New: Only for Registered HeartTuner and BlissTuner users,-
plus FAQ (below)- Frequently Asked Questions Guide - For HeartTUNER/ BLISSTUNER: - just added to HeartTuner Users Group..

Special Web Site- For Registered HeartTuner Users
More info: at Implosion Group: with Dan Winter - inventor / consultant / research at , US 310 651 8123 , Skype: danwinter
on Biofeedback system..
The Latest HeartTuner BlissTuner- special beat the downturn with BLISS- Sale- order thru, 1399 Euro (paypal,Visa/MC) - complete 2 ch. Prof.Version-HeartTuner, BlissTuner(EEG), with TRAINING -25 DVD Set- and Shipping (Value over 1800 Euro-)- in cooperation with Heartcoherence Team.
Note: IF You want to try the very popular set of 25 of the LATEST DVD's for the amazing special price of 144 Euro- we can even CREDIT that later towards your HeartTuner Purchase!

Main Index:
The HeartTuner / BlissTuner System ( thanks to software development with Frank see ) offered here - with Support from the Inventor+ Training DVD's..
-new June / July 06- HRV / Breath / Cardiac Synth - upgrade!

Heart~Tuner- BlissTuner - key links:

Here is the PRIVATE LINK- only for HeartTuner Registered Users- for the LATEST HeartTuner BlissTuner Software download

Caducceus Breathing Trainer and Cardiac Synthesizer Software Downloads

HeartTuner/BlissTuner special offer info - with training
HeartTuner/BlissTuner new- 2 ways to Measure Empathy+Physics of Golden Ratio in Brainwaves
HeartTuner/BlissTuner new- Measuring Heart to Brain Link Up
HeartTuner compared to the 'HeartMath Mistake'

HeartTuner /BlissTuner Users Guide / Manual
HeartTuner BlissTuner Pro 04 Complete Working Demo Download
Frequently Asked Questions
QuickStart Guide to SCREEN INTERPRETATION>see below
HeartTuner Research History
BlissTuner - Info
HeartTuner / BlissTuner and Attention Deficit Neurofeedback
Users Group / Message History is Open to All - HeartTuner Getting Started Guide

Now- Special Arrangement - The Most Complete HeartTuner and BlissTuner Training Set Ever-
Seven DVD + One CD (English Language Set) - Details Below - Most DVD are 2-3 Hours Film Each -
$99 US / 85 Euro ( Billing in Australian =133) + $13.50 US Shipping - All Addresses
All Deal With HeartTuner, EKG Biofeedback+BlissTuner actual teaching sessions

new>HeartTuner measures BRAIN-HEART Linkup!..The Heart Brain Connection Measured.-International Conferences- Implosion Group- newsletter reaches ~10,000, Web attendance over 8 years often million+ per month, Web Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian
New Feb06- on
Implosion Group Web TV<index -: Biology of Kundalini-Bentov Reviewed-from Calgary DVD, Bliss Igntion EEG Biofeedback Setup/Example
Film10min - also - Measuring ELF / Tree Harmonics - Schumann Embedding Using HeartTuner 10min film-example from NL.

DVD's+Books: Support Implosion Group work with Dan Winter: new- Special Offer a) All 25+ English DVD Videos! 32 +hrs PLUS ALL THREE PRINTED Books ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) Special $290 AUD (~$228 US = ~ 179 Euro ) (Visa/MC Paypal) To Order:-email (your info+ship to): 310 651 8123 | also info on- HeartTuner+BlissTuner

-HeartTunerPRO Special- Including 2ch HRV + BLISSTUNER EEG 2ch now with TWO Ways to Measure Empathy with special TRAINING , SUPPORT, - with the new 2 channel HRV/Empathy system- the price has not increased: 1575 Euro / 1064 GBP. Complete HeartTuner Input Preamp Hardware w/USB, 2 sets EKG + EEG Electrodes- Complete HeartTuner PRO Software Environment -Plus- Free Gift- TRAINING! - if you order thru the Inventor- Dan Winter- Complete 25+ DVD Video Set including 7 disks on HeartTuner/ BlissTunerTrainings (from ) +3 Books of Dan Winter including Ecstacy&Immortality Book - Complete Hardware Warranty & Support from Inventor of HeartTuner -- To Order:-email (your Visa/MC info+ship to) or PAYPAL to: 310 651 8123 | The HeartTuner / BlissTuner System ( thanks to software development with Frank see ) - offered here - with Support from the Inventor+ Training DVD's.. - HRV / Breath / Cardiac Synth + new>HeartTuner measures BRAIN-HEART Linkup!..The Heart Brain Connection Measured. New Mar 07> - HeartTuner-another software breakthru-GFFT+ Film:

New Mar 21,07 New PodCast Video Feeds Menu - For HeartTuner and BlissTuner Training Films (thanks to Richard!)

