Implosion Group:

Team- Lead by Daniel Winter ( Implosion Group : )

Breakthru in Water Treatment

this report is absolutely confidential- for development partners only

all communication to

PHASE CONJUGATOR: Uses Hi Magnetic Flux Density - In Proprietary PHASE CONJUGATE ARRAY-

Worlds most potent Water Restructuring Device- Fast / Efficient / Safe - VERY Lo Cost:

Phase Conjugate Magnetic Water Treatment - tests

below: Plant weight increase in response to phase conjugated water: over 300%

Tests performed by Sal Gino PhD.

Note: these are the tests so far for effect on growth / germination / biologic benefit - of treated water.

Preliminary indications are: effect on SEDIMENTATION RATE - for breakthru in water treatment- will be equally dramatic.

More info on Dan Winter's work on the theory of electric self organization by PHASE CONJUGATION is here.

Note: Self Organization during phase conjugation is well documented in Optics, it is becoming known in phase conjugated dielectrics (links) -

Dan Winter has invented PHASE CONJUGATED DIELECTRICS (separately from his work here on PC Magnetics) which have produced a measured 50% increase in glucose uptake -fermentation RATE increase. (Documentation on those measures IS AT THE BOTTOM HERE).

Dan Winter is the inventor of the concept and here the demonstration of:

PHASE CONJUGATE MAGNETICS ( the reason like poles of a magnetic can ATTRACT in the correct geometry- his first paper on PHASE CONJUGATOR MAGNETICS - he is co-authoring with ELIZABETH RAUSCHER).

TEST APPARATUS: A series of Neodymium Iron Boron magnets are precisely set in a unique design: “Phase Conjugate” position . Like poles of the magnet can actually attract each other. We utilize the enhanced 'z pinch' effect of our custom phase conjugate array.

Each of the individual magnets had a 1/2" diameter hole at the centre to allow for water flow. The magnet array was attached to a diaphragm water pump which allowed for recirculation of water using a 20 Liter reservoir. Water was re-circulated for a period of approximately 15 minutes before measurement or experimentation.

Redox Results – After circulating water through the new air-core magnet stack encased in copper tubing for 8 minutes, there was a noticeable 6.5% drop in Redox potential of the sample compared to the control. This is advantageous for drinking water since a lower value in Redox potential is healthier. There was also a 5% drop in pH from the control value of pH 8.0 to 7.6. The ORP (redox potential) readings were as follows:

Control: 738.5 mV

Test sample: 690.2 mV

Measurements were made in reference to a saturated Ag/AgCl calomel electrode.


-- ealier test:

GDV Entropy results- Ordinary tap water (15L) was re-circulated through the magnet stack for about 15-20 minutes. A sample of this ‘magnetized’ water was compared to the original tap water prior to passage through the magnet stack. The two samples were analyzed using the Kirlionics GDV device with the water attachment plate which was submerged in 1 Liter of water in a glass beaker. The results, shown below, indicate a 46% reduction in entropy of the magnet water compared to that of the tap water. 100 data points for each sample was taken for the measurements.

Tap water (BLUE) Magnet Water (RED)

Entropy Avg. (magnetic water)= 1.43

Entropy Avg. (tap water)=2.66

Germination Results- Two individual germination studies were conducted using mustard seeds. In the first experiment, 25 mustard seeds were planted onto a square cotton mat inside of a shallow plastic container about 7 inches in diameter and 1.5 inches in height. For each experiment three dishes were set up prior to planting. One was used for the control water sample and the other two for the magnet water sample. In the first experiment 25 mustard seeds were planted in each dish and 50 ml of test water was added to each dish. The dishes were covered initially with paper towels and the evaporated water was replenished periodically as needed. After 7 days of germination the seedlings were weighed on an analytical balance to the nearest milligram. The results showed an average increase in germination yield of 12% with the magnet water compared to the untreated tap water. A second experiment was conducted in a similar manner except that 30 seeds were used in each dish and the dishes were covered with plastic wrap to avoid evaporation and subsequent water replenishment. The plastic wrap was ideal since the initial water charge of 50ml was more than enough to keep the seedlings moist over a period of 7 days without having to replenish the water. The results of this study showed a much more prominent effect with the average germination yield of the two magnet water samples at 25% greater than the control water sample.

