Microwave Tower REMOVED WHEN SICK PEOPLE TAKE ACTION!! - plus 2019 update- documenting 5G Hazards
original 2007 article below
updates here
Public waking up to the fact that 5G has not been proven safe for human health - https://www.healthnutnews.com/public-waking-up-to-the-fact-that-5g-has-not-been-proven-safe-for-human-health/?fbclid=IwAR0E3RSumkkiRwQzunUYtYMKJ682ZjDJmWNDWOP1x6hXKbJzF_K1QUtC9Vc
Please see - complete scientific reference series: (many thanks- for transcription to Valerie Sandelin
Sandra Bullock's Bird Box Is About 5G Radiation And Mass Suicide
further reference- Roland WEHRLEN, inventor, Bordeaux, France- Les Solutions Techniques Antinuisances Contre Les Pollutions Electromagnétiques
-Les nouvelles technologies inédites antagonsites antidotes des basses fréquences aux micro-ondes et au-dessus
Ce livre passe en revue toutes les pollutions électro-magnétiques connues à ce jour (2017) sur un spectre très large, soit de 0Hz jusqu'aux très hautes fréquences cosmiques. Vous y trouverez beaucoup de solutions pratiques et techniques à faire par vous-mêmes, ainsi que les adresses de professionnels pouvant vous aider.
2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY
5G Gigantic health hazard - dr Barrie Trower & sir Julian Rose
"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" -- Dr Devra Davis
Published on Dec 2, 2015"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do now" Presented by Dr Devra Davis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. The Lecture What are the health effects of mobile phones and wireless radiation? While Australia has led the world in safety standards, including compulsory seat-belt legislation, plain packaging on cigarettes, and product and food disclosure legislation, it falls behind in addressing the significant issues associated with mobile phone use. In this Dean’s Lecture, epidemiologist and electromagnetic radiation expert, Dr Devra Davis, will outline the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone, and provide a background to the current 19 year old radiation safety standards (SAR), policy developments and international legislation. New global studies on the health consequences of mobile/wireless radiation will be presented, including children’s exposure and risks. The Speaker Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices. She is currently the Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. Dr Davis was Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute — the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer. In 2007, Dr Devra Davis founded nonprofit Environmental Health Trust to provide basic research and education about environmental health hazards. Dr Davis served as the President Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board in the U.S.A. from 1994–1999, an independent executive branch agency that investigates, prevents and mitigates chemical accidents. As the former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, United Nations, European Environment Agency, Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, and World Bank. Dr Davis holds a B.S. in physiological psychology and an M.A. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1967. She completed a PhD in science studies at the University of Chicago as a Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1972 and a M.P.H. in epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University as a Senior National Cancer Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1982. She has authored more than 200 publications and has been published in Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association as well as the Scientific American and the New York Times. Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.
Note from Dan Winter- there IS such a thing a bliss in the microwave (see ADP/ATP wavelength below)- and if your communication scientist does NOT know what that is- then they should NOT be allowed to make microwave which poisons that!
this just below exerpted from fractalfield.com/conjugateperception -for more on the conjugate science of real biologic communication-
Winter documents the HRV / Sacral Cranial Frequencies- Mechanism of Bliss/Kundalini (PEAK PERCEPTION/ Bliss)
-are ALSO precisely PHASE CONJUGATE Implosive Collapse ( Kundalini spine liquid biomechanics- with Bentov- discussion: goldenmean.info/kundalini
(also shown the ADP /ATP Key frequency=precisely fits phase conjugation in Biologic Microwave)
--- - next the original article on microwave tower - legal precedent for removal..
Citizen health disasters - cause the uprising
THAT TAKES DOWN A MICROWAVE TOWER!! (article reprinted - see below)
Implosion Group Newsletter Aug 20, 07- This article (with images): goldenmean.info/microwavelifeanddeath , Implosion Group Main Index: goldenmean.info -new>SiteSearch Our film library..
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This article below MICROWAVE TOWER COMES DOWN WHEN SICK PEOPLE TAKE ACTION! - documents what should now become a global phenomenon. (Please use this article as a complementary resource for legal and scientific arguments to legally sue and force the removal of this shattering scourage to public health).