New Mar6,07 - Major new HeartTuner / BlissTuner documentary - tour - training Film -new features- 90 min- online! The full DVD Hi Res Version with extras- shown right here-is included with training material (25dvd) when you order thru - Here are accompanying Heart / Brain Data Files you can download and Play interactively in the free BlissTuner/ HeartTuner demo (virtually infinite display option choices)
- showing HOW Golden Ratio vs Octave Feedback cues PLUS real internal COHERENCE Measure- in Neurofeedback - revolutionize consciousness training and meditation! (these examples do not yet include the 'GFFT' - stay tuned!!)

on Biofeedback system..
The Latest HeartTuner BlissTuner- special beat the downturn with BLISS- Sale- order thru, 1399 Euro (paypal,Visa/MC) - complete 2 ch. Prof.Version-HeartTuner, BlissTuner(EEG), with TRAINING -25 DVD Set- and Shipping (Value over 1800 Euro-)- in cooperation with Heartcoherence Team.
Note: IF You want to try the very popular set of 25 of the LATEST DVD's for the amazing special price of 144 Euro- we can even CREDIT that later towards your HeartTuner Purchase!

Above: Green is Alpha Frequenceis 7-13 Hz. Establish Baseline Frequency for Calculation of RATIO
Inset Box Upper Left: AMOUNT of Brain Coherence

Next : An Example of EXTREME - PHI / 5 Harmonics in EXTREMELY Blissful Lady in Australity

Above - note how the BlissTuner - measures an intense bliss- meditation moment

Next an example of EXTREME 7 Spin OCTAVE State - This Lady (Milan) Is A Professional CHANNEL ./ TELEPATH

'Channelling' / telepathy state (octave or powers of 2 - cascades) above
- in dramatic contrast to 'Bliss' / Creativity state (phi or Golden Ratio cascades) below-

Showing Golden Ratio Replicated
In Brain WaveEEG During Bliss Visualization
Vs. Charge Attraction

TWO Ways to Measure and TEACH EMPATHY..from the Heart (TUNER)

-FULL 2 CHANNEL HRV / Breath Disply
-Long Term HRV History Data Storage - for REAL LONG TERM WELLNESS STUDIES!


Feb 26,07: Perception IS the Physics of PHASE CONJUGATION-the Evidence, +Yet Another Breakthru in BlissTuner EEG: New-Geometric FFT-Measures COHERENCE at ANY Ratio (Phi or Octave) + Shows the Ratio!

Feb 14,07 Hex vs Pent: Emerging from the MATRIX: Brainwave Octaves vs Phi-Proof with new Fractal Synth Software-WHY Golden Ratio Charge Wave Constructive Interference is the Electrical CAUSE of Gravity, Life & Consciousness!

Feb 07,07: The 'Fractal Vacuum'-Ultimate DEFINITION of ENERGY EFFICIENCY (& Energy Sustainability)will ALWAYS be FRACTALITY!- Golden Ratio in EEG Evidences Fractal Electrical Nature of Bliss / Life Force / Gravity Phi Golden Ratio Implosive Symmetry = charge attracted into faster than light fractally perfect distribution - versus - Octave / cubic wave symmetry = charge stored in a matrix.
1. Fractal Vacuum allows Perception by Phase Conjugation: Golden EEG Research- illustrative example- transforming A.D.D. / Addiction into Bliss.
2. WHY Fractality is the key to environmentalism / sustainability / energy efficiency - because it is the key to sustaining charge attraction.
3. Fractal Synthesizer - New Phi Harmonic Interactive Software - demo - download - animations. + Frank's view of perception= phase conjugation.
4. Fibonnacci / Golden String & the Perfect Knot in DNA- pictorial literature examples.
5. 'Observer Physics': Phase Conjugation MAKES AN OBSERVER- out of the CHARGE COMPRESSING electric field CALLED ATTENTION.
6. Fractality and the 'Nature' of the Vacuum / Physics and the Djedi.-with review and link to Nassim's film on the FRACTAL VACUUM.
7. How Fractal Self Similarity between electrons and nucleus - creates the gravity / charge collapse that holds atoms together.
8. Maharishi's Mistake-REAL Brain COHERENCE - Biofeedback vs: the 'Maharishi Mistake. The Maharishi University (of COHERENCE) Graduate Dean Responds.. Learns..
9. "Oe-dipal" origins of human evolution- where the ANU urge-turns wave inside out.
10. new- Science of Fractality - articles reference index (from )

Jan 15,07: Brain COHERENCE Measured & Golden Ratio vs Octaves in EEG: 2 Breakthrus Together - Revolutionize Brain Biofeedback / Meditation Training.. Even the very Definitions of Neuroscience..

