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The telluric networks


The purpose of this file is to bring together in one file all the research I have done on terrestrial networks for 20 years, scattered in the three books that deal in part with this vast subject. I hope that my trainees will find all the useful information and that this can be used by researchers passionate about this field.

This file has no scientific claim, it is a sum of reflections and measures through the felt. I know that the existence of networks is in doubt, but if hundreds of thousands of people feel them, in all cultures and at all times, we can not just say that it does not exist, under the pretext that we have no devices to measure them.


There is no mention of telluric networks in ancient texts, although there are engravings illustrating rhabdomancians (dowsers) stick in hand, with straight lines drawn in the ground that could be reminiscent of telluric lines. It was not until 20 th century that terrestrial networks are rediscovered, named and studied in terms of their dimensions and their likely effects on health. The best known are the two networks described for the first time in 1952 by Dr. Manfred Curry (Curry network) and discovered in 1954 by Dr. Ernst Hartmann (Hartmann network).


The network Curry owes its name to the American doctor born in 1899 in Munich, Manfred Curry. He spent most of his life in Germany. What he did not discover, however, but only announced in publication, is the diagonal network discovered by Siegfried Wittmann around 1950 and which received the name of Curry because of this publication. This network is diagonal with respect to Hartmann's global network. Like the Hartmann network, the Curry network encompasses the entire earth. The Curry network is influenced by the moon. At full moon, it is particularly strong, especially at points of intersection with the Hartmann network .It would be particularly harmful for the health of the human being when he crosses in addition a vein of water. By day, the intensity of the Curry network decreases, and at night, it can cause sleep disturbances.

Others researchers, doctors, physicists, radiesthesists and dowsers have been interested in networks and have sometimes given their names to some of them, such as Francois Peyre, Lucien Romani, Walter Kunnen, Reinhard Schneider, Hiller, Palm and Siegfried Wittmann.

Personal history

I started geobiology in 1995 and my interest quickly focused on the terrestrial networks that I mapped over distances of several kilometers. These readings were made using a pair of rad-master rods and then on the Lecher antenna for 2-3 years. Finally, in 1998, I started to feel them with my hands and I finally saw them with my eyes as early as 2000. Although I use clair-vision to look for them, I continue to use a only stick rad-master in order to go faster and less tiring in the detection of telluric networks.

Grids on a planetary scale

Many researchers had fun determining grids covering the entire planet. Sometimes with unconventional orientations, ie non-global or non-diagonal. I will not comment on this kind of grid, because having visited some places, supposedly placed on these lines, I have neither detected nor felt phenomena other than level 3 or more lines (we see this later).

List of grids (hypotheses):

- the crystalline grid of Goncharov, Makarov and Morozov
- the complete grid of Becker and Hagens
- the golden lines of Sylvain Tristan
- the double gold and silver of Georges Prat
- the orthotenic lines of Aimé Michel
- the grids of Anton Benker

Not to mention all the "line plotters" that connect sacred places to each other and feel like they have discovered the reason for their location. Most of these people are in their heads and want to prove that they are right, while the feeling shows that there is nothing, that the line is imaginary. Let's remain pragmatic and trust body feeling because our body is not the most beautiful and the most sensitive measuring devices?

Nature of telluric networks

To determine the nature of the telluric lines, I proceeded by elimination by measuring them in different ways, even in the Faraday cage of a laboratory. This led me to exclude the electromagnetic nature of networks; they are neither magnetic, nor electrical, nor electromagnetic, nor magnetostatic, nor electrostatic, nor ionic. I only had sound waves left. However, if we move a device emitting a high-pitched sound, we find that the sound passes from one ear to another (binaural effect) when the device crosses a telluric line. This highlighting of the lines, in the absence of a direct measurement, could not have been better. If we look at the general dimensions of frames and bands, it could be microwave frequencies, more than 10 ' 000 times higher than what can be measured to my knowledge. This would explain why all attempts to measure its lines with all existing devices have failed. Highlighting with the Sonotest or with a smartphone app:

06-sonotest.gif  392x696bb.jpg


Origin of telluric networks

As the name suggests, the networks would be a high-frequency sound vibration coming from the Earth, either directly through the Earth's magnetic field or through reflection of cosmic rays. All the networks form more or less regular grids that cover the entire surface of the planet, with the exception of the poles.

