous Prague in April 09:

Vincent Bridges- a world expert in John Dee - and Alchemic History- now Joins Dan Winter.. for this exceptional event
Check out the details- NEW!> Prague 09 - The REAL Science of Al-KHEM-y - with Dan Winter
- Click to Download the full 14 meg Beautiful PDF File.

To learn more about Coming to Prague:

-or- Continue Reading about the Science of Alchemy - in Prague:

Erik Berglund's Angelic Music experience in Prague is sponsored by Valerie Sandelin, who was co-sponsor and translator in France and across Europe (recently UK) Australia, South America, Canada..) - including a 1st concert & lecture tour with Dan & Erik in UK, and planning Ireland next November -

Last Chance- Prague in APRIL- with Dan & Vincent Bridges (pic below) has a few spaces left- at the advanced booking discount rate...-
Prague-Science Alchemy April 9-16, South France Grail Tour July 1-8
More-European Tour Conference Options for 09 with Dan Winter and Valerie Sandelin:


---2: Holy Grail Sites AND Science in South France - July 1-8, 09 (Film Clips here from last year!)... our South France 2009 - Science and Experience of the HOLY GRAIL IN THE BLOOD - tour and conference
.see(09 is similar to 08 -note the new dates- July 1-7, 09 ) 2008 June Info. in collaboration with Roger Green -

Join us - July 1 - 8, 2009 in South France. (An easy flight: RyanAir's inexpensive London to Carcasonne)-
For a week questing in Grail Country - learning by experience the Real Science of the Holy Grail in the blood.

Join us to ask YOUR questions about the MEANING OF THE MYSTERIES! -

The original first real grail science in the blood essential - article - with film: