Anton Parks, auteur autodidacte de nationalité française, a écrit avec le «Secret des Etoiles Sombres» le premier tome d'une trilogie surprenante parce qu' inclassable :
récit épique, mythologique, saga mélangeant science-fiction et héroïc fantasy ou livre «historique» dans la mesure où il nous dévoile notre histoire
la plus occulte et la plus mystérieuse ; que se passait-il sur
terre avant la venue de l'homme ? this is a rough machine translation of french to english of anton parks
part of Gerry Zeitlin's discussion at:
Anton Parks, author of French self-taught, wrote the "Dark Secret of the Stars" the first volume of a trilogy surprising because uncategorizable: epic, mythological saga mixing science fiction and fantasy book or "historical" insofar as it reveals our history the occult and
more mysterious, that was happening on the ground before the arrival of
man? Qu'est ce qui a précédé et provoqué l'avènement des civilisations humaines? What preceded and led to the advent of human civilization?
signifient en réalité les histoires quasi incompréhensibles et parfois
contradictoires (un dieu ou plusieurs dieux) contenues dans la Bible et
d'autres textes comme la Bible Slavonique, les manuscrits de la Mer
Morte ou les évangiles de Nag Hammadi ? What do the stories
in fact almost incomprehensible and sometimes contradictory (a god or
gods) in the Bible and other texts like the Bible Slavonia, the Dead
Sea Scrolls or the Nag Hammadi Gospels?
Quelques auteurs comme René Boulay (Flying Serpents and Dragons, The Book Tree) ou Zecharia Sitchin (La 12ième planète, Louise Courteau Editrice) ont réussi à décrypter une petite partie des innombrables textes en
écriture cunéiforme trouvés dans les ruines d'anciennes civilisations
akkadiennes, sumériennes ou assyriennes et ont commencé à livrer à un
grand public souvent incrédule des clés pour comprendre et visualiser
ce passé lointain : il semble acquis que les «dieux» qui auraient
jeté les bases de colonies civilisatrices sur terre, il ya de nombreux
millénaires, étaient de type «reptilien». Some authors such as René Boulay (Flying Serpents and Dragons, The Book Tree) or Zecharia Sitchin (The 12th Planet, Louise Courteau Editrice) have managed to decipher a small part of countless cuneiform texts
found in the ruins of ancient Akkadian, Sumerian or Assyrian and began
to engage in an often incredulous public key to understand and
visualize this distant past: it seems clear that the "gods" that have
laid the foundations of civilization on Earth colonies, there are many
thousands, were type "reptilian." Boulay
passe en revue dans son ouvrage tous les textes, chroniques historiques
et «mythes» qui relatent que les premiers êtres à avoir amené sur terre
les bases de la vie intelligente et de la civilisation étaient des
dragons : non pas des sortes de dinosaures et autres sauriens mais
des entités de type humanoïdes recouvertes d'écailles, possédant deux
jambes, deux bras et parfois des ailes. Boulay reviews in his
book all the texts, historical chronicles and "myths" that relate that
the first beings on earth have led the foundation for intelligent life
and civilization were dragons: not the kinds of dinosaurs and other
saurians but entities like humanoid covered with scales, with two legs,
two arms and sometimes wings. On
retrouve ces descriptions dans les chroniques chinoises, sumériennes,
indiennes (Mahabharata) ou égyptiennes mais également sur des bas
reliefs des civilisations d'Amérique centrale et du Sud. We find
these descriptions in the chronicles Chinese, Sumerian, Indian
(Mahabharata) or Egypt but also in bas-relief of civilizations of
Central and South America. Souvent, ces entités sont décrites comme étant bénéfiques (surtout en Chine). Often, these entities are described as beneficial (especially China). Dans
l'ancienne Sumer, il existe des « dieux » colonisateurs
bienveillants et considérés comme protecteurs du genre humain comme
Enki ou dictatoriaux et cruels comme Enlil. In ancient Sumer,
there are "gods" and benevolent colonizers regarded as protectors of
the human race as Enki or dictatorial and cruel as Enlil. L'importance
des dragons et autres reptiles s'est étendue jusqu'au Moyen-âge où les
récits de chevaliers affrontant des dragons dans des grottes (surtout
en Angleterre) ou de villageois bénéficiant des largesses et de la
protection de cet être merveilleux (sud de la France) étaient
considérés comme des histoires vraies. The significance of
dragons and other reptiles has spread to the Middle Ages where the
stories of knights facing dragons in caves (especially in England) or
villagers benefiting from the largesse and protection of this wonderful
(south of France) were considered as true stories.
d'archéologues et de spécialistes des textes sumériens sont restés
pantois et perplexes face à la cohérence de la multitude de récits
narrant la venue de ces dieux venus des tréfonds du cosmos dans leurs
chariots de feu pour créer des colonies sur terre. Number of
archaeologists and specialists in the Sumerian texts have remained
stunned and confused face of the consistency of the multitude of
telling the stories of these gods came from the depths of the cosmos in
their chariots of fire to create settlements on earth. Ils
ont voulu y voir des métaphores et des paraboles symbolisant les luttes
éternelles entre les pulsions destructrices et constructrices de
l'homme face à la nature. They wanted to see metaphors and
parables symbolizing the eternal struggle between destructive and
constructive impulses of man towards nature. D'autres
comme Boulay et Sitchin ont décidé de ne pas interpréter ces textes
mais de les prendre pour ce qu'ils sont : des narrations
d'événements réels et fantastiques parce qu'incompréhensibles pour
l'entendement de l'homme de cette époque face à la puissance d'un tel
déploiement technologique. Others like Boulay and Sitchin have
decided not to interpret these texts, but to take them for what they
are narratives of actual events and fantastic as it is because the
understanding of the human face of this era the power of this
technology deployment.
Anton Parks poursuit les travaux de Sitchin et Boulay et les pousse bien plus loin. Anton Parks continued the work of Sitchin and Boulay and pushed much further. Il
nous montre par exemple que cet arrière fond «reptilien» est encore
plus vaste et plus prégnant puisque l'on trouve encore aujourd'hui dans
de nombreuses ethnies de type animiste, surtout en Afrique (comme au
Mali) de très claires allusions à la présence de ces êtres reptiliens. He shows us by example that this background "reptilian" is even broader
and more pervasive as it is today in many animist ethnic type,
especially in Africa (as in Mali) by clear references to the presence
of these reptilians beings. Sans
vouloir dévoiler le contenu complet de cette trilogie dans l'interview,
l'auteur, très proche des conceptions que les Gnostiques avaient du
monde, nous explique comment et pourquoi des systèmes de pouvoirs et de
croyance de type patriarcal et très hiérarchisés ont pris les rennes de
notre civilisation. Without wanting to reveal the contents of
this trilogy in the interview, the author, very close to the concept
that the Gnostics had the world, explains how and why systems of
authority and belief and very patriarchal hierarchy took reins of our
civilization. Et
en fin de compte, les conflits meurtriers que nous avons toujours
connus et qui semblent aller en s'intensifiant ainsi que l'avènement
d'un Nouvel Ordre mondial (intronisé par le discours de George Bush
«père» le 11 septembre 1991, soit 10 ans avant le 11 septembre) ne
seraient que les conséquences de décisions prises il ya plusieurs
milliers d'années. And in the end the deadly conflict that we
have always known and which seem to intensify and the advent of a New
World Order (inducted by the speech of George Bush "father" on 11
September 1991, 10 years before September 11) would be the consequences
of decisions made there are several thousands of years.
Parks, ces «dieux» reptiliens de l'antique Sumer ne seraient pas nos
créateurs comme l'affirme Sitchin mais nos «re-créateurs». According to Parks, these "gods" reptilians of ancient Sumer are not our creators as Sitchin says, but our re-creators. " Ils
ont fait main basse sur une partie la banque génétique du vivant, l'ont
prise en otage pour la détourner et servir leurs propres
ambitions : le pouvoir. They made off with part of the living gene bank, have taken hostage and to divert their own ambitions of power.
Comment Anton Parks at-il été mis en présence d'une telle qualité d'information si cohérente ? Anton Parks how he was in the presence of such quality information so consistently? D'où
lui vient cette vision si pénétrante de la langue sumérienne et des
chroniques de cette ancienne civilisation, surgie de nulle part comme
si elle avait fait un bond technologique inexplicable ? Where
did this vision come if penetrating the language and Sumerian
chronicles of this ancient civilization, emerged from nowhere as if it
had taken a technological leap inexplicable? Rien que cette partie de la question mériterait tout un livre. Just this part of the question deserves a whole book. Anton
se montre circonspect sur cet aspect du livre mais il n'en fait par
ailleurs aucun mystère : depuis l'âge de 14 ans, il a été traversé par
des visions de mondes, de galaxies, de civilisations et d'êtres
étranges. Anton is circumspect on this aspect of the book but it
is also no mystery: Since the age of 14, it was through visions of
worlds, galaxies, civilizations and strange beings. Après avoir douté de son équilibre mental, il s'est ensuite demandé s'il ne s'agissait pas de visions d'un improbable avenir. After doubts about his mental equilibrium, he then asked if it was not visions of an unlikely future. Ce
n'est que bien plus tard, après avoir compulsé les premiers ouvrages
relatifs à la civilisation sumérienne, qu'Anton constatera que ce qu'il
voyait était relié au «réel» et à l'histoire. Only much later,
after the first consult books on the Sumerian civilization, qu'Anton
see that what he saw was connected to "real" and history. Tout prenait corps et signification! While taking the body and meaning!
Incroyable? Unbelievable? Peut-être. Maybe. Mais pour ceux que cet aspect quasi initiatique et prophétique laisse indifférent, pour ceux qui refusent de croire l'étonnante aventure intérieure qui a mené Anton Parks à nous livrer ce récit dense et détaillé, Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres reste une saga au souffle épique qui ravira les amateurs de mystères. But for those that look almost prophetic initiation and leaves us indifferent to those who refuse to believe the amazing adventure that led interior Anton Parks to give us this dense and detailed narrative, The Secret of Dark Stars remains an epic saga in which will delight fans of mysteries.
Karmaone : Racontez-nous votre parcours. Karmaone: Tell us about your journey. Votre
premier livre "Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres", aux Editions Nenki,
propose de nombreux éléments inédits sur le thème de la civilisation
sumérienne mais aussi des reptiliens Annunakis et autres peuples
interdimensionnels. Your first book "The Dark Secret of the Stars", published Nenki
offers many new features on the Sumerian civilization but also of the
reptilians and other peoples Annunakis interdimensional. Vous décrivez dans le détail un univers très dense. You describe in detail a very dense. D'où viennent ces connaissances aussi précises ? What is also clear that knowledge?
