Fractal Water -
Zaragoza Film ONE- First Conference Film Series Released here - Aug 25, 2008
Conference - Co Sponsored by, and Acknowledgement to Georg Gaupp
Filmed at Huesca, near Zaragoza, Spain - Internation Expo on Water- Aug 22-24, 2008:
Dan Winter- presents - at ECOLOGY AND WATER- Fourth International Expo - Saragosa, Spain - Aug 22-24, 2008:
Konstantin Korotkov, Dan Winter, Irvin Lazlo, Emoto, Minnie Hein and many others..
Spanish Links with Dan Winter > : & THANKS TO Marco (who also translated-more at):
Recent articles-Aug 08 In Spanish - ,
to order Spanish DVD 50 Euro set:
French links at , French translation and communications by Valerie Sandelin , aussi clique: chargeinwaterfrench.pdf >
"La VIE en général et de l'eau en particulier, résulte de la DISTRIBUTION parfaite, créée par la compression fractale (et implosive), de la CHARGE. La Fractalité dans l'eau dépend de la cohérence macro-moléculaire de la molécule d'eau et subatomique de l'hydrogène.
(English): Life force in general and in water results from the perfected distribution of charge created by perfected fractal compression.
Fractality in water extends from macromolecular coherence right down to the subatomic fractality of hydrogen. "
German> Fractal Life article by Dan Winter from Nexus Magazine:
"Fractality:The Deep Science of Life Force in Water:
Fractality in Water in measured by Redox potential. That charge distribution efficiency quantifies ability to support life because perfect compression (fractality) is what creates self organization. Science evidence for this is contained in the principle of PHASE CONJUGATION. Well known for creating self repair in optics, new evidence shows how the phase conjugate principle in every electric spectra- is behind - flowforms, the orgone, and biogeometry ("etheric formative force"). The way waves in water and all living fields create this ability to conjugate phases is direcly illustrated with precise Golden Ratio physics - by the "Cadduceus" long the symbol of DNA, medicine and healing. Dramatic powerpoint visuals on Dan Winter's: 'New Fractal Science of Life' - references: , and
Phase conjugate fractality has been presented by this author - at many international physics symposia - as specifically the wave symmetry, cause and mechanism of : life force, perception, gravity, and color. "
Fractality and the New Science of WATER- Zaragoza Film ONE
- Conference Series with Dan Winter
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--IMPLOSION GROUP newsletter url: - Aug 27,2008 Implosion Group distribution of Dan Winter's work- Main Index: 1 Million hits/month, >our film library.. Subscribe/Unsubscribe email to: , Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian-new>SiteSearch
DVD's/Books - "World Tours!">Course Calendar - Films Online - HeartTuner/BlissTuner Latest Newest Compleat 400 Image Implosion Powerpoint! Dan Winter's BOOKS:1.Alphabet of the Heart, 2. EartHeart, 3.Implosions Grand Attractor, 4. Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy&Immortality , - Origin of Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles -with new master photo galleries
This is - Section 1- online- This New Video online is the First of Five Segments -
- Order the Full Resolution DVD's online - see for more DVD's
Links to all Three Parts of the Film ABOVE.
Streaming real format with controller bar:If the video does not play in your browser, verify Real Player is installed,
or try downloading the real media zaragoza1.rm file for external play
Powerpoints for with:
ImplosionWater Powerpoint from Dan Winter..(First part of talk).
Phase Conjugation: FRACTALITY Solutions- Powerpoint - from Dan Winter - (Part Two of Lecture)
Primary Water- Powerpoint from Rob Gourlay - Australia - Powerpoint..
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov (
Dr.K lectures on Water and Measuring FRACTALITY IN AIR - and more.. in Zaragoza, Film in 2 Parts:
In the film - Dr.Korotkov measures the most fractality in space- at the sacred place where the Kogi tribe elder shamans specifically communicate with their ancestors!
Dr. K.'s complete Powerpoints ! - (as web displays):
Note how the Dr. K's GDV technique now extends to measuring FRACTALITY IN AIR:
Download PDF EclipseEffectonAIRFractality.pdf - thanks Dr. Korotkov!
We have discussed elsewhere measuring Earth Energy line collapse-during ECLIPSE (The moon is electrically opposite to fractal): with Stephan Cardineau
Minnie Hein - Amazing work - beautiful images- seeing healing effects in water structure-
her PowerPoint: (sorry the film is not here - )
Above-we made the news- Double Rainbow Encircles the Huesca, Spain Congresso - Hall- Just Before the Conference..
Georg Gaupp Berghausen> Water Conference Co-Sponsor..
Georg's book-Vom Wesen des Wassers: Im Tropfen zeigt sich die Welt - aufregende Bilder und Erkenntnisse internationaler Wasserforscherabove.
Above- Organizers lead formal Tai Kwan Do - ritual of Purification nested in one of the highest waterfalls of the Pyrenees
Above- Dr. Korotkov proposes toast at Presenters Celebratory Dinner- just before the event-
Above- Dan Winter- and Dr Emoto and his translator..
Above and below- Irvin Lazlo in action at the conference...
Above- Dan Winter- accepted 2 TV interviews just after his main presentation..
Zaragoza Photo Gallery Addend..
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Exerpt: from -
Spanish Version of this Article
We NEED A Simple Electrical Answer - So We Can Teach Our Kids!
Finding the PRINCIPLE in the Symmetry of Compression - for Water and Charge.
Notes originally from Dan Winter - Feb 23, 2005
published by Implosion Group.
Is LIFE Itself- the perfect CHARGE DISTRIBUTION That Results From Fractal (+Implosive) Charge Compression???
Knowing what LIFE is electrically - may be a LIFE or DEATH question for our genepool's survival. If we look at the often decaying core of cities on planet Earth - where compression is DEFINITELY NOT non-destructive - we might agree that humans have lost the thread of what LIFE is. Most cities from above are visually identical to cancer tissue. (Film: 'Global Brain' by Peter Russell). Interesting that in Albert Szent Gyorgyi's Nobel Winning work: 'Electronic Biology and CANCER' - he concludes that it is indeed the amount of order in the living water inside the cell - that largely distinguishes healthy cells from the cancerous. Chemists know this as the 'triplet state electron' - geometry among water molecules VERY good at DISTRIBUTING CHARGE. We are going so see more about how perfecting CHARGE DISTRIBUTION may be the key to unlocking the mystery of LIFE (and perhaps consciousness or electrical 'self-organization' itselt).
Finding a simple and compelling answer to the question of WHAT IS LIFE - satisfying both to electricians and children - may be as simple as examining the structure of WATER in a SEED.
A seed participates in a rather life or death drama at the moment it decides whether to germinate or die. In the simplest of terms, most biologists would probably agree - that the mechanical answer to the question of whether a seed comes to LIFE or dies- happens at the moment of germination. If we look at the germination process in the most gross and basic of terms, again biologists would probably have to agree that LIFE OR DEATH at that moment - is largely determined by WHETHER THE SEED HAS DEVELOPED THE POWER TO STEER OR ORIENT THE ANGLE OF APPROACHING WATER MOLECULES.
This is because - structured water - all agree- is key to cell metabolism and life. And structured water - holds trace minerals in bonded 'tow' - which are the FOOD to make a seed germinate. SO - if a seed can crank up the electrical power to steer in the approaching water molecules laden with FOOD - THEN we have the miracle of germination. If not - then we have - death.
So - where does this electrical power come from ? The POWER - (Watts, torq, volts,) to germinate.
If we talk with the chemists - they are going to get into rather strange discussions about whether the water molecule being walked in to the germinating seed is IN A TRACTOR BEAM - composed of inductance, magnetics, RF, microwave. My goodness - physics has so many names for different field effects no wonder our kids get confused. We have the ionic bond, we have the co-valent bond. One is for small families and short waves the other is for long.
And YET- according to Einstein - and every spiritual tradition of Earth - the Universe is made of only a single contiguous unified field. So if that is so - and this author empatically agrees- THEN - why do we need so many names for the same substance. So it may be soothing to realize that if you really push the scientist you are interviewing about all the names ( magnetic, inductive, capacitive coupling .. etc. etc.) he will ultimately agree that these are all names for the SYMMETRY OF CHARGE.