The lesson here is simple. We KNOW the critical role microwave communication plays in the COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ALL LIVING CELLS! The communications industry has literally TRAMPLED ON THE RIGHT OF ALL BIOLOGY TO SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF BLISS (high frequency radiance). It is time we stood up and told the governments who exist to serve us - that they MUST SERVE THE SCIENCE OF HOW BIOLOGY GETS BLISS (simply charge radiant health!):
Studies showed that the ATP to ADP quantum distance in microwave proved to be an important measureable frequency at which DNA radio linked every living thing. This was used this to measure the density of metabolism at cellular levels- which could be the most profound 3 dimensional medical imaging technique. This also then measured human bliss and tantra and kundalini (microwave cellular emissions at signature frequencies like ATP. ATP {adinosine triphosphate is the universal common denominator of almost every intracellular energy transaction} 'quantum steps' illustrate where metabolic density is focused in exactly the same way the rate of dollar bills being exchanged measures where economic health is located. Where metabolism stops - the microwave radio stops. Imagine my surprise after we scanned Wendy Thacker's spine for this microwave - when his interpretation of where the microwave radio in her spine had blockages- caused her to weep profusely. Obviously - the high frequency radio of cellular fire is a profound indicator of emotional armoring etc. Bob packaged all this in to a 3D medical computer imaging package which would have made almost all other hospital medical scanners look like the stone ages. Also of note- read below how this exact same bloodstream of microwave- is measureable as profoundly conducted / 'wave guided' by the Earth Grid. Here is how the Earth enters into info symbiosis with cellular metabolism. (Something obviously the government misuse of microwave does not want you to know ).
exerpt from goldenmean.info/einstein Because ARCHITECTURE like all other disciplines must serve life or die - until they (the architects) know how to make life - out of the electrical compression of the capacitance of their buildings - it is appropriate that capacitance abomination metal buildings continue to cause the architects who build them to die quickly so that biofeedback can leave only architects who build life.
(One could use such laws of nature for example to hope for the quick death of the Pope - whose anti-contraceptive policy alone costs the misery of billions- BUT since both the Bible Code and Fatima with track record accuracy predict that this is the LAST pope - and that his ROME is destroyed by the nuclear cloud when Jerusalem gets it - maybe we should hope for a few more months for the old guy). (inset here - a recommended procedure to bring lawsuit against your local church building - the same way you prove to your government that the microwave tower they just installed is poisoning the land. YOU MEASURE THE INCREASE IN SOIL COMPACTION AROUND THE CHURCH or the microwave tower. You can then easily prove that the massive die-off of healthy soil micro-organisms (which causes soil compaction) is DIRECTLY CAUSED BY THE CHURCH - or the microwave tower. The reason is that the sharp steeple is a death making bleed for the capacitive charge of the land. Hint - now understand the principle why the Eastern church less sharp more onion shaped steeple is less of a bleeding parasite. )
These medically and clinically significant measurements of the destruction of the human charge field (aura) by microwave phones - can be replicated several ways: 1. IGA (measures fractality of charge in AIR- see goldenmean.info/12strands - bottom ), 2. Sonotest- see genieduleu.ch - Stefan Cardineau (English intro) , 3. GDV (Clinical / Medical aura diagnosis - - see korotkov.org
Orange to remove (microwave) mobile mast from 'tower of doom', where cancer rate has soared
John Llewellin: Died last month
Three have died and another four have battled the disease since two masts were erected on the roof of the five-storey block which has become known locally as the Tower of Doom.
The cancer rate on the top floor - where residents of five of the eight flats have been affected and the three who died all lived - is 20 per cent, ten times the national average.
Residents of Berkeley House in Staple Hill, Bristol, also complain of terrible headaches and other ailments which they blame on radiation from the masts.
Orange has agreed to remove its mast after a five-year campaign by residents and pressure from the local authority. But it has caused anger with plans to move it to a residential street nearby.
The other mast belongs to Vodafone, which has no plans to move it.
The most recent death was that of John Llewellin, 63, who lost his battle against bowel cancer two weeks ago.
Scroll down for more
Anger: The mast (circled) on the block known to locals as the Tower of Doom
Two years ago, Barbara Wood died in her 70s from breast cancer. Two years earlier Joyce Davies died, also from breast cancer.
Danger zone: Residents at this Bristol flat have suffered illness and death
The other victims on the top floor are Hazel Frape, 63, who has had breast cancer, and 89-year-old Phyllis Smith who moved out after she contracted the same disease.
On the fourth floor Bernice Mitchell, 69, has battled womb cancer. On the second floor, 78-year-old Barbara Watts, who has lived in the block for 31 years, is in remission from breast cancer.
