Dan Winter- absolutely pioneered the Golden Mean - physics of - ORIGIN OF ALPHABET, CAUSE OF GRAVITY - AND MECHANISM OF BLISS AND PERCEPTION ITSELF -

Deeply vindicating Dan Winter's lifetime of work on Golden Mean ratio in physics - with the powerful mathematics of high energy physics - Professor El Naschie, mentioned for Nobel nomination along with related Garrett Lisi's new E8 theory of everything ,- in his newest paper (below) announces: "..the success of E-infinity theory lies in using a golden mean based number system [9]. However this is only part of the story. The second part lies in the well known fact that the most important of the Platonic solids are golden mean proportioned. ( here you need a star mother kit) Consequently their Coxeter polytopes generalization involves the golden mean in a nontrivial manner. Finally it is the generalization of the Coxeter groups which link us with the exceptional Lie symmetry groups and consequently high energy physics. The synthesis so produced culminated in the recent development of what may be termed quantum golden field theory."

+New ANOTHER PART- the 'Prequel' film released - 2hr 42 mintues-
from Australia- Swinbourne University, Melbourne:
NEW FRACTAL SCIENCE OF LIFE- Dramatic New Film Released Mar 24,08
- Interactive Course Series with Dan Winter

>FREE Conference Fee (worth 800Euro)- On Venice>Greek Island BOAT CRUISE-For the First HEARTTUNER /BlissTuner Ordered in the Next Few Days!(details below)

Main Implosion Group FILM LIBRARY, or return to Main Index
--IMPLOSION GROUP newsletter url: goldenmean.info/implosionmovies/melbourne1.html - Mar24,2008 Implosion Group distribution of Dan Winter's work- Main Index: goldenmean.info 1 Million hits/month, >our film library.. Subscribe/Unsubscribe email to: implosiongroup@yahoo.com , Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian-new>SiteSearch
DVD's/Books - "World Tours!">Course Calendar - Films Online - HeartTuner/BlissTuner Latest Newest Compleat 400 Image Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor, 4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles -with new master photo galleries

Illuminated Site of the Week Winner Dear Mr. Winter, Your site "Implosion Group on Dan Winter's Fractal Physics" at goldenmean.info has been chosen as the Illuminated Site of the Week. This award recognizes those websites that, in one way or the other, illuminate the Big Picture . . . that show What Is Really Happening in our newly ordered world. We've featured you in today's Daily Illuminator column, which you can reach by visiting http://www.sjgames.com/ill/. You'll also be permanently listed in the Illuminated Site of the Week archives, at http://www.sjgames.com/ill/illsotw/

On Mar 15 - the day we released the new film Click to Play New Film (streaming real format with controller bar):

goldenmean.info -hits went from typical 20,000 per day, to 50,000 - also on that day 300+ gigabytes were downloaded- and in that week - 3,273 people downloaded that film. As a courtesy to those interested - and an invitation to join the many who have ordered the complete 5 DVD set - we here add the PREQUEL- the Melbourne Swinbourne University - lecture series with Dan Winter- FRACTAL SCIENCE OF LIFE - here the 2 hour 42 min. Friday Evening Intro: (in the improved Streaming Real format - with controller)- added Mar.24,08- Click HERE TO PLAY THE PREQUEL ONLINE - the 2 Hr+ EVENING INTRO at UNIVERSITY:


This is INTRO to Part One- This New Video online is the First of 4 Four 2 Hour Segments -
- Order the Full Resolution- COMPLETE 5 DVD Set of this Conference for $50 US Postpaid.> Paypal/Visa/MC to danwinter@goldenmean.info
also see goldenmean.info/tools for more DVD's

hot off the press - Newest: FRACTAL Science of LIFE Video Series with Dan Winter, Dec 07 at Swinbourne University, Melbourne
This life changing film series dramatically documents how the FRACTAL Electric Field solves:
* the New Science of Bliss and Peak Perception
* the New Science of Gravity and the generation of electrically centripedal / self organizing force
* the New Science of COLOR
* the Origin of Symbol and Charge compression into DNA
* the New Science of Successful DEATH... and much more...

http://jond4u.jonathandickau.com/cosmgrav.htm : "... Physicist Andrei Linde, and others, have found fractals helpful in modeling the behavior of the early universe. Their work suggests that the fractal nature of space may actually be the cause of gravity. More recently; the work of Alain Connes has shown that noncommutative spaces evolve fractality naturally. The Mandelbrot Set is the most complex fractal object which can be represented in two dimensions. In my opinion, the Mandelbrot set and its derivative forms (including the Fractal Butterfly) have a lot to convey, which aids our understanding the nature of space, and will help solve the riddle of gravity. Recent observations of the large-scale distribution of matter in space show it to have a fractal pattern. "

Now-> Extending the dialog: IS FRACTALITY THE ELECTRIC CAUSE OF GRAVITY? - originally from (do check out the first part of the dialogs) goldenmean.info/caughtinthematrix , and in dialog with Prof. El Naschie at goldenmean.info/fractalscience

This was triggered in part by El Naschie's earlier paper: Dimensional symmetry breaking, information and fractal gravity in Cantorian space "... a link between general relativity and Cantorian spacetime is proposed which amounts to the claim that fractalization is the origin of gravity." This was earlier predicted by this author, Dan Winter.

In his newest paper, - Lie and Coxeter Groups / High Energy Particle Physics -(here: elnaschiejan08.pdf ) - Professor El Naschie, mentioned for Nobel nomination along with related Garrett Lisi's new E8 theory of everything, states:
(scientists are particularly invited to download the pdf paper - note also the geometry in connection with the fine structure constant..)