Plant weight increase in response to phase conjugated water: over 300%

Laboratory comparison on plant weights - as seen above:
Subject: Weights on plants
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 18:14:47 +0100
From: Sal Giandinoto
I weighed the plants and placed them in sealed plastic bags for shipment for more tests. The weights were:

Magnet Water Plant 12.864g

Tap Water Plant 3.925g

That is a yield ratio of 3.28 to 1.
Quite impressive.


---From Bob D.

Here are the results of the recent UK Tap/Magnetic Stack Water samples scans.

 Scans consist of performing a background scan to establish baseline, and the unknown is added afterwards, and the baseline is subtracted from the unknown revealing the unknown characteristic differences 0930 starting time, 1530 ending time ( 6 hours ) Test 1Distilled water 2 milli-liters was used to create a background baseline. 2 ml from the vial labeled Tap Water from the FEDEX shipment was used as the sample. 10,000 samples performed at 2mhz sample rate over 400 channels (10K times 400 = 4,000,000 total samples taken for the baseline datagrab and 4M samples taken for the sample datagrab. These are subtracted for the resultant). 
Test 2Distilled water 2 milli-liters was used to create a background baseline. 2 ml from the vial labeled Tap Water from the POSTAL SERVICE shipment was used as the sample. Same scans as above.
tap-distilled-raw-1 (amplitude is very low for information so noise shows up)tap-distilled-raw-2 (a larger amount of spectral data is appearing)  Holos Observation: The FEDEX sample was closer to "distilled water" for the TAP grab sample in the First Test.  The second test had a larger signal spectrum possibly indicating "rougher handling" or damage/freezing of the sample.  The samples were taken from two different days. Test  3
Distilled water 2 milli-liters was used to create a background baseline. 2 ml from the vial labeled Magnet stack treated Water from the FEDEX shipment was used as the sample. 100,000 samples performed at 2mhz sample rate over 400 channels (100K times 400 = 40,000,000 total samples taken for the baseline datagrab and 40M samples taken for the sample datagrab. These are subtracted for the resultant). The reason to increase the sample grabbed was to decrease system noise since the data present is so miniscule. Test 4
Distilled water 2 milli-liters was used to create a background baseline. 2 ml from the vial labeled Magnet stack treated Water from the POSTAL SERVICE shipment was used as the sample. 100,000 samples performed at 2mhz sample rate over 400 channels (100K times 400 = 40,000,000 total samples taken for the baseline datagrab and 40M samples taken for the sample datagrab. These are subtracted for the resultant). The reason to increase the sample grabbed was to decrease system noise since the data present is so miniscule. Magnet-distilled-raw-1 Magnet-distilled-raw-2  Holos Observation: The FEDEX sample shows tighter pattern than the Postal Service shipped sample of the Magnet Stack treated water.  These are derived again by using Distilled Water as the control baseline, and the UK Tap water (with Magnet Stack treatment) as the sample.  The shipping apparently with the Postal Service destroyed a quantity of the "coherence" but there is a lot of information present in the Magnet Stack treated water of both samples as opposed to the prior Distilled-Sample Tests of 1 and 2 above.  What was noticed was that there was a strong DC-like offset in the graphs of the Magnetized water.  The DC offset was removed during display to center the graphs by moving the Holo-Images towards the center of the display while increasing the NGS control (size control) to have the displayed image full graph. 
Test 5
UK TAP water 2 milli-liters was used to create a background baseline. 2 ml from the vial labeled Magnet stack treated Water from the FEDEX shipment was used as the sample. 100,000 samples performed at 2mhz sample rate over 400 channels (100K times 400 = 40,000,000 total samples taken for the baseline datagrab and 40M samples taken for the sample datagrab. These are subtracted for the resultant). The reason to increase the sample grabbed was to decrease system noise since the data present is so miniscule. This technique then allows for the observations of changes (if any) that passing through the Magnet Stack assembly and pump and tubing will create. Tap-Magnet-raw-1 (this is an interesting display that there is a radical shift in the baseline at 50% into the scan for the FEDEX shipped sample) Test 6
