Fractal Field Technologies.. Update, New Films, New Background Articles..

with Dan Winter

.. also more on - Conference and Scientists Summit: Calgary in Nov.

Also Below- WATER- the Coal of The Future- Cold Fusion new film, also reprints on Phase Conjugation and Healing from Tom Bearden

Dan Winter - 09 - Recent: - Cardiff Oct 3-4, - London Oct 8, - Barcelona University Oct 17, International Occult Science Radio Oct 22.
Dan Winter- Immediately Upcoming: - Rimini Nov 6-8 , - Turin 2009&2010, - Paris Nov 10-11, - Suffolk UK Nov14-15,
- Calgary Nov 21-25, - Vancouver/Salt Spring Dec 12-13, - Byron-Australia (Jan-Feb 2010)

Return to Main FILM Index - Return to Main English Index - Return to Main Italian Index - Return to

PART TWO of this film- English and Italian: Growing Your Aura- Toward Immortality:Science Review..!

from Dan Winter, In Riccione Italy- on the Adriatic..
Accompanying his new book release in Italian- which was a sell-out on site..

Click here for PART ONE of this film- English and Italian: Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality!

Visit New New Fractal Field Episode TV Station at Blip.TV

riccione1 riccione2

fractaltech1 fractaltech2
fractaltech3 fractaltech4
fractaltech5 fractaltech6
fractaltech1 fractaltech7

Bonus - Link Here: Water (Hydrogen Implosion)- The Coal of the Future.. New Film


also- exerpt from new Oct 1:

Paris Press Release

Release date: Paris Conference Series- French and English- with Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter -2009
Hosted with Valerie Sandelin..Translation Consulting, and Networking.
Nov 10 Eve, & Nov 11 Day- with Vincent and Dan,
Nov 11 - Evening "11-11" with Erik Berglund (Angel Harp & More), Dan and Vincent.
Also see Erik Berglund- French Tour web site:

Vincent will meet with media teams in Prague- Oct 20-28, 2009. He will be in South France- in consult with us- for Oct 29-Nov2. We have event planning meetings then in Turin.. Nov 4-8, Then Paris- above.

In addition- major conferences with Vincent and Dan Winter are planned for Spring 09 in Turin, Barcelona, and more..

AND> in conjunction with Sacred Geometry and Sacred Architecture- learning programs-

A virtual - Video - online interactive education program- is now available! : Course with Dan Winter:

AND - Stay tuned to the course outline page ( )
for a new online video interactive course on Angel Communication with Vincent Bridges.

Our general concept has been - among others- that one of the best ways for the Earth to survive the solar plasma wind- is to speak to the being of stellar mind.. "Angel" who inhabits that tornado. In the same way - we recognize potential loving intelligence we find in the centripedal plasma fields of nature and the plant kingdom called elementals and nature spirits- when we see the intelligence of living plasma on a stellar scale- we must come to realize how much love and mind is also present there... if we are to qualify like them to learn to inhabit stars - with our aura. This is the so called status of becoming SUN GODS so revered by our ancestors. Dan Winter,> more at

more- on Vincent and Dan in Paris:

e xxx

xerpt from:

Exceptionnel et pour la 1ère fois à Paris !

Du nouveau de l'ALCHIMIE !
Conférences & séminaire les 10 & 11 nov 2009

" C'est un véritable roman policier cosmique, riche de tous ses ingredients pimentés et de suspens: entre romance, intrigue, occultisme, enjeux politiques et conflits de croyances et d'opinions constituant encore les réalités de notre monde aujourd'hui. "

La Langue des Anges & la révélation ophanime

"L'Alchimie, Shakespeare et Dr. Dee"
Soirée-conférence le mardi 10 Novembre 2009 - 19h30
- 15 € (jeunes/chôm. 10 €)
JARDIN DU GRAAL - 29, rue des 3 Bornes - 75011 Paris - M° Parmentier

La Langue des Anges & la révélation ophanime ou l'Enochien,
transmise à Dr. John Dee et Sir Edward Kelley, son medium.
Séminaire-Atelier le mercredi 11 Novembre 2009 - 10h-17h
- 100 € (jeunes/chôm. 80€)
JARDIN DU GRAAL - 29, rue des 3 Bornes - 75011 Paris - M° Parmentier

" Si nous identifions le "Francis Garland" mentionné par Dee au jeune dramaturge, William Shakespeare, alors les mystères entourant la vie de Shakespeare d'un coup tombent ou s'éclipsent comme les comédiens à la fin de la pièce. Toutes ces années soi-disant occultées sont soudain sous les feux des projecteurs et un personnage réel non fictif émerge " commente l'auteur Vincent Bridges. " Les dates où Dee mentionne le nom de Francis Garland dans ses carnets correspondent sans réfutation à celles connues de Shakespeare " Bridges poursuit, " Francis Garland apparaît dans les carnets de Dee de décembre 1586 à mars 1595, et durant cette même période le nom de Shakespeare n'apparaît pas une seule fois ailleurs quand François Garland est en visite chez Dee. "

John Dee était l'Einstein de l'époque. Mathématicien, astronome, astrologue, géographe, et occultiste, il assembla la plus grande bibliothèque d'Angleterre et l'une des meilleures d'Europe. Au début des années 1580, Dee, avec son " scruteur d'étoile " ou médium Edward Kelley, conduisit au cours des années une longue série de communications avec " des intelligences angéliques". En 1583, Dee, Kelley, et leurs familles embarquèrent dans une sorte de voyage missionnaire apocalyptique dans lequel ils tentèrent d'enrôler les deux souverains, Stephen Ier et Rudolph II, de Pologne et du Saint Empire Romain Germanique. Dee rentra en Angleterre en 1589, laissant Edward Kelley derrière lui à Prague. Kelley serait apparemment mort à Prague, au milieu des années 1590 lors d'une tentative d'évasion d'une des geôles de Rudolph II.