Parks : Aussi loin que je m'en souvienne, je pense avoir été un enfant
plutôt tranquille, si ce n'est que j'ai toujours été sensible, ce qui
m'a parfois posé des problèmes relationnels avec l'extérieur, surtout
lorsque j'étais enfant. Anton Parks: As far as I can remember, I
think I have been a rather quiet child, except that I have always been
significant, which sometimes caused me problems with relationships with
the outside world, especially when I was a child. J'ai été élevé dans un milieu chrétien. I was raised in a Christian environment. Comme beaucoup, j'ai fait mon catéchisme et ma communion. Like many, I made my communion and my catechism.
Tout a commencé en 1981, j'avais alors 14 ans. It all began in 1981 when I was 14 years. Au mois de mai de cette année, pour une raison totalement indéterminée, j'ai reçu mes premiers "flashs". In May of this year, for a totally unknown reason, I received my first "flash". Comment expliquer cela en des termes simples… ? How to explain this in simple terms ...? Je dirai que cela s'est toujours manifesté de façon spontanée à n'importe quelle heure de la journée. I would say that this has always expressed spontaneously at any time of day. Je n'ai jamais eu de contrôle sur ce phénomène. I never had control over this phenomenon. Je
ne le considère donc pas comme du channeling, puisque, sauf erreur de
ma part, un channel décide de recevoir, il détermine même le moment où
il va se détendre pour entrer en contact. I do not therefore
consider it as channeling, since, unless I am mistaken, a channel
decides to receive it determines the same time it will relax to get in
touch. Ceci n'a jamais été le cas pour moi. This was never the case for me. Je
conçois qu'il ne soit pas très évident de se fier aveuglément au
channelling, j'ai moi-même du mal avec cette pratique, car il ya autant
de gens extraordinaires que de charlatans avérés dans ce milieu. I appreciate that it is not very clear to rely blindly channeling, I
have trouble with this practice, because there are so many wonderful
people as charlatans proved in this environment. Il existe aussi des personnes sincères qui, parfois, interprètent mal ce qu'elles reçoivent. There are sincere people, who sometimes misinterpret what they receive.
tout début, les premiers "flashs" sont apparus timidement et au fil des
semaines, les "visions" se sont formidablement réglées à mon insu. At the very beginning, the first "flash" appeared timid and over the
weeks, the "visions" have greatly resolved without my knowledge. Au
bout de 5 à 6 mois, le rythme s'était accéléré pour atteindre 1 à 3
manifestations par jour… Il ya néanmoins un élément important qu'il me
faut préciser. After 5 to 6 months, the pace had accelerated to
1 to 3 events per day ... It is nevertheless an important element that
I must clarify. La lumière semblait être l'élément déclencheur du processus. The light seemed to be the trigger of the process. A
chaque fois que le phénomène de flash se manifestait, il était toujours
en relation avec la lumière ambiante où je me situais. Whenever the flash phenomenon manifested itself, it was always in relation to ambient light where I am located. C'est-à-dire
que lorsqu'une "vision" apparaissait, celle-ci possédait le même
spectre que la lumière du lieu où je me trouvais. This means that when a vision appeared, it had the same spectrum as the light of where I was. Il y avait comme une connexion subtile que je ne m'explique pas totalement aujourd'hui. There was a subtle connection that I do not fully explain today. Ces
flashs étaient en quelque sorte des jets de lumière qui venaient "d'en
haut" et qui pénétraient le sommet de mon crâne, au niveau du 7ème
chakra principal. These flashes were seen as the jets of light coming "from above" and entering the top of my skull at the 7th chakra principal. Cette
action me déconnectait instantanément de la réalité et m'envoyait un
son et lumière d'une grande précision ; des scènes complètes
m'apparaissaient, souvent avec les mêmes personnages autour de l'être
dans lequel je me trouvais à chaque fois. This action instantly
disconnect me from reality and sent me a sound and light of a high
accuracy; scenes seemed complete, often with the same characters to be
around where I was each time. Comme je l'ai dit, cela pouvait se produire n'importe quand, quelle que soit la densité lumineuse. As I said, this could occur anytime, regardless of the density of light. Le phénomène s'est souvent manifesté alors que j'étais accompagné d'amis ou de collègues de travail. The phenomenon has often been when I was accompanied by friends or colleagues. Le temps semblait s'arrêter autour de moi, j'avais la sensation de vivre des scènes de 2, 5 ou encore 10 minutes ! Time seemed to stop around me, I had the sensation of live scenes 2, 5 or 10 minutes! On ne m'a jamais fait aucune réflexion… ! I was never no reflection ...! J'en ai déduit que cela devait ressembler pour eux à une absence de quelques secondes tout au plus. I deduced that it should look for them in the absence of a few seconds at most.
Karmaone : Comment avez-vous réagi à l'époque ? Karmaone: How did you react at the time?
Anton Parks : La première année fut très difficile. Anton Parks: The first year was very difficult. J'avais le sentiment de devenir fou. I feel mad. Les images que je recevais ressemblaient à de la pure science-fiction. The images that I received looked like the pure science fiction. Etait-ce moi qui m'envoyais tout cela ? Was it me who sent me all this? D'où de telles connaissances pouvaient-elles provenir ? Where such knowledge could come from? Je lisais très peu, et absolument pas de science-fiction. I read very little, and absolutely no science fiction. Les
personnages parlaient un langage totalement inconnu que je saisissais
sur l'instant, mais qui n'avait rien à voir avec la langue française…
ce n'est que tardivement, à la fin des années 90, après bien des
péripéties que j'ai finalement compris qu'il s'agissait du sumérien ou
plutôt d'un langage dont est issu le sumérien… The characters
spoke an unknown language that I know about now, but that had nothing
to do with the French language ... it is only late in the late 90s,
after many adventures that I have finally realized that this was the
Sumerian or rather a language from which the Sumerian ...
Il m'a fallut plusieurs mois à l'époque avant de me décider à en parler à ma mère. It took me several months to the time before I decide to talk to my mother. Vous savez, à 14 ans, recevoir ce genre d'images peut créer des troubles profonds de la personnalité. You know, 14 years, receive this kind of images can create profound disorders of personality. Heureusement,
et ce n'est sans doute pas un hasard, j'ai eu une très bonne écoute et
un soutien extraordinaire du côté maternel… on arrive jamais par hasard
dans une famille. Fortunately, this is probably not a
coincidence, I had a very good listener and a wonderful support through
the maternal line ... it never happens by chance in a family. Je me doute que ça n'arrangera pas tout le monde d'entendre cela, mais c'est une réalité. I doubt that it does not everybody heard that, but it is a reality. Je crois profondément à la réincarnation. I believe in reincarnation. Avant
de descendre, et en fonction de ce qu'il nous reste à expérimenter, on
remplit sa "boite" et on choisit les grandes lignes de son destin. Before going down, and depending on what we still have to experiment, fill the "box" and choose the outline of his destiny. Personne ne le fait à notre place, inutile de chercher des responsables cachés dans l'astral ! Nobody does that for us, do not search for hidden leaders in the astral! Nos
guides peuvent parfois nous inciter à prendre une voie plus qu'une
autre mais sauf exception, nous avons toujours le choix. Our guides can sometimes prompt us to take a path over another, but without exception, we still have the choice. Lorsque
nous sommes "là-haut", entre deux vies, nos guides nous conseillent et
n'hésitent pas à nous signaler si nous avons été trop "gourmand" dans
nos décisions. When we are "up there", between two lives, our
guides advised us and do not hesitate to tell us if we were too
"greedy" in our decisions. Le
problème, c'est qu'on est terriblement têtu et plein de dynamisme avant
de redescendre… On se dit souvent, mais non pas de problèmes, ça
passera : Il m'arrivera telle ou telle chose importante, je
rencontrerai telle ou telle personne (parfois que l'on connaît déjà),
bref tout est possible et dans l'absolu – à ce moment précis entre deux
vies – on est en connexion avec notre moi profond. The problem
is that we are terribly stubborn and full of vitality before falling
... It is often said, but not problems, it will: I am this or that
important, I will meet any particular person (sometimes known already),
anything is possible and in absolute terms - this time between two
lives - one is in connection with our inner self. Le voile est en partie retiré, la vie et la mort terrestre ne font qu'un et ne génèrent aucune peur. The veil is partially withdrawn, life and death are one land and do not generate any fear. Idyllique n'est-ce pas ? Idyllic is not it? Pourtant, la descente et la vie sur Terre sont éprouvantes et on l'oublie souvent avant de redescendre… However, the descent, and life on Earth are trying and it is often forgotten before falling ...
ce qui me concerne, j'ai l'impression d'être resté en contact avec
quelque chose ou quelqu'un et c'est aussi cela qui m'a permis de tenir
bon. For me, I feel in touch with something or someone and it is also what allowed me to stand firm. Ceux qui ont eu la gentillesse de lire mon premier ouvrage auront sans doute remarqué la dureté de certains passages. Those who were kind enough to read my first book have probably noticed the hardness of certain passages. La vie que je décris est assez impitoyable. The life that I am describing is quite ruthless. Je ne sais pas si j'ai un lien direct avec cette histoire et si j'ai été le personnage de Sa'am dont je retrace la destinée. I do not know if I have a direct link to this story and if I was the character I Sa'am traces destiny. Toujours est-il qu'à chaque fois que j'ai reçu ces "flashs", je me trouvais à l'intérieur de son corps ! Also is it that whenever I got the "flash", I was in his body!
J'ai cette histoire à raconter. I have to tell this story. Il s'agit de la transcription d'une partie des annales qui proviennent du cristal dont Sa'am était le propriétaire. This is the transcript of a part of history from which crystal Sa'am was the owner. Ai-je été en contact direct avec le contenu du cristal ? I've been in direct contact with the contents of the crystal? Sa'am
ayant été en rapport fréquent avec ce cristal (Gírkù) et la plus grande
partie de ses chroniques y ayant été consignées par ses soins, que
dois-je en conclure ? Sa'am report having been in common with
this crystal (Gírkù) and most of his columns which have been recorded
by him, what do I mean? Je me suis posé beaucoup de questions à l'époque et ça a bien failli me rendre dingue. I asked many questions at the time and it almost make me crazy. Mon côté égotiste serait tenté d'affirmer, «OUI ! My egotistical side would be tempted to say, "YES! J'ai été cette entité» et mon côté modéré dirait plus simplement que j'ai été en contact avec
des entités qui possèdent le cristal, bien que ces deux probabilités ne
soient pas incompatibles. I was this entity and my side
seems more moderate than I have just been in contact with entities that
have the crystal, although these two probabilities are not incompatible.