UK TAP water 2 milli-liters was used to create a background baseline. 2 ml from the vial labeled Magnet stack treated Water from the POSTAL SERVICE shipment was used as the sample. 100,000 samples performed at 2mhz sample rate over 400 channels (100K times 400 = 40,000,000 total samples taken for the baseline datagrab and 40M samples taken for the sample datagrab. These are subtracted for the resultant). The reason to increase the sample grabbed was to decrease system noise since the data present is so miniscule. This technique then allows for the observations of changes (if any) that passing through the Magnet Stack assembly and pump and tubing will create. Tap-Magnet-raw-2 (the radical shift isn't as present in the Postal Service shipped sample as in the Fedex Shipped sample, however at 50% there are pronounced spectra) Tap-Magnet-H20-1&2(Holo)
 Observations: The full spectrum Holo for the UK Tap water baseline minus the Magnet Stack treated water (the resultant changes observed) are showing that there has been some change happening after the water passed through the magnet stack.  The feeling of the two holos as played on the Biopacer/Augmenter system was strong, and had a metallic sensation being tasted.  There was a bit of dizziness too after a few moments.  The "water" holo-images between the distilled-magnet and the tap-magnet are pronounced.  The tap-magnet view shows the "structuring" as being a type of compression in both the Fedex and Postal shipped samples.  Looking though at the Distilled Water as the reference, the Fedex shipped sample (distilled-magnet) shows a very pronounced organization and structuring.  The spectral lines are cohered together into a tight geometrical form. As we are curious to look more at the magnet stack structuring, additional mathematical processing was done on the samples to perform a dB scaling of the dataset. dB conversion allows for higher signals to be compressed, while weaker signals are augmented.  This somewhat distorts the actual linear view, however sometimes the information present can be augmented to let weaker signals be seen more clearly.  dB view is not the 1:1 AS-IS, so it is a synthetic representation - so bear that in mind with the follow graphs. Test 7The dataset from test 5 was set to dB view for display purposes (see explanation above)Tap-Magnet-raw-1(Holo-db-Flat-Top-0.5graph) - This is from the FEDEX sample of UK Tap water minus Magnet stack treated UK Tap water.  A Flat type processing window is applied to remove the DC offset from the edges of the spectrum which was very strong in the Magnet Stack samples.  The graph is set to dB "Amplitude" processing. Count the peaks per group 6-12-6, where in the middle group the last peak is somewhat compressed into the next group.  How many magnets were in the stack?  The dB processing is showing the characteristics very strongly at a sacrifice of the actual representation between the DC offset and the signal characteristics present. 
 Test 8The dataset from test 6 was set to dB view for display purposes (see explanation above)
Tap-Magnet-raw-2(Holo-db-Flat-Top-0.5graph) - This is from the POSTAL SERVICE sample of UK Tap water minus Magnet stack treated UK Tap water.  A Flat type processing window is applied to remove the DC offset from the edges of the spectrum which was very strong in the Magnet Stack samples.  The graph is set to dB "Amplitude" processing. Try to count the peaks per group 6-12-6, where in the middle group the last peak is somewhat compressed into the next group.  How many magnets were in the stack?  The dB processing is showing the characteristics very strongly at a sacrifice of the actual representation between the DC offset and the signal characteristics present. There are multiple peaks present per group, showing possibly that structuring was "fractured" or otherwise damaged during shipment.  Structuring still though is never-the-less present. Note: In both dB graphs the dataset was set to 1/2 the total datasize to minimize redundancy in the spectrum for graphing purposes Tap-Magnet-raw-2(Holo) - this shows the very strong DC peak and redundancy of the raw dataset of the holo prior to dB display and Flat Top windowing of the dataset. Test 9