Dans ce contexte de politique et de magie, d'intrigues, d'espionnages, sur fond d'Armada espagnole, de dialogues de Dee et Kelley avec les anges, et d'Alchimie, Shakespeare ouvre ses yeux innocents sur la plus grande dramaturgie de tous les temps, découvrant ainsi son véritable talent, et les grands thèmes qui constituront ses futures mises en scène, à travers ses experiences personnelles, y compris son aventure romanesque et impétueuse avec la Dame noire de ses sonnets...

La révélation ophanime :

La Langue des Anges et la fin des temps

Et si une forme d'intelligence supérieure était entrée en contact avec l'humanité il y a 400 ans avec une langue spécifique capable d'ancrer notre intentionnalité dans la méga tempête de plasma galactique approchante ?

Il y a treize ans, à Sedona, un petit groupe de psychonautes ou explorateurs intrépides " par l'esprit " complétèrent les instructions de base - l'application pratique de cette langue angélique - et reçurent une impulsion énergétique riche en informations et qui arrive juste maintenant in extremis à sa pleine maturation.

La langue ophanime, ou langue des anges, ou encore l'Enochien au sens large, fut transmise à Dr. John Dee et Sir Edward Kelley, son medium, au travers de plusieurs séries de transmissions entre 1582 et 1589. L'Ophanime, ou l'Énochien, au coeur de plusieurs traditions et ordres hermétiques des siècles ultérieurs, demeure un des mystères les plus obscurs et encore les plus méconnus d'occident. Récemment, la compréhension de géométries hyperdimensionnelles nous a permis de voir ce système complexe dans son entier, d'une manière que Dee et Kelley n'auraient jamais pu réaliser.

Deux des psychonautes initiaux du groupe de Sedona, Dan Winter et Vincent Bridges, annoncent l'étape suivante. L'objectif est de regrouper au moins 144 personnes et les former à l'Ophanime et au système psycho-spirituel qui s'y rattache.

Malheureusement, ce n'est pas aussi facile qu'il y paraît ... Cela exige beaucoup de travail et d'implication, c'est donc pour les coeurs vaillants et persévérants. Apprendre l'Ophanime c'est un peu comme apprendre une langue martienne ; ce processus peut en lui-même changer la nature de qui vous êtes et comment vous entrevoyez l'univers.

Les deux prochaines années, à partir du printemps 2010 jusqu'à l'été 2012, seront consacrées à des formations (classes et conférences) destinées à faire acquérir à nos volontaires tout débutants la maîtrise ou capacité opérationnelle minimum de la langue et du système. Les six mois suivants seront consacrés au travail de terrain, nous utiliserons nos nouvelles informations et compétences pour interagir et orienter les grands changements à mesure qu'ils approchent.

Nous préparons également un livre avec les informations de base, intitulé "The Ophanic Revelation: Angelic Science for the End of Time." (La révélation Ophanime : La Science angélique pour la " Fin du Temps ".) Une partie de la documentation est disponible sur Internet sous sa forme originale et sera mise à jour et complétée pour cette édition unique et spéciale. Pour l'heure, les éléments existants sont disponibles dans le corps ci-après du site..

Renseigements biographiques :

Vincent Bridges, historien, auteur et auto-proclamé "anthropologue du bizarre", est co-auteur des livres : - "A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross" (un Monument pour la Fin des Temps : Alchimie, Fulcanelli et la Grande Croix), de Jay Weidner et Vincent Bridges (Aethyrea Books, 1999 , 2000), - "Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time" Destiny Books, 2003 (Mystères de la Grande Croix d'Hendaye: Alchimie et la fin du temps), et - "Interlude with Sally Hemings: Diary of a Spiritual Healing by R.J. Gabriel", (Interlude avec Sally Hemings: journal intime d'une guérison spirituelle par RJ Gabriel), avec Vincent Bridges. Son travail sur Fulcanelli est inclus dans "Forbidden Religion: Suppressed Heresies of the West", (la religion interdite : hérésies réprimées d'Occident), édité par JD Kenyon (Bear and Company, 2006), et son travail innovateur sur Dr. John Dee est inclus dans "The Consecrated Little Book of Black Venus" (Petit Livre consacré à la Vénus Noire), traduit par Teresa Burns et Nancy Turner (Publications Waning Moon, 2007). Ses articles publiés sur Fulcanelli, l'alchimie et Rennes-le-Château peuvent être trouvés dans Atlantis Rising et New Dawn magazine.

Les publications électroniques incluent des articles à,,, et "the Journal of the Western Mysteries Tradition" (le Journal des mystères de la tradition occidentale) - -, où son travail sur de nombreux sujets ésotériques, incluant Dr Dee ["Angels in the DNA: The Emerald Modem and Dr. Dee's Ophanic Language" (Anges dans l'ADN: Le modem Emeraude et la langue Ophanime de Dr Dee) - - et "Olympic Spirits, the Cult of the Dark Goddess, and the Seal of Ameth" (L'Esprit olympiques, le culte de la déesse des ténèbres et le Sceau d'Ameth) - - , "Alchemy - Reading the Green Language of Light" (Alchimie - lecture du language vert de la lumière) - - , et les Mystères du Graal - "Paganism in Provence: How the Mother-Goddess Became the Mother of God" (paganisme en Provence: Comment la Déesse-Mère est devenue la Mère de Dieu) - - peut être trouvée. Œuvres de la taille d'un livre, disponibles à, incluent notamment les The Gnostic Science of Alchemy, (les sciences gnostiques de l'Alchimie), The UFO Enigma: (Enigma des OVNI): Spirits of the Dead (l'esprit des défunts) - Phantom Airships and Flying Discs (les dirigeables fantôme et les disques volants), Arthur and the Fall of Britain, (Arthur et la chute de la Grande-Bretagne), et "The Secret of Rennes-le-Chateau " (le secret de Rennes-le-Château).