Bref, peu importe de savoir si j'ai été ou pas ce personnage aux mains palmées dont le premier nom était Sa'am. In short, no matter whether I was or not this figure with webbed hands whose first name was Sa'am. Tout ceci a suffisamment bouleversé ma vie pour en conclure que ce n'est pas un "hasard". All this has changed my life enough to conclude that this is not a "coincidence". Lorsqu'en
2001-2002 j'ai finalement décidé de mettre par écrit toute cette
histoire, mes vies sociale et affective se sont littéralement
désintégrées ! 2001-2002 when I finally decided to write this story, my social and emotional lives have literally disintegrated! Je
me suis retrouvé comme "accidenté" sur le bord de la route… J'ai une
chance inouïe d'être soutenu par quelques membres de ma famille, des
amis fidèles totalement extraordinaires, et aujourd'hui un éditeur qui
croit fermement à ce projet. I found myself as a "rough" on the
side of the road ... I am extremely fortunate to be supported by some
members of my family, faithful friends totally extraordinary, and now a
publisher who believes in this project . Mais vous savez, lorsque l'on s'engage dans cette voie, on est terriblement seul et je pense que c'est un passage obligé. But you know, when we took that approach, we are terribly alone and I think that is a must.
Je suis manifestement porteur d'un message. I'm obviously with a message. Je le fais à la fois pour les lecteurs qui le liront et bien sûr pour moi, car cela me libère d'un poids incommensurable. I do so for both readers who read it and of course for me, because it frees me an immeasurable weight. J'ai vraisemblablement choisi de recevoir ces informations et ensuite de les transmettre à qui voudra bien les entendre. I have probably chosen to receive this information and then pass them who wish to be heard. Sans
vouloir influencer qui que ce soit, j'ai la conviction au plus profond
de mon être que toute cette histoire est véridique. Without wishing to influence anyone, I am convinced in the depths of my being that this story is true. J'ai
ma conscience pour moi et je sais ce qu'il coûte de mystifier son
prochain, car il n'y a pas pire juge que soit-même en-haut ! I
have my conscience for me and I know what it costs to mystify his
neighbor, because there is no worse judge of himself at the top! L'histoire
rédigée dans cette série de trois volumes est la stricte transcription
de ce que j'ai reçu pendant 10 longues années. The story written in this series of three volumes is the strict transcript of what I got for 10 years.
Karmaone : Pourquoi ne recevez-vous plus ces "flashs" aujourd'hui ? Karmaone: Why do you get over these "flashes" today? Que s'est-il passé? What happened?
Anton Parks : Tout simplement parce que ce phénomène prenait trop de place dans ma vie. Anton Parks: Just because it took too much space in my life. J'ai vécu près de 18 ans avec une femme remarquable. I lived nearly 18 years with a remarkable woman. Elle était assez cartésienne et j'ai dû jongler avec ces "flashs" et ma vie quotidienne. It was quite cartesian and I had to juggle these "flashes" and my daily life. Une
dizaine d'années après les premières manifestations, j'avais la
sensation de ne pas pouvoir vivre une vie "normale" si je
laissais ces flashs continuer à bouleverser mon existence. A
dozen years after the first events I had the sensation of not being
able to live a "normal" if I let these flashes continue to disrupt my
life. Il était temps pour moi de profiter enfin de la vie. It was time for me to finally enjoy life. Comme je l'ai dit, je ne maîtrisais pas ce phénomène, j'en étais même prisonnier. As I said, I do not have this phenomenon, I was even a prisoner. Il ya eu un ras-le-bol et je me suis forcé à ne plus rien recevoir, j'ai donc tout fait pour bloquer le processus. There was a tired and I am forced to stop receiving, so I have done everything to block the process. Mais le mécanisme était tellement ancré qu'il n'a pas disparu du jour au lendemain. But the mechanism was so entrenched that it has not disappeared overnight. Au
fil des semaines et des mois, le phénomène s'est estompé, l'image
devenait de moins en moins précise, par contre le son a eu plus de
difficulté à s'éclipser. Over the weeks and months, the
phenomenon has faded, the image becomes less and less precise, for
against the sound was more difficult to slip away. Cela ressemblait peu à peu aux distorsions d'une radio lorsque l'on essaye de la régler. It looked slowly to the distortions of a radio when we try to resolve it. Au bout de 4 à 5 mois, le phénomène avait totalement disparu, c'était en début 1991, en pleine Guerre du Golfe version 1! After 4 to 5 months, the phenomenon had completely disappeared, it was in early 1991, Gulf War full version 1!
cela, j'ai tenté de mener une vie ordinaire tout en digérant
tranquillement toutes ces informations sans trop savoir quoi en faire. After that, I tried to lead an ordinary life while quietly digesting all this information without really knowing what to do. J'ai découvert petit à petit des ouvrages qui traitaient de sujets similaires. I discovered little by little books dealing with similar subjects. Cela m'a amené progressivement vers les tablettes sumériennes. This led me towards the Sumerian tablets. Ça
a été un véritable choc pour moi et les personnes qui m'entourent de
découvrir ces documents et de constater qu'ils racontent pratiquement
la même histoire que j'ai reçue. It was a real shock for me and
people around me to discover these documents and that they tell almost
the same story that I received. Je me suis donc intéressé au sumérien et c'est comme cela que j'ai découvert le code linguistique des "dieux". I am interested in Sumerian and that's how I discovered the linguistic code of the "gods". Sans ces "flashs", jamais je ne l'aurais décelé et décrypté aussi vite… Without these "flashes", I never would have discovered and decrypted as fast ...
: Avez-vous pu vérifier la qualité de vos informations sur la base des
travaux de chercheurs ayant travaillé sur les nombreux textes
sumériens ? Karmaone: Have you been able to verify the quality of your information on the work of researchers who worked on the many Sumerian texts? Quels
ont été les rapprochements les plus surprenants entre vos visions et
les textes et analyses d'auteurs, comme Sitchin par
exemple ? Avez-vous remarqué un auteur plus valable qu'un
autre ? What were the most surprising connections between your views and analysis of texts and authors, such as Sitchin? Have you noticed an author more valid than another?
Anton Parks : Oui et non. Anton Parks: Yes and no. Bien
entendu, dès que j'ai pu faire ce rapprochement entre ce que j'avais
reçu et les tablettes sumériennes, j'ai essayé de me procurer le plus
de documentation possible. Of course, once I got this connection
between what I received and the Sumerian tablets, I tried to obtain as
much documentation as possible. J'ai examiné les travaux de traduction de Samuel Kramer , Jean Bottéro , Marie-Joseph Seux , Thorkild Jacobsen , René Labat ou encore André Caquot … J'ai tout de suite remarqué que les transcriptions étaient souvent différentes les unes des autres. I reviewed the translation of Samuel Kramer, Jean Bottéro, Marie-Joseph Seux, Thorkild Jacobsen, René and André Labat Caquot ... I immediately noticed that the transcripts were often different from each other. Cependant,
le sujet central restant le même, mes proches et moi n'avons pu que
constater la surprenante similitude entre mes "flashs" et l'histoire
fondamentale produite sur ces tablettes d'argiles vieilles pour
certaines de plus de 5 à 6 000 ans ! However, the focus remains
the same, my family and I have been able to see the surprising
similarity between my "flash" and the basic history occurred on clay
tablets old for some of more than 5 to 6 000 years ! D'un
autre côté, j'ai tout fait pour ne pas me plonger trop profondément
dans ces traductions afin de préserver intacte l'histoire telle que je
l'avais reçue, car de très nombreux éléments inédits paraissent
totalement absents des tablettes. On the other hand, I did
everything not to delve too deeply into these translations in order to
preserve intact the history as I had received as many new elements seem
completely absent from the shelves.
ce qui me semble le plus singulier au niveau des similitudes est qu'il
existe de nombreux points communs comme celui du clonage qui est assez
détaillé sur les tablettes et que des auteurs modernes comme Zacharia
Sitchin, R. Among what I think is the most unique in terms of
similarities is that there are many commonalities such as cloning,
which is detailed enough on the shelves and that modern writers as
Zacharia Sitchin, R. Boulay et David Icke ont bien remarqué. Boulay and David Icke have noticed. Mais,
il ya surtout tout ce qui entoure le personnage central qui se nomme
Sa'am dans le premier tome et qui portera d'autres noms sur la Terre. But the focus is everything that surrounds the central character is
called Sa'am in the first volume and bringing other names on the Earth. Mais
je ne peux en parler pour l'instant sous peine de dévoiler par avance
certains détails importants du deuxième ouvrage qui n'est pas encore
édité à l'heure où je réponds à vos questions. But I can not
speak for the moment for fear of revealing in advance some important
details of the second work not yet published at a time when I answer
your questions.
: Vous travaillez énormément sur le langage, la décomposition des mots
sumériens, pour y analyser les significations profondes et le lien avec
certains mots de nos langues modernes. Karmaone:
You work a lot on the language, the decomposition of Sumerian words, to
analyze the meanings and the relationship with some words of our modern
languages. Vous
êtes vous basés sur un travail d'intuition et de documentation ou bien
certains éléments de cette langue sont «imprimés» en vous ? Have you a job based on intuition and documentation or some elements of this language are "printed" in you?
Parks : Comme je l'ai dit précédemment, lorsque j'ai reçu ces
informations, j'ai bien perçu que le langage utilisé n'avait rien à
voir avec le français, même si sur l'instant je le comprenais comme
s'il s'agissait de ma langue natale. Anton Parks: As I said
before, when I received this information, I perceived that the language
had nothing to do with the french, even if at the moment I understood
as if it was my native language. Cette
histoire de codification du langage était très présente et est due à
l'existence de castes chez les Gina'abul (lézard(s) en sumérien). This history of codification of the language was very present and is
due to the existence of caste among Gina'abul (lizard (s) in Sumerian). J'ai
cru pendant plusieurs années qu'il s'agissait de l'hébreu, mais mes
quelques incursions "héroïques" dans cette langue ne m'ont absolument
pas mis sur la voie d'une codification grâce à son syllabaire (NDR :
un syllabaire est un ensemble de signes ou de symboles qui représentent
des sons. Système d'écriture, voire un manuel de lecture, qui présente
les mots d'une langue découpés en syllabes. Le découpage de
« mots » en « syllabes » permet de travailler sur
le sens en investiguant sur la combinaison de plusieurs termes qui
combinés ensemble forment un mot et un concept plus ou moins complexe). Ce n'est que bien tardivement, vers la fin des années 90, que la piste Sumer s'est définitivement présentée à moi. I thought for several years it was Hebrew, but my few forays "heroic"
in this language does not put me on the way to a consolidation with its
Syllabary (NDR: A syllabary is a set of signs or symbols that represent sounds. Système writing or reading a manual, which presents the words of a
language divided into syllables. The division of "words" into
"syllables" can work on the direction in investigating the combination
of several terms that combined together form a word and a more or less
complex). Only much later, towards the end of 90 years, as the track was definitely made Sumer me. J'étais au bout de tout. I was after all. J'avais
réussi à mettre un début et une fin à ces "archives" que j'avais reçues
pendant toutes ces années dans le désordre, mais le langage mère me
manquait et du coup certaine compréhensions aussi. I managed to
put a beginning and an end to these "archives" that I received during
all these years in the disorder, but the mother language and I missed
some understanding of the coup also. Lorsque
j'ai eu en main mon premier syllabaire sumérien, j'ai aussitôt
décomposé certains termes bibliques et cela a fonctionné. When I had started my first Sumerian syllabary, I immediately decomposed certain biblical terms and it worked. Pour réussir la décomposition d'un mot, il faut connaître le contexte qui a conduit vers l'assemblage de tel ou tel terme. To achieve the decomposition of a word, it is necessary to know the context that led to the assembly of a particular term.