Jan 3,07: new "Bliss on a Mac": HeartTuner / BlissTuner support announced for Apple/Mac!

Dec27,06: The DNA Manifesto plus Film Trailer WITH the DNA Physics -

Dec 17,06 HeartTuner measures BRAIN-HEART Linkup!..The Heart Brain Connection Measured.

 My status
skype phone danwinter with a click
or-regular phone US 310-651-8123-
for free callback

 NEW: Easy Communication with Implosion Group via (internet phone) or regular phone
If you are interested in the new international online video conference call interactive VIDEO education with Dan Winter - from Implosion Group - or have questions about the HeartTuner/Blisstuner - or Books/DVD's - or have something important to say or ask... Just Click.. You can phone danwinter at SKYPE by just clicking(left), or US inward phone rings globally- 310 651 8123, or email , course calendar indicates where we are... (the click icon even says when we are on live phone)..
even when we are offline- leaving a message is easy & effective
- Getting immortal- means getting SHAREABLE! ..

Spend 4 Intensive Days with Dan Winter: Multimedia, Visuals, Experientials, Bliss Process and VERY Stimulating Discussion. see: - for Calendar Schedule. Dan Winter is widely acknowledged as the most original and penetrating wholistic science teacher on the planet today. Read the radical incrimination of the current scientific views AND the real NEW SCIENCE (on gravity and DNA and the wave musical recipies of self-awareness and self-organization)


1. Which disk do I use to install which software?

A: The new HeartTunerPro04 software can be installed from the CD included in your shipment, OR downloaded from the user-only web link you received when you ordered your system OR from the special most recent CD as part of your 15 disk training set ( currently: "HeartTunerApril05 CD").

2. After the installer ran - I see no launch icon?? (Same as- why do I seem to need to have the installer CD in the computer to click on the program?)

A: The installer puts the folder Heart Coherence Team inside your C: drive - PROGRAM FILES folder. Go in there and right click on HeartTunerPro04 (red valentine shaped) icon - and MAKE ALIAS or SHORTCUT. Drag that shortcut to your desktop. In the next release we plan that the installer WILL put a shortcut on the desktop.

3. The HeartTuner - comes up with one screen (for example) like the power spectra - shows NO DATA>. just empty..??

A: At the top LEFT hand corner of each of the moveable scaleable data display windows - like POWER SPECTRA and COHERENCE and TIME HISTORY, there is a little button to CLICK IT ON AND OFF!! (Switches data into the window). The HeartTuner remembers how the screens were switched last time used, so maybe the window switched off - was a left over from last use. There are 2 issues: one is that the main control menu has switches to show and hide each DATA SCREEN, and SEPARATELY - each data screen has a click button - top left - to switch the data processing inside that screen on and off.


4. I need a dummies guide - what do I do first.. after boot up?

A: Start with HeartTuner EKG. - (click on 2 hearts picture to start inputting data on the Data Input Window - top right usually- remember if you have not gotten your activation code emailed yet- this is the place to generate the serial seed to send off and request activation..)

a) make sure the raw data lines on the input screen look like a decent EKG - not too squiggly - noisy - if needed - tighten straps - moisen skin - ask the subject to keep their wrists more still (movement causes noise which continues for 10 seconds or so till stillness). Also check that the device and cables are moved away from power wires and transformers etc..