SO - we might be getting close to our universal solvent 'grail' for all these names - in the word CHARGE. It appears to be about as close to SPIRITUAL in trying to name the ONE SUBSTANCE that is the UNIFIED FIELD - as physics gets. In other words- it is likely that the word CHARGE is the closest word science has for .. CHI, ORGONE, BARRAKAH, FRESHNESS, LIFE FORCE, CHAKTIPAT, ECK, ETHER, PRANA, ELAN VITAL.
What a Tower of Babel.
You mean - understand the SYMMETRY OF CHARGE - to make matter - is all you have to do to become the complete physicist - (and GOD in the process)??? Actually this is pretty much literally true. Physics says that COMPRESSED CHARGE - stores the INERTIA which they label MASS. Therefore - God or the CREATOR (hopefully you) is the person who knows how to COMPRESS CHARGE.
Rotation which stands in one place BECAUSE of COMPRESSION is the only source of INERTIA. Remember the old joke: There are only TWO kinds of MATTER: 1. Matter - AND - 2. DOESN'T MATTER. SO - since inertia is the only measure and definition physics has come up with for matter - and rotation is the only way to get mass (and time by the way). THEN (by strict logical law) - if it doesn't rotate - IT DOESN'T MATTER.! Kind of turns you around doesn't it.
To be empowered we need to visualize this universal substrate of CHARGE upon whose weft and woof all mass and universe is woven by rotation. One need only be able to visualize (and hopefully FEEL inside)- the way compression waves would travel in a mushy compressible jello. Once you get the trick of sending a compression wave going in a circle by making the wave length fit in even multiples into the circumference (called 'quantum mechanics') you notice one more problem. The gyroscope of inertia (mass and creation itself) you make by sending your wave in a circle - won't stand in one place if there is not something SUCKING IT TO ONE CENTER. (Yeats: "In a widening gyre with a center that will not hold")
The problem of how to generate this CENTERING FORCE is central to the problem of MAKING GRAVITY, MAKING LIFE, AND - holding gyroscope wave circles from floating away. PERFECT COMPRESSION - is KEY to understand how CHARGE MAKES CENTERING FORCE! (Think: CENTRIPEDAL).
Why are we getting in to all these basic metaphors in order to understand LIFE IN A SEED? Well - we are needing to look at what is the SOURCE of the electric power a seed cooks up to enable it to germinate ( by electrically tractoring in the water molecule.)
Whether we call the field effect sent out by the happy seed - inductive or magnetic or capacitive - AC or DC - Hi Frequency or not (likely it is ALL of the above) - at LEAST science can probably agree that the correct word for what the seed radiates is SYMMETRY OF CHARGE. Of course physics says EVERYTHING is SYMMETRY FOR CHARGE. At least we get to unify things a bit.
SO - the seed is radiating CHARGE. If it radiates that - then it is alive. If not - no charge radiance (no water steering tool) then we call it DEAD.
So - what allows the seed to radiate charge - to enjoy being called LIFE? Well - somehow the charge must get in there. Who packs it away - ready to unpack? Answers like God or nature - while metaphoric are highly unsatisfying to curious children and electricians too.
So how DID the charge get compressed into the seed? Well - if we were to ask what creates the most COMPRESSION to a scientist - the answer is FRACTAL symmetry. Things whose inside are just like their outside (self-similar like fern trees and onions and pine cones kind of)- are by definition in science the only way to get INFINITE COMRESSION. Perfect compression is a VERY KOOL thing - because perfect compression MAKES NO HEAT! We are going to get into a nice word for this - IMPLOSION - which is opposite to EXPLOSION.
When you arrange charge waves into a FRACTAL
- by inviting such efficient COMPRESSION - you actually SUCK IN CHARGE! This 'IMPLOSION' is key to LIFE .... because...
LIFE is possible where the most charge waves agree... because...
Information is most available where most charge waves agree... because...
Charge waves can most agree to meet - only where COMPRESSION (Implosion) is perfect.
SO - if you get compression perfect - you get LIFE - because you arrange waves to suck in and store electric charge.
So - what IS the perfect symmetry to make charge waves compress? In water - and in seeds?
Science has noted that the effective structures in water - to best create storage of life and life processes are DODECAHEDRAL.
This has come to be known as THE CLATHRATE CAGE: pics below. Note that this relates to the Golden Mean ratio arrangement of WATER molecules in a MICROTUBULE - more below.
(for example - Pat Flanagan told to me that tucking monoatomic hydrogen into an implosive clathrate cage dodecahedron of water molecules was the key to his MICROHYDRIN -free radical scavenger - invention.)
Primordial Water Crystal in M-Activated Water,from Perhaps the best web summary of all the different healing waters:
Water - like DNA - can perhaps best be understood -from pure symmetry terms - as a device to permit the successful compression of electrical charge. The result of charge compression is the information density we call LIFE. To complete compression successfully - nature uses what every mathematician knows is the ONLY geometry for infinite or perfected - compression: FRACTALITY (self similarity). Golden Mean ratio is the essential dynamic of all PLANT SYMMETRY (phylotaxis) - and the basis of the FIVE SIDED - PENT nesting in GOLDEN MEAN RATIO - which is the shape (5 sided) of most every living protein. The KEY connection - is understanding WHY Golden Mean ratio is the KEY to compression. This is because Golden Mean ratio is the key to self-similarity - which IS the key to compression.
Our hypothesis under testing is: COULD THE ONSET OF RECURSION (DODECA or similar Compression Symmetries) be the SOURCE and key to what we are seeing in the cascades .. of charge harmonics ( life force measures) we are measuring in water?? This would then confirm the pattern we illustrate in the new book: "IMPLOSION: Secret Science of Ecstacy & Immortality"
Below: Cliff Pound assisted in measuring the charge radiance comparing the new Bunna Water from Fiji.. new Feb 9, 2004. Dark Blue Cascade Shows Excellent Symmetry.
Below: We are grateful to Frank- for Data harmonic analysis below - of the above Fiji Water data... NOTE: We expect to be able to isolate (and optimize) the charge sources in the environment which contribute to the life force in the water - by looking at their harmonic signatures!
Capacitve charge can be focused like a lens and projected - making for example the billions spent on hiding Stealth jets radar trace - truly wasted.
Take for example the relatively well known work of Hodowanec and Ramsey- proving that a weak capacitor passively in a quiet spot - is better than telescopes - and faster than light - for measuring star explosion events etc.
Altho - charging a capacitor and sending off the wave - is the basis of radio - Little is written to explain HOW capacitive charge moves faster than light.
As you view the pictures here - ask yourself - HOW it is that consciousness is best understood in principle as a name for perfected charge distribution. (awareness)
here's whats coming:
solar compression wave (solar maxima / 'rapture')-easily likely to destroy all biology here within 3-10 yrs.
weakened earth charge field coherence - science with NO CLUE how to create successful compression to stabilize gravity electrically: SITUATION GRAVE
Science is using the crudest stupid laced with death technology to address the problem - (HAARP and.. chemtrails..)
Instead of understanding what gravity is, and creating the long wave fractal compression to stabilize it.
Here is what needs doing: Rearrange Genes.. Hearts.. & BE COMPRESSIBLE - key to all biologic sustainability..
The focus of this article is to see the connection to LIFE FORCE (Ability to Attract / by compression/ and self organize Charge) and WATER!
note below pic top:fractality as optimized by Phi Golden Ratio: optimizes charge compression - the nature of water to support life - as we shall see...
begin exerpt from "Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality" ( )
Roses and pine cones are perfect examples of FRACTALs - the idea is called being SELF SIMILAR. This simply means the inside looks like the outside. When waves of charge get FRACTAL like this they compress perfectly and therefore allow charge to go in and out of implosion - speeding up at center. The overall information connecting thru light speed of CHARGE by implosion (attracting charge) is called LIFE!
We can measure this because things that are alive attract electrical charge from within - (
LIFE IS where the MOST WAVES TOUCH! (Harmonic Inclusiveness predicts vitality in everything that lives). LIFE itself is another way of talking about the infinite communication based on Golden mean that happens between waves when they compress perfectly into IMPLOSION/ FUSION. In Science this is sometimes called "Infinite Multiply Connected TOPOLOGY". This just means - how many different folds on surface can a converge or compress into one wave or fold at one place.