En outre, Vincent Bridges est un chercheur pionnier dans le domaine de la thérapie psycho-acoustique, une technique d'abréaction du traumatisme par un entraînement lumineux et sonore des fréquences cérébrales. Activiste politique et libre penseur, voyageur du monde (globe-trotter), il a conduit différents groupes d'excursion dans le sud de la France, en Egypte et en Inde. Il a produit sa propre traduction du I-Ching, et son travail en égyptologie est largement respectée et référencé par des universitaires aussi divers que John Major Jenkins, Moira Timms, et Daniel Colianus. Sa formation universitaire (aux universités de Caroline du Sud et Caroline du Nord) s'étend de l'anglais, à l'histoire et aux lettres classiques dont une étude indépendante menée sur les origines hermétiques de la Renaissance. D'autres domaines de recherche intensive sont les cultures et pratiques chamaniques anciennes, l'histoire du langage, l'anthropologie culturelle, l'égyptologie avec une recherche approfondie de l'ère El-Amarna, les religions comparées, les mathématiques et la géométrie sacrée, la physiologie du cerveau, la psychologie, la physique théorique et la technologie psycho acoustique. Il est aussi consultant en géobiologie ou ingénieur expert des réseaux (grille) traversant la planète et concepteur du Temple Zodiacale de la Terre.

Vincent Bridges a co-fondateur de trois organismes éducatifs : The Fifth Way Mystery School (La cinquième voie de l'école des mystères), The Newport Earth Institute (Institut de la Terre de Newport), et Pendragon College. Il a été orateur vedette de The International Fortean Organisation (INFO) FortFest (Organisation internationale inspirée des travaux de Charles Fort sur les phénomènes inexpliqués), de The Subtle Technologies Conference (conférences des technologies subtiles), et de InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Center (Centre d'arts et supports médiatiques) de Toronto, Canada, il a été aussi invité vedette de Laura Lee, Jeff Rense, Freak Show, Radio Orbit et Red Ice radio show. Il est co-présentateur pour 'The Learning Channel' (télévision éducative), le documentaire : Atlantis in the Andes (Atlantide dans les Andes) (juin 2001). Il a été guide et conseiller historique sur le tournage filmé du documentaire pour "History Channel" de "Nostradamus: 500 Years Later" (Nostradamus : 500 Ans Après), première diffusion en décembre 2003. Puis historien vedette pour "History Channel specials" : Lost Book of Nostradamus (Livre perdu de Nostradamus) (2007) et "Nostradamus: 2012" (2009). Il présente aussi sur "History Channel" dans "The Anti-Christ" (l'Anti-Christ) (2005), et "The Next Nostradamus" (le prochain Nostradamus) (2008), et aussi sur " Christian Broadcasting network" dans The DaVinci Code: A Debate (le code Da Vinci: débattu) (2006), d'histoire sur Nostradamus, qui aère en septembre et octobre de 2009. et aussi sur "History Channel" dans une nouvelle série sur Nostradamus, diffusée en Septembre et Octobre de 2009.

Vincent Bridges est initié dans cinq traditions spirituelles différentes: il est un Wiccan, (néopagan witches ) un ministre chrétien non-confessionnel gnostique, un magicien de cérémonie à la façon de l'ordre du Golden Dawn (de l'Aube Dorée), a reçu la transmission de la Barakah du fondateur de l'ordre soufi Abou Al Hagagg de Luxor, Egypte, et un terton ou dépositaire du trésor terma de la tradition Nyngma-pa du bouddhisme tibétain. Il vit dans les montagnes Uwharrie de Caroline du Nord avec son épouse et artiste, Darlene, et leurs trois chats.

Il travaille actuellement à trois projets sur Shakespeare : y compris Shakespeare, John Dee, et la Révolution Hermétique: Alchimie et espionnage dans le Théâtre Magique (Magical Theater) de l'Angleterre élisabéthaine avec sa co-auteure Teresa Burns.

Flyer à télécharger en PDF

Au cours de cette conférence sur "L'Alchimie,
Shakespeare et Dr. Dee"
Vincent Bridges
chercheur américain indépendant, historien et
auto-proclamé "anthropologue du bizarre"
, chercheur pionnier dans le domaine de la thérapie psycho-acoustique, va révéler l'identité secrète de William Shakespeare durant les années où sa trace disparaît (où son nom n'apparaît plus nullepart). Le résultat de cinq années de recherche de Bridges et sa co-autrice / co-auteure Teresa Burns, et l'identification de William Shakespeare avec le "Francis Garland" antérieurement non identifié, mentionné dans les journaux intimes de Dr. John Dee révèle un aspect inédit de la vie et du travail du grand barde. Non seulement il fut l'intime d'occultistes et d'espions, mais probablement également témoin de transmutation alchimique.