"..the success of E-infinity theory lies in using a golden mean based number system [9]. However this is only part of the story. The second part lies in the well known fact that the most important of the Platonic solids are golden mean proportioned. Consequently their Coxeter polytopes generalization involves the golden mean in a nontrivial manner. Finally it is the generalization of the Coxeter groups which link us with the exceptional Lie symmetry groups and consequently high energy physics. The synthesis so produced culminated in the recent development of what may be termed quantum golden field theory."


Sacred Geometry / Science of Consciousness - Amazing European Sacred Initiatory Travel CHOICES for 2008

1. Turin.. Countryside Experience-In Depth Experience with Dan Winter,
or. 2. Boat Cruise from Venice to the Greek Islands with Worlds Leading PsychoSpiritual Teachers..
or- 3. Our Famous World's Most in Depth HOLY GRAIL-Science in the Blood Tour of South France!

-: 1 Join us in the Beautiful Countryside Outside Turin, in Sunny Italy!!

May 29- June 1, 2008 - Complete 4 Day Course Curriculum - Turin- English & Italian (German Available) - info: (Italy) +39-0161468313 - or goldenmean.info/italian or New AssociazionePhi

---2: Holy Grail Sites AND Science in South France - June 5-12, 08 (Film Clips here from last year!)... our South France 2008 - Science and Experience of the HOLY GRAIL IN THE BLOOD - tour and conference
.see 2008 June Info. in collaboration with Roger Green - fengshuiseminars.com

Join us - June 5 - 12, 2008 in South France. (An easy flight: RyanAir's inexpensive London to Carcasonne)-
For a week questing in Grail Country - learning by experience the Real Science of the Holy Grail in the blood.

For the trip logistics: fengshuiseminars.com/tours/sofrance_2008.html

Join us to ask YOUR questions about the MEANING OF THE MYSTERIES! -

The original first real grail science in the blood essential - article - with film: www.goldenmean.info/realgrail

3. - GREEK Islands Boat Cruise from Venice! April 13-20- with the Best BioPsychoSpiritual Scientists of the World OnBoard!!

Very Special Offer- FREE CONFERENCE FEE (Save 800Euro) - for This Cruise > If you order a HeartTuner System in the next few Days!!
-HeartTuner/BlissTuner Special-
now with TWO Ways to Measure Empathy with special TRAINING , SUPPORT, - with the new 2 channel HRV/Empathy system- the price has not increased: 1570 Euro. Complete HeartTuner Input Preamp Hardware w/USB, 2 sets EKG + EEG Electrodes- Complete HeartTuner PRO Software Environment -Plus- Free Gift- if you order thru the Inventor- Dan Wnter- Complete 25+ DVD Set Trainings (from goldenmean.info/tools ) +3 Books of Dan Winter including Ecstacy&Immortality Book - Complete Hardware Warranty & Support from Inventor of HeartTuner -- Paypal /MC/Visa - email : danwinter@goldenmean.info -United States hotline phone: 310 651 8123 . The HeartTuner / BlissTuner System

Fantastique croisiere autour de la mediterrane
(approches holistiques de la personne et des therapies)
*Du 13 au 20 avril 2008 départ de et et retour à Venise *
pour célébrer la dimension holistique de l'être humain
7 jours d'immersion, de régénération, dédiés à la biopsychospiritualité.
en compagnie de cinquante experts mondiaux de la transformation
personnelle et globale
les intervenants : www.connettivi.net/ita/leaders.htm
sur le bateau "MUSICA" : www.msccrociere.it/flotta/video.asp?ship_id=8&page_id=2526
Le bateau "MUSICA" quitte Venise le 13 avril -
Il se rend successivement Bari, Katakolon, Santorini, Mykonos, Pireo, Corfu, Dubrovnik.
Retour Venise le 20 avril 2008.
Fiche de participation : www.connettivi.net/fr/fiche_de_participation.html
% dr. prof. GiuseppeLuigi ESPOSITO
psicologo-psicoterapeuta olistico
Ordine Psicologi Campania: n.601
e-mail: dottoresposito@gmail.com
cell.: 333 53 968 52
contatto Skype: gepposkype
sito web: www.connettivi.net <http://www.connettivi.net>

also in May in South France - near Sacred TERMES - Cathar Castle:

Brochure Science of Compassion- 08 in PDF - Telecharger / download: sciencecompassion.pdf

Géométrie Sacrée - à Termes – au domaine de Creuille
Renseignements auprès de Brigitte Frank : 04 68 70 04 88:
ou Valérie Sandelin : vsandelin@gmail.com
Vendredi 25 avril 2008 - 18h 21h - 20 € Danse Sacrée et Introduction à la Science du coeur
Samedi 26 dimanche 27 - 9h30 - 17h30 - 90€ Le Biofeedback et le Heart Tuner pour expérimenter
l’ouverture du coeur : nous voyons comment la psychologie de l’amour et la science de la
compassion s’adaptent parfaitement – la compression fractale parfaite correspond à la
compassion ultime. Tout se révèle quand nous mesurons de manière ludique les harmoniques
musicaux de notre coeur, construisant l’ascension que la science appelle l’inclusion harmonique
prédisant la résistance à toute maladie chronique

Dan Winter Géometrie Sacrée En Français+ + Dan Winter Sacred Geometry English (home page), + + English Course Description & Calendar