The first time I saw images of water vibrating under the effect of a sound wave (cymatic), I immediately thought that the networks could be stationary sound waves, the source being the Earth and all the elements that are there, the vibrating medium being the air. What we would feel, would be just the areas of compression in the air generated by the vibration of the metal atoms excited by the Earth's magnetic field.

In the following image, we see that the standing waves adapt to the shape, in this case to a flat shape in the shape of a turtle shell in this magnificent demonstration that we owe to Alexandre Lauterwasser, the great specialist of the cymatic.

Stationary sound waves

The image below shows the stationary figures created by sand deposited on a metal plate subjected to a specific frequency, we see lines appear

formed by the sand that accumulates in the hollows of the standing wave. By imagining that this is the very principle of the formation of lines, then, on a sphere such as the Earth, we would see an entire grid strangely resembling the lines of global networks.

   cymatique.jpg  wave-stationnaire1.gif

On the other hand, measurements of the seismic waves on the surface and inside the Sun give us an image that also resembles the distribution of telluric lines with this curious absence of lines at the poles. Like sound, seismic waves are vibrations that move in matter like transverse waves.

From a mathematical point of view, we are in the field of spherical harmonics, which break down the surface of a sphere into "longitudes" and "latitudes" in every respect similar to telluric networks. So we have to do with standing waves that create "volumes" in space. I think I was one of the first to say that there were horizontal networks, which is perfectly logical given the three-dimensional nature of the Earth and its magnetic field.

  seismic waves sun.gifHarmonic-spheriques.gif

The link with the Earth's magnetic field

Through my hundreds of field expertise, I systematically noted the Hartmann network and found its deformation vertically faults and water currents, whose presence has been verified geomagnetometer. I noticed that the deformation of the frame, in its orientation and its dimensions, was proportional with the magnetostatic perturbation. The term geomagnetic network is sometimes used to mis-designate telluric networks.


This deformation decreases with the height generating a twist of the entire grid if the disturbance of the magnetic field is not perfectly oriented in the same direction as the grid. In general, the Hartmann network is the precise reflection of all the disturbances of the subsoil (water pipeline, underground water flow, faults, erratic blocks, etc.), a 3D image of what happens in the sub -ground. Finally I noticed that the grid is oriented locally according to the geology, the slope of the terrain, perfectly matching the contour lines. The orientation of the grid of global networks is conditioned by geology, it has a North-South / East-West orientation in the Great Plains.

The link with the stars

I took advantage of some beautiful and rare eclipses of Moon and sun to measure the effects on the lines. I have seen each time an enlargement of the bands with a maximum at the peak of the eclipse. I was able to relate this enlargement in relation to the influence on the vibratory intensity of the water (measurements with the Bioscope). The phenomenon is comparable to the nocturnal enlargement, as if the star absorbs radiation. The telluric networks thus undergo the influence of the stars.



Form of the wave of terrestrial networks

If we examine in detail the effect on the body (bioenergy), have found that the vital field dilates a little, rises a little but remains centered on the so-called positive lines and, conversely, contracts, goes down a little and suffers a deflection on the left for the so-called negative lines. Any network consists of bands alternating positive and negative polarity. The crossing of two negative lines generates a geopathogenic point, called a node, which should be avoided, especially if it is at the vertical of a disturbed zone at the level of the subsoil or accumulated with electromagnetic smog. The patern formed by the bands of a telluric network resembles a sound interference figure resulting from the sum of several wavelengths which add up to form zones of greater intensity and others where the intensity is almost zero.


F of a network band

By measuring very precisely a band of a telluric line, we see that it is not regular, we feel well two edges and a central ridge. The general shape of any telluric line is a form called a very characteristic brace. If we add up several sinusoidal and in-phase stationary waves, we get exactly this form in brace. It was only many years later that I was able to make the link with the interference patterns and the phenomenon of wave scattering. See the diagrams below.

 diffraction.gif  network-profil.gif

The torsion field

Another characteristic of telluric lines is the torsion field. I will not go into details for this field which defines the direction of rotation of the waves. Every wave is the sum of a right field and a left field, in a certain proportion. The dowsing has highlighted it with the girder pendulum sometimes left or right in the presence of certain phenomena. The Vega-11 is the device that allows you to measure it more accurately.

