New Science and ART of Gravity with Dan Winter
Fractality is what makes plasma centripedal.. AND what holds your aura together.
Update: April 15,2010: The below article features good introductory films on Dan Winter's NEW Grand Unified Field: HOW-FRACTALITY Causes Gravity-
To See the Accompanying Science Article: with Technical Links- See New Update: Phase Conjugation/Fractality-Cause of Self Organization in General at
2 Films Here: English and Spanish
Dan Winter - 09 - Recent: - Cardiff Oct 3-4, - London Oct 8, - Barcelona University Oct 17, International Occult Science Radio Oct 22.
Dan Winter- Immediately Upcoming: - Rimini Nov 6-8 , - Turin 2009&2010, - Paris Nov 10-11, - Suffolk UK Nov14-15,
- Calgary Nov 21-25, - Vancouver/Salt Spring Dec 12-13, - Byron-Australia (Jan-Feb 2010)
Return to Main FILM Index - Return to Main English Index - Return to Main Spanish Index - Return to
Watch New Fractal SCIENCE and ART.. of Gravity: & How Your Aura Gets Centripedal ( at |
Click here for PART TWO of this film- English and Spanish: The Gravity Geometry and Magic of DNA!
When Charge or Plasma Becomes Centripedal... That is called LIFE - and THAT is precisely what Golden Ratio Fractality Accomplishes!
NEW!- This DVD Set in Full Resolution - PLUS
SIX DVDs in SPANISH with Dan Winter -- Oct 09- INCLUDES "IMPLOSION" BOOK! in PDF
50Euro+10Ship(Anywhere)=60Euro Total- as Listed at (PAL Format-plays on ALL computer DVD players&most TV players)
New- Dan Winter's BOOK - en Espanol -as PDF- PLUS- FIVE DVD SET..50 Euro+10 Ship(Anywhere)
Above film with Dan Winter- Filmed at Cognos 2010:
-From the Barcelona Event:(Background for this series in Barcelona:
-------------also new Oct 22,09: Occult Science Radio Interview with Dan Winter- Intense 90 Min Interview:
Calgary, November
Applied to architecture, sustainable design and community planning
Building with the "FRACTAL FIELD"
by Dan Winter.
Edited and additions by Roger Green
Taught at the upcoming conference by Michael Rice
concept of Bio-Architecture was pioneered by Dan Winter. He has been
teaching the
scientific principles behind sacred geometry, healthy dwellings and
experiences' internationally for many years. ( /
Green has sponsored these activities for nearly a decade). Recent conferences on Bio-Architecture
have been in Budapest, Mexico City and Wales. Michael Rice, an award
architect from Ireland, is a great example of applying these principles
reality with his work at
Michael and Dan are presenting at the Breakthru-Technologies conference in November.
The FRACTAL FIELD principles are revolutionizing almost everything in science - from the essential principle of the CAUSE of gravity, to being able to discuss in detail how consciousness / awareness is created, to natural healing and to peace making on this planet. It explains black hole theory, unified field theory and much moreÉ and importantly, it moves forward our ancient understandings of the order of the universe into a scientific measureable language.
Bio- Architecture is a set of principles for design, construction and land use which utilizes the necessary 'fractal' shapes, which allow all living systems to thrive.
Bio-architecture puts into practice the simple rules which allows building and community plans to become 'FRACTAL'
A fractal is the 'charge fields' which nature uses to place 'energy' into everything. Charge/chi/prana, biology, DNA and all living things are based on the golden mean ratio and fractality because this allows all biological memory to be stored and to radiate efficiently.
A fractal can be described as the 'electric flower shape' of self-organization called manifestation, growth, healing, awareness and attention.
You have all seen pictures of beautiful fractals – they allow you to zoom in forever and always see the same pattern repeated. Remember how meditative, entrancing, and almost spiritual those images are. The same properties, which cause fractals to 'suck in' your eyes and your focus, are what cause such patterns to 'suck in' – or attract or implode energy fields!
Understanding what science is calling an attractor for energy – by introducing FRACTALITY – is as easy as visualizing a rose. The place in an electric space – where energy is drawn – is where the most number of energy (or charge or 'chi') waves can converge without destructive interference. This concept of constructive compression – is exactly what is behind FRACTALS.