Prenons par exemple, le vocable sumérien Gina'abul Take, for example, the Sumerian word Gina'abul (lézard(s)). (lizard (s)). Une fois décomposé, cela donne GINA-AB-UL, soit "véritable(s) ancêtre(s) de la splendeur". Once broken, it gives GINA-AB-UL, or "real (s) ancestor (s) of splendor." Lorsque
l'on connaît la vanité maladive des êtres dont je décris en partie
l'histoire, on ne s'étonnera pas d'une telle appellation! When one knows the vanity of being sick that I describe in part the story, it is not surprising for such a name! Prenons
un autre exemple simple : le nom « Adam » n'est
absolument pas, comme on souhaite nous le faire croire, de l'hébreu en
relation avec les termes "adama" (glèbe) ou encore adôm (rouge)… Je
m'étonne encore aujourd'hui qu'aucun auteur n'ait relevé que ce terme
existe en sumérien en tant que Á-DAM et veut dire : "bêtes, animaux,
troupeaux" ou encore "prélèvement, établissement, installation ou
colonisation" et sous forme verbale : "infliger" ! Consider
another simple example: the name "Adam" is not as you wish us to
believe, Hebrew in conjunction with the words "Adam" (Glebe) and adom
(red) ... I 'm still surprised that no author has noted that this term
exists in Sumerian as Á-DAM and means "cattle, animals, herds" or
"collection, preparation, installation or colonization" and form word
"impose"! Si
Á-DAM était utilisé pour désigner des personnes, cela donnerait : "les
bêtes, les animaux, les prélevés, les établis, les installés ou encore
les colonisés, les infligés"… L'idée d'un être esclave totalement
soumis aux "dieux" est renforcé dans l'équivalence du terme Á-DAM en
akkadien qui est Nammaššû et qui se traduit phonétiquement en sumérien
en nam-maš-šû, soit littéralement : "la demi-portion à charge"… Je
pense que l'on ne peut être plus précis ! If Á-DAM was used to
designate persons, it would: "cattle, animals, collected,
establishments, installations or the colonized, the inflicted" ... The
idea of a slave be totally subject to " gods "is reinforced in the
equivalence of the term Á-DAM in Akkadian is Nammaššû which translates
phonetically as in Sumerian nam-mas-Su, or literally" half-portion to
charge "... I think we can not be more specific!
: Paul Von Ward, un auteur américain spécialisé dans l'étude des
civilisations anciennes et qui travaille sur l'hypothèse de l'influence
extraterrestre sur ces civilisations antiques, pense que les langues
anciennes comme le sanscrit, l'akkadien et le sumérien sont les
vestiges des langages que nous auraient enseignés ces visiteurs
extraterrestres «colonisateurs». Karmaone: Paul Von Ward, an American author specializing in the study of ancient civilizations and working on the hypothesis
of extraterrestrial influence on these ancient civilizations believed
that the ancient languages like Sanskrit, Akkadian and Sumerian are the
remains of languages that we have taught these extraterrestrials
visitors "colonizers." Ces langues seraient dotées d'un réel pouvoir : un pouvoir créateur, magique et évocateur. These languages are endowed with real power: a creative power, magical and evocative. Toujours selon Von Ward, tout cela aurait été perdu. Also according Von Ward, all that was lost. Qu'en pensez-vous ? What do you think?
Parks : Le véritable pouvoir que je peux identifier est avant tout un
pouvoir de codification comme je l'explique de long en large dans mon
premier ouvrage. Anton Parks: The real power that I can identify
is primarily a consolidation of power as I explained extensively in my
first book. Les
syllabes sumériennes et akkadiennes permettent de décomposer les
principaux mots de langages ancestraux, comme le chinois, l'hébreu, le
grec ancien, le latin, les langues germaniques et amérindiennes, etc…
Cela fera sans doute bondir tous les linguistes, mais je pense avoir
été suffisamment précis dans le premier tome. The Sumerian and
Akkadian syllables can break down key words from aboriginal languages
as Chinese, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Germanic and Native American, etc ...
This will probably jump all linguists, but I think have been precise
enough in the first tome. D'ailleurs,
mon éditeur et moi avons décidé de placer tous les numéros et accents
des syllabes que je décompose de façon à ce que n'importe quel curieux
puisse vérifier mon travail. In fact, my editor and I decided to
put all the numbers of syllables and accents that I broken so that any
curious can check my work.
précise simplement à tous ceux qui n'auraient pas lu "Le Secret des
Etoiles Sombres", que le syllabaire sumérien (l'Emenita = langage mâle)
était uniquement utilisé par les mâles Gina'abul, alors que les
femelles, créatrices de l'ensemble du syllabaire Gina'abul, jonglaient
adroitement avec les particules sumériennes et celles que l'on retrouve
dans l'akkadien. I simply to those who have not read "The Dark
Secret of the Stars", the Sumerian syllabary (the language Emenita =
male) was only used by males Gina'abul, while females, creating the
whole Syllabary Gina'abul, skillfully juggling with particles Sumerian
and those found in the Akkadian. Cet ensemble formait en quelque sorte une version intégrale dénommée Emešà (le langage matrice). This set formed a sort of version called Emesa (matrix language). Bien entendu, tout ceci n'est pas inscrit sur les tablettes, les Gina'abul tenaient trop à leur code ! Of course, this is not on the shelves, too Gina'abul held to their code! Quant
à savoir pourquoi le langage (et le syllabaire) akkadien – qui est
apparu totalement formé du jour au lendemain– semble à première vue
ultérieur au sumérien, vous aurez cette réponse dans le volume 3 :
"Rising Nebheru" (L'Eveil de Nebheru)… As to why the language
(and Syllabary) Akkadian - who appeared fully formed the day-after
looks at Sumerian later, you'll answer this in Volume 3: "Rising
Nebheru" (L'Eveil de Nebheru ) ...
: Zecharia Sitchin a présenté les «Anunnakis» comme une seule race, un
groupe monolithique composé de plusieurs clans d'une même famille qui
s'opposent, Enki s'opposant à Enlil, etc.. Karmaone: Zecharia Sitchin presented the "Anunnaki" as a single race, a monolithic group composed of several clans of the same family who oppose, against Enki Enlil, etc. .. Or,
lorsqu'on lit votre livre, on s'aperçoit que l'histoire est bien plus
complexe et que ces entités qui seraient venues sur terre, ou qui s'y
seraient intéressée, représenteraient plusieurs races dissemblables
dont certaines proviendraient même d'autres dimensions : il ya la race
reptilienne, en général représentée par le terme Gina'abul, race
comprenant les Sutum, les Amasutum, les Kingu, les Musgir, etc. However, when reading your book, we realize that
history is much more complex and that these entities would come on
earth, or who would be interested, represent several different races,
some of which come even other dimensions: there is the reptilian race,
generally represented by the term Gina'abul, including race Sutum the
Amasutum the Kingu, the MusGe, etc..
détailler ces clans, ces différentes races et nous expliquer brièvement
si ces créatures ont des caractéristiques physiques différentes des
nôtres et d'où elles viennent. Could you detail
these clans, the various races and we briefly explain if these
creatures have physical characteristics different from ours and where
they come from. Quel est le statut précis des Anunnakis ? What is the precise status of the Anunnaki? Pourquoi les tablettes sumériennes évoquent particulièrement ces entités et d'où vient ce nom, les Annunakis . Why Sumerian tablets refer particularly those entities and where does this name, Annunakis.
Anton Parks : J'ai du respect pour Zecharia Sitchin , il est un précurseur en la matière. Anton Parks: I respect Zecharia Sitchin, he is a forerunner in this field. Grâce à lui, bon nombre de personnes se sont familiarisées avec l'univers mésopotamien. Thanks to him, many people are familiar with the Mesopotamian world. Son esprit de déduction et ses interprétations l'ont souvent mené à des conclusions très intéressantes. His spirit of deduction and his performances have often led to very interesting. Cependant,
lui comme les autres auteurs se sont-ils attachés à l'origine des
Nungal (NDR : race de planificateurs reptiliens mâles) d'Enki (les
Igigi en akkadien) ? However, he like other authors are
committed to the origin of Nungal (NDR race planners reptilians males)
of Enki (Akkadian the Igigi)? Se sont-ils intéressés aux souches Kingú, Imdugud (Anzu) et Mušgir ? Were they interested in stem Kingu, Imdugud (Anzu) and MusGe? S'ils
l'avaient fait un tant soit peu, ils auraient très vite compris qu'il
s'agit d'éléments séparés appartenant à la même lignée que les Anunna,
mais pour la plupart en conflit avec ces derniers. Had they done
a little, they quickly realized that this is separate from the same
lineage as Anunna, but most of them in conflict with them. Les
autres termes comme Amašutum, Mìmínu, etc… ne semblent pas présents sur
les tablettes, cependant, je donne clairement leurs définitions dans
mon livre. Other terms like Amašutum, Mìmínu, etc ... do not appear on the shelves, however, I give clear definitions in my book.