We can now make a definition and meaning for the term ORGANIC. This is good, because the word is getting too vague for use in the grocery store. Organic is a name for the ability of biology to attract charge when the electrical SYMMETRY (pattern inside) is more FRACTAL. When waves of charge nest inside each other very nicely, then the CHARGE does not bleed. If you could put your food inside a good biology CAPACITOR like a PINE CONE - or EGG - then it would keep longer. Putting your food inside a refrigerator has a serious problem. Refrigerators made of square shape, and metal are TERRIBLE leaking capacitors. This is why your food loses life so fast inside. Refrigerator designers are almost as stupid as city designers - who use too much metal and square shapes - in letting people use leaking charge for their space to be.
You could make a lot of money by making refrigerators that are better holders of CHARGE. This is what a scientist named REICH meant by ORGONE! People kept inventing new words like SPIRIT and CHI and ORGONE and MICROVITA and BARRAKAH because that did not know what a capacitor is or how they communicate ( it is sheer magic!). Life uses this faster than light way that capacitors communicate and we call it telepathy and spiritual healing. We have measured the way trees do this - using capacitors.
We should talk more about how making houses and buildings into holders of CHARGE is absolutely necessary to holding BLISS and LIFE. This creates new meaning for success & the word SACRED in ARCHITECTURE.
( ).
In order to understand for yourself - the meaning of the word ORGANIC a bit more - let us consider how waves of charge can be shared or distributed perfectly. (since this is how life works).
Waves of charge are wrapped in little nests of wave packages called ENVELOPES of waves. When an envelope of waves hits you, you call it a particle or matter. But matter and particles are only named for the INERTIA of these rotating spinning 'envelopes' made of waves. (Just waves of compression moving about in something you could imagine as a universal smoke or even jello - somethings called ETHER. Nice book: NOTHING BUT MOTION - by Dewey Larson). This is important, because eventually YOU are going to be able to steer waves (tornadoes, wormholes, and everything in science) by understanding this. We call this "Adopt a Pet Tornado" - you are A.P.T. to like it.
Remember- HOW TO STEER A TORNADO as a Shaman or priest - is how to steer everything! Feel compassion for the anger (the spin that does not fit the nest), electrically sucks you in to the center (of gravity) of the tornado.
( More pictures & story at )
So let's get back to the question of what shapes make perfect LIFE FORCE in principle. Imagine you were sitting there looking at the perfect head of broccoli or cauliflower - and you thought to yourself- hey- that look's fractal!
Distributing waves of LIFE FORCE (which is what consciousness as in CONSCIOUS KIDS is made of) - is like sharing touch. Waves that can share touch without hurting each other - or losing inertia or motion - can be distributed forever.
Remember in the movie '2001' where Dave touches a monument on Mars and finds he is distributed everywhere at once? Well there is a science to this.
This science is called: Infinite Distribution has NO Storage.
There is a famous book said to be by Christ and Einstein (Primer on Energy - Primer on Rotation) which says something like: ALL HUMAN WANT AND LACK or SCARCITY - COMES FROM THE ATTEMPT TO STORE RATHER THAN DISTRIBUTE. This is particularly true of spiritual information and bio-logic immortality. There is one symmetry or pattern which will allow PERFECT INFINITE DISTRIBUTION with ZERO STORAGE. (This SHOULD be applied to spiritual business).
Picture this..
Suppose you had a row of billiard balls - lined up from here to the moon. If there was a tiny gap between each ball - then when you bounced one ball into this end- it would take a VERY long time before exactly ONE ball bounced off at the moon. And if the space between each ball was not tiny enough ... the INERTIA of the ball you hit into this end - would NEVER reach the moon!
Now - suppose you re-arranged that long line or chain of balls. Let us now put them so that every ball precisely TOUCHES the ball next to it. There are no spaces between balls. NOW- in your imagination - bounce ONE ball into this end of the row which goes to the moon. Sure enough - exactly ONE ball bounces off the chain at the moon - AND this happens FASTER than the speed of light - AND - there is absolutely no INERTIA (motion) lost on the way! And yet - every single ball on the way - has FULLY FELT and been informed of ALL the INERTIA (information) which passed thru them.
Now - imagine you are a network of waves of charge- and you want to breath into them in this way. This charge being breathed into you network is called LIFE and is the root of the word to AN-imate. (The word AN comes from the Sumerian Extra Terrestrial REAL star trek story - ).
See- the thing is that life can happen if waves of charge can constantly be fed back to center. This is why to SELF-REFER is the definition of LIFE in ancient Veda. Golden Mean Ratio is the perfect way for waves to self refer and create awareness..
PERFECT CHARGE DISTRIBUTION (perfect compression creates perfect distribution of charge - no storage of charge) IS THE DEFINITION OF CONSCIOUSNESS ...
More on the nature of compression perfected- implosion as the definer of self organization at:
Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration Implosion Solution ( phiricais )
If Wilhelm Reich had known how capacitors work - he clearly would not have had to label his confusion with a new undefined word: ORGONE - which alienated science. Current western science does not understand how capacitors communicate. This - as we shall discuss - explains their failure to answer the question - Why does an object fall to the ground? Gravity occurs when charge centers discover self-similarity- perfected in Golden Ratio. When wave fronts converge in Golden Ratio -(the pent nature of DNA and Water for example) - their wave fronts add and multiply recursively only CONSTRUCTIVELY. What is constructively added and multiplied in addition to their wave lengths - is their WAVE VELOCITIES. This is how compression (in pent/Golden Ratio based self-similarity) is CHANGED INTO ACCELERATION. The acceleration path which then opens for charge thru the speed of light- pulls the plug for suction down the drain - called gravity. This is the solution to gravity, (gravity is our name for acceleration) the unified field, and the problem that stumped Einstein (infinite non destructive compression). This explains how biological structures get voltage from gravity ( volts generated inside a fresh egg - a pine cone - or better - the Fibres of Perkinjole of a heart in bliss). The attraction for biology to the self similarity symmetry - IMPLOSION - which produces the connection thru the speed of light - is important. Biological charge - unlike unconscious current science (& your doctor who calls the blue flash of menopause and tantra a 'disease' symptom) - is aware that it is fatal (mortal) - and unsustainable - to be trapped below the speed of light. ( The advanced material teaches the physics of how DNA's gravity producing role (10 oz or so of weight loss at deaths instant etc.) becomes critical in atmosphere creation - surviving solar maxima (rapture) and star birth. )
This success in compression become IMPLOSION - is the symmetry of LIFE. Charge in water - compressing well - is key to life- because obviously life is mostly water.
Compression success - is life success- because charge density (non destructive compression) is information density. (Waves that acheive infinite mulitple connectedness). The Vedic definition of consciousness as ABILITY TO SELF REFER - is answered by the Golden Mean spiral as the only angle at which a wave can re-enter itself without hurting itself. We develop this theme extensively in my 5th book: Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality - ( ). The summary being that - since bliss and euphoria (eeg and ekg harmonics spaced at Golden Mean) create charge compression - and since this is the ultimate form and expression of biological information - therefore bliss and euphoria are the ultimate educator. We further develop the notion that bliss (biologically acheived charge density) is the only way to acheive and sustain an immune system - and succeed in carrying memory (biological charge pattern) thru death. ( ) Thus we present step by step the scientific case that bliss and euphoria is the only scientifically defendable purpose for having DNA and having political government.
The purpose of this article -is specifically to extend the notion that perfected charge compression - is the very essential dynamic of life itself - to the STRUCTURE OF WATER.
.FlowForms are good examples of piezoelectric charge compressors for water - to heal. Many of the best are based on Golden Ratio:
Let's examine also hydrogen in water. This is so important - because as we know - hydrogen is obviously the key to fusion - as for example in the coeur of the Sun - and in Microhydrin - (Implosive monoatomic analog to Ormes)-
also - the hydrogen bond at the zipper in the helix of DNA - ability to compress accelerate the charge in the coeur of DNA thru light speed - making gravity in DNA ... and your soul.