We have all seen pictures of broccoli and ferns – showing how the best of biology is always fractal. The good news is we now understand WHY the best of biology is fractal. The real secret of living architecture– is that fractality CONCENTRATES LIFE FORCE. We all know we want to create and live in sacred space. We all know that our senses come alive inside circles of ancient stones and trees.
In simple terms it is this: compare how you feel in pristine nature (alive) to how you feel in an electro-smog trapped building made of steel and aluminum -which inhibits ALL growth. It is death and disease creating because all life requires the opposite energy field.
We all know that buildings with lots of aluminum and steel and electro smog – feel really bad. Electro-smog is the source of the nausea and sickness you feel when too many electrical transformers are near your body– like the one for your computer. But electro-smog and aluminum did not exist when Feng Shui was invented! Plus university architects sometimes don't seem to care about the feeling quality of a space.
Now we have an emerging science called Bio-Architecture, which supports the ancient feeling quality of Feng Shui and 'healthy dwellings' with hard science. What we have been calling the beautiful way energy or CHI breathes in a building feels when it is made of all living material can now be explained and measured precisely in a science class. The essential part is that every time a molecule or particle wants to join the fun club called 'living material' it gets electrically rearranged a bit toward rose like FRACTAL nesting geometry. This is sometimes called perfect nesting, perfect branching, perfect embedding etc.
The 'Blissful Whisper Breath Feeling' you get when you enter 'Sacred Space' is in fact the efficient distribution of biological charge.
Applying this to architecture - we now see exactly why the design of living space must be exactly that - an electrically living space. An electrically alive space (sometimes called 'sacred') - is simply the space where charge can breathe efficiently and thus achieve the (multiply connected / holographic and fractal) distributed resonance called awareness. Ability to return to center (self-refer) for waves and charge - defines birth of self-awareness.
FRACTALITY allows this exquisite efficiently distributed or 'Shareable Field' to NOURISH ALL BIOLOGY. However squarish buildings full of metal and non-fractal material (molecules whose charge was not originally fused in phase with biology) create a fractionating electric field - which eventually destroy the germinating seed, the human immune system, human bliss - and even the very souls of our children.
That perfected charge distribution - is the definition of LIFE ITSELF!
It serves everything alive- and by applying those principles we can REINVENT ARCHITECTURE and DESIGN
Buildings full of steel and aluminum are opposite to fractal, they prevent charge from breathing efficiently between frequencies. It is not the iron in steel or bauxite / alum in aluminum that makes its energy field poison to life. It is the non-fractal source of the heat, which pushed the molecules into their unhappy geometry. Iron is a life- maker when bonded biologically. However the non-fractal (non phase conjugate) bond geometry of steel – means when you touch it – your aura and the 'feeling' in your hand goes numb. The REASON steel and aluminum make you numb – is something your ARCHITECT needs to know. It is similar to the electro-smog we discussed above. Waves that don't fit fractal like nests – prevent the electric field of biological awareness from being distributed.
The premise behind bio-architecture is that all life responds well to design that is in accordance with nature and avoids harmful materials and too many sharp corners, which bleed capacitive charge. The ultimate goal of bio-architecture is to create fractal charge fields that are implosive in nature and encourage life, positive DNA resonance and charge implosion.
To create healing and bliss / peak experience (the end of A.D.D / autism / addiction / cancer / disease) we now can state with absolute electrical precision that the function of architecture is absolutely the SKILL TO BUILD A BIOLOGICALLY FRACTAL (phase conjugate) CAPACITOR!
If these rules are followed - (in conjunction with live food happy DNA diet + yoga kinesthetic bodywork) biology will be healed and bliss will erupt spontaneously! We like a happy ending...
As Above- So Below and the principles of 'Bliss making' Life and growth requires a 'Fractal Field'. Anciently, from the western esoteric traditions, and from the Taoist of China, this was referred to as 'As above, so Below'.
The beauty of spiritual and consciousness raising work – is that they ultimately teach us universal and shareable pure principles. The beauty of using science to teach Bio-architecture, Feng Shui and sacred space- is also that these principles perfectly link all ancient traditions and religion – into what Moses, Buddha, Einstein and Christ all agreed on: a unified field in which mind and spirit exist at a bindu or omega or FRACTAL point at which all waves (and people!) agree.
It is so elegantly simple- DNA is built on fractal principles so it can suck in and embed in the electric field of it's environment. When we say spiritually 'I am the body and blood of Christos', we mean that we become the field and consciousness of our environment precisely by fractally nesting or embedding in it.
