Advanced Film Series- Sept 09: (Sat4, Pt2) HOW to Project your Plasma Field with Your Attention - - with Dan Winter..
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"Advanced Course Series Exerpts" Film (thurs4) -with Dan Winter: Projecting your Plasma with Your Attention >
here is the Curriculum exerpt: (reprint from
Immortality: Can Science Know How it Works?
The Visual Geometry of Near Death Experience- Derives from the Electric Field Fold Sequence (Dimensions of Recursive Braiding) in DNA.
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Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor, 4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality
DVD's/Books - Course Calendar - Films Online - HeartTuner/BlissTuner - Origin Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles
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Death by Design: Electrical Hygiene for Successful Dying- by Dan Winter, with - exerpt from original -
& the MAP for the death vision derived from the recursive fold geometry of DNA.
related recent news article: "Can Near Death Experiences Reveal Something About Consciousness?"
If science could tell us what immortal life is, imagine how the stupidities of religion (especially including religion wars) could be eliminated. Instead of killing each other over stupid beliefs in personality and miracle worship, kids would learn the scientific hygiene for how immortal life could be acheived. Well - move over you fundamentalist Muslims and Catholics (the Christians were up to their waists in the blood of their women and children - victims in the 'Holy Wars' BEFORE the Muslims responded likewise- the pope sits monstrously on the billions he stole from 1/4 of the women of Europe murdered by the church) - now science has evidence. Science CAN tell you what immortal life is, how to get there, and what the lifestyle should look like. AND you don't need fundamentalism, or miracles or personality worship - or guns to shoot those who 'don't believe'!
Millions of lucid dreamers, astral travelers, remote viewers, shaman, and near death experiencers CANNOT be wrong. Your memory and attention and perception are absolutely something which CAN travel and survive OUTSIDE your body. Don't you think its time for physics to tell you what that is? Since your LIFE depends on knowing?
Whether you look at how Dr.Korotkov made the electrical pictures of you aura leaving your body 10-36 hours after death, or his pictures showing why ghosts show up in the fractal charge compression (sacred) places in a room, ( ) OR how orbs show up where life force gushes forth ( ), it is manifestly clear that this vehicle ( your KA ) which carries your perception AND memory OUTSIDE your body IS an electric field. That electric field, like DNA's residual black hole making ability - is measureable- and most likely does have vortex like and superluminal components.
To argue that consciousness is NOT an electric field would be to ignore Einstein's unified field and the oneness prescribed by all spiritual tradition. IF - your awareness and memory field is an electric domain - as is obvious - THEN it must obey some simple rules:
1. It must be toroidal, donut shaped.
2. It's structure must have symmetry, and nests of vortex to hold it together.
3. It's survival is in proportion to it's coherence - how shareable is it's symmetry.
4. It's propagation radiance is in proportion to it's FRACTALITY- because perfect compression ALWAYS precedes perfect RADIANCE.
It is exquisitely beautiful to observe how the capacitance and field effect making possibilies of biology - as in fractal golden ratio based DNA and phylotaxis - has ALL been designed specifically to enable this potentially immortal field (what I call DNA radio - what Jung called the collective unconscious ) to GET sustainable - to get radiant. This is identical with the PSYCHOLOGY OF PURE INTENTION: COHERENCE - (perfected by fractality) is the principle which locates the perfectly shareable wave (the grail).
Next - exerpt here from upcoming article from Dan Winter to appear in Nexus Magazine - "Implosion and Fractals: Breakthrough for Science of Spirituality & the Sacred" -...To summarize the new science of peak consciousness (peak perception, peak performance, peak experience) we could say quite accurately that you become electrically fractal and suck in or implode your environment. If your environment is also fractal (sacred) then this process can continue and your aura can grow (infinitely). Conscious growth IS the growth of your electric field and thus the expansion of consciousness absolutely requires fractality both inside and out!
What some scientists now know is that the size of the bodies electric field or aura is probably akin what the ancients called your KA or boat to the underworld (Origin of KAthar, KAtholic and merKAba). The same Russian research ( ) has shown that the coherence of this aura or charge envelope around the body as it leaves after death, measurably suggests how we can take memory thru successful death. They measured how the energy order (science would call 'capacitance') of your bodies charge field departs typically 10 and 36 hours after death just as the 'Book of the Dead says. Where the 'ghost' shows up in the room is predicted by fractality. Where souls are most likely to get lost after death (something like in the book 'Journey of Souls') the Van Allen belts is exactly where the electric and gravity making fractality of the solar system most breaks down. ( Read about when Marduk blew up into Van Allen belts -in the rich Dragon history of planet busting billiard balls of the Annunaki: )
All of this tells us that if we are interested in the physics of biology sustaining memory through death we must learn about how our aura gets COHERENT. We know that the perfection of coherence is (you guessed it) FRACTALITY! We also know that lucid dreaming (song line / dream line charge propagation) paths are precisely the measurable magnetic conductivity paths within the Earth (grid) fractal charge creates. (See ) Magnetic paths measured from the air actually plot where the ancient ones called 'dreaming track'. Where they make 'rosy cross' or fractal like patterns is where all the ancient villages were located. In these places dreaming was powerful / or literally 'lucid'. Practice lucid dreaming if you wish to take memory through death.
By using the electric fractality called bliss (Ananda) we pack charge into our aura or memory envelope (KA) and become sustainable. Sustainability is the way scientists talk about immortality and sustainability is always about wave patterns. It's simple really- what you take through death is an electric field (is there anything else?) created by your body known as your KA. If that is coherent & fractal then you have a shot at charge distribution or what called immortal life! The center of what you call the perceiving YOU is actually an imploding electric field which gets sustainable like any other field effect by COHERENCE and that IS how we take memory through death. We know from advanced shaman that where you go, after death and in advanced lucid dreaming, is through the Sun which has a wonderful heart. The geometry of the Heart of the Sun like that of hydrogen is VERY fractal. Shaman tell us the Heart of the Sun actually feels cool and inviting to those whose biologic charge has become shareable. And for them the Sun's heart is a fabulous eyeball an organ of perception (like all living implosion).
It is fascinating to see how the pure principle of electrical field sustainability, especially in architecture which uses fractality to create centering force and sacred space, is also the key to consciousness itself. The ancient ones (Sumerian / Annunaki?) knew that the places where to die had to be fractal (example: Machu Pichu ). It's too bad that our modern hospital designers are electrically clueless to what dying is about!
Imagine a culture where buildings had the kind of electric sweetness you feel at the real center of Stonehenge or a sacred crypt. Imagine young people with access to the energetic hygiene (living enzyme food is literally fractal), the yoga (fractal movement attracts charge), and the physical environment- which scientifically creates bliss. Many of our young people (and religious crusaders ) seem willing to risk death rather than not have bliss. Imagine if we could teach the science of truly reaching the bliss that does make them 'immortal'. Immortality means electrically sustainable in memory. The field effect or 'KA' which our biology creates measurably survives death and RETAINS memory! Memory IS the coherent retained order of the electric pattern of our wave field even AFTER death. It is actually reassuring to realize your immortal life is electrical. That way immortal life becomes something science can teach. Coherence IS the way electric fields and your spirit body does get immortal. Remember lucid dreamers, remote viewers, astral travelers, shaman, and near death experiencers all have dramatic proof that your memory does not depend on being in your body. What DOES keep your memory alive is the orderliness of the electric field your body projects like a 'squirt gun'. Where that coherent field effect or KA your body makes comes from DOES depend on the laws of physics. Just like the near death experience and the lucid dream the skill to bring memory back is exactly the return to magnetic center which fractality allows AND reincarnation requires. The biologic architecture and electric hygiene of successful death DESPERATELY need to be introduced to hospital designers (more: ). The scientific hygiene which teaches how to (fractally) attract the charge which is BLISS IS the real physics of spiritual immortality. Spiritual traditions have long known how important it is to die in a bliss state, now science knows why. The real memory 'cocoon' which survives death- is an electric field. The real prize is fragile and like love, blows in a magnetic wind do not muddy that field!
Bliss, ecstasy, peak experience, enlightenment is the way fractal hearts create DNA and immune systems that attract charge to grow this field. Once the science of bliss is understood by all then disempowering miracle worship, personality worship, and religious wars will become obsolete. Government and educators can now use pure science to create and teach the conditions for bliss since this is the only way to achieve any real sustainability (immune health) and sustain memory through death. Your bodies electric field or KA can reach into the immortal exactly in the same way coherence is perfected in a (Fractal) ROSE!" - end exerpt from Nexus Article.
Death by Design: Electrical Hygiene for Successful Dying- by Dan Winter, exerpt from original -
& the MAP for the death vision derived from the recursive fold geometry of DNA.
NEW May 06- film about death vision and successful electrical death:
Closely relates: the Physics of SALVATION? - The Physics of Heaven?
Also- the image detail of the NINE Layers of the Underworld/Dante/Maya/Hopi/Egyptian ENNEAD and the SHAPE of death:
update to the original:'Geometry of Eternality' at
This will be an essay.. in the spirit of Dr. Korotkov's new book- 'Light After Life' - to descibe how to die - in scientific terms.