Dan Winter
éclaira les aspects scientifiques de l'Alchimie avec la percée de la nouvelle science fractale et de la physique de l'implosion. Il est considéré comme l'un des penseurs les plus dynamiques de notre temps, expert mondial des phénomènes d'implosion en physique et psychophysiologie, physicien, auteur, inventeur, autorité dans le domaine de la Géométrie Sacrée et dans la description scientifique de la Conscience.
Il est aussi pianiste et organiste accompli. Dan se situe lui-même à l'avant garde de la science et par son enseignement, inspire chacun à reconsidérer ses systèmes de croyance. Dan formule constamment des idées révolutionnaires sur l'unité profonde entre les choses et sur notre "unité" via la géométrie sacrée, l'architecture, l'art, les mathématiques, la biologie, l'informatique, et la mythologie. Ses théories établirent les bases d'une nouvelle recherche aux USA. Son site Web ( reçoit des centaines de milliers de visites par mois, de personnes souhaitant actualiser leurs connaissances dans le domaine de la conscience et de la géométrie sacrée.

Valérie Sandelin
Compagne et assistante de Dan Winter, traductrice et interprète à travers les pays et les continents, elle organise tournées, colloques, concerts et rencontres, toujours dans le but de faire partager les nouvelles avancés de la science et consciense, basées sur les savoirs ancestraux.


Pour confirmer votre inscription au séminaire du 11 novembre,
veuillez SVP envoyer un chèque de 30 € d'acompte à :
B'Harmony - 40, rue Damrémont - 75018 Paris

Prix spéciaux prévente sur internet, rubrique "billetterie", sur :

Renseignements et inscriptions :

06 25 27 08 80





Turin, Italy - 4 Day Trainings / Conference Retreat. Rural Italian Setting, with Translation,(English & Italian)

Khudai email: <> tel.: 0039-(0)161-468313

NEW! > see >

Benvenuti nel sito italiano!

Events in ITALIAN:

July 30-Aug 2, 09: Part One - (4 Day) Course Intensive- Turin.. Part 1-Complete Course Curriculum - Turin- English & Italian (German Available) - info: (Italy) +39-0161468313 - or or New AssociazionePhi

Aug 27-30, 09: Part Two - Advanced Course Intensive- Turin..

-MyLIFE TV - in Italy - Italian and English- Conference Series and Publication Launch with Dan Winter- Migliora La Tua Vita - 6-7-8 Novembre, Riccione, Italy - Hotel Le Conchiglie
Nov 6: Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality
Nov 7: Seminar: New Alchemical Science of Enlightenment AND Death!

For those near the West- in Dec.: Salt Spring Island off Vancouver


byron09 with dan winter




Science Review: Phase Conjugation and HEALING..

This is simply a short reprint from some of Tom Bearden's helpful notes on Phase Conjugation, Self Organization and the Healing process.

It should be pointed out that Tom nicely notes the observable nature of self organization and self repair - in

The Tom Bearden Website

The Priore (Healing) Machine and Phase Conjugation

A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process

In the 1960's and 1970's, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness.

In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priore's machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today.

Funded by the French government in the amount of several million dollars, Priore's machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests with animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960.

Many of the experiments and tests were done by prestigious members of the French Academy of Sciences. Robert Courrier, head of the Biology Section: and Secretaire Perpetuel, personally introduced Priore's astounding results to the French Academy.

The operation of the Priore machine was seemingly incomprehensible. Many orthodox French scientists—some of them world renowned—were outraged at the success of such a machine, shrilling that science had nothing to do with "black boxes:."

They loudly called upon the inventor to explain the mechanism utilized by his machine, but the inventor either wouldn't or couldn't explain the curative mechanism.

Priore certainly knew how to build the machine and make it work. It is debatable to this day whether anyone—Priore included —actually understood its principle of operation.

Neither the French Academy nor Antoine Priore knew anything of phase conjugation at the time.

In fact, the entire Western World knew nothing of phase conjugation in the 1960's when Priore was getting his finest results. At that time, only the Soviets knew of time-reversed waves.

Certainly Priore's machine was impressive.

Into a tube containing a plasma of mercury and neon gas, a pulsed 9.4 gigahertz wave modulated upon a carrier frequency of 17 megahertz was introduced. These waves were produced by radio emitters and magnetrons in the presence of a 1,000 gauss magnetic field. Experimental animals were exposed to this magnetic field during irradiation, and the mixture of waves (some 17 or so) coming from the plasma tube and modulating and riding the magnetic field passed through the animals' bodies.

Amongst other things, a plasma can convert a transverse wave to a longitudinal wave. Also, phase conjugate (time-reversed) waves can be produced by plasmas. Priore's apparatus produced a scalar EM wave/signal with deliberately constructed, infolded components including phase conjugate waves.

One of Priore's intermediate devices.  This device cured terminal cancers
 and leukemias in thousands of laboratory animals.  
(Courtesy Bob Whitney)

One may roughly view a cancer cell as a normal human cell gone "awry" and out of control of the body's master cellular control system. The cancerous cells, viewed as a sort of separate, parasitic group of cells, form a special kind of organism having its own master cellular control system "level," immersed in the host's biopotential.*

*One strongly points out the relevance of Dr. Robert Becker's epochal experiments proving that cells can be dedifferentiated and redifferentiated electrically. Those experiments are strong indicators that the cancer cell should be capable of being reverted to its more primitive state—that of the normal cell—by electromagnetic means.

There is thus a specific, constant electromagnetic "delta" that differentiates the parasitic cancerous "organism" from the normal -human cellular organism.