Oui, toutes ces souches, appartenant aux Gina'abul, possèdent souvent un physique différent. Yes, all these strains, belonging to Gina'abul, often have different physical. Les Mušgir (litt. "reptile furieux"), par exemple, sont des dragons ailés. The MusGe (litt. "furious snake"), for example, are winged dragons. On les retrouve aussi sous le nom assyrien « Pazuzu ». They are also found under the name Assyrian "Pazuzu". Ils peuvent circuler sans aucun problème de la 1ère à la 3ème dimension. They can move without any problem from the 1st to the 3rd dimension. Les Mìmínu sont les extraterrestres dénommés "Gris". The extraterrestrials are Mìmínu called "Gray". Ce terme se retrouve chez les Dogons du Mali et veut dire "fourmi". This term is found among the Dogon of Mali and means "ant". Quant
aux Kingú, que l'on identifie à l'akkadien Quingu, ils sont comme la
racine de ce nom l'indique la souche royale des Gina'abul. As for Kingu, which identifies the Akkadian Quingu they are like the root of this name indicates the strain Royal Gina'abul. Décomposé en sumérien cela donne KIN-GÚ "ordonner la terre (ou les régions)". Decomposed into Sumerian gives KIN-Gu "order the earth (or regions)." Les
Kingú sont en guerre contre les créateurs des Anunna, les Ušumgal
(litt. "Grands Dragons", terme repris plus tard par les Sumériens pour
dénommer leurs dieux et leurs souverains). Kingu is the war
against the creators of Anunna, the Ušumgal (litt. "Great Dragon", a
term taken up later by the Sumerians to refer to their gods and their
rulers). Les
Kingú sont de 3 types différents, les blancs (les grands royaux), les
rouges (les guerriers-nettoyeurs) et les verts (le peuple, lui aussi
guerrier). The Kingu are 3 different types, white (large royal), red (the warrior-cleaners) and green (the people, also warrior). Les
tablettes akkadiennes présentent, du reste, un certain Quingu comme un
complice de la reine Tiamat(a), elle-même en guerre contre les Anunna… Akkadian tablets are, moreover, a certain Quingu as an accomplice of Queen Tiamat (a), itself at war against the Anunna ...
Ce sont les différentes guerres qui jalonnent le monde Gina'abul qui ont séparé toutes ces souches les unes des autres. These are the wars that fill the world who Gina'abul separate these strains from each other. C'est la guerre qui a entraîné les Anunna sur la Terre. This is the war which led the Anunna on Earth. C'est pour cette raison que ces exilés forcés seront nommés plus tard Anunnaki ("les Anunna de la Terre"). It is for this reason that these exiles will be forced later appointed Anunnaki (the Anunna of the Earth "). La plus grande majorité des tablettes sumériennes relatent les aventures des Anunna sur la planète bleue. The vast majority of the Sumerian tablets tell of the adventures of Anunna on the blue planet. C'est une sorte d'ode à rallonge aux guerriers Anunna. It's a kind of ode to extension with Warriors Anunna. Il
s'agit de chroniques plus ou moins détaillées qui relatent leur
établissement et surtout leur mainmise sur l'humain qu'ils
transformeront génétiquement en bétail pour leur plus grand plaisir,
car les Anunnaki sont plutôt paresseux ! This is more chronic or
less detailed about their property and especially their control over
humans genetically that they turn their livestock to greater pleasure,
because the Anunnaki are rather lazy! D'où le fait qu'ils soient considérés comme des "dieux" (ou carrément Dieu) aux yeux de l'humanité. Hence they are regarded as "gods" (or even God) in the eyes of mankind. Mais le vrai "Dieu" est ailleurs et ses "émissaires angéliques" ne sont pas loin… But the real "God" is elsewhere and his "angelic emissaries" are not far ...
qui s'intéressent aux "anges" et aux fréquences élevées ne doivent pas
perdre de vue que dans l'univers, les opposés s'unissent toujours pour
créer l'unité. Those interested in "Angels" and high frequencies
should not forget that in the universe, opposites always come together
to create unity. Dans
un monde de séparation comme le nôtre, ne jurer que par les anges est
un peu comme se voiler la face et ne croire qu'aux sociétés secrètes et
aux reptiliens revient à donner de la puissance à ces derniers… In a world of separation such as ours, do swear by the angels is a
little like eyes and not believe that secret societies and reptilians
tantamount to giving power to them ...
: Justement, dans votre livre vous évoquez l'existence d'une sorte de
caste de « planificateurs », les Kadistus. Karmaone: Exactly, in your book you mention the existence of a caste of "planners", the Kadistus. Qui sont-ils? Who are they? Représentent-ils une race particulière ou plutôt une communauté de races extraterrestres d'origines différentes ? Represent a particular race or rather a community races of extraterrestrials from different backgrounds? En quoi sont-ils proches de la source originelle ? Quel est leur rôle ? What are they close to the original source and what is their role?
cet égard, lorsque vous parlez de «source originelle», parlez-vous
de la source ultime et originelle de toutes les dimensions, de tous les
univers ? In this respect, when you speak of "original source" tell you the original and ultimate source of all sizes, all the universe?
Anton Parks : Les Kadištu sont les émissaires de la Source Originelle ("Dieu") dont nous sommes tous issus. Anton Parks: The Kadištu are emissaries from the original source ( "God") which we all come. On
retrouve ce terme sous la forme akkadienne « Qadištu » qui
évoque une prêtresse de haut rang dont l'équivalence sumérienne est
NU-GIG "la non malade" mais aussi "l'image du mal"… Aux yeux des
mésopotamiens, la Qadištu était une prostitué sacrée. We find
this term in the form Akkadian "Qadištu" which evokes a priestess of
high rank whose equivalence Sumerian NU-GIG is "not sick" but also "the
image of evil" ... In the eyes of the Mesopotamians, the Qadištu was a
prostitute sacred. J'insiste
suffisamment sur le rôle du sexe et sa relation avec le divin dans le
premier ouvrage, je ne reviendrai donc pas dessus. I stress enough the role of gender and its relationship with the divine in the first book, I will therefore not above. Il
me faut, par contre, rappeler que chez les Gina'abul, les femelles (les
prêtresses Amašutum) sont des émissaires de la Source et font partie
des Kadištu. I must, for against, remember that in Gina'abul,
females (the priestesses Amašutum) are emissaries of the Source and are
part of Kadištu. Il
n'est donc pas étonnant de retrouver ces prêtresses avec des
définitions comme "l'image du mal" (à l'instar d'Eve qui représente le
péché de chair parce qu'elle fut initiée au principe "du bien et du
mal") et en tant que "non malade" du fait qu'elles connaissaient les
vertus de la sexualité sacrée qui écarte la maladie… D'ailleurs, le
terme akkadien Qadištu décomposé en Emešà (le langage matrice) donne
KAD4-IŠ7-TU, litt. It is therefore not surprising to find these
priestesses with definitions as "the image of evil" (along with Eve
which is the sin of the flesh because it was initiated the principle of
good and evil ") and as" not sick "because they knew the virtues of
sacred sexuality which rules out the disease ... In fact, the term in
Akkadian Qadištu decomposed Emesa (matrix language) gives KAD4-IS7-TU,
litt. "ancien(s) assembleur(s) de vie". old (s) assembler (s) of life. " Ce
vocable est par ailleurs à rapprocher du mot latin
« caducéus » (caducée) (NDR : symbole de deux serpents
entrelacés représentant l'art de guérir employé aujourd'hui par les
médecins et les pharmaciens). This term is also closer to the
Latin word "Caduceus" (caduceus) (NDR: A symbol of two intertwined
snakes representing the art of healing used today by doctors and
pharmacists). Qu'il
s'agisse des prêtresses élevées Qadištu des traditions akkadiennes ou
des Kadištu (les planificateurs), tous possèdent le secret des chakras
symbolisés par le caducée. Whether high priestesses Qadištu
Akkadian traditions or Kadištu (planners), all possess the secret
chakra symbolized by the caduceus. Une
bonne maîtrise de l'ensemble des chakras permet l'élévation de la
conscience que ne souhaitent justement pas les Gina'abul mâles qui
manipulent ce monde en coulisse depuis des millénaires ! A good
command of all the chakras allows the raising of consciousness that
does not just want the male Gina'abul handling this world behind the
scenes for millennia!
collectivité des Kadištu est assez présente dans l'histoire que je
raconte car elle est en conflit avec une grande partie des Gina'abul. Kadištu community is present in the story that I tell as it is in conflict with much of Gina'abul. Il s'agit plutôt d'une communauté de différentes races extraterrestres. Rather, a community of different races extraterrestrials.
Its role is to unify the species of our world in the name of the Source of all things that one associates with God on Earth. Note that the Kadištu are very powerful. But they have a fundamental principle which is not to interfere in the affairs of beings with reduced frequencies that are evolving. The current terrestrial humanity is of such beings because of the handling of the millennium Anunna. Unfortunately, for those who secretly run the affairs of men, human beings are changing rapidly and will soon jump from dimension ... It is a historic moment eagerly awaited in the history of mankind. The Kadištu watch us more than ever, and send messages through people they contact directly (abduction) or allusive way, (by telepathic contacts), although sometimes remain vigilant, because most people contacted in this way are often in good faith, but can also make wrong interpretations of what they have received. In the case of abductions, note that the "Gray" in practice too, as they are usually in the service of Gina'abul ...
The Kadištu are in some way the Elohim of the Bible, ie the angels of God "(from the original source). They live in the larger and very few of them can move into the third dimension, which makes direct contact and explains their way of approaching. Sumerian in all dimensions is called Angal, ie "Grand Ciel" notice as this term is close to the English word Angel (Angel)!
Karmaone: You talk about the existence of several dimensions, not our 3 dimensions but those on the universe that would be superimposed on our own, as a kind of mille-feuilles. Could you explain how this representation of the world, come what levels these reptilian races and where we situate us in relation to them?
Anton Parks: Yes, but to answer you, I will reproduce here a figure that is in "Adam Genisis. It details the KUR, adding, however, its two-dimensional median.
This is an oversimplification of Kigali ( "Grande Terre") which is composed of KI (the 3rd dimension) and KUR encompassing the dimensions of the lowest. The KI, is the type of dimension where humanity evolves on Earth today. The KUR is invisible beings evolving in KI because it is clearly outside the three-dimensional perception. The KUR is the core of a system derived directly from the ideology Gina'abul secret. Confirmation and the hidden meaning of the term are made by decomposing the term in KUR KU-UR, providing "the foundation belted" or in KU-UR: "the basis of the foundation."
To equate the KUR, starting from the top. We find a median size which is the KUR-GI-A (the source of KUR farm "). The strict translation of this term reveals that it is a transitional dimension where souls remain a moment before returning to the Source ( "farm") or Angal (located on top of KI and KUR).
Then there is the KUR-GAL (the 2nd dimension), ie the Grand KUR "parallel world where some Gina'abul establish their home on planet Earth.
Just below, falls another dimension which is the median KUR-NU-GI4 (the KUR of no return "). The breakdown of this word reveals to us without a shadow of a doubt that this is a floor frequency where souls are lost. This is the place where the bodies remained blocked and that it now equates to ghosts. The Sumerians saw the KUR-GI-A and KUR-NU-GI two representations of hell.