The actual holos of the dB augmented dataset are shown for the Tap-Magnet tests - note the strong geometry present in the FEDEX top sample. The bottom sample (Postal shipment) still shows the information, albeit more broken apart


Overall conclusions.  There is a STRONG mathematical harmonic "fractality" showing up in the magnetic stack structured water which is surviving shipment over 8 days. 

Research Progress Report : on
Dan Winter, Implosion Group:

Creating a Capacitively BIOACTIVE Field (Phase Conjugate / ' Fractal')

Research Measured in the Lab by Dr. Sal Giandinoto

  1. Note: the Phase Conjugate Dielectric Resins- add potent 'fractal' dielectricity

    original measures of Gold Ovoids- to measure life force strength - by capacitive power spectra- from Dan Winter:

    Concept of how fractality measures life force in water is illustrated by REDOX potential.

    Concept of how fractality in air (SAME AS CHARGE DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY- QUANTIZED): CAN BE ILLUSTRATED BY - fractality in air measures (- see definition of 'sacred' space: )

    This ability to distribute charge- is the defining issue of BIOACTIVE (phase conjugate) electric fields. In this way Stonehenge becomes the design of an appropriate phase conjugate capacitor to cause growth and eliminate aging.

    Note- the above measure of air fractality- portending to re-invent architecture (link above) was dramatically responsive to these cups above.

    Measurement of the field around the above gold PC dielectric cups with PC resin: on the GDV:

    Fermentation results with Gold Phase Conjugate (Hereinafter referred to as:) PCC Cups-

Two trials of the fermentation experiment measuring glucose metabolism here at the Lifeworks Foundation lab showed that there was an average of a 30% increase in glucose metabolism over the four control experiments without the PCC Gold cups. The first trial conducted on Dec. 12, 2008 showed an approximately 40% increase in glucose metabolism whereas the second trial performed on February 12, 2009 showed an approximately 20% increase in glucose metabolism with the use of the gold PCC cups. The same experiment was conducted at CPI with different results. The CPI results did not show any significant increase in glucose metabolism with the gold PCC cups. However, CPI used a significantly different method for their glucose assay which may very well explain the differences seen between their tests and ours.

Figure 1

In the CPI experiments, the assay used measured both the biologically active form of glucose (D-Glucose) and the biologically inactive form L-Glucose. However, in our experiments, the enzyme assay chosen was specific to only the biologically active D-glucose levels. This is a significant difference between the two experiments since the assay we chose to use only measured the change in the biologically active glucose species while leaving out the biogically inactive species.

The above Figure 1 shows the effect of the gold PCC cups on the fermentation rates. It is interesting to note that there is an initial very sharp consumption of glucose in the case of the gold PCC cups vs. the control and then a leveling off of the rate between approximately 100 and 200 minutes. After this leveling off period the fermentation seems to again accelerate especially in the case of the first run on December 12, 2008.

Conductivity of water tests with Gold PCC cups:

Electrical conductivity measurements were performed on both the gold cup with and without the PCC crystals. In these tests, de-ionized water was actually added to the cups and the conductivity of those solutions was directly measured. The results of these tests were quite striking and showed a very large increase in water conductivity over time when the gold cups were filled with de-ionized water. The rate of increase in conductivity in the water changed much more dramatically when the cups contained the PCC crystals as opposed to the cups without the crystals. See Figure 2 for the summary of this data:

Figure 2

Red- Gold cups with PCC Blue- Gold cups without PCC

The above data suggest that the gold cups, while having a substantial effect on the conductivity of the water (increasing slowly with time), the addition of the PCC crystals greatly increases the conductivity of the water over a very short period of time. It appears as though the PCC crystals are actually acting as ‘electrical amplifiers’ since the effect is much more pronounced in their presence than in their absence. In other words, the gold cups set up an electric field and the PCC crystals take that field and amplify it dramatically as shown above in Figure 2. The increase in the conductivity of the water in this experiment is supportive to the increase in fermentation rates seen in the fermentation studies.

Fermentation pH study:

An investigation into the effect of the fermentation process on pH with and without the gold PCC cups was performed. The pH of the solution was measured at various time intervals for the fermentation with and without the gold PCC cups. The data (Figure 3) showed that the pH of the fermentation solution without the gold PCC cups decreased more rapidly over time than the fermentation conducted with the gold PCC cups. Additionally, the pH of the fermentation solution with the gold PCC cups tended to level off at around pH ~ 5.3 whereas the fermentation without the cups tended to continue its decrease only starting to level off around pH ~ 4.6 (see chart below). The interpretation of this data is still underway but seems to indicate that the gold PCC cups are affecting the pH of the fermentation media which will likely have implications for cell growth since cells grow better in pH ranges that are closer to 7 (neutral). In this case, the acidity of the fermentation without the gold PCC cups is approaching levels that would certainly slow down cell growth whereas the acidity levels with the gold PCC cups is at levels that would better support cell growth.

Figure 3

Red-Control (Without Gold PCC cups) Blue-Gold PCC cups

Summary of results – The water conductivity tests are key to understanding the electrical effect of the gold PCC cups on the water. The increase in conductivity in the water using the gold PCC cups demonstrates a “real” effect. This effect explains the increase in glucose metabolic rate that we noticed in the fermentation studies with and without the gold PCC cups. Thus, it appears that the electric field that the cups are creating are affecting both the conductivity of the water as well as the increase in glucose metabolism we see in the fermentation.