This "delta" can be considered a sort of constant, complex-structured charge existing in the body's atomic nuclei. It's exactly as if the body biopotential had been charged up by Kaznacheyev's "death photons" for that specific cancer condition.

If this cancerous "delta" (which may be rather like a complex intermodulation mix of waves)—or a frequency shifted "transform" of it to a different frequency band—is phase conjugated, a specific healing delta frequency pattern results.

If phase conjugate replicas of a cancer's cell's specific "delta" frequencies are fed into the body having that cancer, the deviation of the cancer cell's master cellular control system will be "time reversed."

That will return the cancer cell to control of the animal's proper master cellular control system. The cancerous cell will be immediately destroyed, or reverted back to a normal cell of the animal.

A very similar process exists for just about every disease bacterium and infectious agent that attacks the body.

Phase Conjugates of 'Death Photons" are "Healing Photons"

The Kaznacheyev experiments in the Soviet Union proved that any cellular death and disease pattern can be induced by a specific electromagnetic pattern carried on an electromagnetic signal, if the target cells are bombarded with the pattern-carrying carrier signals for a length of time. What was not published of Kaznacheyev's work was the correspondent work showing electromagnetic reversal of cellular death and disease conditions by irradiating the diseased cell cultures by phase conjugate replicas of the pattern-carrying induction signal.

In simplified terms, if an action in forward time induces a condition, then the time-reversal of that action will reverse the condition.

The concept is almost laughably simple. The time-reversal of an electromagnetic disease process is a specific healing process for that disease.

In his device, Priore internally structured the carrier photons themselves—making them vacuum engines. He phase conjugated his vacuum engines, and then passed these time-reversed vacuum engines down and through a strong magnetic field which thoroughly penetrated all cells of the biological organism being treated.

The scalar components (structured photons) representing the time-reversal of the disease were absorbed and reradiated in all the cells, "charging up" the nuclei of the atoms in the organism to some potential level of the exact "healing and reversing pattern."

In the process, the cancer/leukemia pattern/charge also destroyed the cancer calls, or converted them back to normal cells as appropriate. 

As a highly simplified analogy, the complex signal - viewed as a scalar Fourier expansion - represented a "stress" against any abnormal cellular control system encountered and returned it to the normal cell's master cellular control system of the body.

Encountering the normal control system in normal cells, it produced zero stress.

Encountering the abnormal control system in tumerous cells, it produced great stress on it, reverting it to the normal control system of the body's normal cells.

Thus to a normal cell the Priore signal pattern acted somewhat as a comb passing through one's hair.

No interference occurred with the normal cell (one whose scalar control pattern is phase-locked to the body's master cellular control system and in phase with it).

The Priore signal stimulated and "stroked" the normal cell, but did not hurt it at all.

On the other hand, the scalar control pattern in and of an abnormal (cancerous) cell is out of phase with the body's master cellular control system, and is not phase-locked to it.

Hence the Priore signal caused direct interference with the abnormal cell's independent scalar control system. The interference pattern constituted the reconstruction of normal energy directly in the cancerous cell, and also jammed its abnormal scalar life signal.

This destroyed the cancerous cell by two mechanisms: (1) physical energy was kindled directly in the abnormal cell, causing direct mechanical damage, and (2) the cancerous cell, being an "independent living critter," had its scalar life channel (connecting its primitive "mind" to its "body") jammed and stopped.

If the cancerous cell was reverted to a normal cell by the Priore stress before being destroyed, it became just a normal cell and the Priore stress had no further effect upon it.

The Effect is Universally Applicable

Any disease with cellular, biochemical, or genetic basis can be cured in like fashion.

Priore's method, for example, was clearly shown to be able to completely reverse clogging of the arteries with fatty deposits, and to be able to lower the cholesterol level to normal, even in the presence of an abnormally high cholesterol diet.

His method also showed complete mastery and cure of sleeping sickness and trypanosome-induced illnesses.

Often Priore found that every cell of the body—even the hair— must be irradiated and treated ("charged up") with the signal, for the disease pattern was in every cell. The master cellular control system is holographic—the pattern (substructured potential with its dynamic, oscillating components) is in each component (each atomic nucleus, hence in each cell.)

Every structural level of the body larger than the cell also has its own correlated pattern, or modulation, on the overall.

A biological organism can regenerate lost limbs, for example, if it can utilize its natural recovery process in a Priore manner.

Even though Priore's work was presented to the French Academy of Sciences by Robert Courrier, the prestigious head of the Biology Section, the Academy could not understand the device and its functioning.

That was because the Academicians knew nothing of scalar electromagnetics, and phase conjugation, and the Priore machine was a scalar electromagnetic device using phase conjugation.

In the Mid-70's It Ended

In 1974, a change of local government lost Priore his government supporters. His support and funding were lost.

Ironically, Priore was just completing a 4-stories-tall apparatus capable of radiating and treating entire human bodies. It would have been capable of curing cancer and leukemia in humans rather than just in laboratory rats. (His previous machines were much smaller, and only a small animal could be irradiated whole-body.  In that machine Priore used a "1amp," a special section, in which 17 specific frequencies were mixed and modulated upon the 9.4 gigahertz carrier.

The large, special, phase-conjugating plasma tube for Priore's giant
device.  The final machine would have treated humans "whole-body."
(Courtesy Bob Whitney)

Capping assembly for the top of Priore's giant plasma tube device.  The 
last device would have treated human patients "whole-body."  The cap assembly was
on the third floor of the device.
(Courtesy Bob Whitney)

The machine was large enough to irradiate humans over their whole body. It should have been capable of curing cancer and leukemia in two five-minute irradiations, one week apart.