Finally, is the KUR-BALA (the 1st dimension, the lowest of all). The Sumerians and specialists tablets equate this place to the "beyond", but its exact meaning is "the KUR's reign or dynasty. On Earth, the size KUR-BALA fit the subject of much fighting between Gina'abul because the person who holds the KUR-BALA is necessarily the master of the other two dimensions, those of the KUR-GAL and KI. The master of KUR-BALA is literally "the eye that sees everything at the top of the inverted pyramid ..." because it has a direct gaze on the KUR-GAL and KI! That is why on the shelf, the KUR (or KUR-BALA) is often translated "enemy in the world, where chaos seemed to reign perpetually. The first three dimensions form a kind of pyramid upside down where the dimension KI symbolizes the basis and dimension KUR-BALA form the top of the inverted pyramid. From here, everyone has a magnifying light (like a magnifying glass) on the dimensions until KI.
Regarding the dimensions (the Angal), it works in much the same way, but in reverse from the top. More one goes up, it has a more detailed look (overall) over all dimensions ... From there comes the idea that God (the Source) knows all and sees all.
Karmaone: In your book you talk about the tree of life and at the same time, you make reference to the tree of the Garden of Eden and the so-called snake "tempter." What is the real meaning of this strange story that is so vivid enigmatic in Genesis?
Anton Parks: I will not be able to fully answer this question, because it will be clearly expressed in the second book 'Adam Genisis. However, I can make some new revelations about the snake and his colleague that Satan is often wrongly confused wrong!
After a thousand and one adventures, the High Council Anunna is bound to produce genetically to a human being to complete the daily besognes in place of the "gods". These humans are not directly identified as A-DAM (animals), but rather Lulu, ie beings "mixed." Enki - son of An and Mamítu-Nammu, who runs under duress operations for the dominant caste, namely Anunna - does not see his genetic creation used as a vulgar Á-DAM (animals). It will gradually change the specimen slave to make independently. The first specimen specially designed to work was originally androgynous, Enki will "cut" in half to make a man and a woman. This scene is on a clay tablet as follows:
What do we see? What do we see? Enki appears to the left. Around him serpents (symbol of creation and fertility) s'agitent rhythmically. We can conclude without doubt that the serpent of the Bible is none other that Enka geneticist, that Nudímmud the cloneur. The rest can be seen at his side a star with an arrow pointing downwards. The star symbolizes the term DINGIR (god (x)) and the arrow, "the bottom", the "abyss", which confirms that this "god" Enki is good, since it is the divinity of the Abzu, the underworld.
Amid "awakening" a woman who seems to arise not from a rib of Adam, but rather a kind of pot that can easily assimilate to a artificial matrix. "Curiously, this is like the pot archaic Sumerian sign which corresponds to the demoness lilu (Lilith) contained the disease and the evil which we have already mentioned above ... Old Rabbinic legends do they not tell that the first companion of Lilith was Adam? Beside him, a man tends to the woman a tree branch which eventually ends in vaginas ... The symbolism is clear! But the most crispy is right: we can distinguish a monarch totally irritated that brandishes its two forks. Among the Sumerians, the fork figure "a head" in connection with the earth (soil). We have no difficulty in assimilating this character to a Satam, ie a territorial administrator or head of country. " Who is the greatest among Anunna Satam? It Enlil, the adversary of Enki!
Slavonic manuscript of Adam and Eve (National Library in Sofia, No. 433) indicates that Satan Adam claimed possession of the Earth: "Mine is the earth, God is heaven and paradise. If you become a man mine, you work the land .... " Other biblical passages as Matthew (4.8) or Luc (4.6) suggest the same thing. What is quite amusing is that in the Bible, but rather "God" who catches the Serpent "educating" Adam and Eve in the garden and not Satan? As the Sumerians loves symbolism, we find alongside a Satam Gullum (a cat). The cat has often been regarded as a harmful animal. This ideology is reinforced in the Sumerians, because if we break the word Gullum we get GUL (destroy, destroy) and LUM (fertility, abundance, bear fruit), which means that the Satam (Enlil) that has a single goal: "destroying the fertility of its workforce become too abundant and free for his taste! What's better than a cat to express this idea! In fact this episode was confirmed at the end of Babylonian tablets Atrahasîs which shows Enki Enlil order to reduce the days of humanity and make some women infertile ...
You will also notice that the feet and hands are linked to Enki. This refers to the fact that Enka is not free as he wishes because he is under the direction of Enlil.
Do not ask me why no author has yet made the connection between the Sumerian terms Satam, Adam homophones and almost biblical and had especially good idea to observe that the "god" Sumerian Enlil holds clearly the role of Satam ( "administrators" or "head of country") on clay tablets ... I have no idea! However the truth is restored today ... the smoky Enlil who symbolizes the "God of the Bible (or the head of Anunna) is none other than Satan! Indeed, his name EN-LIL (the lord of breath "(the word)) may also result in Sumerian as" the lord of infection "... it is no coincidence because Enlil, supreme leader Gina'abul of land after year, was not at all appreciated by the Sumerians who had kept in mind that it was a bloody and despotic monarch! This is consistent with the ideology that compares the Gnostic Archon great Satan!
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The term SATA is available in Egypt. Its strict translation expresses "genius snake" and "child (or son) of the earth" (left). When we assemble particles Egyptian could call Satan term, we obtain at once bring the earth "and" bring evil. " This is interesting because here we find the verb in second position as in Gina'abul and Sumerians. In addition, imagery that emerges here is consistent with Mesopotamian and Christian ideologies that depict Satam Satan and similarly ... Do you really think it is a coincidence? In "Adam Genisis, we observe how the Egyptian language was as important as that of Mesopotamia to the formation of certain biblical terms. |
Karmaone: You mentioned as "Santana" and "Sandan", an alien creature who was serving as an agricultural engineer, the gardener, a plant specialist. The name she also related to the word "Satan" means that the tradition as a rebel angel? Is it related to the tree of life and the tree of knowledge?
Anton Parks: You have quite correctly pointed out "also". The term "Satan" is actually a mixture of Satam ( "administrators") and Sandan or Santana (Head Plantation, herbalist horticulturist) Sumerian traditions. But there is an important detail that separates Satam and Sandan, is that it is under the command of Satam. The Satam has full powers, he manages entire regions or even countries. This is the case of Enlil who presides over the entire country of Kalam (Sumer). Thus, it administers its territories through Sandan (Santana) without which he could not anything. Because in the world of Anunna (dominant caste), one thing did to them: the survival due to agricultural plantations! But in Gina'abul the Sandan (Santana) are exclusively female. Long before the Sumerians, the Sandan (Santana) were only women who worked in the vast Mesopotamian plain called Eden or Edin ... In "The Dark Secret of the Stars" I have detailed the close association that we found in the world between the woman and the trees of the garden of Eden. So my answer to your last question.
Karmaone: Civilizations reptilian you describe seem very strange: they were based on segregation, separation. Segregation between the sexes: women's race, male, sexless, robot (represented by the Gray). Is this the result of a decline in which technology and genetic engineering have played a role? These "castes and races they have the same origin?
Anton Parks: It is once again the war that is challenging. These are the Anunna who led the war on Earth. Initially, there was no segregation between the sexes among Gina'abul. When males, and the famous Ušumgal MusGe have discovered the sexual power of women and they understood that if they made master, it would give them more power. Some of them wanted to imprison female Gina'abul to make them suffer abominations. The priestesses were confined to themselves, multiplying the secrets and rituals sealed to protect males. It was at that time they created the particles that form additional language EMES (matrix language) no male is supposed to practice. They could in this way they communicate with confidence.
The Gina'abul have the same ancestral origin, but the numerous conflicts that punctuated their history which explains why only some of them have remained in Usu (the constellation of the Dragon), the original birthplace of the breed. Gina'abul the spread in our world for this reason. Found eg Ušumgal and most Amašutum in Nalulkára (Big Dipper), the Kingu in Te (the constellation of the Eagle), and the MusGe Mìmínu (the "Gray") in Urbar'ra (the Lyre ), some Amašutum in Mulmul (the Pleiades) which were also created Anunna, etc. ..
Karmaone: You describe a real war between the female and male, between reptilians and reptilian. Males are cold, hungry for power and technology-oriented while females seem to be more balanced, capable of empathy and compassion. Is it a desire of planners or reptilians male to continue the development of this highly specialized company or is it the result of a decadence that escapes them?
Anton Parks: Of course, we should not generalize, but we can note that it is not women who cause the wars on Earth! I will return the item. The history and current world events do not they show that men who have power are often cold, hungry for power, technology-oriented, while women seem, in general, more measured?
As I stated earlier, females Gina'abul (the Amašutum) are protected by males taking away from them. This has created tensions that were subsequently transformed into bloody conflicts. Sex was banned for a long time, Gina'abul fought to procreate using the gene, which gave all sorts of specimens and hybrids which are eg Mìmínu (the "Gray") who do are just slaves for male Gina'abul ... So it was by disconnecting the other that reptilians females and some males specialized in cloning. You can actually see this as an inevitable decline.
A little later, Amašutum joined the Kadištu (planners) of our universe. They have always been wiser than their fellow men and no doubt it was for them the best way to redeem their past mistakes. This is after all these events that I related chronic lie precisely. I think that Barbara Marciniak has been contacted by Amašutum of Mulmul (the Pleiades). I went through his first three books and I must say that the messages it seems to have received are complementary to the story I relate. Our sources seem to be common. A difference Marciniak focuses largely on events while I describe the old episodes ... but, it seems, still relevant.
Karmaone: The old number of religions and shamanic religions revere nature and convey the notion of "sacred feminine." Gnostics (Nag Hammadi texts) and the religion of the Mysteries also dedicated to worship the sacred feminine and Sophia (or wisdom), the entity source of all things in our world. Today, our monotheistic religions (the religions of the book, ie Christianity, Judaism and Islam) are paternalistic, male revere a god (YHVH, Yahveh, Jehovah), domineering and severe. They are also redemptive and messianic cults. Regarding Christianity, it seems that "love of neighbor" and the cult of the Virgin are late additions from the end of older pagan traditions. The texts and authors criticize these gnostic religion and patriarchal conquering warrior who became a sort of virus inoculated by extraterrestrials, the Archon. Is it reasonable to think that in reality the Gnostics spoke of reptilians when males described Archon?
Anton Parks: Yes, that's just my opinion! Unfortunately, I do not teach you by reminding you that every effort was made to hide the truth about the origin and the appearance of "gods" that have transformed the genetic code of humanity to their slaves that alienate they equate to the Á-DAM (animals).