This is the invitation to compress perfectly and invite maximum harmonics inside biology, is the science behind bio-architecture, sacred geometry and Feng Shui and also exactly the physics of bliss. Bliss happens inside your body- exactly the way the Feng Shui 'sweet spot' happens in a building. Electrically speaking it literally first 'gently enfolds like rose petals' - then 'blossoms like a rose'.
A pine cone or a rose unpacks to begin gathering its own charge or chi from its environment in the same way your DNA and your EKG get fractal to suck in charge from gravity itself. This is the birth of self-empowerment, becoming the divine principle.
When you start to feel some bliss or peak experience your whole body begins sucking in its electric environment – making the outside into part of your inside. Fractal fields are required to sustain bliss and enlightenment- because they allow this radiance to propagate with electric efficiency
Unifield Field Theory Physics has no quarrel with the essential insight of Einstein and all religions that the universe is made of only a single substance: a unified field. What has been a bit troublesome has been to map the symmetry or wave pattern relationship between some of the attractions observable in that unified field.
The problem of getting to a complete idea of that 'unified field' was delayed by the fact that physics initially failed to observe a fundamental symmetry connection between such attractions as electrical versus gravity. This was simply because the principle of compression that produced acceleration eluded them. The solution to MAKING that charge compressor that DID accelerate - is and was FRACTALITY ... 'self-similar', which you how know, looks like a rose.
This is how we recently solved Einstein's dilemma about finding the shape (symmetry), which allows waves to infinitely compress. (Instead of "The Perfect Storm" - we get "The Perfect Tornado").
The answer was really simple, you take the Golden Ratio branching called Phylotaxis, which is the definition of all plant life unpacking, and arrange capacitors in the same way, and you solve the problem of PACKING.
Fractality When something is compressive it is fractal, each part relates to the whole (fraction-of-the-all), the inner is as the outer. When biology arranges molecules into a fractal it accomplishes perfected (non-destructive) distribution of charge – called LIFE.
The Golden Ratio, or Divine Proportion
The Golden Ratio, or Divine Proportion, is the key proportion behind these processes that beget life. It is the most beautiful ratio in Nature, and the very bond that holds everything together through ratio, resonance and self-similar harmony at all levels.
From DNA, plants, animals, humans and the solar system, to music, quarks, pyramids and hurricanes, the golden section is in everything.
The Golden Mean or Divine Proportion (1.618...) is the original definition of beauty and perfection in art and architecture. The Golden Mean spiral it creates is an essential biologic and spiritual principle because it allows waves of energy or 'chi' to turn around and re-enter themselves. This creates perfect compression – and that is a requirement to get perfect distribution of energy (good 'chi').
Implosion Life occurs when biological structures learn to gather charge in enough different wavelengths to cause them to compress or 'implode'. When enough different waves gather in one place in the Golden Mean ratio they begin to suck in an infinite number of other waves - but always in Golden Mean ratio. This is the only way the universe has of arranging an infinite (in-PHI-knit) number of waves to gather at ONE point without hurting each other.
This principle of IMPLODING waves causes them to stabilize and store charge, making a container that is harmonically inclusive, where no detrimental energy can exist and everything is sorted and self-aware.
Perfect compression of energy or CHI – is required for the perfect electrical distribution of that same field. And getting energy distributed with perfect FRACTAL efficiency is literally a universal requirement for life. Most every living protein (and tree branch) uses pent and phi based branching patterns. These patterns you learn in the classes, a major sponsor of the Breakthru-Technologies conference.
time living molecules nest in pent 5 sided shapes – they create stars
within stars all based on Golden Mean. This is how living material
alive – energy compression can breathe into and out of these little
'bindu point' centers. The 'bindu'
or 'omega' or implosion point at the center of fractality – is where
the waves agree to meet 'recursively'. In this way the outer poetry of living things is now teaching us
real inner physics of how organic materials – get a 'living' energy
field. The outer shape of our
living molecules AND our living buildings need to have this fractal
within them, so their energy fields can nourish all of biology.
Bio-Architecture allows perfect compression of fields-, which then creates perfect field effect DISTRIBUTION (perfect sharing of energy).
Create living space - some simple rules:
1. Use virtually all biologic materials - to create fractal charge field effects and avoid particularly aluminum and over use of steel - also plastics wherever at all possible.
2. Plan structures by observing for negative ion potential, and environmental magnetic maps- to find the place of healing (non-destructive charge compression). This involves the study of geomancy and feng shui.
