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Introduction to Science and Bliss / Peak Experience..

Understanding Urge to BLISS EXPERIENCE - Especially for YOUNG PEOPLE..

More at goldenmean.info/consciouskids -on the Conscious Kids - Lifestyle Science..(also pics below):
also see goldenmean.info/rainbowserpent - "Spirit and the RAVE CONCERT "
Message with Dan Winter - Filmed 1906 -
International Course Calendar - Course Handbook - Advanced Course

click here for the index to Implosion Group OnLine Televsion Videos.. goldenmean.info/implosionmovies

click here for the Main Implosion Group - Article Index.

also see Rainbow Serpent Festival- teaching Bliss Process as Self Empowerment- to 5000 Young People at Australia Largest 'Rave' Festival..
news/ press coverage etc. Access to Peak Experience / Bliss without Drugs- 'A Musical Harmonic Solution: Heart / Brain Harmonics'

Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality

Conscious Kids - Spiritual Path in Simple Science for the Young and Young at Heart - Bliss, Ecstacy, & Immortality Explained

Dan Winter's newest Book - Shipping - Early Jan. - Simplified Language - about DNA & Bliss Making Gravity and Immortal Soul..- Lavishly Illustrated..
200 pages ..

Color Front Cover: conkidsfrontcover.pdf

NEW: Inside Cover (Color pdf- Bliss Tuner info) : insidecover.pdf

Color Back Cover: conkidsbakcover.pdf

First section (30 page) sample.. 2.2 meg : consciouskidsApt1.pdf

Second section (30 page) sample.. 2.4 meg : consciouskidsApt2.pdf

Third section (42 page) sample.. 3.2 meg : consciouskidsApt3.pdf

Fourth section (30 page) - 2.9 meg : consciouskidsApt4.pdf

NEW Revised June04: Fifth section (50 page) - 600k..-. : consciouskidsApt5.pdf