I am not able to place two different translations of the same passage from the Dead Sea Scrolls. The extract in question comes from the roll 4Q544, where one discovers two unique characters that appear to Amram, the father of Moses. I deliberately left the [...] which correspond to passages damaged and restored. Tampering is telling you to judge:
Translation from the book by Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise, The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, Element Books, Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1992: Translation of Edward Cook from the book by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Edward Cook, The Dead Sea Scrolls, published by Plon, 2001: |
As you noticed, the translation of 2001 has completely overshadowed the two passages from the 1992 version which are well described reptilian appearance of the first "angel". Breaks can not be questioned because in the version of 1992, only [s] of the word "snake" has to be reconstituted and that the word "viper" is totally readable ... If this is not is a premeditated reshuffle, what is it?!
Karmaone: According to Paul Von Ward, the system of power we are witnessing today is the outcome of the system imposed by the Anunnaki and Sumerians: a patriarchal, hierarchical and centralized with hereditary monarchies of divine right. What do you think?
Anton Parks: I can confirm that unfortunately. It was inscribed on the Sumerian tablets. The kingship was transmitted in "god" in human "enthroning pompous. There were however two types of induction. The blood that we are all familiar and which is transmitted from father to son, so by heredity. But there is a second, more airtight, expressed on Egyptian papyri and Mesopotamian tablets. The "Celestial Cow" (the goddesses of ancient times) chose a lover to whom they passed their divinity and divine powers having sex with them. The lover was asked to share in the sacred marriage bed vital energy of the goddess (or one of his followers regarded as a sacred prostitute) to achieve immortality and become "the Bull of Heaven" . At the end of the ritual, the man was transformed into both husband and invested the goddess of the royal function. These rituals are practiced both in Sumer, Egypt, in classical Greece.
Note that Romulus and Remus (the future founders of Rome) were collected by a wolf who went and saved from certain death. The symbolism of this story crève eyes: the Latin Luma (wolf) also means "prostitute". In antiquity, the priestesses were treated as prostitutes because they transmit the force of sacred kingship and the Mother Goddess to future kings and princes. The wolf is in fact a human priestess who supports the cult of the Goddess-Mother and transmits its power here, not by gender but by her breast. Romulus and Remus had been suckled by a she-wolf but by a woman in the service of the religion of the Great Goddess!
We are therefore two types of induction that reflect different ideologies. The first is purely patriarchal, because the father (the king) who is seen as having inherited the power, while the second is matriarchal, the "queen" that transmits its faculties. We have seen that there Gina'abul in a war between the masculine and feminine. This opposition is evident here and it is not without mentioning the illegal introduction of Adam and Eve. They were instructed by Enki, who supported the cult of the Goddess Mother Mother by its Nammu. The gap between Enki (the serpent geneticist and "healer") and Enlil, the Satam (territorial administrator) of the Edin, is there when you know qu'Enlíl supported the patriarchal doctrine of "gods "fallen on Earth.
Credo Mutwa, Zulu shaman general, says that among the Hutu and Tutsi of Rwanda, the gods are called "Imanujela" whose meaning is "reptiles" and which gives the translation "the Lords who have come." This term is translatable into Emesa (language suméro matrix-Akkadian). Knowing that the "o" and "j" do not exist in the language of the "gods", the word Rwanda IMANUJELA (reptiles) will give: IM (wind, storms, clouds) AN (heaven) UH (venom poison) EL (or he) (transport, high, be high) Á (strength, power, wages) or IM-AN-uh-EL-Á, literally "those clouds of heaven and venom that carry power .
Karmaone: According to the Nag Hammadi, our world is the result of an error of a creative process generated by an entity, Sophia (or Wisdom) you mention in Chapter 7. Sophia has a name, an equivalence in the memory of Gina'abul?
Anton Parks: In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is a Eon, a cosmic divinity, so alien, that is part of an organized set of gods known as the gods of the Pleroma. We can easily identify these deities who work in galactic light to Kadištu (planners). These same Kadištu that we should treat Elohim of the Bible. Elohim is the Hebrew term used in antiquity to designate the first creative gods of the Earth and the human original of Genesis (Gen. 1:26) - Adam (the animal-slave) that appear during the second creation (Gen. 2.7) by the will of Yahweh, which is a mixture of "gods" male Sumerian An, Enlil and Enki.
Elohim is a feminine-plural term meaning "divine", yet it is still reflected today in "God" ... Its decomposition gives suméro-Akkadian: EL (where it: high, be high), U ( powerful, strong), HI (mix, mix), IM (clay, mud), namely: EL-Ú-HI-IM (the second "i" has disappeared in Hebrew). The real hidden meaning of Elohim (EL-Ú-HI-IM) is: "the powerful high mixed clay (or clay = Man).
Who among Kadištu (EL-Ú-HI-IM) was in close relationship with the patriarchal order called Yahweh (An, Enlil and Enki)? There are two main entities that are Tiamat Nammu and daughter, ie, respectively, Sophia and her daughter Zoe among Gnostics. Zoé that can be broken down into ZU-E (which is out of Wisdom ") in Sumerian!
Karmaone: Where are the souls that are incarnated in the bodies of Gina-Abul? According to your description, the technology of these reptilians can not only control the shape and appearance of these beings when they are designed to control but also the soul who will represent them, the programmer?
Anton Parks: Yes, we can say that Gina'abul are, on this point, largely in "advance" on humans, although I doubt it is a progress that know how to program the humanoid through genetics ... The Gina'abul have many millennia since the knowledge of cloning. There are traces of this knowledge on representations in clay of Mesopotamia, the Maya codices, or some Egyptian figures like here in the tomb of Thutmose 3 in the Valley of the Kings. Difficult not to see a priestess faces three artificial matrices (or SI-SI-IN-SAR "in order to assemble the many dignitaries in Sumerian). We have also noted on each upper dies of an egg fertilized by a sperm and within matrices body formation ...
The program Gina'abul know the genes of an individual to give a particular character or appearance. They can determine in advance and even identify as a computer all knowledge of the specimen manufactured. To do this, they use crystals and in particular various types of quartz. But I can not say more because I am against those processes that seem to me completely immoral. The story I tell is full of these genetic manipulations, and I know where they conducted the Gina'abul and especially the human species.
To answer your first question, Gina'abul are embodied beings like humans. Some humans may well be embodied in them and vice versa. There is no rule except the evolution of species through the karmic laws that most Gina'abul males do not seem to have assimilated.
Karmaone: In the same vein, from which human souls who have incarnated on Earth at the time of colonization and why these Anunnaki aliens we would have created?
Anton Parks: Uras (Earth) is a duality in which the concepts of "good" and "wrong" are used with vehemence. There is no trial to bring to this. Before the Gina'abul and do totally Anunna Earth in hand, Uras was a "zoo" where Kadištu (planners) had placed all their knowledge, which is why he is there such a diversity . The frequency of the KI (3rd dimension) was significantly higher before all these wars reptilian.
As so Marciniak, the Earth is a living library. Our solar system is at the crossroads of major roads used by planners since the dawn of time. With the arrival of Gina'abul, this place has become a zone of free will. Many see it as a chance to incarnate on Earth today because the instruction is intensive and quite unusual. What can be learned on land several millennia elsewhere in our galaxy may take two or three lives here on Earth! However, the situation will change and the reign of Gina'abul will be completed soon ... This is part of the order of things and souls embodied on Earth for thousands of years and have not finished their education know very well. This explains, I think, the fact that more and more souls incarnated on Earth. They want to take advantage of this situation until the end!
As you understood, Gina'abul allow their past and present (finely hidden) this order of things ... The Gina'abul have truncated the human genetic code to convert them into Á-DAM (animals) their service. This is still relevant today, especially when out with posting the strange behavior and often inhumane leaders of this world in the service of the gravediggers galactic Kadištu (planners) appoint Gílimanna (Heavenly Creatures).
Sorry to repeat myself, but the souls who are incarnated on Earth know where they put their feet! The fact that most Gina'abul have become outlaws and are galactic conflict with the planning of our universe is not incompatible with the work performed by karmic low. Everything is a story of appreciation. The soul that has experienced the denial in all its forms on Earth will be "justice" itself when it is back up there. It will eventually claim the universal experience in serving his neighbor and then the Source ( "God") which it was formed and to which it will anyway. The tortuous paths diverted and it will take to achieve this goal, however, and generate various forms of pain do not watch it ...
Karmaone: Do you think reptilians males fed on the fears, trauma and all the negative energy generated by the "female" when they are captive. Religions and cults sacrificial would aim to provide energy, released by the trauma and fear, to entities venerated at the sacrifice. These practices do they derive from the fact that these entities would be greedy reptilian energy? Some authors cite similar practices on men.
Anton Parks: You probably want to speak with an author like David Icke. I have great respect for this man, although it is obviously in fear and that all reptilians are for it being malicious. Despite this questionable position to me, for the reasons mentioned in the first volume, I must confess that Icke was right on many points.
Reptilians "land" as the Anunnaki or their direct descendants need to absorb the low energy that can emerge when the human being is afraid for the simple reason that the terrestrial frequency (the KI = 3rd dimension) is more high on Earth on the different worlds they occupy in the galaxy. Remember that Anunna arrived on earth by chance. They had great difficulty in adapting. Since their arrival on Earth, and their acolytes Anunna consanguine have continued to make all sorts of manipulations to decrease the frequency of KI. Caste Gina'abul dominant male does not love that some people have built. Human beings, even declined today still represents a danger to the community.
In "The Dark Secret of the Stars", I explained extensively the role of women, specifically the role of priestesses Gina'abul community reptilian and the report they have with the planners that they belong. I detailed the power of femininity that we call Earth "the power of the Goddess." Gina'abul different males, as some Ušumgal MusGe and actually jailed for females steal their power by force and torture. This created a division among radical Gina'abul that did Colmata when females Gina'abul s'intégrèrent to Kadištu (planners).
However, when some of these priestesses s'échouèrent with Anunna on Earth, they do not systematically pactisèrent with them. Is not this the episode that we find in the garden of Genesis, where Enki (the Serpent) in the service of the patriarchal order Gina'abul is to initiate the clandestine Á-DAM, "herds colonized "(see above definitions of Adam) with strange females called Lilith? Lilith is in fact allied to the Source (the true God) and for this reason that it was "daemonized" by religious organizations that embody the patriarchal religions of the world. Observe that the Gnostic ideology reinforces this situation, since in its view, the principles of good and evil are reversed on Earth.
The introductory episode of the (hidden) in men is not unique to Genesis Bible and is found on many performances throughout the world, like here on the Codex Borgia, plate 57:
A priestess "Dark Star" introduces a man to the knowledge of the sacred tree. The concept of Dark Star is expressed twice in this figure: once at the top where it is clearly a star and its dark side and once in each hand of the priestess showing a star and jaguar ( symbol of the night). Note the symbols on the lunar priestess who evoke the menstrual fluid in the sacred rites of Tantric India. Between the two characters are two snakes schematize Ida and Pingala, the two currents of the subtle Kundalini to get up the energy along the spine. As shown in the drawing, the rise of these currents subtle offers the possibility to reach the world of stars and the opposite movement (down) is a "little death" represented by the skull placed in the pot or the cup that symbolize the first chakra called Muladhara in Sanskrit ( "the place of the root"). This same word in Sumerian decomposed MUL-AD-HARA5 translates to "shine spreading of the cut" ...