b) you can learn about the Power Spectrum screen later -(just replace missing harmonics in cascade kind of stuff)
- so FIRST for the fun - focus on the COHERENCE (cepstrum) window..
1 - learn to look at the FIRST and Highest PEAK on the left side - THAT IS COHERENCE. Note > DOES THAT PEAK GET HIGHER WHEN YOU RELAX AND FEEL LOVE /PASSION - something TRUE AND REAL.., (teaches REAL MEASUREABLE EMOTIONAL COHERENCE.. later see the HISTORY CURVE FOR THAT ). This is actually a RUSH IN THE HEART - a psychological FEELING - which is now MEASUREABLE. We are sharing a NEW CONCEPT as well as a new measurement.
2 - look at the right left movement of that peak. When you change emotions - does that (heart rate linked) change. Are you stuck?
3 - Can you make that LINK or LINE UP with another person - EMPATHY - ENERGY LINK. , (teaches healers and counselors to link hearts).
4 - Some ( James, myself and others) firmly believe (global scaling kinds of reasons) that when that
(heart rate musical key) peak is nearer 1.0 - emotions are more likely CONCEPTUAL - and when that peak is nearer .62 - emotions are more likely TOUCHY /FEELY or Heart Centered.. -SEE IF YOU AGREE?? Can you USE THIS TO TEACH moving from head to heart centered emoting? (more advanced users - see: discussions elsewhere about converting the non-sacred second to globally scaled plank time, suggesting this may fit nature AND ratio).


5. I am confused - Do I still need the old version of the Software - if so - Where is it, how do I install etc..

A: The original HeartTuner software is still fun and useful. Particularly until the new HRV (the'breath' curver) display is released in the new Pro04 version. (the HRV display is the lo frequency .1 to .5 hz heart harmonics - often used by doctors and the only data display on the HeartMath FreezeFramer). The installer CD for the Original HeartTuner software is labeled ORIGINAL HEART TUNER. The program is HeartTunerPro - has no 04 in the name. That CD has the installer PLUS nice training films. The installer creates the folder 'HeartTuner' in PROGRAM FILES on C: drive. Note also - PortSelector is a little routine in old software folder, usually set to USB if you have the USB adapter plugged in -- OR if you are running the NEW hardware which is of course, USB only. ( Serial port only operation is rather obsolete now - and only possible with both old hardware and software).

6. I am confused about OLD HARDWARE versus NEW HARDWARE - for HeartTuner - what's the difference - in features and operation?

A. The Old Hardware ( mostly pre 2005) is slightly smaller, and always has a simple SERIAL plug type cable coming out - with an OPTIONAL separate little USB adapter cable. The NEW hardware - ( all mostly 2005 and up) is a slightly bigger box and has ONLY a USB wire coming out. - Pics at . The difference: actually you can functionally do most everything with both. The NEW box has slight differences tho:
a) it is EU and UL certified (old is UL not EU), b) higher resolution analog to digital converter and new drivers-most users won't know the difference, c) new one can use 4 or 5 lead two channel EEG hookup, old box requires the 5th lead extra ground clip on ear for Two Channel EEG blisstuner (minor )., d) new box cannot run serial port ONLY usb (obviously).

6 b. During install - how do I sort Old Drivers vs New Drivers - for the Old versus the New Hardware AND Software???

A: The new software ('04') default installs drivers for new hardware. If you have the old hardware - put the drivers from
into (replacing) the new folder "Heart Coherence Team'.

The OLD software default installs the drivers for the old hardware. To run the NEW hardware with the old (not 04) software - (remember HRV still useful- above) - DOWNLOAD THE NEW SET drivers from - and put them in the original HeartTuner software folder HeartTuner (in C:Program Files) - a replace- operation.

7: For the blisstuner is it required to use the conductance paste on both the ears and the scalp?

A: EKG sol (electrode gel or paste - any good drug store - near a hospital is usually good) is ONLY required for BlissTuner not HeartTuner (EEG yes / EKG no). This is because we find clean nice smooth data for EEG (1 millionth of a volt) is far more often possible this way. YES - put just a bit of paste of the surface of the electrode (silver coated face) for the Ear clips ALSO. For good results (brainwaves only issue) - note here, ear clips right on the skin require only a hint of gel, the button touching right on the skull in back - opposite to eyes - however... IF there is a lot of hair - really sort thru the hair a bit - to the skin - and be SURE there is enough gel to get a liquid connection to the skin surface.

8. I want to run the HeartTuner / BlissTuner on a second computer: do I need to apply for another serial number / activation key?

A: Yes. The activation key is good for unlimited upgrades etc. but only on ONE computer. Remember you need to RUN the software on the second machine, then click "Select" on the INPUT DATA window (on the 2 hearts pic etc) - to get the screen where it generates the SERIAL SEED - email THAT number to (or if you purchased your system from Dan - ) . This is the only way to get a second activation key.