When the pendulum indicates a pathogen by turning counterclockwise, the levorotatory direction, then the Vega-1 indicates the presence of a left torsion field.



The positive bands have a torsion component on the right, while the negative bands are obviously on the left. The crossings of the lines, the nodes, are the accumulation of the two, so a crossing of two negative lines reveals a torsion field much stronger on the left and thus geopathogenic. The graph below shows in detail the intensity of the torsion field of a band and its harmonics.


The widths of the bands and frames of the different level 1 networks

The following sheet shows the average frame sizes of the most common networks and their bandwidth. These dimensions vary a bit, especially because of magnetic anomalies, some networks much more than others. This is an average of the frames measured in Switzerland. Note that the Hartmann network is smaller than the usual 2m / 2.5m weft found in books, but in agreement with the possible variations of plus or minus 25%. Positive lines are red, negative lines are blue.


The different levels of the networks

A network is always a sum of waves in phases, then the level 1 is defined by the smallest frame that one can feel, the level 2 is the superposition of the wave of level 1 with a wave of greater length wave and that, all the x bands are superimposed creating a stronger intensity. This coefficient x depends on the grating, it is always an odd number, so that a line of level 2 of negative polarity is superimposed on a line of negative polarity of level 1. To respect the feeling of the form in connection we will say that a level 2 line is bordered by two level 1 lines and so on for each level. The general image of networks is fractal. The coefficient x is called "base", so all 7 lines Hartmann,


Grand Global and Grand Diagonal

If we consider a frame that corresponds to all the negative level 2 lines of the Hartmann network, and their particularly negative crossings, then we get a frame that fits perfectly with what some people call the Grand Global. This is nothing more than level 2 of the Hartmann network and not another network. It's the same with the Curry network, the Grand Diagonal is not the Wittmann network, but the negative level 2 of the Curry network.

The Sacred Network

There is also a lot of confusion, it is not another network, it is exactly the network Peyré. The Sacred Network is therefore not unread the Great Global. We find the Sacred Network (Peyré) in the frame of the pillars of the cathedrals.

Other networks

Other people have abusively given their name to more or less imaginary networks or appropriating an already existing network. I do not enter into this kind of egotistical behavior. As for Georges Prat's large gold and gold network, it corresponds to level 6 of the Or network (Peyré) with a frame of 396 by 423km (350 by 450km according to Prat), a result quite close but difficult to verify other than mathematically. Regarding the width of the level 3 lines, it seems to be identical for all the networks, this width corresponds exactly to the width of the door of all the buildings of the Neolithic period, in the whole world. It must be said that the great majority of the sacred sites are aligned on the lines of level 3, quite enough frequent. even if we consider that we need a positive cross,

Representation of level 1 to 4 networks (size, vital field and torsion field)

As soon as one starts to be interested in level 3 and more, it quickly becomes complicated by the superimposition of the frames, although the whole remains always homogeneous with always this characteristic form in hug.


The superposition of networks

In reality, all networks overlap without interacting with each other. In the end we get a complex vibratory image where, finally, there is, so to speak, no frankly neutral zone.

Effects of torsion fields on networks

When we place for example a crystal on a band of a network, we see that the band widens in proportion with the intensity of the right torsion field emitted by the crystal, it depends on the quality of the crystal and especially its mass. The crystal will "crush" the line, it will feel almost no more, as if the information was spread over a larger area but attenuated in intensity. Conversely, if a DECT cordless phone is placed on a band, then the line shrinks and becomes negative. The left torsion field of the phone is much stronger than the right torsion field of the line, if it is positive. If the line is negative, its left torsion field is amplified by the phone and the line becomes very negative. I also noticed that the information of the torsion field is propagated along the line and goes up a little on the lines that cross it. This principle of flattening a line and the process by which most "correctors" or "harmonizers" work.

This is also a good way to check their effectiveness by placing the device on a negative line and measure with the Vega-11 how far the line is still negative. Many sellers of corrective devices largely overestimate the effectiveness of their product.


Relationship between metals and telluric networks

Georges Prat was one of the first to talk about the relationship between metals and telluric networks. He established a pendulum correspondence between networks and metals.