Karmaone: Nigel Kerner, a British author who wrote a book on Gray, describes them as robots, some sort of drone explorers initially loaded to restore the faulty gene to their creators. These organic robots themselves in decadence genetic became somewhat independent, with centuries losing contact with the entities that were created. What do you think about this description? You also mention the Gray as Miminu?
Anton Parks: Yes, the word that I received at the time. What was my surprise to find it later among the Dogon of Mali in which this word means "ant". Decomposed in Sumerian, this is Mi-Mi-NU "leader (s) charges hostile (or negative). This translation is even more interesting than Credo Mutwa called the "Grays" Mantindane "executioners" in Zulu. That word is broken down into suméro-Akkadian: MAN (partner, partner, equal) TIN (live, live) DAN (disaster), which gives TIN-MAN-DAN, or "partner (s) where the calamity or "partner (s) living in the disaster."
From what I know, "Gray" comes originally from Lyra, the location of many colonies Gina'abul. They work in groups and work like ants. It is a strain of workers in the service of their creators reptilians. The different lines have Gina'abul manufactured Mìmínu in the past. There are several types depending on the region. Those who are involved in the solar system and which were created by Kingu (Gina'abul royal) are larger and have hair.
There is abundant evidence on the presence of "gray" in the solar system, if only by the various cases of abductions recorded each year across the globe. Frankly, I do not know what became Mìmínu today. Their fate seems to have changed somewhat since they seem to possess a kind of autonomy they had not a few millennia ago. The story I tell (ie, what I received) stops there are more than 2000 years ago. My knowledge ends at that time.
Karmaone: According to some authors (like the shaman Credo Mutwa (Reptilian Agenda), Robert Boulay (Flying Snake and Dragon), Zecharia Sitchin or Mark Amaru Pinkham, William Bramley, etc..), We would have been partially manufactured by the Anunnaki. Against by John Lash (and the Gnostic tradition) says that the reptilians want us to believe they are our creators and that we are their creatures.
What is it?
Anton Parks: One of the most remarkable handling Gina'abul is to have alienated the human being into an animal to its service. For this, the Gina'abul left of the original humanoid they mixed with their own genes and those of monkeys. The original human being was assembled by Kadištu (planners). Its role was to keep the animal from the garden level. As stated precisely Genesis (1.26), it was the last specimen to be integrated into the reserve planners alive. The purpose of this reserve was to assemble the genetic emissaries of the Source. The original human being was highly respected because it combined the single gene of many species planners.
The particular mix that Gina'abul had imagined for their Á-DAM is a composition quite impossible to achieve today to scientists humans. This is the same kind of manipulation qu'avaient made the Kadištu (planners) to assemble the original human being. It is Enki, son of An and Nammu which is responsible for this sad task under constraints that will be developed in the second volume. I call this genetic combination "mixed blood" in the first book. I do not give information on this subject for reasons I mentioned above. Humanity has a prodigious destiny. The purpose of mankind is not to repeat the errors of Trickster reptilians who have moved to their creators!
The sad aspect of the Á-DAM-the animal is still attested by several traditions. Particularly in the biblical texts which are documents in the same time that the biblical writings, but are not recognized by the Church. Why? Why? Because these texts seriously undermine the official version:
Apocryphal "Book of Adam", excerpts from chapters 13 and 15, éditions Robert Laffont, 1980:
"Who me immersed in this infinite sadness ill angels whose smell is foul, whose form is abhorrent, who threw me in the midst of these evil geniuses? Should I grow and grow in an environment I hate that, among those whose works j'abhorre? Should I take shape, that I live in their homes ... why my original form was it changed? Oh that leaves me back to stay peace, to which my heart yearns! Let me make the celestial meetings and interviews and prayers filled with effusions of peaceful m'illumine that the light from above and that I am finally stripped envelope of this stigma. How long will I be linked to this body of mud? "
Apocryphal "the Apocalypse of Adam", text-gnostic Nag Hammadi Codex 5 NH, Ganesha Publishing, 1989:
"When God m'eût shaped land at the same time qu'Eve I went with her to a glory that she had seen in the aeon from which we come. It taught me a call knowledge of the eternal God. Then we became like great eternal angels: we were superior, in fact the God that we had shaped and Powers are with him, but we do not know. So taken wrath, the god of power and eons we split ... Since then we have been educated as men, deadly things. Then we had the God who fashioned us. Because we were not independent of his powers. And we have served in fear and slavery. And accordingly, darkens our hearts ... "
Credo Mutwa (still him!) Called reptilians who run this world "the Chitauli", whose meaning is "dictators" in Zulu. Again, this term is translatable in Sumerian: ŠITA4 (group) UL (splendor, old) I (dominate, control) or ŠITA4-UL-I "group, which dominates the splendor" or "the group of old (s) which dominates. " This translation is not unlike the meaning of Sumerian lizard (s) GINA-AB-UL "real (s) ancestor (s) of the glory" ...
Karmaone: According to these authors, the reptilians would be still on earth. Certain "strains" or "races" living in a subterranean world. Other control some of our leaders, having somehow taken over and created lines of the hereditary nobility of Europe. What do you think? Can we really speak of a "reptilian" to manipulate the world and our souls?
Anton Parks: The reptilians are in conflict with each other for a long time and this war is still relevant on Earth. The humanity pays a high price! The Earth is a challenge for caste Gina'abul male. The present geopolitical events are not my specialty but the information I have today, thanks to what I received for 10 years, leave me to conclude the following:
Since it is no longer in direct contact with its re-creators, the human being is eager to give the impression of control its own history and destiny. It removes the official version prepared by the dominant authority, itself manipulated behind the scenes by the male Gina'abul (See the introduction to the series in Volume 1).
Anunna the land and their descendants are at war against the royal Gina'abul called Kingu who claim to own the Earth. This ancient war should in no way affect the present humanity. However, Gina'abul males are using humanity as cannon fodder ... Humans do, their eyes, anything other than Á-DAM (animals), killing for each of the two clans by conflicts skilfully interposed.
More simply, I believe that the armed forces Anglo-American working for the faction Anunna and their direct descendants. While the royal Gina'abul use of the Nordic countries to fight their enemies consanguineous. Those who consider themselves at the top of the social pyramid are the royal Gina'abul called Kingu-Babbar, ie the albino Kingu! They are reptilians with Whiteness extremely daunting. They abhor the Ušumgal their Anunna and their descendants, which does not prevent them to join with them when it suits them. This incredible story of "purebred" (Aryan) comes from there.
Sulger the king of Ur (2094-2047 BC. JC), ruler of Sumer and Akkad.
He was deified during his reign to mark its divine origin.
We see this seal on clay facing a Dragon, which it transmits the
divine power. One of his hymns clarifies that Sulger has a fierce look
and he was born a Ušumgal (Grand Dragon) " (ANET 585).
There are several different sources which attest to the United States would still be at war against Germany today. Simply note that there has never been a peace treaty signed between the Allies and Germany at the end of the Second World War. Is this really an oversight? The Anunna and Kingu (Royal) use human beings as pawns and the Earth as a great chessboard. They settle their accounts of this sordid way for millennia. Both think the other possess the powers and therefore rights Uras (the Earth).
The Ušumgal-Anunna and their descendants are holed up in caves and other cavities land. The more "pure" or "unaltered" of them do not (or more) the 3rd dimension (the KI) which is constantly (re) mount frequency over time. Some of them attend the 2nd dimension rather that, by its specific gravity on Earth, could very well be the 3rd Dimension on another planet. From what I know, the royal albinos do not have this problem of frequency. Those who live on Earth rather lie at the poles or at the Abzu (the underworld). I am not aware that they currently live in the same Abzu. The Royal also has some mountain areas and bases throughout the solar system, including the moon and ...
The group Gina'abul which was part be that I tell the chronicles in this series was between these two groups opposed consanguineous. This group "rebel" consisting essentially Amašutum (female planners) to Ama'argi (females Gina'abul land) and Nungal (clones planners) has spent his time combining with these two collective enemies - which created political complications on Earth. Humans, whatever their skin color, have always served their re-creators. This is indicated by the term African Wazungu "people or demons-vorticity", the plural term used by many African tribes to describe the extraterrestrial type "Nordic". Its decomposition suméro-Akkadian brings its profound sense: WA (understanding) ZU (wisdom, knowledge) UN (people, population) GU7 (make food offerings, food, eating), or WA-ZU-UN-GU "those to the understanding and knowledge to the people who bring food offerings (or food) "!
The outbreak of the original language into thousands of different languages (in split-suméro Akkadian) is a result of these oppositions between the rebels Gina'abul (serving Kadištu-planners) and the two other clans that are competing for the legitimacy of the ground. The gradual disappearance of the language of heaven in the mouth of mankind was échafaudée not and conquer, but to disrupt the subjugation of human by Kingu (Royal) and Anunna.
Should we fail to see is a resounding hope? Those guarding the garden and have offered a minimum of autonomy to humanity knew very well what they were doing. Religious traditions have turned into enemies of God, then it is the opposite! These beings - for the vast majority of planners in the service - have ceased to codify the language of the earth to avoid a globalization that has the aim to centralize powers (to whom you know) and robotizing humanity . You finally understand what is happening now? Global conflicts, attacks, increasing instability are only there to serve the carnivores! They have their little war intermediary, they try to reduce the frequency of the KI (3rd dimension) that is supposed to serve as a springboard to higher levels, and they weaken the human ...
The time came to decode what has been encrypted. As I demonstrated in "The Dark Secret of the Stars" and a little here, the decomposition of numerous terms from the four corners of the Earth is possible through the coded language of Gina'abul rebels. This information is valuable because it reveals the origins of humanity and the way forward ... The spiritual journey is none other than the spirit and light that connects both to a universal consciousness is not confined to this planet. The word spirituality is derived from the Latin SPIRITUALS himself from SPIRITUS ( "spirit"). This gives the language of the "gods": SI (light), PIRIG (brilliant) and the verbal form U.S. (being near, track, achieve) or SI-PIRIG-US "to follow the brilliant light. It is to this light that we will all one day, humans Gina'abul ...
Karmaone - © Karmapolis - décembre 2005
© Novembre 2005 Anton Parks , pour les décompositions, traductions et interprétations suméro-akkadiennes
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