While Priore was still alive, with my associates I spent nearly two years of my life in an effort to bring the Priore device to market and into the mainstream of medical research and development.

Robert Whitney, Frank Golden, and Tony Gideon played the major role, going to France and negotiating directly with the Priore group and the French government.

Verbal agreements with both the Priore group and with the French government were obtained. The machines were to be built, assembled, and tested in Bordeaux. Then they were to be dismantled and shipped to the purchasers—large medical research and development laboratories where they would be reassembled on site.

A group of wealthy backers was going to provide the necessary millions to fund the effort. Final contracts were being drawn.

Mysteriously, all funding for the project was suddenly withdrawn. Our backers were "leaned on" very hard and strongly threatened. Nothing we could do could revive the project.

Priore never again recovered his funding, and later died. The machine fell into disarray and was disassembled.

However, the proof that the requisite time-reversed signal can be produced, and will ride down a magnetic field, to penetrate every cell and every atomic nucleus in the body, is already in the present hard-core physics literature, if one knows where to look and how to properly interpret the work.

The fact that such signals can reverse nearly every major cellular illness condition of the body also has been proven by Priore and the scientists who worked with him, and it is in the French scientific literature.

The Priore-type cure for AIDS and other diseases only requires the necessary funding and personnel to be redeveloped and reestablished.

A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process


A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process

by Tom Bearden
November 9th, 2000

In simple terms, it works like this.  There are two mechanisms in the body of concern to treatment of disease and recovery from disease and damage.  One is the immune system, which is like the soldiers on a battlefield.  It attacks the "bad guys" (the invaders) and destroys them.  After a great battle, usually it wins (or we would all die), and the battlefield is littered with the residue.  The immune system also has large "scavenger" cells when then come in and "clean up the residue".  Thereafter, the function of the immune system is over.  It does not "heal" anything, even its own damaged cells.
The actual "healing" system in the body is the cellular regenerative system, poorly studied, and in fact mostly studied by Becker.  This is an electromagnetic system, but of a rare kind not used in our common power systems, communication systems, etc.  Instead of using the common transverse EM waves, this system uses longitudinal EM waves and time-polarized EM waves.  Ugh!  A time-polarized EM wave is an energy current in the time domain, and the basis for such does appear in a very modern physics theory called quantum field theory.  There we are introduced to time-polarized photons, for example.  The easiest way to "visualize" a time-polarized oscillation is that, instead of oscillating energy in space, the wave oscillates the rate of flow of time just a little bit.  So it is a "compression and rarefaction of the local rate of flow of time", so to speak.
Anyway, just as biological systems used common electromagnetism, frequency modulation, amplitude modulation etc. for eons before Maxwell finally glued together magnetism and electricity, it has also used this "time-domain" type of "hidden" electrodynamics since the beginning.  In fact, it uses it to heal damaged cells, etc.  It works this way:
After the Russians briefed Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientists in 1972 about a strange kind of electromagnetic wave that would suddenly appear in experiments and "restore order", modern phase conjugate optics was born.  In extremely simple terms, suppose you "squeeze" (pump) a little particle of nonlinear mass with spatial-energy (normal) EM waves at certain frequencies, and then "tickle" the rhythmically squeezed mass with a separate little EM wave that you input.  Oddly, the energy in the "pumping" waves will be transformed into a strange kind of "backwards traveling" or "crawfish" wave that backtracks the path that the little input wave took.  In short, this strange "time-reversed" wave in essence is in magnitude some fraction or amplification of the input wave, and it propagates back along the path taken by the input wave -- even if the input wave itself is already "gone"!
So with NORMAL pumping with spatial energy, we create an amplified time-reversal spatial energy wave that REVERSES whatever the input wave did.
Here is the magic in the Priore process:  If we pump (squeeze rhythmically) a living cell in the TIME domain, we pump every part and point of it simultaneously.  So we produce an amplified "time-reversal force wave" on each and every part of the mass-energy comprising the cell.  The miraculous thing is that we then precisely "time-reverse" the entire cell and all its parts -- including the genetics itself -- back along the previous path through time that the cell took in having changes occur to it -- such as diseases and damage!
Not only can we amplify and time-reverse the energy in a normal EM wave, but we can now also amplify (shorten the time required to change) and time-reverse the energy comprising a living mass.