The BIRTH OF DNA - is a name for the time Proteins in Golden Ratio built conic learned to reach up and SWALLOW LIGHTNING (the 'primal soup')
The electrically successful DEATH - is a name for the time when the DNA learns to spit out the same lightning thru the speed of light - having compress modulated onto the wave - the capacitive field coherence of all your biological memory. Getting a soul ( a 'soul invitation' .com ) is a name for the time that tornado begins to sustain that implosion thru the speed of light. Implosion' Grand Attractor (200+ color illustrated book) is a name for the wave symmetry which uses Golden Ratio perfected self-similarity to turn charge COMPRESSION in to charge ACCELERATION (explaining the origin of gravity - and for the first time - WHY an object falls to the ground). (PHI recursion induced Charge Acceleration Implosion Solution - PHIricais).
So.. understanding the role of Golden Ratio optimized self -similarity to ENABLE COMPRESSION in HYDROGEN Fusion at the coeur of DNA and the Sun - is essential for self-empowered by principle education into immortality.
The (dodeca water inhabited) sub-cellular MICROTUBULE as a mechanism of consciousness . Speaking of WAVE GUIDES for the miraculous!
(The images in this pic are from the biophysics literature - the text / concept is from Dan Winter - not from Stuart!
- more on the biophysics of microwave guide and humans affecting their environment / steering tornadoes with their radiance - at )
We suggest the recursive or self similar capacitive and microwave guide geometry of microtubules (& DNA?) conduct by implosion - biologic information. This creates the holy communion of charge radiance which defines life and makes biology efficient. Fractal compression geometries for capacitive coupling (& microwave?) create the compression (implosion) which turns into acceleration. This fusion / implosion collapse principle enables capacitance to be propagated with velocities faster than light - (Hodowanec / Ramsey) accounting in part for biology's 'multiple connectedness' (or in the obtuse language of todays physics: 'NON-LOCAL' communication. ) The knowledge of the charge environment SYMMETRY which allows this communication to happen ( ) - turns religious myths about bliss and enlightenment - into a SCIENCE OF HYGIENE - for their practice. BIOLOGIC COMMUNION WITH NATURE - becomes in effect THE PHYSICS OF EMBEDDING... charge... Dan Winter.
Notice the picture (next below) from Michael Heleus suggesting that the concentric rings in many micro tubules may approximate Golden Mean ratio RADII self similarity. ( Implosion / Fusion / Collapse / Scale Invariance .. hint .. hint.. ) . I suggest it may be time to reconsider..
1. Microtubule may be just 1 example of implosive charge compression due to self similarity (Golden Ratio) optimized concentric tube arrangement?
2. Biology's acheivement of COHERENCE instead of 'decoherence' in warm (non cryogenic) environments (like the brain in BLISS ) - may be specifically due to the implosive - self - similar and implosive nature of DNA itself (+ microtubules) . discussion:
In summary - failure to account for the simple nature of biologic implosion
seems to be the limiting factor in science's progress in describing the electrical nature of life AND CONSCIOUSNESS itself.
For example consider the simple truism -
If a potentially infinite number of capacitively coupled charge waves were recursively nested in the 10 spiral Golden Ratio top down view of DNA - ( similar to microtubules in this sense) - (subject of my last 2 books in 5 languages
Implosion: Secret Science of Ecstasy & Immortality
Implosion's Grand Attractor
) "Holy Communion in DNA" - see the hologram multiple connectedness and DNA as waveguide articles below-
the phase velocities could add and multiply constructively allowing (charge) compression to be turned coherently in to acceleration (gravity). This could then suck charge thru the speed of light igniting measureable things like
- germination
- bliss and creativity
(notice the role of Golden Mean ratio / charge compression in eeg bliss / creativity measurement)
In summary - we might conclude - that getting biologic capacitors ( like micro tubules and DNA)
into self-similarity ( like the fibres of perkinjole that bring voltage to the EKG from gravity) produces both LIFE AND CONSCIOUSNESS. This is because when compression is perfected (coherence limit condition is fractal idealized by Golden Mean) then capacitance is radiated
from center with zero storage - Perfected charge distribution (implosive charge field effect coherence) = consciousness.
IMPLOSION - is literally the WAVE MECHANICS of FUSION - the Heart of all biology. Western science needs to embrace the FRACTAL SYMMETRY OF CHARGE (and perfected charge distribution that results) which is the very definition of LIFE AND CONSCIOUSNESS.
The GRAVITY of this weighs on me.
Stuart Hameroff popularized seeing the microtubule within the cell as the waveguide of consciousness. Michael Helius claims the layers of the concentric rings of the microtubule create self-awareness because their radii nest in Golden Mean Ratio (charge compression). Alex K. from Finland - the famous physicist of Golden Mean ( ) describes the role of water in the charge compression - making turning inside out - in the microtubule..(below pic).. (his paper: Hierarchical Theory & Biosystems).
Golden Mean as a Driving Force of Molecular Self-Assembly
... [3]. Clathrin and microtubules are two main proteins which structure and
energy properties are based on Golden mean.. Clathrins are ...
Annals of the Academy of Studenica
... s-1 in crystal state and structural-energy properties by golden mean law) and ... case
we considered the mechanism of taxol influence on microtubules during cell ...
In Vitro and In Vivo Investigation of Collagen - C60(OH)24 ...
... Some biomolecules, such as DNA, microtubules, clathrin and others have been discovered
to possess the Golden Mean properties (structure-energy-information ...
Gibbson: Peptide Plane as a Unique Biological Nanostructure
... that microtubules and clathrin, alongside with water clusters, are major proteins
within the body for biomolecular communication governed by the Golden Mean ...
Alex Kaivarainen
... of Bivacuum fermions symmetry shift, corresponding to Golden Mean condition, fusion
of ... act of consciousness, involving water clusters in microtubules in state ...
Cantorian Fractal Spacetime and Quantum-like Chaos in Neural ...
... The golden mean is incorporated in the fractal architecture of the cycloskeleton
network ... Watt, RC, Automation model of dynamic organization in microtubules, Ann ... Lab/5833/neuron/Brain.html
3. Review papers -suggested by the scientists discussing the film - of Golden Ratio (PHI) and Fractal Branching.. showing origins of GRAVITY may indeed LIE in the Golden Mean - roots of FRACTALITY. - plus Papers on The WAVEGUIDE in DNA - physics of WHY GENES RESPOND TO WORDS! and braid within the actual structure of language.. (shades of )
Why - does the FI in FIlial, and PHIdelity, and jeune Fil-
Golden Ratio frequencies ARE perfect branching / nesting because this allows charge waves to compress perfectly.
first- the theory:
Exerpt: "(In) the most general fractal strings/sprays construction recently expounded in the book by Lapidus and Frankenhuysen, it is shown how the complexified extension of El Naschie's Cantorian- Fractal spacetime model belongs to a very special class of families of fractal strings/sprays whose scaling ratios are given by suitable pinary (pinary, p prime) powers of the Golden Mean.
Another example is given by the so-called Golden string in [1] whose scaling rations are r1 = 1/2 and r2 = (1/2)1+. In particular, the complex dimensions of these strings are given by solving a transcendental equation which yields a nonlattice structure of points in the complex planes. For this reason these strings are called non-lattice, despite being self-similar. The complex dimensions of the Golden string is given by an almost periodic structure in the complex plane. All complex dimensions of a self similar string with scaling ratios r1, r2, ...rN lie to the left of, or on the line Real(s) = D [1]. In order not to confuse the reader with the nomenclature used in [1] we emphasize that our construction of Cantorian-Fractal spacetime
[2] is based entirely in a particular class of fractal strings, and higher dimensional fractal sprays or branes, based on suitable binary powers and pinary powers of the Golden mean. By pinary we mean powers of a prime number p: 2-j. p-j j = ±1,±2,±3.... (11) 2
In section 3 we will show that complex dimension is not just a mathematical artifact but that is deeply related to the log-periodic laws in Nature discussed amply by Nottale et al [4,5] in their theories of the Fractal Tree of life and Fractal Evolution and by many others in particle physics in the renormalization group context [6,7]. We believe that quantum gravitational phenomena should involve interference of complex dimensions." end exerpt
Then - the practice (among wave lengths):
below from ( see also )
Lets agree that a 'phile' is a place that attracts bits and bytes..
below new power plots showing that Phi optimizes interaction / communion;
it looks to me that the (golden ratio) play between scale invariance and phase differentiation is logarithmic or etc.; is the physics of gravitation + perception
(insert from Dan: Perception = the successful compression / fusion which sorts waves into phase- like the physics of why your vision sharpens dramatically the charge implosive moment you take a deep breath under a sacred / charge fractal TREE!)