9. I am confused about 1 channel versus 2 Brainwaves.. Tell me more about brainwave work.. ( other than )

A: The new hardware / software oriented to display 2 channel CROSS HEMISPHERIC coherence - is not designed to do 1 channel brainwave (this is due to the simplifying way we eliminated the need for the 5th wire, by crossing the grounds of both channels in to each channels full 3 wire full differential hi gain pre amp). Click on the one brain pic with 2 hemispheres in the new software.

The standard 2 channel 4 wire hookup .. Channel A/1 - White Positive to one eyeball in back of head, Black or Whiter NEGATIVE clip to ear , Channel B/2- White Positive to the other eyeball place in the back of the head, the GREEN ground clip to the corresponding earlobe. (Remember touch the skull thru the hair on the head one and use gel).

More about brainwave work:
a) expect to wait for 1 to 2 minutes of total stillness after any move before data settles to smooth and useful ,
b) expect that in many rather electrical environments - cleaner better data is possible on battery powered portable -unplugged.,
c) you must go to advanced settings and set Input Sound MIDI - ON - usually "Microsoft Midi" is the input and set Instrument recommend start with "PAN FLUTE"- do this before you set SOUND ON toggle - and Switch WHICH SOUNDS - Alpha / Beta at the top of the running EEG POWER SPECTRA screen. Recommend set all (alpha / beta / and Golden Ratio) - sounds ON to start.. , later play with just making ALPHA. Note that these sounds are actually harmonics changing with ACTUAL BRAINWAVE FREQUENCIES.. (REAL feedback).

d) remember - the green ALPHA ball (circle) and stick will be always together at ACTUAL MEASURED (7-13hz) ALPHA. Goal here is to get large alpha peak stable AND LINED UP FROM RIGHT TO LEFT HEMISPHERE. THIS IS HOW YOU TEACH CROSS HEMISPHERIC COHERENCE.. literally the REAL HEMISYNC. Second - the PURPLE / BETA (higher frequency) BALL (circle) is your MEASURED BETA. The Purple STICK is your goal - Computer calculates 1.618 Golden Ratio TIMES you moving measured ALPHA frequency to plot this moving goal for you. IF YOU GET THE (purple) BALL ON THE STICK - THEN YOU GET BLISS or CREATIVITY - because THAT is HOW your brain attracts charge ( see caducceus).

e) sometimes you will see this BETA peak form - as an OCTAVE (multiplied by 2 ) instead of golden ratio - times the Alpha (8-12hz) frequency peak. We are beginning to believe this may be a consistent indicator of Channelling or telepathy or other more more link up less individuating states.. more soon ( see ). In the future display - we may offer a 'switchable' line at octave AND golden ratio dynamically in the Beta - so you can choose - since these brainwave states are so archtypal / characteristic of unique psychology (Golden Mean - individuates / attracts creativity/ bliss VS. Octave - holds charge wtihin - sets up 'hive mind' non-individuating - good for channelling?)

f) the COHERENCE or cepstrum display is currently set OFF in the new software during EEG / blisstuner. This will soon be fixed.. since indeed the COHERENCE here is set to be our new PRIME addition to the literature on HOW TO TREAT ADDICTION / A.D.D. (Simply teach to complete the cascade.) .

g) again - we acknowledge the many years of work in analyzing brainwaves with the MIND MIRROR - and recommend their interpretations, merely noting that our display is far better (includes time history) and includes more (coherence ) etc. - A good link to begin recognizing the SHAPE of the cascade of EEG harmonics shown on the BlissTuner - (the Mind Mirror displays brain hemisphere frequencies vertically as well, just without the time history cascade) is at

10. What about analyzing Heart and Brain at the same time ? (measure link up and coherence of HEART VERSUS BRAIN)

A: In the new software this capability is being tested .. in the old software it was well tested and functional - note in that case (hooking EKG and EEG to the original software environment) - always connect EEG to B channel RED - adjust RELATIVE GAIN slider far to the right carefully.. leave the input settings click knob set for ekg not eeg down below.

11. When will the new HRV and ADDICTION / ATTENTION DEFICIT software parts be ready?

A: Remember HRV display is largely functional in the old software. In the new software there will be radically improved display options for HRV since so many medical professionals use this so intensely. This will probably take a few more months in software development- and will include the most contemporary HRV statistical data.