Many of the 110 residents, including Doreen Sheppard, 74, have complained of headaches and other health problems.
She said: "The masts are bound to be doing something. I get terrible headaches and I've started suffering from Meniere's disease, where I lose my balance. I'm worried about the children on the estate as there are so many of them now."
Both masts were erected in 1994. South Gloucestershire Council served a notice asking for them to be removed when the ten-year contract expired three years ago.
But because current guidelines say there is no risk from radiation the council does not have a legal right to force their removal.
After a long legal battle Orange has submitted a planning application to put the mast on top of a shopping precinct in a street near homes, a primary school and a public library.
Left alone: Moira Llewellin's husband died of cancer, one of three flat residents to die
Jeanette McCormack, 69, who has led a campaign against the mast, said a petition against the new location had gathered more than 200 names.
She added: "People of all ages who live and work near the mast will be exposed to the radiation and so there's a lot of anger about it."
World Health Organisation guidelines have dismissed the risks of masts despite other evidence which has found they are harmful.
A spokesman for Orange said the company takes health and safety very seriously.
He added that the company was satisfied its mobile phone base stations do not present a health risk.
Vodafone is working on a new longterm lease from South Gloucestershire Council. A spokesman said the company took residents' concerns "extremely seriously" and would continue to work with them and the council to provide reassurance.
Up, up and away: Orange's controversial mobile phone mast will be no longer be a blot on the landscape
Here's what readers have had to say so far."Hundreds of scientific studies have shown mast level emissions create harmful conditions in animals and humans, likely to precipitate significant illnesses.
It is the industry aligned 'International expert advisers' and their WHO emf Group associates who ignore and dismiss relevant evidence, to please western governments and their defence and comms. industry partners. We are all regarded as expendable by them in their lust for profit and control.- A. Jarrett, North Fife
-I have little doubt that Dr Michael Clark, the Health Protection Agency spokesman on such matters, would put this down to his oft quoted 'statistical association' - whatever that means! Can we be so sure? What on earth are we storing up for future generations by our relentless pursuit of the mobile phone and its associated technology?- Vivienne, Chichester UK ( end newspaper article reprint)
Web search: "health hazards" and (microwave towers) or (cell phones) = 18,300 articles. http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&q=%22health+hazards%22+and+%28microwave+towers%29+or+%28cell+phones%29&btnG=Google+Search
Geopathic Stress In Our Homes , by Kevin Masman
When I first saw the microwave mapper on the spine emanations of magic lady Wendy Thacker, I had no idea the CIA was about to declare it a threat to national security. . After calculating the common wavelength for all biological energy transactions in the cell (the ADP to ATP quantum leap) he built a high gain scanner to map that in the microwave. That was a map to the real time geometry of biological fire (metabolism density) in the body. With his nice 3D computer interface to the mapper, hospitals were drooling. After he made the map of her spinal microwave, he described her lifetime history of where psychological trauma landed in the body, by looking at the graph. When he finished, she was weeping.
What is relevant to our budding geomancers, is what he did next. Stepping out into the yard, looking down at a landscape expanse, he showed us that by scanning the horizon, he quite clearly now had the ULTIMATE DOWSERS TOOL. Simply put, what we had been calling ley lines, were clearly wave guides symbiotically conducting the info density of biological cellular microwave - like a blood stream. (This is what your microwave towers are posioning).
Now of course that microwave density of ley lines is illustrated by how quick a CIA black helicopter shows up after you bang a heavy metal stake at the (quenching) cross of major ley lines. That is not only living cells info bloodstream, it is the CIA's communication blood as well. Trouble is, they are not sharing the bandwidth wisely. It is similar to the Navy forgetting to tell the weeping whale savers at a mass beaching, where their most recent underground LFAS lo frequency acoustic sonar just blasted the hell out the pod.
For the below we thank: "Dr. Saskia Bosman" <sothis@euronet.nl> , Culemborg, Netherlands..
also you may go to Dr. Saskia Bosman's Research web site directly: http://www.spiralsofevolution.nl
'Getting Screwed' : for more info on the PINEAL gland as the steering imploder for biological magnetics thru light speed - readers are encouraged to study her contribution to : goldenmean.info/pineal
Dear Dan, Herewith I send you, as promised, the microwave pictures from the book by Robert Endrös, "Die Strahlung der Erde und Ihre Wirkung auf das Leben" ("The radiation from the Earth and its effects on life" in German), Paffrath Verlag, Remscheid, Germany, 1988, 4th printing, no ISBN number.