Above exclusive peaks signature of two blending golden mean systems - proof of attraction of singularity and therefore eternity - passion AND symmetry operations of two entities showing affection - the physics of coherent perception / re-cognition and material gravity (and hence astrology) - projecting + containing a functional time-space analogy of pure principle where things can happen:
( mathematically - attraction / affection is wave flow scaled - compressed- by phase differentiation ) - end notes from Frank -
below - exerpt from
Dear physicist- Experimental options- to test the below model of phase conjugation- based on golden ratio in the dodecahedron-
We have successfully brought to market - commercially at least one invention based on perfecting phase conjugation - ( See "EEG BlissTuner: how perception is the result of phase conjugation": )
But in order to migrate our instrumental success in marketing biofeedback tools - to more serious physics laboratory development - of experiments to commercialize THIS NEW WAVE PATH SYMMETRY MODEL OF PHASE CONJUGATION - solutions - we need collaboration -
(prolog to the original article - as read by at least 100,000.)
The question is : could this (below) be a generalizable symmetry model of the wave path of PHASE CONJUGATION- in both optics - and in capacitive phase conjugate dielectrics (of the type coming to be known - for example at Philips for the kind of ceramics which sort and eliminate electrosmog).
(note this is a preliminary edit of this article - adding more thoughts on my Phase Conjugation theory of color - to Frank's original work on the angle of the photon beautifully predicting the wavelength of color.. pending more conversation with Frank and the group... It needs to be clear that Frank's theory about the tetra's angle in the dodec is separate from my noticing that the 63 and 117 degree angles are simply the dodeca face angles. Frank does not agree with my idea that the photon simply uses the dodeca face angles of approach in order to cause color to occur- it is I who suggest the REASON for the dodeca face angles requirement for photon approach IS that allows phase conjugation and the resultant sorting which happens by such constructive wave collapse- updated discussion: )
Frank ( ) usefully discusses in more detail below - how he predicts the frequencies of the primary colors - from the pure symmetry of the dodecahedron. This amounts to a potentially radical new physics of color. For this we do acknowledge Frank's insight and genius in doing that plot -greatly. However - he interprets it a bit differently (using the tilt of the tetra in the dodec- instead of simply seeing that he was actually only deriving the face angle of the dodec). To be clear- Frank brilliantly as you see here - noticed that by plotting the 180 degree TILT of the PHOTON as TORUS - against the (octave visible spectrum) WAVELENGTHS of the primary colors- SHOWS that color is predicted SIMPLY BY A FEW ANGLES- they are 45 / 90green / 135 degrees- the CUBE angles ... PLUS just TWO other angles: 63 and 117 degrees- blue and yellow. This is where Frank and I disagree slightly- Frank says those angles are how a tetra nests in a dodecahedron.
I however originally noticed that it is more simple: THOSE ANGLES - 63 and 117 degrees- are ONLY SIMPLY the INSIDE AND OUTSIDE FACE ANGLES OF A DODECAHEDRON. So while Frank models elaborately getting the tetra angled into the dodeca- I see it more simply- the photon toroids are simply directly locating the dodeca face angles- in order to make the inertia of their approach CONSTRUCTIVE- because PHASE CONJUGATING (constructive collapse) is only maximized at THIS angle:
For me (unlike Frank) then I strongly hypothesize - that the REASON color exists - is that the photons as toroids are forced to angle their relative approach in 3D to the DODECA faces- this ALLOWS them to PHASE CONJUGATE CONSTRUCTIVELY - and THIS is what causes them to emerge at the dodeca face angles CALLED- COLOR! So we suggest in the next box below - reinterpreting this to be evidence for PHASE CONJUGATION in the pure physics of color perception. - but first - in this box - here is a prolog - of Frank's model: How the spectrum for the animated "colour donut" was created The spectrum is mapped, starting from the centre, 360 degrees around the toroidal circumference, from red (700 nm) to the higher octave "ultra red" (350 nm) with green (apprx. 525 nm) at the equator. Curiously, the spectrum progress "c" is naturally proportional to the relative tilting angle "a" as per given formula. Therefore, a 180 degrees tilting range precisely and proportionally covers the 360 degrees spectrum ring.
Dan's perspective: RE: new symmetry model of ORIGIN OF COLOR - below - based on DODEC - Dan suggests that the most likely reason the primary colors frequencies (P1=R, P2=Y, P3=B) differential angles are accurately predicted by the dodecahedron planes central angles is because PHASE CONJUGATION is specifically permitted BY THE GOLDEN RATIO stellations of this dodecahedron. He hypothesizes that the REASON the photon toroidal vortex HAVE to find dodeca symmetries -and thus create COLOR- is because that dodeca array is the only way PHASE CONJUGATION and therefore 3D sorting / successful compression + distribution can happen. Dan's picture shows how those conic dodec angles also have a planar hex view... like the 3 primary colors/ color pairs. (Dan see's these conic angles as the result of the sorting process - which Frank has modeled). ![]() = the symmetry at the core of optical PHASE CONJUGATION / 4 wave mixing: (key to optical PHASE CONJUGATION) ![]() Note that in the stellated DODECA /ICOSA infinite 3D nest / fractal (SarMother Kit)- ALL of the vertex have x,y,z rectilinear coordinate values which are simply MULTIPLES of GOLDEN RATIO. THAT means the 6 cube cones (4 or six wave MIXING from optics) above ACTUALLY make all the NODES of the stellated DODECA! Dan explains the vortex into the dodecahedron's planes are NOT actually at 60 degree angles in 3D - but there is a 2D view of them which is HEX- like the shadow of the cube in the dodec- and has 60 degree shadow view of those cones. Dan believes this is a useful understanding of how 3 pairs of primary colors are sorted by phase conjugation. (the hues above are not precise). Frank apparently does not agree. The vortex into the toroidal photon needs to be dodeca because phase conjugation is how waves sort. Dan suggests this also explains alphabet origins: The alphabet's symmetry of the vortex index- is a result of the need to phase conjugate- in order to compress and sort and be distributed successfully. Only that which can phase conjugate can be distributed... Dan suggests that no other principle mechanism could be doing the sorting at the fusion point other than phase conjugation... Dan is hypothesizing there is some important parallel to phase conjugation as in a phase conjugate mirror optically; he believes Golden Ratio based phase conjugation IS the primary mechanism by which color is sorted by frequency. Also Dan believes that this sorting principle for color DOES occur outside of, as well as inside the human perception. (Frank apparently is suggesting the phenomenon of color only exists inside human perception). Dan suggests this dodeca phase sorting for colors inertial symmetry is also how nature - selectively employs the photon's inertia calibrated in this way - for example in photosynthesis. Human perception (of color) had to utilize a perception of this phase conjugation phase sorting in order to embed and survive in nature. Dan also believes that the sorting for wavelength which is also a sorting for color bands inside a prism is a 3 dimensional toroidal vortex photon phenomenon. Dan does not believe the sorting by wavelength in a prism can be well described as simply 2D waves. -- references: (note the angle Theta- internal angle between the surfaces of a dodecahedron- 116.565 degrees) General Solution: angle between surfaces of a pyramid/polyhedron Polyhedron: Description of Regular Pyramid Formations: (Theta representing the internal angle between surfaces of each regular polyhedron) Icosahedron n=5, Alpha=60°, Theta = 138.190° end quote from reference -- Discussion: So other than the 45/90/135/180 (L1-L3) obviously cubic angles (also in a dodec and in the resultant phase conjugation) in the color angles table related to wavelength, the 117 degree angle and its complement- symmetry from 90 degrees- 63 degrees (Frank labeled P2 and P3) - should probably be corrected slightly from 117 to the internal dodec angle Theta - 116.565 degrees of dodec, and its complement - 63.435 degrees (instead of 63). Phase conjugation by the way light cones sort into Phi ratio constructive interference, by lining up with the implosive approach to a dodecahedron- would thus be consistent to hypothesize as the primary mechanism by which color is sorted into wavelength. Enabling a fusion point and therefore the sorting in to color - would seem to be clearly the result of the infinite golden ratio (vertex x,y,z) values of the infinite stellated dodecahedron (constructive heterodyning). So: in the below article - we thank Frank ( ) for his potentially highly useful insight - that the symmetry of the dodec could predict the frequencies of color. However - I ( Dan Winter - ) suggest it may have been unnecessary for him to use the tetra tilt in to the dodec to find this angle (116.565 degrees) - since it is merely the natural face angle of the dodec. IF the dodec itself predicts color segregation by frequency- this could be powerful evidence that the dodeca symmetry itself is key to optical sorting and fusion by phase conjugation. This is because - dodec symmetry permits the wave path of phase conjugation optimized by golden ratio. (many animations below - and pics above). If this is true - this should be applied experimentally - (by making phase conjugate experiments into dodec precise phase array). I propose to a) redesign the electrical material for phase conjugate dielectric capacitance - (pollution elimination via implosion - in ceramics and water structure etc. also REDEFINES the meaning of organic material as that which supports LIFE - to reinvent ARCHITECTURE! ).. b) redesign the optical wave path properties of the perfect PHASE CONJUGATE MIRROR NON-LINEAR MATERIAL - to obey the same laws of the now identifiably necessary SELF SIMILARITY optimized by Golden Ratio. c) redesign the electrical qualities of farming and building and food storage and refrigeration materials - to produce the necessary phase conjugation to support life by electric field fractality. Only fractal electric fields allow DNA to thrive. Phase conjugation PRODUCES efficient energy distribution - which defines abundance at every level- from economic to biodiversity. |
(the below article apparently attracted hundreds of thousands of readers - via and )
New and mathematically compelling evidence:
Golden Mean 'Fractal Attractor' (Grail Cup) proves - The Origin of Color:
NEW Physics Evidence for the Dodeca/Tetra Toroidal 3D Geometry of Color...