- As far as ADDICTION / ATTENTION DEFICIT training.. here are some considerations:

a) The definition of addiction and A.D.D. neurofeedback training - 70% broad documented clinical success in the US - may be simply summarized as- CREATE BALANCE IN THE CASCADE - ALL HARMONICS PRESENT - NONE MISSING! ( please read more at 'REPLACING THE SOUL KILLER -RITALIN '- , etc.) . Once you understand this you can look at a reasonably stable and quiet and replicable EEG trace on the BLISSTUNER and do that work beautifully. Most of the time of the current expensive - A.D.D. feedback is consumed as the therapist struggles to guess which harmonic to provide a feedback reward cue to reinforce. We firmly believe this arduous process will be made FAR MORE ELEGANT when neurofeedback people LEARN TO USE Winter's CEPSTRUM COHERENCE MEASURE (for EEG) . Meantime - you can do much. Teach people to cross hemispherically LINK right and left hemisphere ( usually starting with their alpha). Then look at the picture of the perfect brainwave cascade (similar to Mind Mirror's pic at ) - and teach people to REPLACE THE MISSING HARMONIC IN THEIR CHART. What will be added to this - with the professional neurofeedback version in process - is the ability to provide a gently adjustable reward threshold tuneable cue to provide a little reward each moment you get closer to your goal. This sounds simple - yet the experience itself is so profound : SHIFTING GEARS IN YOUR BRAINWAVES - that it requires great personal responsibility to use this well.

How long till this - adjustable reward part is released? We expect the software to be released in stages at the sophistication level evolves in our ability to incorporate the mathematics into the existing BlissTuner internal data framework - over the next year or so.


12. How do I add my question to this list?

A: Email:


Quick Start Guide to HeartTuner:

Dan Winter / inventor's review-

The is a quick start review for INTERPRETING the COHERENCE / CEPSTRUM display on HeartTuner..

ALL your really new information comes from looking on the COHERENCE / Cepstrum display - and there looking at the FIRST PEAK ON THE LEFT. (Always newest data is on the bottom on the scroll up 'waterfall plot').

The HEIGHT of that peak is emotional COHERENCE.. if your client is a bit settled and stable - then that should RISE when they feel a YES or PLEASED with any emotion. This is the 'heart' of HeartTuner. Measuring INTERNAL PHASE COHERENCE - makes COHERENT EMOTION teachable-

because A SHAREABLE WAVE (something all waves into the heart can AGREE ON) is COHERENT. (The new application of CEPSTRUM - 2nd order power spectra makes internal coherence measureable).

The POSITION of the peak - right and left ( heart rate musical key inverse) - tells you:
a) does your client have EMOTIONTAL and HEART RATE - flexibility.. (are they stuck in one place?)

b) can your client link hearts by aligning 2 persons - empathy skill.

c) compare our hypothesis that (due to 'global scaling of heart rates') that when this number is near .95-1.0 - emotions are more often 'conceptual' or 'head centered' - VERSUS when this number is nearer to .62 ( close to phi mulitples of plank time) that emotions are more often TOUCH PERMISSIVE or 'heart centered'.

This is the essential genius of the HeartTuner- it literally TUNES HEARTS!


For further quick start summary - we add exerpt from Frequently Asked Questions -

and then from the Users Info-

(from FAQ)- 4. I need a dummies guide - what do I do first.. after boot up?

A: Start with HeartTuner EKG. - (click on 2 hearts picture to start inputting data on the Data Input Window - top right usually- remember if you have not gotten your activation code emailed yet- this is the place to generate the serial seed to send off and request activation..)

a) make sure the raw data lines on the input screen look like a decent EKG - not too squiggly - noisy - if needed - tighten straps - moisen skin - ask the subject to keep their wrists more still (movement causes noise which continues for 10 seconds or so till stillness). Also check that the device and cables are moved away from power wires and transformers etc..

b) you can learn about the Power Spectrum screen later -(just replace missing harmonics in cascade kind of stuff)
- so FIRST for the fun - focus on the COHERENCE (cepstrum) window..
1 - learn to look at the FIRST and Highest PEAK on the left side - THAT IS COHERENCE. Note > DOES THAT PEAK GET HIGHER WHEN YOU RELAX AND FEEL LOVE /PASSION - something TRUE AND REAL.., (teaches REAL MEASUREABLE EMOTIONAL COHERENCE.. later see the HISTORY CURVE FOR THAT ). This is actually a RUSH IN THE HEART - a psychological FEELING - which is now MEASUREABLE. We are sharing a NEW CONCEPT as well as a new measurement.
2 - look at the right left movement of that peak. When you change emotions - does that (heart rate linked) change. Are you stuck?
3 - Can you make that LINK or LINE UP with another person - EMPATHY - ENERGY LINK. , (teaches healers and counselors to link hearts).
4 - Some ( James, myself and others) firmly believe (global scaling kinds of reasons) that when that
(heart rate musical key) peak is nearer 1.0 - emotions are more likely CONCEPTUAL - and when that peak is nearer .62 - emotions are more likely TOUCHY /FEELY or Heart Centered.. -SEE IF YOU AGREE?? Can you USE THIS TO TEACH moving from head to heart centered emoting? (more advanced users - see: discussions elsewhere about converting the non-sacred second to globally scaled plank time, suggesting this may fit nature AND ratio).

