Kingston Day 1, SECOND section, exerpted (audio track in mp3 / quicktime- images below)
(If the mp3 sound track does not play - try loading kinstonb.mp3 directly here..)
IF you want first section> )
Introduction to Spiritual Science: Sacred Geometry
In physics- what survives death?
"Adding to the romance and mystery and beauty of sprituality using Physics"
selected exerpts only.. from > Kingston, London, UK Conference Nov 06.. with Dan Winter
acknowledgement to Christian Kyracou- Sacred Architecture..
main index:
Online Film Index:
for your convenience to accompany the audio lecture.. a copy of the entire Implosion Powerpoint - web version - is below From - to leave the audio on, while allowing image scrolling- just load the link at left into a separate browser window.
Dan Winter's IMPLOSION POWERPOINT- master visuals index updated Dec 06
return to Main Implosion Group, index here > or
note the below are thumbnails for guide numerically - for full size>CLICK HERE- to LOAD THE PowerPoint Image set>
Review the Thumbnails Below to see the sections guide..(selecting which portions of the 420 images you wish to view)
Part 1- is Alchemy of Creation, slide 1-88
Part 2- Geometric Origins of Life Force as Charge Attraction , 89-113
Part 3- Tornado Self Steering and the Slip Knots of Creation, 114-136
Part 4 - Understanding Why Fractality is the Principle of LIFE , 137-150
Part 5- Pure Geometric Origin of Alphabets:To Symbolize is to EMBED, 151-207 (the animations are avail at: )
Part 6- Heart Harmonics and the Programming of DNA by BRAIDING , 208- 271
Part 7- HeartTuner, EKG Biofeedback, Heart Coherence plus BLISSTUNER and Physics of Enlightenment, 272-332
Part 8- BIOLOGIC Architecture and Intro to GRID Engineering , 333-380
Part 9- Implosion, Orbital Nesting: Self Similarity the BIOLOGIC CAUSE of Gravity, 381-422