(with Frank's Platonic Predictor for the Wavelengths of COLOR Formula + Incredible Interactive Java Animation for Physics of COLOR)
with Amazing Implications for Fusion.. Healing...
Even for black holes in the galactic core - if it's wave symmetry (charge / electric field?) is heterodyne phase conjugate - which becomes visible / measurable as fractality - then it is someBODY's blood.
Here with Frank's breakthrough discovery and proof of what he calls the platonic "wavelength formula" ( ) - also greatly inspired by, and acknowledging Duane Whitlock's "hexadynamic theory" we are happy to present new and dramatic scientific evidence that FRACTALITY and PHASE CONJUGATION by Golden Ratio is the electrical CAUSE of COLOR. In the below we see powerful new evidence of the dodecahedral symmetry both fuelling and "sensing" the PHOTON. This presents us with further proof of the GOLDEN MEAN phase conjugate physics ORIGINS OF COLOR.
I hypothesized originally that fractality optimized by Golden Ratio PHASE CONJUGATION was:
1. the electrical cause of gravity ( - experimentally )
2. the electrical cause of PERCEPTION ( )
3. electrical cause of LIFE / perfected charge distribution ( , ) ,
4. the electrical cause of all healing and self organization ( , )
5. the electrical cause of ENSOULMENT and immortality in DNA ( ).
6. the electrical mechanism of how memory is imploded (KA) out of DNA for successful DEATH ( )
In summary- THE principle behind life force and all self organization is nicely summarized by Golden Ratio perfected- fractality.. and phase conjugation. ( Note especially how the -phase conjugate- PATH into the dodec forms the GRAIL CUP. )
The evidence presented for the above, was that the stellated dodeca (power of golden ratio x,y,z coordinate value to every node infinitely-dodec/icos/dodec/icos....)
The evidence presented for the above was that the stellated dodeca (power of golden ratio x,y,z coordinate value to every node infinitely-dodec/icos/dodec/icos....)
was the essential and proveable symmetry of
= S3 symmetry group of gravity
= the symmetry array of nuclea hadrons (protons and nutrons )
= the symmetry array of the p tetra cube electron orbital inside the d,f - dodec icos electron orbital
= the self similarity of the nucleus to the electrons
= the essential outer symmetry of PALLADIUM - key to cold fusion
= the golden ratio symmetry of hydrogens balmer series spectral emission lines ( Randy Masters)
= the symmetry of the planetary orbitals ( by Phi / platonic nesting )
= the symmetry at the core of DNA
= the symmetry at the core of optical PHASE CONJUGATION / 4 wave mixing:
= the essential symmetry of the vacuum / time space manifold
= the essential symmery of the UNIVERSE
So.. NEW! - Fractal Origin of Color:
(from my original insight): Color is not a 2 dimension wave interaction. Photons (like all waves) travel toroidally (like donuts). The 7 color flow map on the surface of that torus photon - codefines the 7 arrows thru a tetrahedron. This provided a model for how the photon - emerging from compression / fusion (the prism making a rainbow) would sort itself into the 7 tilt angles - which we see below Frank did confirm locked the photon torus into the tetra symmetry WITHIN the dodec. (The Dodeca- to tetra nest angles actually PREDICT COLORS WAVELENGTH! - many images in appendix below). We saw this also in the Hebrew alphabet letters for color.
The problem was that color obviously had a hex -rather than 7-fold -symmetry (3 primary color pairs, hex color wheel etc). Of course the 7 arrow tetra/cube does have a hex view, but if what we said above - is true - than the sorting process that segregates toroidal (donut) photon charge domains into COLOR PERCEPTION - (wave function of the CONE of the EYE? - is it 60 degree phase conjugate Dodec stellating by angle?) must require the DODECA implosion to create color. This then would connect the HEX view of the dodec to the hex view of the cube. (picture of phase conjugate 4 wave mixing above would also have a hex view in both cube and dodec). We discussed many times the 6 symmetry arrows of the dodec/icos plus the 7 of the tetra/cube= 13 pair/26 ZOME system - probable key to string theory.
If correct - then - our 3 dimensional model of COLOR had to predict the 2 dimensional wavelengths of the primary colors - FROM the 3 dimensional tilt or phase angle of the torus PHOTON- and that would have to include to tetra tilt or symmetry or phase angle - IN RELATION to the dodecahedron tilt or symmetry or phase angle.
Frank - in a moment of brilliant insight realized that to prove my hypothesis, COLOR had to reflect the TILT of that tetra cube defined 7strip PHOTON donut - INSIDE the DODECAHEDRON.
Frank points out that the colours we were taught as "emerging from a prism", instead are a tell-tale story of how (biological) light perception works by "intelligent design" (term coined by Duane Whitlock). The rainbow's "covenant between heaven and the Earth" comes to mind.. Frank quotes Duane in that this "platonic rainbow phenomenon" reflects the universal design of creation.
Once he realized that their were only 3 PAIR of differential ANGLES locking the tetra INTO the DODEC (see below) - he had the clue to see that accurately predicted the actual wavelengths of the 3 primary plus 3 secondary COLORS - Amazingly, the secondaries are coded by the tetra's (star tetra) 'MERKABA' complement!! (2nd tetra in cube)
See beautiful physics table below -wave length vs. phase angle tilt.
The implications for optics (phase conjugation), how to pick colors for beauty and healing ( and fusion) - could not be more profound.
Once we apply this insight - we can invent: Color Intelligence. - Algae use Golden Ratio PHASE CONJUGATE- nature of color - to suck in charge from the universal plenum
Truly accurate color mixing - for
beauty - clothing - building design.. (color feng shui)
color healing
proof of perception=phase conjugation
phase conjugate optics
fusion physics
charge absorbtion in DNA- now it appears more than ever significant that while the codons of DNA may nest tetrahedrally, the helix in which they wratchet embed - is a dodecahedron step function. Having learned that color is the result of phase conjugation (implosion) by the TETRA as it fuses IN THE CENTER OF A DODECA- tells us what we must now look for in the symmetry of how DNA is 'lit up' or programmed (absorbs charge).
Now- here we present Frank's new article IS COLOR CREATED BY THE DODECA ANGLES? (more complete version with live java instead of gifmations at
Discovery of accurate (within 2%) correlation of platonic tilting angles with primary and secondary colour bands makes a strong case for the role of symmetry operations between 3-D phase-conjugate heterodyne wave packets in Duane Whitlock's Hexadynamic theory of colours, including clues to colour empathy and its gravitational connection.