Here a reminder of all the training films recommended:


Plus the training film for the original HeartTuner software contain much helpful background and user info:

Finally here - the more detailed interpretation exerpt from the manual:

Below- elegant new Heart Coherence and Empathy / Meditation Game Options:

 HeartTuner and BlissTuner Research Group - focused on sharing resources and developing collaboration between users, researchers, clinical, practical use, and scientific inquiry. HeartTuner uses EKG Harmonics to Measure Empathy, Emotional COHERENCE, HRV. Based on Dan Winter's original development of CEPSTRUM Mathematics to quantify INTERNAL heart and brain COHERENCE. BlissTuner extends this to also measure BLISS / CREATIVITY in Brainwaves by adding GOLDEN MEAN RATIO feedback cues to EEG harmonic biofeedback. More info: lead by , program development. And / or at with Dan Winter - inventor /research at
Subscribe to hearttuner
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Sample Control Panel Screens:

also- check effect on people is even easier- check average coherence curve rise over time they are exposed to A HEALING EVENT:
(first check heart coherence - then for those with some experience - you can check brain coherence)-more at

Below- New - Interpreting the New HeartTuner Pro 04 Screen.

1. EKG Interpreting (Empathy , Coherence Measure) - here complete in first draft only

2. EEG Interpreting ( BlissTuner ) - first sections- below

3. Life Force Interpreting ( Freshness / Vital Force ) - use: - until active noise suppresion - double egg set testing is added ..


Section One: EKG.

Click on SELECT in CHANNEL INPUT BOX: and select 2 channel EKG:

Notice later options to compare Heart Coherence with Brain Coherence, and to do 1 or 2 person EKG OR EEG - and to do 1 person 2 channel EEG (right / left hemispher) BLISSTUNER - discussed below - and at


a) The first EKG screen to understand a bit about is the raw data screen- simple EKG plot.

The first thing to know about this screen is to learn to recognize noisy or clean data. Clean data will look like a nice EKG. You see a standard "Q,R,S, + T " wave.

If your data is noisy ( a messy line instead of a clean simple single line - means the electrode is picking up noise). Chances are the electrode is too lose - and or the skin is very dry. First try getting the elecrode in the elastic band a bit tighter. (For people with slender wrists, try folding the elastic band to tighten it, or put tissue in the opposite side, or get smaller tighter wrist bands). If the skin is very dry - or conductivity bad - try cleaning - and or slightly moisening the skin. While you can use a tiny bit of conductive paste - be careful about cleaning the silver electrode snap in pellet later. It is helpful to clean the skin first with rubbing alchohol - but seldom necessary in practice.

Some people get all tense and hold their wrists upright in timid fear- when you first hook them up. Encourage people to relax and position their wrists where they are most comfortable. This way their blood will come to the surface in a warm 'order of the red hand' way - permitting stronger heart voltage to reach the skin. It is helpful to not move much while observing your "Heart Music" but this does not mean you need to be stiff - or in an uncomfortable position.

Note here also - that you CAN take EKG by putting one or both electrodes at the ANKLE - instead of the wrist - so as to free up hand motion. This is particularly helpful if the person must be doing something while be measured for Heart Coherence or empathy etc.

A doctor knows many places where EKG can be measured. Electrode positions do effect the general appearance of the QRST EKG wave - for example putting the electrodes up versus down on the wrists can invert the signal. HeartTuner PRO 04 software DOES have an auto algorhythmn for displaying the heart wave inverted in the commonly recognized position. Since HeartTuner is not designed for medical diagnosis from the displayed EKG raw wave - therefore electrode positions to get a harmonic analysis is not so critical. However- trained persons CAN set up to do hi resolution clinical work with the data, particularly since the EKG ( and ALL the data screens ) can be instantly blown up to full screen hi resolution display.

b.) Interpreting the POWER SPECTRA.