( 1998, Backbone Publishing,Box 562, Fair Lawn,NJ 07410 USA, )
Scientists develop test - to SEE IF YOU HAVE A SOUL- for the first time: HERE - you can TAKE THE TEST!!!
Above: The same Dr.Korotkov who helped inspire the BlissTuner and measured the Death phenomenon electrically - is recently published as measuring the electric field of the soul (what we call fractal charge compression) - after death. Get COHERENT -and BLISSFUL - and this field effect (YOU after death) can GO somewhere... otherwise... scrambled eggs.
First: let us define successful dying (similar to defining successful lucid dreaming) in the language of science:
A successful death would be one in which the essential symmetry (pattern) ingredients of biological charge were able to propagate successfully and coherently - that is without serious loss of information density - through the death experience. This would mean that the energy field of the body were able to sustain itself- without the cellular makeup of the rest of the bodies mass at death. We take seriously the indications that there is often if not usually, significant and measureable weight loss at the time of death ( 4-10 ounces?) - and further speculate that this weight loss - IS associated with the charge density which has been able to leave the body.
In Dr. Korokov's book (above) he does repeated measurements of that charge fields propagation during the death time, by measuring the organization of the charge field using Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV). You can think of it as measuring the size of the Kirlian kind of Aura- in this case - around the fingertip.
This author wishes to applaud this kind of approach to bring science to what was perhaps exclusively the territory of religion. Religious traditions may have done their best to teach us how to die, but now that a more disciplined - and therefore shareable language (SCIENCE) exists - clearly death instructions need to be expressed in those more accurate terms. (In the view of this author most of religion on this planet - has largely succeeded in becoming merely a parasite - in recent centuries - in their teaching of death hygiene.. and something better is urgently required).
It is particularly helpful that in the book - the good Doctor K., begins to compare the timing of the release of electrical charge from the body - as indicated by his replicated measurements- with the key times which may be indicated by such traditional - how to die instructions - as Tibetan Book of the Dead- and other religions. Note above- could there be some significance to the fact that often- at hour 10 and hour 36 (around 3 days) after death - there is a charge release peak? Could this relate to the idea of 3 days of mourning?
This is an appropriate time to point out some principles about biology and therefore it's sustainability - (immortality). Biology exists because charge learned a way to compress into self-organization. Life exists because biology learned how to attract and self-organize electrical charge. ( read .
The ability to attract and self-organize electrical charge we call LIFE - exists to the extent that biological structures build and maintain self-similar or 'fractal' geometry. This is because self-similarity in the arrangement of biological oscillators - and biological dialectrics ( like to seeds on a pine cone for example) - turns compression in to acceleration. (The solution to what stumped Einstein: Infinite Non Destructive Compression). The WAY compression turns in to acceleration - is Golden Mean ratio (phi lo tactic phylotaxis) based self- similar 'heterodyning' or simply constructive wave interference perfected. When that interference adds and multiplies wave velocities recursively - that acceleration resulting from compression is called IMPLOSION. This will be proven to physics and replace Einstein's limitation the day scientists arrange capacitors into a pine cone the geometry of Golden Ratio - and discover how to make gravity. (charge acceleration). (discussion and pictures: ). On this day, fossil fuel and rocketry will become obsolete - but human minds will then need to take responsibility for the blood (magnetic coherence) of their gravity field - or die like Atlantis.
The purpose of these notes is to prepare to apply this new information about the symmetry which produces sustainability (immortality) - to practical instructions on how to die.
Let us begin by noting how music like is the biological symmetry which produces cell membranes and viruses.. (everything genetic - all of life)..
Screw like VIRUS or CATHEDRAL genetic symmetry (ex-cathedra / ex catherter / cathartic) accesses the blood of magnetism within the cell from the screwing in / EMBEDDING.
So now let us see what would enable successful death to screw us in to the pine cone of pining away - from the pineal...( )
(Image credit: Alex Grey) - Pineal gland squirts charge into pineapple perfecting compression?
Above- capacitive charge creating a cascade of (compressing?) harmonics measured with capcitive plates above the pineal - (ref: and Dr. Saskia Bosman's Pineal Research web site directly: )
The 'point' .. is.. that recursion / self-similarity creates the ROSE LIKE conditions to allow compression to become acceleration. This efficient non-destructive compression of charge into acceleration is the very essence and key to the biological design for death process.
Obviously - since biology designed death to be such an integral part of the continuity of the biological information process - then biology TRIES to take every effort to sustain the key elements of biological information density THROUGH the death experience.
This reminds me again of the stupidity of the medical profession who describe hot flashes (ultra violet cocooning) as some kind of disease symptom during menopause. It is a good thing your DNA is not as stupid as the doctor - it KNOWS that it is fatal and mortal to be stuck below the speed of light. If your doctor knew better, he wouldn't put dying people in metal buildings. Even a rat knows that after 3 generations in a faraday cage - all data shows rats become sterile.?88 Whoever invented metal buildings get a little feedback: (sterility) - in this way stupid DNA (architects who use metal) by natural selection get sterile. Efficient biofeedback.
The blue flash at menopause, tantra, good sex, and healthy dying is the charge coherence cocoon bubble of the body critically experimenting with the need to compress accelerate itself thru the speed of light into sustainability (immortality). This is self-evident. Just because your average doctor or priest does not have a clue, does not mean you have to incorrectly 'screw up' your death.
In summary- we suggest - successful dying is just like every other successful biological activity - it is the result of the successful (and non-destructive) propagation of capacitive charge. The SHAPE and faster than light projection of this charge field is the physics of astrology and the kirlian photo and the Imoto water crystallization. It is what Steiner called 'Projective Geometry' and the 'Etheric Formative Forces'..
The SHAPE of this field is what is imaged in Gas Discharge Visualization, and it is the shape of the way biological liquids crystallize into cells and life. This SHAPE of the field of charge - is what we measure when we measure life force .. by measuring the harmonics of the capacitive field of that charge...
(link- ):
(here- the simple output of a capacitor sensing only the gravity field - proves - charge moves faster than light , the gravity is charge accelerating, and that Weber's attempt to measure gravity waves are obsolete until he learns to watch the field moving across a sensitive (biological?) capacitor).
When the hero's in the movie "Flatliners" discover that successful dying (they were medical doctors testing how long they could remain medically dead) - they discovered that it was necessary to re-arrange your memories such that they were maximally SHAREABLE. This meant that anyone you had hurt, you went to fix. I suggest that as this article progresses, we attempt to discover the symmetry of the SHAREABLE in DNA and cells, in direct relation to the PSYCHOLOGY of what is shareable. The essential message is that progressing in to the symmety of what IS shareable - is the same as progressing in to the symmetry of what CAN BE COMPRESSED. The reason for this is that inside (self-similar) compression lies the secret to effective propagation - (becoming shareable). That secret lies in turning compression in to acceleration. (Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration Implosion Solution / PhiRICAIS - below) Because acceleration of charge is what makes it propagate (become shareable). This is more than poetry. This is the physics of how charge in DNA survives death.
When your feelings are able to distribute to all - then DNA has found a way to do the task of holy communion. Make charge waves able to infinitely propagate. Hurting someone interferes destructively with (the symmetry of) this ability for the charge pattern in you to propagate. Learning to locate the shareable - enables immortality - because it attracts charge propagation.
Doc says- '2 weeks to live'; You urgently begin sorting for what is shareable in your life - if you do a good job and begin to relive only what is pure principle (shareable) you tingle with attracted charge so much, that you never die. Death was invented by biology to gently teach us to stop storing what is NOT shareable (able to compress and distribute).
Learn to recognize pure essence principle in your life, and you become immortal.
Arriving at the symmetry of the shareable (perfect acceleration into more infinite propagation) requires exactly the symmetry of the rose.
Another example of successful death by successful compression: notice the Cherokee burial ground. (In our community in Waynesville, North Carolina was an example). The place the wise one goes to die, is on the little hill which is fractal or self similar to the SHAPE of the larger mountain in the distance. From this place 'where perspective is consumed', the shape of charge memory at death - can better unpack non-destructively in to it's larger environment. If the fractal landscape is the place to die - it is also the place to live. Remember - during bliss / like during death - you electrically attract charge into yourself - as such an increasing rate - that only if your envirnment electrical is fractal (looks like a rose magnetically) - is your bliss / death sustainable. (Ever try doing bliss in a metal building with lots of electrosmog - hint - don't).
Another similar example: in "Magdalen Mystery" by Kent, the nubian copper blue blood magda 'black madonna' after death whispers instructions for decades into the likes of Templar Bernard of Clairveaux, to build the Gothic Cathedrals into a huge star map. Then her 'tantric' swoon can use the landscape as a fractal projective MAGnetic lens into those stars.
In "I Remember Union", - another book on the life of Magdalen - Jeshua spends many years preparing to die - ultimately using the Grail star map of South France. There was a recursive wrapping like swaddling clothes for a babe to reenter the womb cocoon of matrix matter charge. Many layers of living cloth folded packed like a rose around the body preparing for the death swoon. Dying is preparing to enter perfect unpacking of your inner charge - from the totally compressed seed of implosion.