3. Make detailed plans to eliminate most all electro smog. (Seriously poisonous to most biology)
4. Include paramagnetic stone arrays (dolmen, stone circle, labyrinth) kinds of structure external and or internal - to create rose petal like attraction for living charge.
As a rule of thumb we should employ building materials in a state closest to that in which they are found. The more coherent a material is the more vitality it will nurture.
We must favor materials that are most Fractal, that have a charge that Serves life, against materials that are not Fractal and are Poisonous to life.
Order: best first- worse last
Woods: Hardwood (close grained, hi mineral), Softwoods (loose grained, lo mineral)
Stones: Granite, limestone (paramagnetic). Sandstone, slate (diamagnetic). Glass
Fabric: Hemp, silk, cotton, wool, polyester, synthetic .
Gold, palladium, platinum, silver, copper, iron, tin, steel,
Sacred Architecture
One reason architecture should look like biology is that biological structures have discovered the materials and shapes, which allow the electrical fields we call LIFE to converge into self-organization and self-awareness. The ability to self-organize and "FUSE" charge into living form is the appropriate goal for architecture because it is the only way to achieve the electrical sustainability as a waveform.
"If Life Force equals the Ability to Attract and Self-Organize Capacitive Charge it now becomes possible to outline the Function of Architecture."
- Dan Winter
The reason a beehive or a Celtic straw hut in sea spray (researched by professor Phil Callahan) makes things live so long is because they are good capacitors. Ancient dolmen sites, fresh eggs and even cathedrals hold life in bliss in the spell of their charge, because they are 'in charge' - that is - FULL OF CHARGE.
Professor Phil Callahan discovers- that the straw hut dwellers near the sea in Wales, invariably lived to be 110 years old. He finds the trace mineral sea spray - baked in the sun on the straw- combined with the biologic capacitance of the hemp straw- to be a fabulous IMMORTALIZING CAPACITOR. We now know that the principle which puts functional 'DNA radio' at the core of living capacitance - is perfected PHASE CONJUGATION.
In other
words- these natives discovered:
By creating our buildings using the principles of sacred geometry, which reflect the patterns underlying all of life, we create spaces that resonate with the Order of Things (fractal) and which corral energy in a balanced and restorative way.
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry can be defined as an understanding of the underlying numerical and geometric Principles of Creation. Using an awareness of Ratio, or the relationship between two or more elements, Sacred Geometry demonstrates how everything in the Universe is inter-connected.
Sacred Geometry, or spiritual geometry, is a universal language of truth, harmony, beauty, proportion, rhythm and order. Architects and designers draw upon concepts of sacred geometry when they choose particular geometric forms to create pleasing, harmonious, and spiritually uplifting spaces.
Coherence in sacred geometry, physics and LIFE
The key word for understanding many principles in sacred geometry and the new physics is most certainly Coherence. This is a very real clue to understanding the concept of immortality, and the desire to promote life, which should motivate all our actions.
Something is coherent when it has undergone a process of internal sorting to become phase locked and self-aware. It can then undergo perfect compression deeper and deeper into itself with no further input of external energy, until it implodes and becomes perfectly ordered.
Food, Building Materials, Sacred Geometry, Empathic Stress, Emotions, Immortality, all of which perform optimally when their processes are driven by coherent energy distribution.
"We shall therefore borrow all our Rules for the Finishing our Proportions, from the Musicians, who are the greatest Masters of this Sort of Numbers, and from those Things wherein Nature shows herself most excellent and complete."
Battista Alberti (1407-1472)
Michael Rice workshop held at the
- Develop
a fundamental understanding of how Nature moves, grows and expresses
- Learn
the fundamentals of what is called 'Sacred Geometry' or Divine
- Learn
the Basic Principles of creating Harmonic or 'Sacred Space' by using
Ratio and Proportion
- See
how these Principles have been and are being used in Nature, Art and
- Learn
the Geometry of Compassion and Love
- Become
more aware of the Creative Power of our thoughts, feelings and
- Learn
the meaning of Coherence, Shareability and
Sustainability in our hearts
and our outer environments, and how to apply these principles to design
procedures, architecture and community planning.