We can gradually reverse the damaged or diseased cell back to an earlier physical condition, before the damage or disease was there!  The cell itself gradually physically changes.
That is the basic mechanism, uncovered by this researcher, that every living biological system uses to heal itself.  That is the final mechanism that Becker so ardently sought and so closely approached in his epochal work, and that is the mechanism that was responsible for the astounding cures achieved by the Priore team in France in the 1960s and early 1970s.
It took me 14 years to decipher that mechanism, so simply explained above.
Anyway, the body ages only because gradually the cellular regenerative system deteriorates a bit, and so can no longer fully restore the cells back to full youthful vigor.  The aging process itself can also be reversed and "cured" by precisely the same process.  We emphasize that all the treatment does is accelerate and enhance the human body's own natural healing mechanism -- which still does not appear in our medical science, because the type of electrodynamics used by the body's healing process has not even been applied (and seldom even studied) by Western medical scientists.
A rigorous theoretical basis for the foregoing can now be established from the pioneering advanced electrodynamics work of a few great pioneers, such as Evans and Barrett.  The electrodynamics that results is in fact a unified field theory, which is now shown by those researchers.  Particularly the magnificent higher symmetry O(3) electrodynamics advanced by Evans has "met in the middle" with Sachs' unified field theory, and so the combined Sachs-Evans theory is now able to fully model and explain the mechanisms involved.
Yet our scientific community remains hostile to the very notion of EM healing, even though the natural healing mechanism used in all biological systems is purely electrodynamics -- albeit a most unusual form of electrodynamics that the medical scientists do not study.
I also found a way independently to greatly accelerate the Priore method, and then discovered later that French researchers had previously uncovered this mechanism, without at all understanding it.  Nonetheless they first demonstrated it.  In the Priore method, one must irradiate the entire body of the patient (or animal subject) with longitudinal EM waves, made from plasmas, etc.  Priore embedded these waves in rippling magnetic field carriers, to guarantee that the deepest bone marrow was penetrated and exposed to the non-ionizing radiation.  Irradiation with longitudinal waves stimulates the body to produce a little more of the time-polarized "pump" waves, hence achieves some "pumping" of the required type in the living cells.  That results in "time-reversal" of the damaged cells back to health; in short, an accelerated natural healing process.
In the new method, if the exact spectrum of EM radiation FROM a diseased or cellularly-damaged body is captured and amplified, and then fed back into the body, one finds a very strange process occurs.  Imagine that you have a great ship with portholes, and there are many dynamic processes ongoing in that ship, which all emit light, etc.  The light reflects from many things in the ship, but eventually emerges from the portholes.  Now imagine that you could put back in stronger light precisely antiparallel to the emerging light, of exactly the same frequency, waveform, patterning, etc.  All that amplified light energy would now travel backwards through all those (assumed) reflection paths, and arrive back at all the original processes.  But the arriving energy is greater than the ongoing emerging energy, so the processes get "reversed" back to a previous state of operation.
In short, the "porthole" effect uses only ordinary EM radiation, but very precisely and very carefully measured and tailored.  Yet it will also engender the same time-domain pumping back in all the deep interaction of the body, in every cell and every part of it.  In short, we get a direct and very quick time-reversal of all those physical processes.
This method is very dramatic, and very quick (less than one minute irradiation).  It is also agonizing  to the patient during irradiation (it has been done surreptitiously on dogs, e.g., by a researcher who wisely conceals his identity) and did rejuvenate an aged, crippled German shepherd.
All of this, properly funded with a great scientific team carefully chosen, can provide a revolutionary new medical therapy.  There are no such things as "resistant pathogens" to the process; everything is mass energy and just get backed up right out of there.  Indeed, the exchange between the pathogen and the host's immune system, where the pathogen finally succeeded in tricking or avoiding the immune system (as in AIDS), is also reversed back out of there, and the immune system is also restored to full vigor.  The result is that the immune system now recognizes the pathogens again completely, and goes after them vigorously.  In short, the body is again able to use its full healing power against the "resistant" organism again, completely negating the "deception" that was achieved by the pathogen.
But this science will never be born from the official science community, because those who control the funds for research will simply not allow it.  It will require a private group or private wealthy person to fund the research necessary to do it.
Let us hope that the day comes when the funds are available, and we then do get on finally with developing a science of total healing, to replace and augment the present medical science of cut, burn, kill, and vaccinate.