When the "Maid of the Mist' fell in to Niagara Falls, she entered a highly charged enviornment cocoon, offering a certain kind of immortality.
Dr. Korotkov even notes in his book where it is most likely to encounter the ghost spirit entity of the discarnate - in the near surround of the dead body. If there was some attention to providing a fractal charge compression paramagnetic labyrinth - the dead ghost might have a place to go (compress / accelerate). In Sumerian - this was called - to "Raise a SHEM", which is to raise "AN ALTAR UNTO THE LORD", which is to raise a capacitive fractal rose like charge envelope in which to 'flame up' the local charge magnetics. Examples would include - the array of dolmen capacitors used by Enki - to set up the local field effect called 'Garden of Edin' which prevented cellular aging. This was considered essential mining equipment by the interventionist Gold Powder addicted Draco ancestored Annunaki. (Too bad the black Madonna people had no clue to Rigelian origin of the copper blue blood - thru Thoth of Enki in to Tutankhamon's spouse - the Jesus myth is so perverted.)
---The Visual Geometry of Near Death Experience- Derives from the Electric Field Fold Sequence (Dimensions of Recursive Braiding) in DNA.
Let's now look at a more specific example of symmetry instructions for dying properly. (Compress well or die poorly..)
The famous Dr. Heinrich 'Kluver' interviews several hundred near death experiencers to have them draw the pattern of space they saw during dying.
There was amazing similarity in the sequence of drawing patterns returning successful veterans of the death process - would record and remember. Clearly it IS possible to make a symmetry map to navigate death.
Notice from the sequence of symmetry by which DNA folds..
how the sequence of symmetries which you see during death ("Kluver Form Constants') are derived.
These 4 images 2 above and 2 below are from "Geometric Extensions of Consciousness" paper by Anne Tyng
We originally suggested that the superposition of axes of symmetry - rotation upon rotation - braid upon braid - is exactly the principle revealed in the drawings made by those who remembered dying. One vortex pair rotated into a cube. Then the cube rotates ('wratchets') into a dodec.. then the dodec rotates (wratchets) down a slink helix like DNA, .. then the helix twists into what looks like THE NEXT BIGGER VORTEX PAIR.. and so on, and so on... Thus moving into the next dimension - is to move in to the next axis of symmetry (superposed spin).
What is new here, is to recognize that each time that which enables a smaller spin pattern to be rotated into the center of a new higher axis of symmetry superposed- IS COMPRESSION.
And that this repeated (recursive) process of resolving compression into fractal perfect compression - eventually turns compression IN to acceleration (implosion). And further that this is exactly what DNA (as a holy communion device) was designed to do. And further - that death process is exactly this symmetry test literally in the context field in DNA.
What is needed is to provide the death process with the charge envelope required to facilitate this process of still point (implosive) acceleration compression.
There are geomantic, paramagnetic, dietary, clothing, kinesthetic, and even astrologic ways to do this.
Designing the sequence of hygiene instructions for successful dying begins with these principles - taken into the practical.
Walk into the grail and you enter the fractal / the compressible. (1, 2, 3) - then you do not die. (to be continued)..
Above: The same Dr.Korotkov who helped inspire the BlissTuner and measured the Death phenomenon electrically - is recently published as measuring the electric field of the soul (what we call fractal charge compression) - after death. Get COHERENT -and BLISSFUL - and this field effect (YOU after death) can GO somewhere... otherwise... scrambled eggs.
First: let us define successful dying (similar to defining successful lucid dreaming) in the language of science:
A successful death would be one in which the essential symmetry (pattern) ingredients of biological charge were able to propagate successfully and coherently - that is without serious loss of information density - through the death experience. This would mean that the energy field of the body were able to sustain itself- without the cellular makeup of the rest of the bodies mass at death. We take seriously the indications that there is often if not usually, significant and measureable weight loss at the time of death ( 4-10 ounces?) - and further speculate that this weight loss - IS associated with the charge density which has been able to leave the body. (note here- weight loss at the moment of death - experiments - remain contriversial - see: reference one , reference two )
In Dr. Korokov's book (above) he does repeated measurements of that charge fields propagation during the death time, by measuring the organization of the charge field using Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV). You can think of it as measuring the size of the Kirlian kind of Aura- in this case - around the fingertip.
This author wishes to applaud this kind of approach to bring science to what was perhaps exclusively the territory of religion. Religious traditions may have done their best to teach us how to die, but now that a more disciplined - and therefore shareable language (SCIENCE) exists - clearly death instructions need to be expressed in those more accurate terms. (In the view of this author most of religion on this planet - has largely succeeded in becoming merely a parasite - in recent centuries - in their teaching of death hygiene.. and something better is urgently required).
It is particularly helpful that in the book - the good Doctor K., begins to compare the timing of the release of electrical charge from the body - as indicated by his replicated measurements- with the key times which may be indicated by such traditional - how to die instructions - as Tibetan Book of the Dead- and other religions. Note above- could there be some significance to the fact that often- at hour 10 and hour 36 (around 3 days) after death - there is a charge release peak? Could this relate to the idea of 3 days of mourning?
This is an appropriate time to point out some principles about biology and therefore it's sustainability - (immortality). Biology exists because charge learned a way to compress into self-organization. Life exists because biology learned how to attract and self-organize electrical charge. ( read .
The ability to attract and self-organize electrical charge we call LIFE - exists to the extent that biological structures build and maintain self-similar or 'fractal' geometry. This is because self-similarity in the arrangement of biological oscillators - and biological dialectrics ( like to seeds on a pine cone for example) - turns compression in to acceleration. (The solution to what stumped Einstein: Infinite Non Destructive Compression). The WAY compression turns in to acceleration - is Golden Mean ratio (phi lo tactic phylotaxis) based self- similar 'heterodyning' or simply constructive wave interference perfected. When that interference adds and multiplies wave velocities recursively - that acceleration resulting from compression is called IMPLOSION. This will be proven to physics and replace Einstein's limitation the day scientists arrange capacitors into a pine cone the geometry of Golden Ratio - and discover how to make gravity. (charge acceleration). (discussion and pictures: ). On this day, fossil fuel and rocketry will become obsolete - but human minds will then need to take responsibility for the blood (magnetic coherence) of their gravity field - or die like Atlantis.
The purpose of these notes is to prepare to apply this new information about the symmetry which produces sustainability (immortality) - to practical instructions on how to die.
?88Just Complete 8/23/99 Major Rewrite of the fascinating Gold Powder vs Menstrual Blood/STARFIRE vs MicroHydrin article at: exerpt: "So if we have learned anything, IT IS THAT THIS GOLD POWDER MINING FAIRY TALE is literally just the smoke screen cover story for the real VALUABLE COMMODITY OF THIS GALAXIES TRADING HOUSES. The PRIZE is now and has always been HOW TO GET DNA & GENE'S WHICH COULD LITERALLY ENTER INTO STARS! (For which the Gold atom was merely a little detonating trigger, when in the context of glands which could TAKE OVER THE STEERING THRU LIGHT SPEED..) Now we have discussed elsewhere, that this skill to get DNA braided so that it's field effects EMBED implode themselves into anything outside them. ( ) And that this skill to get the structure of DNA aligned into this perfect self-containment, apparently emminates from the Heart. It's simple a sonic pony tail from a coherently ecstatic heart, does the braiding of your DNA which lines up the short waves (codon sequences) to the long waves (long sonic envelopes in DNA's braid). This then allows the slinky wave mechanics to add and multiply recursively up and down the ladder, accounting for the wave velocities eventually heterodyning or simple beating thru lightspeed. ( ) Faster than light implosion lightning at the center of DNA is measureable (William Pensinger) (same for gold filaments under hi amps!). For the physics of how this properly heart induced implosion accounts for the gravitation we call black holes etc. (the solution to Einstein's quandry to model the geometry of inPHIkni implosion to understand why black holes bend time).. please see: . SO IN SUMMARY this gland induced but GENETIC ability to embed your DNA fields and therefore YOUR FIELD OF AWARENESS, into ANY FIELD OUTSIDE YOU, eventually leads to creating centering and gravity force, which bends light, and thus is creation as a wave mechanic. (STARFIRE for real). The purpose of this conversation is to put those clues together with the Gold Powder controversy to get some perspective on how best indeed to stir up the brain./ heart juices into a STAR fire which is SUSTAINABLE and SELF-steering as a wave / worm." ...continued at |
Notice particularly the ratio fixed by the shape of the touch, for love, appears to near the point
of the "golden mean", or PHI (.618033989). This is a thread we will follow below. Here, note 4
golden mean spiraled vesica..
Basically, there is phi-cycle significance to the golden-mean phi-bonacci progression (above)
You can move up or down the series by ADDING adjacent pairs, OR by MULTIPLYING any
one by 1.618... to get the next. In our discussion of the heterodyning or simple beat of wave
nodes, note that one thing two waves focused at a point cannot help but doing, is to produce
additive AND multiplicative wave lengths. Thus the beating of all waves produces BOTH
progressions: called arithmetic and geometric. Remember that all beats in a wave pattern
continue beating the pattern, theoretically to infinity. Yet every time a wave pair meets, if the
beats produce any geometry that doesn't fit the nest, destructive (instead of constructive) wave
INTERFERENCE results. Thus, the golden mean is literally the path of least resistance for
the children of waves to beget grandchildren.