It would seem that each metal and metalloid resonates with the Earth's magnetic field and the resulting vibration would produce the different telluric networks and their vibrational signature. Personally I established, in 2001, a list of networks and their metallic resonance thanks to the bioenergy (published in 2004 in Sacred Geometries, volume 1).


Networks and Atomic Emission Spectrum of Metals

I have always been convinced that their vibratory signature and thus the effect felt in the chakras was related to metals, but it was not until 2013 that I realized the similarity between the emission spectrum atomic of a metal and its felt in the body. It remained for me to superimpose each spectrum with the distribution of colors in the body (sensitivity to the color of each part of the body, in connection with the chakras).

The graph below gives you a list of the most common networks, their metallic correspondence, the feeling in the body and the beneficial effect (determined by LVA). If we project on a line the atomic emission spectrum of a metal, converted into sound waves in the audio range, we notice that this line enters into resonance and widens differently for each metal. The greatest width is obtained for the metal that is most resonant with the line.

New discoveries

Overall, the networks fit well with what I've been teaching for over 10 years. However, there were some surprises. The Curry network resonates with iron, but it's even stronger with tin! Note that the atomic emission spectrum of tin is included in that of iron, which explains the error. Feeling, iron also acts in the head which is not the case of the Curry network. If the feeling does not stick with the atomic emission spectrum then it is that it is not the good metal.

Regarding the second diagonal network, it is clear that the vibration of the aluminum does not correspond at all with the feeling, it is the indium which is by far the closest, because it is the only metal whose action is exclusively in the head. To end with this network, at the time, I gave him the name of Wissmann, not to give mine. Everyone ended up adopting that name that does not fit anyone. For historical reasons, I propose to give him the name of the one who had rediscovered the Curry network, the German Siegfried Wittmann.


Networks in archeology

For many years I have taken Hartmann lines to hundreds of places. All of the most interesting records are in my books Sacred Geometry, Volumes 1 and 2. I have noticed that all over the world, and at all times, the builders have used and manipulated telluric lines. I was able to go back to 6000 BC, beyond which it is difficult to find places sufficiently in good state of conservation. The subject is vast, I would content myself with summarizing the great principles.


Choosing a sacred place

In the earliest times, beginning of the Neolithic, the places were natural, with a minimum of human intervention, the rocks or caves being sometimes slightly modified in their form to stick to the intention, the function of the place. They mainly used places that evoked for example animals. Over the centuries, the places were more and more manipulated energetically until becoming totally artificial, since Roman times. Nature and energies are gradually "domesticated".

It is by collaborating with archaeologists that I was able to highlight the fact that the telluric lines were displaced by the builders. By looking for the lines precisely, it is possible to give the position and width of the walls, even if there is no archaeological remains left. Contrary to what some people say, it is the lines that have been placed (displaced) on the walls and not the other way around.


In the Neolithic

Menhirs are placed on line crossings. The vortex or the telluric current placed on the menhir makes it a transmitter of form (scalar waves) which pushes the lines of the Hartmann network a few meters, creating naturally a sacred space. For example, Mount Moiurex in the Pays de Gex.

Mt Mourex.gif

The dolmens and the stone circles are also placed on crossings, the lines are manipulated to pass in the stones, multiplied in the walls and curved if necessary to stick to the form.

The gear ratios go in series of 7, with 3 lines in the walls, usually there are 3 sets of 7, then a space, a series of 7, a space and a series of 3. This principle is found everywhere in the world for places between the 4th and 3rd millennium BC Sometimes all telluric lines are "erased" in the sacred space. When there is no physical construction, the lines are multiplied to create energetic speakers. Always in series of 7, but between 3 and 7 series, then some lines with increasing spacings and finally a series of 3. Characteristic for the civilization of the fields of urns in the 2nd millennium. For example, the field of urns Glozel in the Allier.


Hallstatt era

At the time of Hallstatt, 850-450 BC, peaks in network reduc- tion were achieved. The number of sets of 7 varies from 3 to 13, spaced by approx.1.5m. At the end of the last series, there are 21 lines whose spacing increases gradually until becoming normal and to finish a series of 3. This device is found in all the big tumuli and in the strongholds of this time. As an example, a sacred place in the Swiss Jura.