PinealMicrowaves.jpg: Horizontal axis: time , Vertical axis: not mentioned, probably intensity.
Maxima when the subject looks at the antenna, minima when subject looks away sideways from the antenna.
Translation of caption: Fig. 7 (p. 33) Intensity of the spontaneous microwave emission from the pineal gland at a distance of 2.4 meters. The detector's registration at 3190 MHz with the subject looking at the antenna and looking away (90 degrees) from the antenna. In the text, Robert Endrös says that the microwave radiation from the pineal is polarized in one direction, making the pineal into a radar which can sense, for example, geopathic zones.
GlandsInNormalZone.jpg: (Above) Horizontal axis: wavelength in cm., Vertical axis: threshold lines at antenna length 30 cm.
Curves: Left: thyroid gland Right, from bottom to top: sex gland, adrenal gland, thymus gland, blood at wrist, pineal gland (top).
Translation of caption: Fig. 3 (p. 25) Intensity spectrum of the spontaneous microwave emission from the endocrine glands at a neutral site. (The threshold lines, as the outer standing waves of radiation at the resonance antenna express themselves as charge at a mineral plate).
GlandsAtGeopathicZone.jpg: (below) Axes: same .Curves: Left: thyroid gland , Right, from bottom to top: sex gland, thymus gland, narrow peak is pineal, broad peak is blood at wrist, adrenal gland. Translation of caption: Fig. 4 (p. 26) Intensity spectrum of the spontaneous microwave emission from the endocrine glands at a site, disturbed by an underground water course.
Summary above: scrambling underground long wave magnetics, represses the microwave singing of the high pineal..etc.
The microwave density of the nose tip as high frequency wave guide illuminates the biological wisdom of the eskimo kiss, and the witches twitch for example.
Insects navigate by microwave. (Phil Callahan). Olfaction is a notching of infrared conductivity at a particular spectra. Your breath is a micro wave laser (maser) by which insects steer. Etchings on pyramid paramagnetic stone were microwave guides with strong ecological implications. The best microwave amp waveguide found was such an Egyptian etching.
Bioacoustic habitat theory - signature sound works - and "Structural Stability and Morphogeneisis" for biophysics is nothing more than the music of how waves by nesting in phase keep soap bibbles and membranes and immune systems from popping.
Above - the pictures of the undergroud water courses from the same Robert Endrös book: Translation of Caption: Fig 71 (p. 169), Residential area over powerful underground water courses. Since the making of this map another 4 people died of cancer. text in upper right corner, from top to bottom: Death by cancer. Sick of cancer. Death by lung tuberculosis.
Water Veins Create Underground magnetic currents, which are linked to microwave currents which are measureable .
Mapping underground magnetics under Chartres..Translation of Caption: Fig. 81 (p. 187) Chartres cathedral over underground water courses.
The work measuring the underground magnetic currents, using microwave - suggests a connection between the ley lines and the effect upon the microwaves which the German research documented effected the high glands in the brain. I think of the pineal as a kind of steering wheel to surf magnetic lines .. even into the lucid dream and the bardo.. see the pineal article... ../pineal
What does all this mean? It means your ecosystem is a nice song of these frequencies all woven non-destructively together in a braiding operation nature calls PHYlotactic embedding. (goldenmean.info/philotactics ) Perfect branching call PHI is perfect compression - perfect unpacking is perfect packing... Computers are no more than a history of compression discovered. Biological immortality as wave sustainability is the same.
So where does this put out poor confused dowser feng-shui hired gun? It means, if she does not learn to steer waves with her mind and heart directly, she is toast. Steering those waves around requires nothing more than the skill to embed. Grounding has the same meaning for electricians as psychologists - a perfect path to unpack into the pervasive self-aware electrical fractal. This is the practical explanation why bliss will drive you crazy unless your back yard is a magnetic fractal. ( look up goldenmean.info/labyrinth )
Now I would no more say, that LEY LINES ARE MICROWAVE, than I would say body acupuncture energy meridians ARE lo resistance paths - even tho I saw Pat Flanagan successfully measure meridians simply as paths of lo electrical resistance. Is the good SYMMETRY we call CONDUCTIVITY for DC, the WAVE GUIDE for Higher Frequency (microwave for example) information density? Clearly Yes. Is that ALL a ley line, or an acupuncure meridian is? Clearly NO! Just because DNA in blood becomes measureably superconductive and superluminal - (goldenmean.info/superDNA ) does not mean we conclude BLOOD IS MERELY A WAY TO MAKE MAGNETISM GO FAST. It is that, but it is more - We might say blood is a name for when magnetic flow becomes intent rich.