In 2D, the simplest way to get this ratio is to draw pentagrams, one inside the other. In 3D,
the x,y,&z axes will proceed in this ratio by drawing dodecahedra inside each other. (The
Dodecahedron: 12 pentagonal faces)
What does it really mean, in simple human terms, that the heart, and the touch both etch
this particular ratio, at the moment of love?
Remember that all wave ratio, is length ratio. Somehow, cymatically (21) or
macrodynamically (22), the heart sounds have woven the nest which fits the braid angle of
DNA. In "Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, & Life" by Jeremy Cambell,
there is a stimulating grammatical analysis for why genetic material has such a high signal
to noise ratio, as an information conduit. His answer is basically, that the braided alignment
of active sites (morphically) is a sophisticated key site switching mechanism. He calls this
"context dependency". Much like thousands of machines codes can be switched modally by a
high level language like BASIC or DBASE, the long wave (of braided context) does the high
level switching in genetic material. (One key code active site alignment switches on or of the
replication of thousands of codons, down the ladder of braid or symbol hierarchy.) Intuitively
it is implied that the coherent long wave of emotion, may be the massage of touch, braiding
DNA (1).
I often tell this story in a general interest way to groups : Suppose you wished to braid your lovers pony tail.. You would first divide the long hair in even halves. Then holding the ends you would move your hands back and forth, alternately one over, one under. Your hands would be making shorter lengths side to side, and would move closer to your lover as the braid formed. Now imagine you had put a pen in each hand instead of hair. You would have drawn a cadduceus like shape, exactly like the trace from the spectrum analysis of the heart, at the
moment of love.
The heart creates the sonic elements to weave the nest of dodecahedra, at the moment of love.
Classically, the blossomed heart is said to have "twelve lotus petals". Note that not only does
the hex view of concentric dodecahedron, represent a shadow of the heart in love. It also may
be a clue as to why "Isis Unveiled" suggests the twelve cones we view as a planar zodiac, are
"in the next dimension"(3D) a dodecahedron. Other useful clues to the information transport
across scale mechanism of the dodecahedron include:
Dodecahedral models of: City of Revelation/ New Jerusalem (John Michell) (23)
: Ezekiels Wheel, Merkabbah
The craft in Carl Sagan's "Contact" was dodedahedral.
In order to lift the shadow of shape off a circle-to a line, off a line to a plane, off a plane to
3D, off 3D into ... the spiral of the Golden Mean is the necessary path. The 3 spin symmetry
cube, spins to make dodeca- (above) 4D, the dodeca spins/ratchets makes DNA 5D, DNA braids
upon braid.. 6D.. 7D.. . Each time a new symmetry relation is discover a harmonic or beat note
(or dimension, or level of recursion/awareness/consciousness) can be added to the frequency
Because length, area, and volume, can all be conserved in the same ratio (see DNA
illustration), the genetic waveguide can flow everything about shape (which is everything the
universe has to remember), along "memories lane" between dimensions/scales.
The implications for the learning of emotional behavior are deep. Manfred Clynes, while
writing "Sentics" learned that even the process of having people eidetically go thru the
"motions" of all the emotions, was profoundly therapeutic. Much like the "Range of Motion"
(ROM) dance for the elderly.
Also the same concept of Range of Motion becomes the ability to have Range of Emotion as the 'EI' Emotional Index or Emotional Intelligence Number (Range BETWEEN CONTAINED EKG HARMONICS- literally 'spaces in the heart') is learned to have more flexibility in the biofeedback.
Most importantly, consider then when the braid in the braid, long wave (envelope) to short wave "wave on the wave" RATIO becomes RECURSIVE or a PHI/golden ratio multiple... THEN:
the RECURSIVE adding (or multiplicative) of wave lengths AND wave velocities in DNA
becomes a squirt gun THRU THE SPEED OF LIGHT. This creates ability to lucid dream, time travel, bardo navigate , AND have a soul.
This concept of the geometric/by braiding creation of the superluminal (faster than light) in DNA is discussed further with great pictures at .
And see the new Braiding DNA : ANIMATION moving Tour 9/98
do we sek a pi that sees: ve seek a pi ces.. vesica pisces.. focus on this.. so that you recur..
10 golden spirals top view..
side view above (first)................ / then top view.. ONE SPIRAL.. on 60 degree implosion cone.. caddeuceus spin path to zero..
revolve the above golden spiral.. to map embedding in 3 D.. see grail animations... how to inhabit the land..
(1) "Godel, Escher, & Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" Hoffsteder
(2) Zero Point Energy Research, cf Adam Trombly, Project Earth, Evergreen, CO.
also Moray King, Eyring Institute, UT.
(3) Einstein: The magnetic monopole is the key to gravity.
(4) Cf: Derivation of the fine structure constant, from the hydrodynamic model for the
translation of vorticity in a torus. Contact author.
(5) "Surfers of the Zuvuya", Jose Arguelles, Bear & Co 88.
(6) "Harmonic Module Project" contact PLANET heart biofeedback, or see (16).
(7) Mother Thersea aura of love, was measured in immune T cell uptake improvement in
Harvard student population. (published) I forget the author, info per Dr. Rick Ingrasci, MD,
Newton, MA.
(8) "Sentics" and "Music, Mind & Brain", by Manfred Clynes.
(9) The Psychophysiological Differentiation of Fear and Anger in Humans, Albert F. Ax, Psychosomatic Medicine, 1953, 15,433-442.
(10) "Stalking the Wild Pendulum" Ben Bentov, Dutton Pub.
(11) "When Time Breaks Down: The Three Dimensional Dynamics of Electrochemical Waves
and Cardiac Arrhythmias" Arthur T. Winfree, Princeton Press 86.
(12) "The Field of Form: Research Concerning the Outer World of Living Forms, and the
Inner World of the Geometrical Imagination". Lawrence Edwards, Floris Books 82 %
St.George Book Svce, PO 225, Spring Valley, NY 10977.
(14) Tetrahedral Geometric Origins of Color, Ronald Oldchurch, 1680 N. HWY 101,#11
LeuCadia, CA. 92024. Reprinted in (16)
(15) "BioElectronics", and " Electronic Biology and Cancer" by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nodel
(16) Planet heart biofeedback: A New Synthesis, Daniel Winter
%Crystal Hill Publications, 9411 Sandrock Rd, Eden, NY 14057, '88, 250p,$15.
(17) Occult Chemistry, by Leadbeater & Besant, Theosophical Pub., Wheaton, IL.
(18) Psi Perception of Quarks, by Philips, (physicist) integrates ANU (3some) into quark/string
contemporary physics. %Theosophic Press, Wheaton, IL.
(19) GOLDEN MEAN materials: "The Geometry of Art and Life" by Ghyka, Dover press,
"The Curves of Life", by Cook, Dover Press, "The Power of Limits" Gyorgy Doczi, Shambhala
Press, worlds? leading exponent: Ron Ginsberg, 75 Bruce Av,Yonkers,NY 10705.
(20) Ann Tyng, Architect (worked with Kahn extensively), much inspiration for this work
comes from her "Geometric Extensions of Consciousness" , ZODIAC #19.
(21) Cymatics (Liquids or gases sonically excited to beautiful crystal) by Han Jenny,
Basilus Press, Basel,
also Sensitive Chaos, by Schwenk. both books or info may be available through
Anthroposophic Press, Bell's Pond, Star Route, Hudson, NY 12534
(22) Macrodynamics (studies, computer programs, literature) by Ralph Abraham, Phd,
%UCSC Math Dept, or Box 1378, Santa Cruz, CA 95061
(23) John Michell, author "City of Revelation"(dodeca?), "View Over Atlantis", current
reprint: "Dimensions of Paradise".
(24) Harmonic Module Project, cf (6) & (16).
(25) "Anti Gravity and the World Grid", Ed. by Childress, Box 22, Stelle, IL 60619
also, cf Planetary Grid Society % Bethe Hagens & Bill Becker, 105 Wolpers, Park Forest, IL
Structural Stability and Morphogenesis, by Rene Thom (Catastrophe theory)
W.A.Benjamin, INC., Reading MA. 75.
Laws of Form by Brown, the key operator for the calculus of forms, (inside vs outside) is
equivalent to the biological concept: membrane.
The Awakened Mind: Biofeedback and the Development of Higher States of Awareness.
by Naxwell Cade, Element Books, Dorset. in the U.S. % Anna Wise, The Evolving Institute,
1408 Pine St., Boulder, CO. 80302. (Mind Mirror, EEG display & feedback
SUMMARY ON IMMORTALITY- First of all, let us define: (from all best available data), where it is we need to go.
Answer: (in a phrase).. "Get yourself woven as a wave into the stars.." (all local waves are too short).
The title of this article might well be: RECIPES FOR BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY.