COLOUR is a name for our archaic memory of how it FELT when charge was approaching in different angles. We associate "red" with "warm" and "extrovertive", and "blue" with "cool" or "introvertive", allthough technically there may be no compelling reason for it. Maybe we need, to some extend, honour our ancient algae ancestors for whom "light-empathy" was crucial to survive. Today, we are blessed with a rich garland of colours, rather than a mere prozaic gradient of colourless "lightness". Yet, as we will see, there may exist a deeper, universal clue to qualified colour perception, resulting from the pure geometric origin of light perception. Important references to the subject of colour geometry include Duane Whitlock, author of "The Secret of Intelligent Design, who coined the term "quantum hexadynamics" and who devised a diagram in which gravity as a long range force is a used in catagorising the primary and secondary colours; Dan Winter (, long time proponent of the role of Golden Mean wave recursion in gravitation creation, who pointed at a possible symmetry clue for colour perception and - at my suggestion - now includes a closely related type of wave physics for the "observer" side which is crucial for general "soliton" (incl. photon) creation. Last but not least Luke Gatto who carried on a life's mission to unveil some secrets which Newton and Keppler appear to have hidden. Luke proved a great motivator to work on the exciting and very profound subject of colour geometry. What on Earth has gravity to do with colour perception? Yet, our system of colour geometry as we will see does not quite digress from Duane Whitlock's original viewpoint, as it is still shown that the principle which creates gravity, is more predominant in the creation of "blue" perception, the way he intuited, than it is in the other colours. "primary" and "secondary" colours in different techniques
Geometric colour theory proposes a new and fundamental description of colour generation based on 3-D heterodyne phase-conjugate physics and reveils a universal cause of colour empathy. The (photon) frequency resp. energy is not actually stored in the incoming photon itself, but is, per octave, determined by its tilting angle relative to its propagation angle, and from there, relative to the tilting angle of a receiving solition (i.e. cones in the retina, etc..). The propagation angle falls out of the equation and thus the (energy) coupling between the incoming photon and the receiver soliton, is a net function of their differential angle. This encodes the perceived photon's energy and thus its wavelength, and, biologically, its colour identity. 3 Primary colours are created by the 3 relative tilting angles of the primary tetra, controlling the toroid, in a dodec. These colours (psychologically) have an activating, or accelerating effect. The complete hexadynamic geometry of colour coding is based on the fact that the toroid if ori?Rnted by the tetra's "merkaba" complement, makes different angles with the dodec. This creates the 3 secondary colours, which have a rather calming or inhibiting effect.
Refer here to the original article for a helpful interactive - 2D javamation-to start your understanding of color as photons tilting torus.
Reference colours and wavelenghts; CIE - Chromaticity Diagram source: THE GEOMETRIC ORIGING OF COLOURS Below gallery of platonically nudged relative tiltings is only a tool to gain insight and memorize the primary, secondary and tertiary tilting angles. The oblique view of the dodec is just helpful but has otherwise no specific meaning. Top left is an animation, where the rainbow toroid is represented by its circumference only, along with the circumference of the Dodec's toroid. The challenge is: try to REPRODUCE the colour-coding platonic tilting angles, using your mouse to control the animation. Please note that most tilting angles in the gallery are skewed (except P1 and L2) as a result of the tilted viewing point. ... (Note: below are gifmations only, for real interactive (throwable) Java see link: )
![]() (note particularly in the Java interactive animation - the Red arrow-from the torus - phase locked to the tetra - rotates separately from the blue arrow How the spectrum for the animated "colour donut" was created The spectrum is mapped, starting from the centre, 360 degrees around the toroidal circumference, from red (700 nm) to the higher octave "ultra red" (350 nm) with green (apprx. 525 nm) at the equator. Curiously, the spectrum progress "c" is naturally proportional to the relative tilting angle "a" as per given formula. Therefore, a 180 degrees tilting range precisely and proportionally covers the 360 degrees spectrum ring.
INTELLIGENT DESIGN Duane Whitlock's publisher was probably lacking the facilities to put anything on paper beyond the capacity of a mechanical type writer, which has not quite created the Vantage point one might expect for such an exceptional work. So here we present - free of charge - Duane's model of intelligent design as reflected in Nature's true design of the visible spectrum, and which according to Duane, applies throughout the electromagnetic spectrum and in all of Creation: Duane's key point is that the standard idea that colours are linearly created by frequencies is totally mistaken, and should be replaced by what he calls a universal "hexa-dynamic" intelligent design. It is a part of physics subtler than matter and energy, but having a profound impact on creation, especially of life. It explains the reason why the colours coming out of a prism existed only in Sir Isaac's mind. This could be the subtitle for the splash art at the top! One main aspect of hexa-dynamic theory is reflected in the way primary colours mix to form secondaries. One critical note here though: Duane in wrong, or rather inaccurate to state that "blue" and "yellow" "additively" mix to form green. This is incorrect, and applies only to - litterally - mixing water paint colours, using a lighter, cyanish blue (I vividly recollect the moment my art teacher told me..), i.e. closer to the cyan used in subtractive mixing for printing. The possible culprit(s) are seen in above "Origin of Colour" graph: two "extra" platonic angles and their corrsponding wavelengths, which are called tertiary T1 (yellow-green) and T2 (cyan) in this system. Dragging the hue of blue a bit in the direction of cyan will turn the mix from black into (dark) green. Clear green however cannot be created, as with pure substractive mixing (cyan + yellow). So clearly, allthough the complete 180"? geometric spectrum as a whole is perfectly symmetrical around 90"? / 530nm / green, its system of primary (resp. secondary) colours is definitely not (and neither is the human visible part of it..). Nevertheless Duane's system is perfectly in order with the platonic tilting angles of geometric colour code. It can be conjectured that species who see into the "IR" (snakes) or "UV" (bees) actually may see colours unknown to man, but only insofar the small dark band (from 135 degrees / 350nm / violet to 180 degrees/ 350 nm / ???) resp. its lower octave are added. ref: The Search for Intelligent Design, Duane Whitlock, Vantage Press, Inc. New York
SOLITON PHYSICS and PERCEPTION Below is meant for discussion and anticipates further work ref.
![]() An Arch of Angles - a platonic relationship or a covenant |
-The perception of colors was DISCONTINUOUS or 'catastrophy theory' with respect to the continuum of frequencies?
-A continuum of photons enters the prism- but then (implosive compression?) somehow sorts them into (phase conjugation by fractality?) DISCONTINUUS color bands?
Why is the color wheel - 3 primary pair - a HEX wheel, yet everyone talks about SEVEN colors of the RAINBOW?
Why is RED centripedal (atom/adom=shadow of that photon phase tilt in HEBREW means RED and TO MAKE HARD or compress) vs BLUE CENTRIFUGAL / unpacking?
Is it because one side of the torus photon hydrodynamically more centripedal with charge flux than the other??
See below the 13 axis of symmetry,-26 holes in this zome system/connector= 7 axes of tetra/cube + 6 symmetry axes of dodec/icos > predicting the hex vs 7 color map - TRUE 3 DIMENSIONAL ORIGIN OF COLOR : Non-destructive approach angles to the PHOTON as the SURFACE OF A TORUS. - Cones (in retina) in wave theory - can ONLY measure phase angle! The photon does not exist in flatland- it is a toroidal slipknot - so if the photon is not 2 dimensional, then certainly color CANNOT JUST be frequency - but rather the frequency 440-880 angstroms of the visible color spectrum is more likely the shadow in 2d (octave cross section?) of the DONUT PHOTON in 3d!
Color perception evolved with biological need. Ancient Hebrews could not perceive BLUE and so had no word for it. The Hebrew alphabet -genetics intervention software from alpha draconis predicted RED -adom - was centripedal: to MAKE HARD- because RED / ADOM is the proper angle of the Golden Spiral on the {photon?} donut whose shadow IS that Hebrew LETTER - Aleph - used to make their word RED.
This was more than just evolution climbing a 2 dimensional ladder of higher FREQUENCY - this was evolution climbing a 3 dimensional TREE OF LIFE.
Notice how the shadow of the tetra cube - as it embeds into the Dodeca (called 'tree of life') is PRECISELY the apparent symmetry principle of the photon as torus sorting its phases into 3D to become THE ORIGIN OF COLOR!