Read more on Micheal's workshop:
Read more on accommodation, venue details
booking discount now extended to 7th November
Projects Innovations Inventions
Calgary, Rocky Mountains
November 21-25, 2009
Hydrogen Energy Revolution
New ground breaking research in establishing
frequency tunings based on Plank, Golden Ratio and Hydrogen atom. These
frequency recipes may be the most important and powerful that have ever
researched on this planet.
Read more >>>>>
Magnetic Water Technology
Polluted water is passed through breakthrough magnetic treatment and immediate sedimentation occurs, effectively separating and removing pollutants and making water potable. Read more here>>>>>
Eco Global Fuels
A unique method to split hydrogen and oxygen from water that is the most efficient - and cost effective - than any other method on this planet, and the most environmentally friendly way of production- only using the sun and the inherent energy of water.
Relies on carbon dioxide emissions to convert hydrogen into fuel, which will assist all industries looking to reduce their carbon footprint and at the same time producing renewable carbon neutral transportation fuels A principle of the company includes the original researcher with Yul Brown, (inventor of 'Browns Gas') Ross Spiros from Australia. Read more here>>>>>
Phase Conjugate Dielectrics
Phase Conjugate Cascade (Dielectrics) is the key to bioactive fields and has proven to optimize germination, fermentation, metabolic rates, tissue repair, and sedimentation. We now know that in air just like in water, when the electric symmetry is fractal and phase conjugate all the LIFE-FORCE energy will be massively optimized.
Revitalizing the soil
Over-farmed, barren and soil low in nutrients is re-energized and its fertility dramatically increased with revolutionary microbial technology which in tests has consistently increased crop yields by 40%.
Pain Relief Medical Technology
Patented new technology for non-invasive pain relief, free of side effects that can be used continuously to target pain throughout the body. Based on magnetic cascade, which eliminates pain and speeds healing. Trial testing has been achieved in hospitals.
Transport Fuel Enhancer
Fuel Efficiency Treatment. Molecular cluster size decreases by using Magnetic Phase Conjugate technology and at the same time increasing atomization efficiency - and therefore much increased fuel efficiency. Fuel consumption can be reduced by as much as 30-50%, saving billions and saving the planet from harmful emissions.
Global Pollution Clearing
Pioneering holographic research and applications for Carbon Footprint and Stabilization systems, includes groundbreaking work on 'Grid System Technology' (also more below here)
Unified Fractal Field Physics
Research and testing experiences in Bioactive and Phase Conjugate Measurement. Read more here>>>>>
Hypersonic Propulsion Transportation System
Works with the air not against it, separating the air before the vehicle enters it. It does that with no pollution of the atmosphere, and using renewable energy. All transport vehicles reach rapid speed, with low energy use.
A revolution in urban design and community planning – which can be scientifically proven by measurement. Understanding the geometrical patterns, fractality and mathematical proportions that create life in order to build and design with, has been largely forgotten in the world. We how have dead and sick buildings, that block our potentials.
Reinventing the Fashion Industry
The way to 'embed' completely into your environment and your "energy body". Includes material, genetic diversity, biological capacitors, trace mineral recipes, shape, patterns, colors and of course 'Fractalilty'.
Ormus - High Spin State Superconducting Matter
Ormus, ORME and m-state all are generic terms, which apply to any normally metallic elements in a spectroscopically "invisible" non-metallic form. These terms apply regardless of which method was used to obtain them or the relative effectiveness of the element.
Art and Science
Geometry as a Therapeutic Tool
We find ourselves in the midst of an immensely important transformative period. We are collectively involved in the transition of the old world dying and a new world being born. One of the biggest problems facing us is that we are living out of sync with nature and have done so for quite some time. As a result we have lost our connection to lifeÕs vital energies and the rhythms and cycles of the cosmos. We have become disjointed from our soul connection to the Earth and the world we live in.
Bloom the Desert
Returning LIFE FORCE and LIVING WATER with Fractal Field Technologies. With proper understanding of deep primary water- abundant water is available in the Desert. By combining sensitive cutting edge magnetic mapping, we are able to locate deep water- called 'primary water', even in very desert like conditions.