Immortality is merely an anthropomorphic way of saying, get into a wave that is distributable and therefore sustainable.
The Adapa (Adam) ritual that kept Enlil alive inside his temple (Edin & Sol O mon ) was a mechanical way of aligning that gene splicing vampire into PLANET AND STAR ALIGNMENTS CAPACITIVELY! (Became the Hebrew name for inner sanctum and Barrakah).
Herein lies a clue. Get yourself well embedded inside a charge wave, and by golly if that is not a LAUNCH PAD. (see the dodec in the movie CONTACT.)
Gilgamesh was pissed that the Annunaki would not let him be immortal, so he wrote.. "turn left at Orion" steer yourself into the stars.. that's how!
The Annunaki star map on Giza ( was a pent phi spiral pointing to Star embedding.
The ceiling at Dendara was a shamanic map to star embedding.
"Jitterbug Perfume" was a map to biological immortality (once you understood that the beet squeezins with the hydrotherapy, deep breathing and tantra.. were heart squeezins.)
The book "The Eight" was a chess board map to biological immortality.. (Get the right gene-fires/extended family in the right symmetry chess board to implode sustainably.) (Not unlike getting the right extended family combination of bacteria in a cows stomach or a compost pile... A sustainable fire is the definition of the sacred).
The how to die manual for the cathars (Voynich), was a star map. Liken unto the Tibetan book of the dead as road turns for bardo (death spire) navigation. ref:
Religion was a name for turning yourself into star waves for the mindless. (Un-principled... I dont want to know WHY it works, that would be empowering... just give me a mindless cookbook).
Now somewhere in all this Yalweh meets X files drama between the Gold Eating and the getting yourself INTO the star map stuff, lies a PRINCIPLE TO BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY. Let us line up our clues:
1. Gold Powder presents a pent implosive valence symmetry to blood solubility. At see also for the valence picture map: . Ormes Golde Powder CAN exist in the totally "self contained" mono-atomic state precisely because THE NUCLEAR FIELD BECOMES IN-PHI-KNITLY DISTRIBUTABLE.. Makes a killer nozzle for DNA squirt guns. ref
2. All the effective star maps were PHI / Golden Mean based PENT that is idealized into recursion/embedding symmetry. (many examples at )
3. The key portion of the INTENT field which made true ALCHEMY work to MAKE GOLD, was a PHI HARMONIC SERIES AROUND THE EKG.
4. Your DNA rings up alive, with PHI harmonics in your EKG ( as the ultimate lie detector ), whenever your focus settles on something shareable (distributable). See the technical use of the term "hot blooded" in most issues of PLAYBOY magazine. The same tantric (sustained) DNA excitation was the verified trigger to time travel at Montauk and Incunabula. What is the connection between the word EROTIC versus the word ELECTRICALLY DISTRIBUTABLE?
(The glue to hold the travel worms together superluminally (see the Dodecahedron in "Contact").. enables coherent wave fronts to return from the superluminal, UNscrambled. (MEMORY see INCUNABULA time travel..) Incunabula, Tantric wormholes and the bardo bridge, the antenna cocoon for human eros to produce shaamanic time tunnels)
Clearly, at the core of DNA seen vertically down the tube, we do see the same PENT symmetry as all the star maps, and in the outer valence of GOLD. (animations at ) Somehow the ability of wave fronts to add recursively their velocity thru light speed, creates a worm which 'hauls ass'. We get erotically exited when the DNA legitimately senses a prospect for sustaining itself. This is exquisitely appropriate survival "instinct" (more REAL knowing) for DNA. (which REALLY KNOWS!)
There is a relationship between EROTIC excitation and PHI harmonics in the EKG (learning to implode/braid DNA by phonon pony tail field entrainment). We measured this recently very successfully in LA with a male executive stuck in your head type repeatedly unable to get any interval between EKG harmonics other than 1.0 hz (Emotional Index on the Heart Monitor). Stuck there (in his head/membrane making but no membrane bridging emotions), he begged his lady friend who then passionately KISSED him. Whereupon his EKG interharmonic interval (E.I. Emotional Index on the HeartLink ) moved DRAMATICALLY toward the more sustainable .62 (Golden Ratio Embedable). This was by no means an isolated occurence. We also see this in tantric couples.
Essentially during the REAL FEELING OF REACHING OUT TO TOUCH (as opposed to holding in to CONTAIN), the fields around the heart re-create donuts that can implode/embed by PHI instead of OCTAVE or cubic ratios in their toroid voltage diameters. This creates a situation where more (charge) wave fronts can share pressures in PHASE to ONE crest, non-destructively OR as we say a distributable or SHAREABLE emotion.
So the same impulse toward a distributable EKG charge field which occurs in a little boy DREAMING OF GETTING A PUPPY, happens during EFFECTIVE KISSING. This IS NOT A BIOLOGICAL ACCIDENT.
This principle we need to understand, since presumeably it is literally at the "Heart" of the mechanism to biological immortality. In as sense, the psychological language for this road map to the stars, would be HOW TO ACCESS THE PASSION IN YOUR OWN GENES.
"Have you harvested any genetic memories for the galactic core today?" You can tell if you felt your blood rush: the tingle in your DNA. That genetic wisdom IS NO LONGER A COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS.. it NOW HAS A VOICE.. (I am feeling right now as I write THIS sentence, such a tremendous tingling all over my body, that I must ask you if you are in here with me RINGING? ) It has become self-aware, and is thus (correction to Jung here) now a COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS.
It could SELF-STEER. That SURVIVAL is, like our republic, if we take self-responsibility FOR and.. INHABIT/EMBED AND FEEL FOR... THE WHOLE. This is not the same as: 'how comfortable it is to let 'God' (the borg) (something OUTSIDE me) do all the steering!
The use of the term GOD here is tricky, because on the one hand it's current useage AS A WAY TO MAKE PEOPLE GIVE UP DISCOVERING WHAT STEERS US INTO STARS FOR OURSELVES, is clearly a travesty of enslavement used by the Reptilian priest/kings heritage to CONTROL. (Don't FIGURE OUT FOR YOURSELF THE PURPOSE OF YOUR EXISTENCE, your GOD/master/enslaver will do that for you). This is very much confused BY THE PRIESTS WITH ALCHOHOL ON THEIR BREATH, with making GodLessness the same as having no respect for the Collective Intuitive Awareness (the REAL CIA). Respect for (becoming embedded in) the wave of ecstatic electricity growing inside our VERY SHARED DNA WAVE, IS INDEED THE MOST HIGH POSSIBLE SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE. The shameful pathetic agony of eating a little host (communion), meant originally to be white gold powder cake, absolutely PALES IN COMPARISON TO A MOMENT OF TRUE ECSTATIC COMMUNION and sustainable kundalini/tantra. (ref: for psychophysiology of environmental effects of..) Yet you will never find a priest teaching true ecstatic movement BECAUSE THAT WOULD END THE NEED FOR PRIESTS.8
1. The experience of PASSION is related to getting into the geometry of embedding . Sex is better in a pent circle of old druid Oak trees for a REASON. Tantra is more effective when in embedable accord to TIMING (which also needs to be fractal) star maps. REAL Astrology is actually measureable as capacitors change charge levels effected only by major star alignments. Ref: the Greg Hodowanec work. Gravity is a name for capacitance gone fractally implosive as a charge wave. Ref:
2. Getting DNA braided into sustainable implosion - WHICH IS BIOLOGIC IMMORTALITY- is exactly the same as getting it's wave structure into PHI harmonics. ( ) DNA comes from our parents with whole lots of PHI ratios in its natural MICRO structure. HOWEVER, increasingly braiding the LONGER WAVE (EKG PHONON & LONG WAVE piezoelectric "singing") MACRO STRUCTURE into genes, requires the investment of coherent emotion along with the disciplines of principled hygiene. (Eat hacked up gene foods and sleep in a metal magnetic jungle city, and your heart dies..)
There is no specifically esoteric secret about what will get your blood boiling. You already know. You have just been ignoring it. So here was a little pent/phi recursion symmetry physics to nudge you to decide to listen. Go where your DNA sings and you will inhabit stars. Choose convenient assimilation, and you will join your borg ancestors in the only hell there is: the destructive unembedable wave interference called "heat" where the uncompressible (waves/people/DNA) are sorted from the shareable.
Quantum phenomena in biology (DNA) - see link for all the journal references - - Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST)
Already the eminent quantum physicists Fritz London and Niels Bohr suggested that quantum phenomena might be essential for life processes. During the last decade especially, increasing evidence is accumulating that indicate that this is indeed the case. Especially the experimental work of Garajev et al (see point 1 below) indicates that a radical reinterpretation of the regulatory mechanisms of DNA is required.
Below you find brief summaries of some interesting texts along with links to their sources. 1. Genetic code only half the story - DNA is a quantum mechanical biowave computer
Recent research has demonstrated that electromagentic signals are of key importance in the regulatory functioning of DNA . Part of it is based on ultraviolet luminence creating biophotons that have been experimentally demonstrated to be able to enhance metabolic reactions thousandfold (1). Another aspect is an electromagnetically mediated "language" for communication between DNA and the cells. Actually laser light generated in DNA, experimentally demonstrated by P.P. Garajev (2),(3) is a key element in this information transmission system.