Epoque celtique

A l’époque celtique, 450 à 58 avant J.-C, on change de répartition des séries, mais tout en gardant les séries de 7, 3 série de 7, un grand espace de 3-4m, une série de 7, à nouveau un grand espace de 3-4m et 3 lignes pour terminer. Ce dispositif a été adopté pour les tumuli, les oppida, les temenos et tous les ouvrages fortifiés. En exemple, la place forte de Châtel d'Arrufens en Suisse.


Epoque romaine

A l’époque romaine, 58 avant à env. 400 après J.-C., les séries de 7 sont abandonnées au profit des séries de 3, 5, rarement 7 de même polarité, démultipliées et placées dans les murs. Cette technique est utilisée pour toutes les constructions y compris les ouvrages enterrés tels que les citernes et les égouts. J’en ai fait la démonstration aux archéologues sur les sites d’Orbe et de Bibracte. Les Romains ont été les seuls à démultiplier les lignes horizontales, il faut dire que c’est les premiers à avoir construit des édifices de 6 étages.

roman villa.gif

In the middle Ages

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, we see a novelty appear, series of 5 arranged in the walls and off walls as for the Celts. In general, a first series of 5 which corresponds to the wall of enclosure, then 2 or 3 sets of 5, according to the size of the ditch, finally a series of 3. This way of doing is found mostly in the clods of the 5th to the 8th century, among the Burgundians and the Franks. From the 8th century, the series of 5 are abandoned and we return to the mode of making Romans that will be respected throughout the Middle Ages, lines multiplied in the walls. As the architecture becomes more complex in terms of shapes, the lines are placed so as to correspond to architectural details. The lines are moved and multiplied to match each type of work. For example, the cathedral of Lausanne.


Souvent, dans une ville, tous les croisements intéressants ont été utilisés pour y placer des édifices religieux ou des bâtiments publics.


In 1350, the Great Plague decimates the builders and knowledge is lost for a few centuries. We see him reappear furtively in France between 1620 and 1695, probably thanks to an initiate Louis XIII, his school is active until the end of the reign of Louis XIV.

In some parts of the world, knowledge has not been lost in the Great Plague, as is the case in the British Isles and Latin America. In Tibet, the knowledge of the builders, has never been interrupted since the Middle Ages, it is still taught from master to disciple, the Druidic way.

Modern era

The Germans are the ones who do the most research on the networks, convinced that they are magnetic, in my opinion they are lost a little in assumptions supported by mathematical calculations that are far from the felt. I have always favored the feeling as the basis of work, seeking rather to make coincide the mathematical models with the feeling in the body and not the opposite.


After having practiced with the pendulum and the chopsticks (geobiology 1.0), I am equipped with many devices of field measurements (geobiology 2.0), finally, I developed the bioenergy to make the link with the felt in the body and me pass both dowsing tools and measuring devices (Geobiology 3.0). I still think it's more important to rely on feeling than on a physical measurement obtained by a device that will never be as sensitive as a human and that does not work the same way, there is a fundamental difference between the inert and the animated.

Since 2013, I am mainly interested in scalar waves, which are probably the key to understanding the functioning of living things and our interaction with the environment. This led me to review all that I had developed as a theory for over 15 years, without giving up the feeling that has always been a constant. It is with this in mind that the LVA was designed, a device that was calibrated from the felt, a first for a device, because so far, with bioenergy I was calibrated according to physical measurements, comparing the variations of the vital field with the intensities of the physical fields.

The Vega-11 is the ultimate device for measuring torsion fields, the LVA being developed for applications in geobiology is the device to have the vibratory signature of places and their effect in the body. If I abandon the teaching of bio-energetic geobiology from 2019 it is to better devote myself to geobiology 4.0; with Vega-11 and LVA, we enter informational geobiology.


Les images et les graphiques sont tirés de mes ouvrages : « Géométries Sacrées » tome 1 et 2 ainsi que « Bioénergie »

Appareil de mesure des champs de torsion : Vega-11

Apparatus for measuring vibration signatures: Life Vibration Analyzer

Device for protecting against telluric lines: Vernada Geo and Spinor

to calibrate you on the telluric networks with the Feeling Box: album 11.Geobiologie

Attention, this file is subject to copyright, some images are the property of my publisher.

No image and no text can be used without mentioning the source, ie

 Stéphane Cardinaux

EPFL Architect

Trainer and researcher in geobiology and bioenergy
Specialist in electrophotonic balance












Original text