ONE important principle here - establishes
- the origin of ALPHABETS - which is the index of charge domain tilt angles which can be swallowed non-destructively into the braiding + therefore programming of DNA,
<tetra / 4codon based 7 axial Hebrew DNA symmetry vs superset - ensouled dodec arabic/ophanic/Greek DNA 'alphabet'>
Compare the origin of alphbets (in DNA charge absorbtion indexing) versus the origin of the electron (right) - now we must consider -IS THIS ALSO THE FLOW SYMMETRY OF THE SURFACE OF THE PHOTON /TORUS?![]() |
How to model the 3D origins of the Electron AND the Photon? - Golden Spiral maps the surface of a torus. |
: >We compare this to - Origin of alphabets -similar spin path because this alphabet of symmetry is the language of creation? It is important to recognize this basic structure: the 3D Golden Spiral topo mapped on and precessing around - the torus donut- forming the basic building blocks of all creation - from the electron .. (proton?) to - as theosophy said - the ANU - whose 5 spin inside, 7 outside - slip knot forms the symmetry recipe for the heart of hydrogen (3 Anu per quark), the heart of the human, and (as the same clairvoyants saw who contributed to the physics of the quark)- the heart of the Sun: ![]() |
How the Anu (compare to electron slip knot -vs photon as slip knot torus model below).. was originally triangulated into the quark physics(see book:"Psi Perception of Quarks"): |
- the origin of COLOR PERCEPTION in 3D,
- the origin of the KHEM (black hole access) in CHEMistry, alKHEMY (all bonding ionic and covalent is simply field effect phase locking by symmetry indexing) ,
- and finally: stellar black hole formation .. see How Galaxies Collide - also uses this language of phase conjugation at the core
Thanks also to Frank for building this photon's surface flow model to confirm my original hypothesis that the PURE GEOMETRIC ORIGIN OF COLOR - was the hydrodynamic charge flow on the surface of the photon. The photon, being a torus donut could receive and propagate charge only from the 6 pair (dodec/icos) and 7 pair (tetra /cube) symmetry axis of the zome (13 pair = 26 holes).
The next section on pure geometric origin of color is exerpted from (the 'color' of DNA's programming BRAID!!)- it also references Frank's ( -
(See how the flow forms from the self organizing toroidal - decaying into the 7 smaller donuts exactly arranged at the 7 spins of the tetra- origin of rainbow (tetra IN dodec), heart muscle, anu, hebrew - and string theory)
If we were to track the inertia storage of the photons toroidal surface as it approached the center of a phase conjugate mirror (this is from my kundalini) - we would see the propagation of charge from that point of implosion - would be in TWO separate symmetry sets. First would be the charge conserving - 7 symmetry arrows of the tetra(inCUBEation), but ALSO the more distributive component (and probably superluminal) of that charge inertia propagation direction set- would be the 6 axes spin pairs of the icos dodeca. SO the TOTAL number of progation directions (phase angles) tilts of the PHOTON DONUT - called COLOR - would be the 6+7 = 13 spin pairs. This is exactly WHY there are 13 pair , 26 holes in the ZOME symmetry - rhombi-icos (animation / film / kit : ). Michael Heleus kindly suggested this is why the superstring theory discovered they had to add 2 to the 24 pair to make it 26. In Kaku's book Hyperspace, the original 24 dimensions were complemented to 26. So instead of a 24 dimension 'Leech Lattice' string many physicists describe 26 ( VoDou Physics D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 26-dim String Theory describes Generalized Bohm Quantum Theory with NonLinear Back- ... Therefore, we need to ask: How Large are those other 24 dimensions? , Octonion Products ... we do bosonic string theory in 26 dimensions on R^26 modulo the 26-dimensional even ... The Euclidean lattices in 8, 16, and 24 dimensions have Lorentz )
Could there be ANY other reason for the 26 'dimensions' of string theory - than the full complement of possible non-destructive symmetry approaches to a sphere being exactly the 6 pair of dodec/icos, plus the 7 pair of tetra symmetries=13 pair = exactly 26 'ZOMES'!? We suggest here that there is no more electrically testable meaning of the word 'dimension', than reference to the NUMBER of axes of spin symmetry which are NON-destructively superposed in a rotating (inertial) system.
If the photon is traveling as a flux donut toroid (as all fields must) , then of course the distribution of inertia which allows it to emerge from compression / phase conjugation / implosion (in a prism for example) -called the ORIGIN OF COLOR - would of course be the sorting into THOSE TOUCH PERMISSIVE PHASE ANGLES (called - the '7 colors of the rainbow' and the HEX primary color wheel pairs). Remember- calling color only a wave length makes the self evidently WRONG assumption that photons are 2 dimensional. Color's wavelength we suggest is related to the 2 dimensional splash diameter made by a 3d donut photon as it lands on the cone of the eye. (Suggesting possibly the width to height ratio of the photon is related to the approximate octave 440-880 angstroms defining the visible spectrum). Cones (the ONLY place color is perceived in the retina - a rod cannot ) are ONLY used as antenna in wave theory where PHASE ANGLE needs to be measured.
Note below as well - the way color temperature (red = warm, blue = cool, green = balance) as named in for example the Hebrew word for red (=adom=adam=to make hard= that phase angle of the spiral on donut=aleph) - means to MAKE HARD. Thus confirming that red is in fact the CENTRIPEDAL side of the photons approach. Whereas BLUE means to make wet, or to unpack - or make cool - which is the CENTRIFUGAL side of approach (to the eyes cone) of the same photon. Green the approach vector or photon 3d phase - used by photosynthesis - is the angle from the side approach which is neither centrifugal or pedal. (The empathy / healing / stasis color).
See the closup pic of zome - 13/26 - holes in the 'rhombi-icosa' zome connector ball below right.
anim of sunclr-6/12 vortex pair - makes implosion -
PLUS the 7 arrows thru tetra cube= complete angular complement for fusion..(13 pair, 26 zome system).
This is the real solution to fusion- a summation of charge's converging in precise PHASE with this 13/26 zome system.
Remember color is phase angle of the 3d photon as torus - whose splash diameter on the cone of the eye=color's 2d wavelength (cones in wave antenna theory can only measure phase angle)
7 arrows thru tetra in zome left, add 6 more for dodec icos..-total 13 pairs, 26 holes.
--color pics
Note- Frank changed the tetra 7 region map on the torus - to shades- indicating that the origin of color was more dictated by the ANGLE OF THE TETRA INTO THE DODECA. Note also that the 7 spin tetra DID define and lock (codefine) the phase angle of the photon torus inside the tetra.
The true physics of the origin of color + the frequency of the colors in the rainbow-
is in fact that the photon is donut shaped and its self organizing symmetry is generated by the maximization of all possible symmetries which is the tetra - LOCKED by the phase tilt which is COLOR - into the (Golden Ratio) DODECAHEDRON.
Predicting how DNA's codons are arranged, and absorb charge - and WHY this IS the origin of the Hebrew Alphabet..
Why color has a hex wheel, superposed on tetra's 7 spin map..
Color heals- by frequency ratio in the phase angle - producing phase conjugation perfected
see 7 spins... franks 7 arrows animation each tetra arrow of symmetry
touches separate REGIONS on the 7 region moebius on donut
Then by adding the SIX axis thru the dodec/ icos (13 total)
we can
predict which frequency ratio - would create tru optical phase conjugation ( implosive / log phi)
That would make fractal // implosive / healing color recipe??
The correct (implosive / phase conjugate ) ratio between color frequencies WOULD produce recursive implosion in color, and therefore healing
Related animation:
analogous to stefan cardineaux , ( ) science of real phase angles of color:
Addend: Aug 27,08
To prove that phase conjugation is the cause of color - may be served by proving a correlate:
Hypothesis: the reason all photosynthesis spits out (does not absorb) green - is because the angle of the photon toroid above which produces green is 90 degrees (chart above). This means that green is a phase angle of the photons inertia which being cubic and therefore OPPOSITE TO PHASE CONJUGATING - cannot be absorbed into life force as easily. Biology is in the business of phase conjugating lights inertia to distribute it. Non- phase conjugate (GREEN) light - sometimes call NEGATIVE GREEN - is therefore - not useable by biology. We offer a reward to anyone who can design an experiment to prove this.
Note the chart here - evidence of why the 90 degree angle (cubic / power of two is non phase conjugating):
Pent vs Hex