Excerpt from: - Gariaev P et al, "The DNA-wave Biocomputer" (3)
"...These assumptions produce a chromosome apparatus and fast wave genetic information channels connecting the chromosomes of the separate cells of an organism into a holistic continuum, working as the biocomputer, where one of the field types produced by the chromosomes, are their radiations. This postulated capability of such "laser radiations" from chromosomes and DNA, as will be shown, has already been demonstrated experimentally in Moscow, by the Gariaev Group. Thus it seems the accepted notions about the genetic code must change fundamentally, and in doing so it will be not only be possible to create and understand DNA as a wave biocomputer, but to gain from nature a more fundamental understanding of what information [Marcer in press] really is! For the Gariaev Group's experiments in Moscow and Toronto say that the current understanding of genomic information i.e. the genetic code, is only half the story [Marcer this volume]. "
1. Kaznacejev V. P., Michailova L. P. Ultraschwache Luminiszenz in interzellularen Interaktionen. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1981 (in Russian.)
2. Garjajev P. P. Der wellengenetische Code. 1997, ISBN 5-7816-0022-1 (in Russian.)
3. Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf, "The DNA-wave Biocomputer" at
Comment These experimental findings about DNA control of cellular processes mediated by electromagnetic/quantum mechanical mechanisms have not been considered by biotechnology researchers. They introduce important new elements that radically change our understanding of the workings of DNA. Most importantly, they seriously undermine the present biotechnological dogma where DNA is treated as a micro-object that is "clipped" and "glued". In stead, so far completely unknown Quantum Wave aspects have been found to be involved that may radically change our understanding of what happens in genetic engineering.
This reveals another aspect of the great incompleteness of the knowledge of present biotechnology." end quote from article
added April 06:Universal spectrum for DNA base C+G concentration variability in Human chromosome Y
A. M. Selvam, Deputy Director (Retired), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune 411 008, India
Email:, , (many articles on fractal self-similarity / chaos )
4.3 Power spectral analyses: dominant periodicities - The general systems theory predicts the broadband power spectrum of fractal fluctuations will have embedded dominant wavebands, the bandwidth increasing with wavelength, and the wavelengths being functions of the golden mean. - (other exerpts)...
The spatial distribution of DNA base sequence A, C, G and T exhibit selfsimilar fractal fluctuations - - - In this paper it is shown that the frequency distribution of the bases C+G in all available contiguous sequences for Human
chromosome Y DNA exhibit model predicted quantum-like chaos.
Keywords: fractals, chaos, self-organized criticality, quasicrystalline structure, quantumlike chaos
1. Introduction- Long-range space-time correlations, manifested as the selfsimilar fractal geometry to the spatial pattern, concomitant with inverse power law form for power spectra of space-time fluctuations are generic to spatially extended dynamical systems in nature and are
identified as signatures of self-organized criticality. A representative example is the selfsimilar fractal geometry of His-Purkinje system
whose electrical impulses govern the interbeat interval of the heart. The spectrum of interbeat intervals exhibits a broadband inverse power law form fa where f is the frequency and a the exponent. Selforganized criticality implies non-local connections in space and time, i.e., long-term memory of short-term spatial fluctuations in the extended dynamical system that acts as a unified whole communicating network.
- - -
2.3 Quasicrystalline structure The flow structure consists of an overall logarithmic spiral trajectory with Fibonacci winding number and quasiperiodic Penrose tiling pattern for internal structure (Fig.1). Primary perturbation ORO (Fig.1) of time period T generates return circulation OR1RO which, in turn, generates successively larger circulations OR1R2, OR2R3, OR3R4, OR4R5, etc., such that the successive radii form the Fibonacci mathematical number series, i.e., OR1/ORO= OR2/OR1 = .= t where t is the golden mean equal to (1+ 5)/2 1.618. The flow structure therefore consists of a nested continuum of vortices, i.e., vortices within vortices.
Figure 1: The quasiperiodic Penrose tiling pattern which forms the internal
structure at large eddy circulations...
The quasiperiodic Penrose tiling pattern with five-fold symmetry has been identified as quasicrystalline structure in condensed matter physics (Janssen, 1988). The self-organized large eddy growth dynamics, therefore, spontaneously generates an internal structure with the five-fold symmetry of the dodecahedron, which is referred to as the icosahedral symmetry, e.g., the geodesic dome devised by Buckminster Fuller. Incidentally, the pentagonal dodecahedron is, after the helix, nature's second favourite structure (Stevens, 1974). Recently the carbon macromolecule C60, formed by condensation from a carbon vapour jet, was found to exhibit the icosahedral symmetry of the closed soccer ball and has been named Buckminsterfullerene or footballene (Curl and Smalley, 1991). Selforganized quasicrystalline pattern formation therefore exists at the molecular level also and may result in condensation of specific biochemical structures in biological media. Logarithmic spiral formation with Fibonacci winding number and five-fold symmetry possess maximum packing efficiency for component parts and are manifested strikingly in Phyllotaxis (Jean, 1992a,b; 1994) and is common to nature (Stevens, 1974; Tarasov, 1986).
The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from molds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, also known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remains mystery. Unlike normal genes, which carry the information that intracellular machinery uses to synthesize proteins, enzymes and other chemicals produced by our bodies, non-coding sequences are never used for any purpose. They are never expressed, meaning that the information they carry is never read, no substance is synthesized and they have no function at all. We exist on only 3% of our DNA. The junk genes merely enjoy the ride with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation. What are they? How come these idle genes are in our genome? Those were the question many scientists posed and failed to answer - until the breakthrough discovery by Prof. Sam Chang and his group.
Trying to understand the origins and meaning of junk DNA Prof. Chang realized that he first needs a definition of "junk". Is junk DNA really junk, (useless and meaningless) or it contains some information not claimed by the rest of DNA for whatever reason? He once mentioned the question to an acquaintance, Dr. Lipshutz, a young theoretical physicist turned Wall Street derivative securities specialist. "Easy," replied Lipshutz. "We'll run your sequence through the software I use to analyze market data, and it will show if your sequences are total garbage, "white noise", or there is a message in there." This new breed of analysts with strong background in math, physics and statistics are getting more and more popular with Wall Street firms. They sift through gigabytes of market statistics, trying to uncover useful correlation between the various market indexes, and individual stocks.
Working evenings and weekends, Lipshutz managed to show that non-coding sequences are not all junk, they carry information. Combining massive database of the Human Genome Project with thousands of data files developed by geneticists all over the world Lipshutz calculated Kolmogorov entropy of the non-coding sequences and compared it with the entropy of regular, active genes. Kolmogorov entropy, introduced by the famous Russian mathematician half a century ago, was successfully used to quantify the level of randomness in various sequences, from time sequences of noise in radio lamps to sequences of letters in 19th century Russian poetry. By and large, the technique allows researchers to quantitatively compare various sequences and conclude which one carries more information than the other does. "To my surprise, the entropy of coding and non-coding DNA sequences was not that different", continues Lipshutz. "There was noise in both but it was no junk at all. If the market data were that orderly, I would have already retired."
After a year of cooperation with Lipshutz, Chang was convinced, there is a hidden information in junk DNA. However, how could one understand its meaning if the information is never used? With active sequences you try to watch the cell and see what proteins are being made using the information. This wouldn't work with dormant genes. There will be experiment to test a hypothesis; one should rely on the power of his thought. Since there are letters, it should be tested in some old languages, perhaps Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew, and so on. Prof. Sam Chang solicited help from three specialists in the field, but none of them managed to find a solution. There were no cultural clues, no references to other known languages, the field was too alien for the linguists.
"I asked myself: who else can decipher a hidden message?" Chang continues. "Of course, cryptographers! ... exerpted here .... Eventually Prof. Chang was referred to Dr. Adnan Mussaelian, a talented cryptographer in the former Soviet republic of Armenia. Poor fellow barely survived on a $15 a month salary and occasional fees for tutoring children of Armenian nuveau riches. A $10,000 research grant was a struck of luck, he began working like a beaver.
Adnan promptly confirmed the findings of his Wall Street predecessor: The entropy indicated tons of information almost in the clear, it was not too strong cryptographic system, it didn't appear to be a tough problem. Adnan began applying differential cryptoanalysis and similar standard cryptographic techniques.
He was two months in the project when he noticed that all non-coding sequences are usually preceded by one short DNA sequence. A very similar sequence usually followed the junk. These segments, known to biologists as alu sequences, were all over the whole human genome. Being non-coding, junk sequences themselves, alu are one of the most common genes of all.
Trained as a cryptographer and computer programmer, and having no knowledge of microbiology, Adnan approached the genetic code as of computer code. Dealing with 0, 1, 2, 3 (four bases of genetic code) instead of 0s and 1s of the binary code was a sort of nuisance, but the computer code was what he was analyzing and deciphering all his life. He was on familiar territory. The most common symbol in the code that causes no action followed by a chunk of dormant code. What is that? Just playing with the analogy Adnan grabbed the source code of one his programs and fed it into the program that calculates the statistics of symbols and short sequences, a tool often used in decoding messages. What was the most common symbol? Of course, it was "/", a symbol of comment! He took a Pascal code, and it were { and } ! Of course, the code between two slashes in C is never executed, and is never meant to be executed; it is not the code, it is the comment to the code!