Also we reprint here for your edification- the application of your microwave phone for EGG COOKING.. ( imagine how your brain matter inside looks when COOKED WITH MICROWAVE...)
> - a short commercial announcement -paid for by the Cell Phone Manufacturers mafia dedicated to FRYING HUMAN BRAINS>.
Need A Cooker? Use Your Cell Phone- By Sue Mueller - 6-28-6 - > Many organizations including the cell phone industry often downplay the risk of cell phone radiation to the brain. Results from short-term studies were used to convince consumers that use of a cell phone is not associated with brain tumors or cancer, which only develop decades after exposure. > To be fair, no one knows exactly how much harm a cell phone can do to a person. Recently, new media has reported a study showing the radiation from cell phones is so full of energy they can be used to cook eggs.In the experiment, researchers placed one egg in a porcelain cup (because it is easy to conduct heat), and put one cell phone on one side and another cell phone on the other. The researchers then called from one cell phone to another and kept the cell phones on after connecting. During the first 15 minutes, nothing changed. After 25 minutes, however, the egg shell started to become hot and at 40 minutes, the surface of the egg became hard and bristled. Researchers found the protein in the egg had become solid although the egg yolk was still in liquid form. After 65 minutes, the whole egg was well cooked. The study shows how scary cell phone radiation is. People should try to avoid use of cell phones. Although so far no one has proved the radiation from cell phones can cause something clinically significant. By the same token, there has been no one who can disprove the existence of such a risk. Children (& all other living things??) should be forbidden from cell phone use because they still grow their brains and are particularly vulnerable to radiation. ![]() ![]() ![]() --- How Two Russian Journalists Cooked An Egg With Their Mobile Phones RawFamily.com (excellent people)- Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are. There is no magic in cooking with your cell phone. The secret is in the radio waves that the cell phone radiates. The journalists created a simple microwave structure as shown in the picture. They called from one cell phone to the other and left both phones on talking mode. They placed a tape recorder next to phones to imitate sounds of speaking so the phones would stay on.- After 15 minutes: The egg became slightly warm. 25 minutes: The egg became very warm. 40 minutes: The egg became very hot., 65 minutes: The egg was cooked. (As you can see.) |
We also present for your convenience here..
First we recommend reading about the Pope's early days as the Salesman (IG Farben) for Nazi Gas Chambers- : goldenmean.info/pope Even tho the pope has asked forgiveness for murdering about 1/4 of the women of Europe during the inquisition, we suggest he should not be allowed to further fatten himself on the untold billions in gold his church robbed from those women, all the while telling a world dying of over-population NOT to use birth control.
Consider the Italian government with it's churches - which has now decided in all its wisdom NOT TO INFORM the residents as they install microwave towers in all the church and school towers! Perhaps your local priest needs a science class in the physics (microwave and electrosmog aspects) of human bliss -ref: goldenmean.info/enlightenment (the only way to trigger biologic SANTE / health).
Then - if you find it inconvenient to locate your local Catholic church the best known way - by searching on PEDOPHILIA in the news , ('pedophelia and church'=16,000 articles)- now you can ALSO find your Catholic church by searching under LEUKEMIA and the CHURCH..
Here is one web search on Valerie's associate Madeleine Bastide, French Medical Group- famous for their work on the health issues of mobile phones..
+ some related links.. Cell Phones Risk To Embryos, Professor Madelaine Bastide, who led the research, told the Daily Mail: 'Mobile phones are probably the most dangerous, followed by VDUs and televisions. ... www.rfsafe.com/articles/daily_mail_020698.htm
WDDTY | Warding off the rays, Dr Madelaine Bastide and her colleagues at Montpelier University exposed chicken embryos to radiation from a mobile phone, measuring the ELF (0-300Hz) and , www.wddty.com/03363800371104409746/warding-off-the-rays.html
Téléphone portable GSM et Santé, C'est ce qui permet au Pr Madelaine Bastide d'obtenir un taux de mortalité de 40 à 70 %, car elle, elle soumet les embryons de poulet à toutes les ..., sante-international.com/gsm86.html