In response to a further query on this subject, Dr. Bearden responds:


I know of no other reference to time-reversing the cells electromagnetically than my own papers.
In biology, the change of a cell to a previous or "more primitive" state is called dedifferentiation.  The change of a cell "forward" or to a "more specialized" state is called "differentiation".  So the change of the cell back to a more primitive state or forward to a more specialized state is well-known.
Another area involved is cellular regeneration.  Robert Becker's work is probably the best and most advanced example of the state of the art of the study that has been done of the "cellular regeneration system", particularly from the standpoint of inducing changes in it by electromagnetic means.  Becker did, I feel, induce the phase conjugation effects, but during much of his work (earlier, 1960s) modern phase conjugate optics had not even been born.  It eventually got started after Russian researchers briefed U.S. researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory about a strange EM wave in reactions that would come back out and "restore order" in disordering processes.  Even then, it really did not get well underway until about 1979 or 1980, except for a handful of U.S. researchers such as Yariv and Fisher.
So Becker's work used ordinary EM electromagnetics, without the phase conjugate part of the theory -- but his work did show some of the effects.  He certainly was able to stimulate regeneration or partial regeneration of limbs in certain test species.
As another problem, even today phase conjugate electromagnetics does NOT deal with reversing mass-energy itself, so that the mass is "time-reversed".  Instead, it is concerned only with forming a time-reversed replica of an input wave (as in 4-wave mixing).  The beauty of the process is that the two oppositive "pump" waves add energy to the phase conjugate replica wave that is born in response to the stimulus wave (called the "signal" wave).  So the resulting time-reversed wave may have greater energy than the stimulus way to which it responded.  But some of the characteristics are most interesting.  The stimulated time-reverse wave will "travel" or appear back along through space over the exact path, point by point, that the stimulus or input wave took when it came in.  (This is the simplest case; it is possible to force the emitted time-reverse wave in the forward direction as well, etc.).
Here is the point:  We may consider the energy in an ordinary EM wave to be oscillating in a plane (the wavefront) which is traveling at the speed of light).  In short, the energy exists in two dimensions in its oscillation, but the entire "carrier plane for the oscillation" is moving.
In a mass, the mass-energy is three dimensional, not two dimensional, and it is not confined to a plane wavefront.  Hence standard "two-dimensional wave in space" pumping will not reverse the mass.  It will simply produce nonlinear wave effects, such as phase conjugating incoming "signal" wave or some of the "signal' waves present in the mass.
So the problem in returning the mass-energy includes several requirements:  (1) the 3-dimensional energy (highly compressed) that is the mass-energy is what must constitute the "signal wave", (2) the pumping must pump every single point in the mass, throughout its interior, simultaneously, else we are not pumping 3-dimensional energy but are pumping "surface" wise or 2-dimensionally, (3) the domain in which we pump ("squeeze") must therefore be what is called "multiply connected" to every point in that 3-space object (mass), and so (4) that is a characteristic of time (the time domain, since at a single point it time, every spatial point in the universe exists), and (5) it must be a localized time-domain pumping, so that only the mass or its close vicinity is pumped.  Only by fulfilling all those requirements can we "pump the mass -- such as the human body or the body of a test animal -- in the time domain, thereby time-reversing the cells back to a previous earlier (healthy) condition.
In France, Pautrizel did some experiments with immature baby rats that clearly proved that time-reversal was involved.  He infested the rats (whose immune system was still very immature and not very strong) with trypanosomes.  Then he applied the Priore treatment, which restored the cells back to their previous condition and the immune system back to its previous system.  However, the time reversal does not kill the trypanosomes, so the pathogens are still present.  And the baby rats' immune systems were still very immature and unable to cope with the pathogens.  Hence those rats all died.  Yet mature rats with fully developed immune systems, infected the same way and treated the same way, resulted in the re-invigorated and strong immune systems dispatching the pathogens in short order, so that the rats all lived.  In short, he really did show that the EM non-ionizing radiation was in some manner time-reversing the cells of the treated body back over the paths they had taken in time.
Hence he demonstrated that, somehow, those five conditions were being achieved by the odd EM irradiation that Priore had established from stimulated plasmas in plasma tubes.
Becker showed that the cellular regeneration system also restores the cells, and is stimulated and amplified electromagnetically.  But he could not achieve quite such startling results, since he used ordinary EM radiation and not specialized EM radiation coming from plasmas.
That was the arena into which I stepped. The first problem was how to "pump in the time domain".  In quantum field theory, there are several polarizations of the photon: (1) the regular transverse photon, which we model as the energy oscillating sideways -- and this produces and constitutes the ordinary EM transverse wave.  That is the "energy oscillating in the plane of the wavefront, while the wavefront travels at light speed".  (2) the longitudinal photon, in which the energy vibrates along the line of motion of the photon, like an accordion contracting and expanding along that direction of travel as it travels.  (3) the time-polarized or "scalar" photon, in which the oscillation is "outside" 3-space and is oscillating in the time-dimension (time-domain).
Thus one has to discover how to make time-polarized EM waves, which do not appear in any straightforward fashion in Western literature.  I eventually worked out a proposed mechanism for that (the mechanism remains to be experimentally proven, but I am even surer of it now than when I first discovered it some years ago).  At any rate, at least in theory I finally had my required time-polarized EM wave, so that one could "pump" or "squeeze" the mass in the time-domain, and hence do what is required for mass-reversal back through its path through time.
This is NOT "time-travel" in the conventional science fiction sense.  In time-travel, the entire universe except the observer would have to be time-reversed back to a previous condition, while the observer continued to age normally (move in his forward time).  This does not do that at all.  What it does do, is take one piece of the universe and change it back to a previous state.  While it is uncomfortable for scientists to think in such terms, nonetheless dedifferentiation of cells -- e.g., as rigorously shown by Becker and others -- clearly shows that cells can be "retroregressed" or whatever name one chooses to call "time-reversal".  So it is a fact, experimentally demonstrated.
Becker's work, e.g., is applied to cure otherwise intractable bone fractures.  Trickle currents or pulsed EM is applied between silver electrodes, one on each side of the fracture. So (1) a potential exists in the area, and (2) a field also exists.  Eventually, new cells of the type that make bone are deposited in the fracture and it is healed.
Becker revealed the startling thing that happens.  The RED BLOOD CELLS entering the area undergo remarkable changes.  First, they shuck their hemoglobin and grow nuclei -- which is dedifferentiation back to a previous state, before they differentiated into red blood cells.  Then the redifferentiate (move forward in time) but to the type of cells that make cartilage!  However, that is not what is required, so these cells AGAIN redifferentiate (move forward in time) to the type of cells that make bone.  These are then deposited in the fracture site, closing the site and healing the fracture.
We worked out the underlying type of unified field effects that would be required for those types of changes.  We also worked out a proposed manner in which time-domain pump waves were produced in that fracture site.  Interestingly, so long as there was a "difference" between the type of cell being pumped (in this case, the red blood cells in the area), the pumping continued and was therefore continually acting to ELIMINATE THAT DELTA.  Hence the changes in the pumped active cells were continually being redirected toward bone cells.
By studying Becker's work and his proposed EM composition of the cellular regeneration system, it became clear that the above mechanism, expanded, was being used by the cellular regeneration system to restore cells.  This gave an entirely new function to the potentials in the cells and in their parts.  I already knew (from Whittaker's 1903 paper) that the scalar potential is actually comprised of sets of longitudinal EM phase conjugate wavepairs.  From this, it became obvious (if my proposed creating mechanism for producing time-polarized EM waves was correct) that the cellular regeneration system was capable of weakly producing time-polarized EM waves, and hence was capable of "pumping" the cells in the time-domain.  And therefore capable of time-reversing the mass-energy of the entire pumped cell.
That's about as simple as I can lay it out.
Hope this helps and perhaps answers the question.