Being unable to resist the temptation to further play with the analogy, Adnan began comparing statistical distributions of the comments in computer and genetic code. There must be a striking difference. This should show up in statistics. Nevertheless, statistically, junk DNA was not much different from active, coding sequences. To be sure, Adnan fed a program into the analyzer: surprisingly, the statistics of code and comments were almost the same. He looked into the source code and realized why: there were very few comments in between the slashes, it was mostly C code the author decided to exclude from execution, a common practice among programmers.
Adnan, religiously inclined person, was thinking about the divine hand - but after analyzing the spaghetti code inside the sequences he convinced himself that whoever wrote the small code was not God. Who wrote the active, small coding part of human genetic code was not very well organized, he was a rather sloppy programmer. It looked like rather somebody from Microsoft, but at the time human genetic code was written, there was no Microsoft on Earth.
On Earth? It was like a lightning... Was the genetic code for all life on Earth written by an extraterrestrial programmer and then somehow deposited here, for execution? The idea was mad and frightening, and Adnan resisted it for days. Then he decided to proceed. If the non-coding sequences are parts of the program that were rejected or abandoned by the author, there is a way to make them work. The only thing one needs to do is to remove the symbols of comments and if the portion between the /*......*/ symbols is a meaningful routine it may compile and execute! Following this line of thought, Adnan selected only those non-coding sequences that had exactly the same frequency distribution of symbols as the active genes. This procedure excluded the comments in Marcian or Q, whatever it was. He selected some 200 non-coding sequences that most closely resembled real genes, stripped them of /*, //, and similar stuff and after few days of hesitation sent e-mail to his American boss, asking him to find a way to put them in E-coli or whatever host and make them work.
Chang did not replied for two weeks. "I thought I was fired", confessed Dr. Mussaelian. "With every day of his silence I more and more realized how crazy my idea was. Chang would conclude I was a schizophrenic and would terminate the contract. Chang finally responded and, to my surprise, he did not fire me. He had not bought my extraterrestrial theory but agreed to try to make my sequences work."
Biologists have attempted for years to make junk sequences express, without much success. Sometimes nothing turned out; sometimes it was junk again. It was not surprising. Grab an arbitrary portion of the excluded computer code and try to compile it. Most likely, it will fail. At best, it will produce bizarre results. Analyze the code carefully, fish out a whole function from the comments, and you may make it work. Because of careful Mussaelian's statistical analysis 4 of the 200 sequences he selected, began working, producing tiny amounts of a chemical compounds.
"I was anxiously awaiting the response from Chang," says Dr. Mussaelian. "Would it be a more or less normal protein or something out of ordinary? The answer was shocking: it was a substance, known to be produced by several types of leukemia in men and animals. Surprisingly, three other sequences also produced cancer-related chemicals. It no longer looked like a coincidence. When one awakens a viable dormant gene, it produces cancer-related proteins. Researchers began searching Human Genome Project databases for the four genes they isolated from junk DNA. Eventually, three of the four were found there, listed as active, non-junk genes. This was not a big surprise: since cancer tissues produce the protein, there must be somewhere a gene, which codes it! The surprise came later: In the active, non-junk portion of the code the gene in question (the researchers called it "jhlg1", for junk human leukemia gene) was not preceded by the alu sequence, i.e. the /* symbol was missing. However, the closing */ symbol at the end of "jhlg1" was there. This explained why "jhlg1" was not expressed in the depth of the junk DNA but worked fine in the normal, active part of the genome. The one who wrote the basic genetic code for humans excluded portion of the big code by embracing them in /*... */ but missed some of the opening /* symbol. His compiler seems to be garbage, too: a good compiler, even from terrestrial Microsoft, would most likely refuse to compile such program at all.
Prof. Sam Chang with his students began searching for genes associated with various cancers, and almost in all instances they discovered that those genes are followed by the alu sequence (i.e. protein as a comment closing symbol */), but never preceded by the comment opening /* gene! "This explains why diseases result in cell damage and their death, whereas cancers lead to cell reproduction and growth. Because only few fragments from the big code are expressed, they never lead to coherent growth. What we get with cancer, is expression of only few of genes alien to humans and symbiosis with some genes of bacterial parasites that lead to illogical, bizarre and apparently meaningless chunks of living cells. The chunks have its own veins, arteries, and its own immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs.
"Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can't know their motives - whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe. If we think about it in our human terms, the extraterrestrial programmers were most probably working on one big code consisting of several projects, and the projects should have produced various life forms for various planets. They have been also trying various solutions. They wrote the big code, executed it, did not like some function, changed them or added new one, executed again, made more improvements, tried again and again. Of course, soon or later it was behind schedule. Few deadlines have already passed. Then the management began pressing for an immediate release. The programmers were ordered to cut all their idealistic plans for the future and concentrate now on one (Earth) project to meet the pressing deadline. Very likely in a rush, the programmers cut down drastically the big code and delivered basic program intended for Earth. ( insert note here from Dan Winter- remembed when Enki / abRAm / 'Lucifer' / EA / Atun - decided to take the Paa Taal in his own sperm and short circuit a few hundred thousand years of Alpha Draconis genetic planning by fertilizing the transplanted Cro Magnon egg into Adam/Eve the gold {powder addiction} mining slaves?)
However, at that time they were (perhaps) not quite certain which functions of the big code may be needed later and which not, so they kept them all there. Instead of cleaning the basic program by deleting all the lines of the big code, they converted them into comments, and in the rush they missed few /* symbols in the comments here or there; thus presenting mankind with illogical growth of mass of cells we know as cancer."
exerpted here.. "However, from the programmer's point of view, there is also positive outlook in it. What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code. First fact is, the complete program was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is, that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in the game. What it is or where it is, we don't know. (insert note here from Dan Winter - hint - the charge compression of BLISS igniting DNA - BRAIDING LIGHTS UP THE CODONS - to GRAVITY MAKING implosion - this is rebellion politics for Enlil's Drac government - the original 'program' was DNA harvesting like the insurance and banking industry they installed on 300 or so planets - NOT the creation of Star Making DNA - which could overturn the borg Orion empire.. ) The third fact is, no creator of a new work, be it a composer, engineer or programmer, from Mars or Microsoft, will ever leave his work without the option for improvement or upgrade. Ingenious here is, that the upgrade is already enclosed - the "junk DNA" is nothing more than hidden and dormant upgrade of our basic code! We know for some time that certain cosmic rays have power to modify DNA. With this in mind, plausible solution is available. The extraterrestrial programmers may use just one flash of the right energy from somewhere in the Universe to instruct the basic code to remove all the /**/ symbols, fuse itself with the big code ("junk DNA") and jumpstart working of our whole DNA.
(insert note here: from Dan Winter - The shape of the optics waveguide to generate subcellular organs out of DNA - is called the SUMERIAN ALPHABET - as proven by microscopist George Merkel MD - 'Sumerian Elixir' / Chondriana. -also - Scientists have measured that a thread of DNA like a monofilament of gold will become superconductive when zapped with hi amperage at the moment of crystallization.. -. - This is like the function of lightening in "Powder"- the movie, and the function of the (implosion communion fusion producing ) charge collapse process in DNA called {NEAR} DEATH EXPERIENCE - Compare this to the biophysics of KUNDALINI - - which FEELs like lightening and produces huge microwave cellular (ATP) emissions . Finally - notice how all this massive charge compression ambiance completes its necessary fractality (harmonic inclusiveness) - as our Solar maximum ('Rapture") triggering Galaxy has her 'Seyfert" burst (cancer preventing - sorts non compressible DNA -OUT - of solar systems like ours - hint to the lo grade shapeshifters {'Dick' -with the mechanical heart- Cheney} running the US military - your days are numbered ) necessary -orgasm. . Talk about a DNA trigger.. below we suggest to plot the geometry and begin to use spectrum analysis tools to optimize the gravity ("God") making in our DNA - end insert )
conclusion of above article - That would change us forever, some of us within months, some of us within generations. The change would be not too much physical, (except no more cancers, diseases and short life), but it will catapult us intellectually. Suddenly, we will be in time comparable to coexistence of Neanderthals with Cromagnons. The old will be replaced giving birth to a new cycle. The complete program is elegant, very clever self-organizing, auto-executing, auto-developing and auto-correcting software for a highly advanced biological computer with build-in connection to the ageless energy and wisdom of the Universe. Software wise, within us is either short and diseased life, or potential for a super-intelligent super-being with a long and healthy life. This triggers puzzling questions - was the reduction to the basic code done by sloppy programmers in a rush (as it appears to us), or was the disabling of the big code purposeful act which can be cancelled by a "remote control" whenever desired?"