All details, accommodation, conference venue,
booking discounts, etc:
Bob and his group are expanding their holo-grid
network worldwide - Bob's developed the first version of this concept
18 years ago, and it has been refined since. In short, what Bob's
learned to do is to duplicate the "mind-body-consciousness interface"
a computer system and allow for it to be precisely tuned to optimize
Bob's technology enables us to create
consciousness-stabilizing holograms. As you may know, Spirit
down-steps into matter (life and bodies) and that connection and it's
reaching implications is the essence behind many aspects of the deeper
metaphysics of life. Many have described the experience of 'being
in the field' as similar to being with a dolphin and connecting in a
very deep manner. Others have reported amazing similar experiences -
others are speechless as they find there are no words to describe
In our holo-grid network, those participating allow us to
remotely fine tune our holo-grid software on a dedicated high speed
computer to synchronize with the rest of the holo-grid systems in
operation. This is done with a secure remote desktop application and
internet connection.
The holographic energy field matrix thusly
generated operates like a very large "light anchor", surrounding the
locations of the computer systems. We have found that being in the
or meditating in it is outstanding and highly energetically supportive.
may have felt that you have been chosen to participate in a higher
- we believe this may be one of those callings.
Presenting at the upcoming CONFERENCE , CALGARY NOVEMBER
˜Before his time inventor and designer of the
BioPacer and HoloPhone sonic- healing and Emotional Hologram effects.
Various movie producers, actors and artists have been exposed to his
in holographic energies. His state of the art technologies have been
in various consumer products, and his holographic waveform technology
allows people to be completely immersed in the listening and
experience. Bob proved his ‘Atmospheric-Pollution Reduction’
is effective in compensating for global pollutants, such as CO2,
high altitude water vapor, and other greenhouse
Early payment discount is extended to 7th November
more Updates- from Implosion Group & Dan Winter:
Also - upcoming in Spain- with Dan Winter, Bruce Lipton, Rollin McCraty, Marysol, Ananda...
en la Web de la fundación SOLIRIS indice.html
o escoger uno a uno entre 55 videos de 10 minutos cada, de estos o mas temas fundacionSOLIRIS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ soliris en construcción fundacionSOLIRIS fundacionSOLIRIS
http://FUNDACION-SOLIRIS., about future projects.
http:// CONCIENCIAdelosCambiosSOLARES., revelations about the future.
also- exerpt from new Oct 1:
Paris Press Release
Release date: Paris Conference Series- French and English- with Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter -2009
Hosted with Valerie Sandelin..Translation Consulting, and Networking.
.Nov 10 Eve, & Nov 11 Day- with Vincent and Dan,
Nov 11 - Evening "11-11" with Erik Berglund (Angel Harp & More), Dan and Vincent.
Also see Erik Berglund- French Tour web site:
Vincent will meet with media teams in Prague- Oct 20-28, 2009. He will be in South France- in consult with us- for Oct 29-Nov2. We have event planning meetings then in Turin.. Nov 4-8, Then Paris- above.
In addition- major conferences with Vincent and Dan Winter are planned for Spring 09 in Turin, Barcelona, and more..
AND> in conjunction with Sacred Geometry and Sacred Architecture- learning programs-
A virtual - Video - online interactive education program- is now available! : Course with Dan Winter:
AND - Stay tuned to the course outline page ( )
for a new online video interactive course on Angel Communication with Vincent Bridges.
Our general concept has been - among others- that one of the best ways for the Earth to survive the solar plasma wind- is to speak to the being of stellar mind.. "Angel" who inhabits that tornado. In the same way - we recognize potential loving intelligence we find in the centripedal plasma fields of nature and the plant kingdom called elementals and nature spirits- when we see the intelligence of living plasma on a stellar scale- we must come to realize how much love and mind is also present there... if we are to qualify like them to learn to inhabit stars - with our aura. This is the so called status of becoming SUN GODS so revered by our ancestors. Dan Winter,> more at
more- on Vincent and Dan in Paris:
Turin, Italy - 4 Day Trainings / Conference Retreat. Rural Italian Setting, with Translation,(English & Italian)
Khudai email: <> tel.: 0039-(0)161-468313
NEW! > see >
Events in ITALIAN:
July 30-Aug 2, 09: Part One - (4 Day) Course Intensive- Turin.. Part 1-Complete Course Curriculum - Turin- English & Italian (German Available) - info: (Italy) +39-0161468313 - or or New AssociazionePhi
Aug 27-30, 09: Part Two - Advanced Course Intensive- Turin..
-MyLIFE TV - in Italy - Italian and English- Conference Series and Publication Launch with Dan Winter- Migliora La Tua Vita - 6-7-8 Novembre, Riccione, Italy - Hotel Le Conchiglie
Nov 6: Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality
Nov 7: Seminar: New Alchemical Science of Enlightenment AND Death!