Soon or later, we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is not what we think it is. This discovery may well shake the very roots of humanity - our beliefs in our concept of God and in our own power over our destiny....." end exerpts from article
If you take the progamming braiding in your DNA toward gravity making and star bending bliss ignition - seriously - your only hope for self empowerment, then you should begin to think HOW you develop the inner muscles to generate that (cadduceus) braiding algorhythm. This is where self-empowering biofeedback - in conjunction with live food diet, charge dense (sacred) environment, and YOGA - play a role. Thanks to Jan Cisek - for this note "I think you're in the right times with your bliss/heart tuner: ref - , Hope all is well jan"- article quote: New Scientist magazine
Positive feedback : Thought control is easier than you might imagine
IT SOUNDS a bit New Age, but there is a mysterious method of thought control
you can learn that seems to boost brain power. No one quite knows how it
works, and it is hard to describe exactly how to do it: it's not relaxation
or concentration as such, more a state of mind. It's called neurofeedback.
And it is slowly gaining scientific credibility.
Neurofeedback grew out of biofeedback therapy, popular in the 1960s. It
works by showing people a real-time measure of some seemingly uncontrollable
aspect of their physiology - heart rate, say - and encouraging them to try
and change it. Astonishingly, many patients found that they could, though
only rarely could they describe how they did it.
More recently, this technique has been applied to the brain - specifically
to brain wave activity measured by an electroencephalogram, or EEG. The
first attempts were aimed at boosting the size of the alpha wave, which
crescendos when we are calm and focused. In one experiment, researchers
linked the speed of a car in a computer game to the size of the alpha wave.
They then asked subjects to make the car go faster using only their minds.
Many managed to do so, and seemed to become more alert and focused as a
This early success encouraged others, and neurofeedback soon became a
popular alternative therapy for ADHD. There is now good scientific evidence
that it works, as well as some success in treating epilepsy, depression,
tinnitus, anxiety, stroke and brain injuries.
And to keep up with the times, some experimenters have used brain scanners
in place of EEGs. Scanners can allow people to see and control activity of
specific parts of the brain. A team at Stanford University in California
showed that people could learn to control pain by watching the activity of
their pain centres (New Scientist, 1 May 2004, p 9).
But what about outside the clinic? Will neuro feedback ever allow ordinary
people to boost their brain function? Possibly. John Gruzelier of Imperial
College London has shown that it can improve medical students' memory and
make them feel calmer before exams. He has also shown that it can improve
musicians' and dancers' technique, and is testing it out on opera singers
and surgeons.
Neils Birbaumer from the University of TÕbbingen in Germany wants to see
whether neurofeedback can help psychopathic criminals control their
impulsiveness. And there are hints that the method could boost creativity,
enhance our orgasms, give shy people more confidence, lift low moods, alter
the balance between left and right brain activity, and alter personality
traits. All this by the power of thought. >From issue 2501 of New Scientist magazine, 28 May 2005, page 28
The 'RINGing' which causes thoughts / emotions to become objects is the implosive nature of DNA which when braided recursively by BLISS compresses charge in the only process (charge compression) which turns light (ether) into matter. (and DNA into its real destiny as a gravity making star bender) .The index to those possible angles of (Golden Ratio) compression is precisely the equation for the origin of most alphabets of Earth - specifically including Hebrew and Arabic... for the specific reason that only those biological structures which USE that symmetry discipline get to be sustainable (immortal).
DNA is a shapeshifting mag worm which merely bends itself as a wave around the fields we form by bending the magnetism we call emotion and sacred space. It is a relatively passive mechanical linkage device designed to helpfully slow down the rate at which emotions become objects- so that we FEEL and understand the connection between CREATION and what we just now felt. Once the need for slowing down that response of stars to feeling, no longer exists - then DNA is replaced by its own etheric essence (superluminal compression field) - and we can bend light by implosion directly (only love bends the light / embedding).
If we choose consistent spin-dense and sustainable magnetic environments - then DNA responds by adding that inertia to our life force - so that eventually we gather the inertia to properly create stars and become suns ourselves. Otherwise we die a death which is permanent. DNA is merely a biofeedback device to tell us when we have consciously chosen the CHARGE and LIFE FORCE <> - which makes us sustainable. Short-circuiting the function of DNA by changing the spin links we call codons mechanically (genetic engineering) is not only un-sustainable and destructive - but it fundamentally ignores the design of nature - which was that DNA help us take responsibility for the SHAPE OF MAGNETISM - and so learn that bending light into shape is how we too may create stars.
To this, Dan, I would add the non-local component derived from Dee's Enochian language, which are true 4D geometric forms. Internalize and align with the cosmic processes and you have alchemy, pure and simple... (signed) Vincent" - to which Dan notes- again note the similarity between Alchemy - as black hole access- to Implosion - to Gold Powder charge symmetry - to what portends to align Galaxy wind with US - very soon!
.....Lost Self-Empowerment of the Sacred Ark:
book review originally by Dan Winter - of Laurence Gardner's new book: "Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark" - Dec 19, 04
Laurence Gardner has been idolized by many, and demonized by some. Of course our ancestors reptilian DNA has been idolized and demonized as well. In this way Larry (I am going to call him this without his permission) probably renders a service by helping us identify with the plight of our genetic ancestors. Like Enki (the RA in abRAham) Larry has a genetic problem. In the case of our Anunanki ancestors (the UR in HibiURu, and URushalaim) - part Dracos from Alpha Draconis- this genetic disaster was assiduously called NEPHALIM. This world more or less transliterated means NO PHI IN THOSE ELS. The ELS who did have PHI in their genes could make a phase shift . The word EL referred to this ability to translate the vorticity of the pattern of charge in their DNA - turning compression in to acceleration. If the the summit could be turned thru the speed of light - then biologic memory had a chance at time travel, lucid dreaming, and surviving death . In a word - all the needs that having a SOUL described. Unfortuneately the family line behind ENKI -(also called Lucifer, Atun, RA, EA etc) - and his celebrated and demonized brother Enlil (Michael, Yalweh, Amun etc) - had screwed up their DNA's ability to attract and radiate capacitance effectively enought to IMPLODE - and survive death (as in SHINING ONES). ( DNA physics for all this knotslipping is at )
What say we check to see if indeed the Arabic letter EL is in fact the SHAPE OF ALPHA DRACONIS shall we?
And like this messed up family of UR - LARRY also thinks that enough technology for gold electrification can replace bliss as a way to immortality. I propose that we be grateful to Larry for showing us the problem by becoming the problem. Larry's overly developed reptilian brain stem has evolved a significan amygdala, from this mouth of the snake brain he gains a certain snakelike ("LEVIte") perspective.This is not altogether a bad thing - in that the mouth of this snake IS the organ of perception of kundalini itself.
So here is what Larry get's right - with the celebrated aplomb of those who get there too late, he finally agrees that Akhanaton WAS Moses.
He figures out that the Moses effect is in large part the skill of the gold powder technician. He figures out that the ARK is a capacitor (hooray Larry - but we also suggest LIFE is a capacitor ).He figures out that the Electric DC of the ARK is the mechanism of popping the popcorn Gold atom. (This being where the Essenes picking up on what they inherited from Moses Akhanaton, made their money). Then he decides this Gold Powder is the missing piece of immortality. Swell Larry.. but we think you missed a few things... (ah.. like for one thing - Gold Powder Addiction is the PROBLEM and NOT the SOLUTION.)
First of all the KHEM in alKHEMy and KHEMistry means (as you correctly state ) "from the BLACKness". But the REASON it is called from the BLACKness is because this is the IMPLOSION skill to ACCESS or MAKE the BLACK HOLE. So Larry we think it would be helpful to explain to people that the REASON the capacitor call ARK - gained charge was because it's layering was FRACTAL. And that it had to gain charge by being placed in some place also FRACTAL (like the Michael line cave thru Michael s Island Azores - Assouras) . It is also worth noting that the atomic shape of the key PGM - Platinum Group Metals - Palladium specifically is DODECAHEDRAL. (Creating the capacitive charge field of the stellated Golden Ratio ) - see pictures.
Palladium-real shape..
The real sadness of Larry's world is his complete failure to understand what IMPLOSION is. He describes with apparent relish the non-destructive charge field of Imploding Mono-Atomics / gold powder etc. (Mono atomic gold disappears in a non-destructive electric cloud). But unfortuneately has with NO conception of Implosion - that is symmetrically in principle WHAT THE OPPOSITE TO EX-PLOSION might be. This total lack of understanding of the pure principle is then responsible for inability to build this fire from within. This creates the origin of addictive personalities - absence of in general of emphasis on SELF EMPOWERMENT - so characteristic of his work. (Like where is the message - make your own fire from within?)
Celtic Knots were about braid physics that puts a soul / implosion in DNA: (inages from - Dossier:Pour La Science-"Mathematiques Exotiques" avril/june 2005 - article:"Les Entrelacs Celtes"
Your Life DEPENDS on MAKING Gravity!
Perfect nesting / implosion compression = gravity creation? .. AKA-- Kepler's dream..
Grail Path of Charge into DNA
"Grail" Fractal - Dodeca Charge Field of DNA - in 12 Light Cones..