The (power) spectrum is another way to say 'frequency signature' or 'harmonic analysis'. This means - the wave shape from your heart's voltage (Electrocardiogram / EKG) is analyzed to see which different simple sine waves have been "woven" together to make the complex wave. (The principle in math for this is called Fourier Transform - which is a scientific technique for doing the arithmatic to get your harmonic analysis).

To express this to a child - you would say - we are checking the musical chord your heart is making, for which notes it contains.

Each peak, labeled in Hertz or cycles per second - represents a different musical note that is contained in your heart at that moment. Notice particularly that the wave refreshes every second or so, always - the NEWEST most recent wave harmonic is on the BOTTOM while the older ones roll back. This is called a time history or waterfall plot analysis. Technically - the x axis represents frequency, the y axis or vertical peak represents energy density (watts or power) - at that frequency. And finally the scrolling back or z axis plots represent TIME history.

Notice that the adjustable scaling bars that pop up if you put your cursor to the right. The vertical pair - adjust the gain or height vertically of the peaks, and the other vertical one adjusts the vertical distance between each data wave displayed. There is also a horizontal pair or adjustment bars. (not shown in this pic- they pop up if you put your cursor on the bottom right instead in the far right side.) The horizontal pair adjust a) whether the vertical 'waterfall' plotting lines is stacked vertically over each other, or walk gradually toward the right (waterfall vertically versus waterfall diagonally). - And b) the other horizontal bar - allows you to display HIGHER FREQUENCIES above the normal 0-20hz or so. (Puts higher frequencies on the x axis Hertz labeled display).

Notice also the option on the display options pull down menu for the SPECTRUM

The option to display Heart or Brain harmonics as concentric radiance - In this way you can get a nice visual feel for whether your heart is 'shining' - "Turn on your Heart Lights". Both poetic and rigorous - this display option for the spectra actually shows which HARMONICS ARE INCLUDED - just calibrated as concentric rings -instead of peaks in a row like the usual Power Spectra.


So how do you INTERPRET this simple harmonic analysis of your heart. Of course - people who interpret the exact same frequency range in brainwaves spend a lifetime learning what each harmonic means. (EEG from Alpha / Beta / Theta / Delta 0-20hz- more in the Bliss Tuner - below). BUT we can give you some very simple clues where to start. Remember the primary elegance of the HeartTuner is the NEXT screen which is the CEPSTRUM - the COHERENCE measure. BUT- there is a lot of fun and potential you can gain from recognizing some simple parts of the SPECTRUM. (Notice that in CEPSTRUM - the next plot measuring coherence - a mathematics pioneered by Dan Winter - to measure coherence in a new way - the very word CEPSTRUM is intentionally an anagram of the word Spectrum!).

The PRIMARY thing you learn from looking at the 'cascade' (from left lo frequency to right) of harmonics in the SPECTRUM - is about something called HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS.

The first time Dan Winter - inventor behind HeartTuner - noticed this was in the early 90's. A healer (named Foster Perry) was connected to the heart spectrum analyzer. And just at the moment he said he was 'sending love' - his heart made this beautiful harmonic cascade. This was consistent. It appeared clearly that when your heart finds a 'shareable' emotion - it indeed contains more harmonics. (That is - more harmonic peaks show up in a nice orderly cascade - in the spectrum- at just the moment your FEEL coherent.) It turns out that indeed this ability of your heart to INCLUDE MORE WAVE HARMONICS AT ONCE - is indeed consistent with the medical literature. Professor Irving Dardik (Cycles Magazine- reprint - ) - clearly shows that this HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS in your Hearts Rate Variability is a CLEAR PREDICTOR OF SURVIVAL OF MOST CHRONIC DISEASE!  What this means in simple terms- is that the more waves you can invite (compress non-destructively) into your heart - and thus the more COHERENT you are - the HEALTHIER you will be!

Later - the Heart Math Institute contacted Dan to learn of his work on measuring heart harmonics- and this phenomenon ( COHERENCE in the Heart ) pioneered by Dan Winter - became the basis of their work. Interestingly - Winter developed later a simple (Cepstrum) mathematics to MEASURE this coherence.

SO - the key thing to look for in the spectrum plot - is simply IF there is a harmonic MISSING in the cascade. ( As the harmonic 5.2 hz is missing from the cascade above). The farther up in frequencies and the more inclusive in harmonics the cascade- the more coherent the heart emotion. (Concept of ascention in spiritual literature may be mirrored as the heart's harmonics ascend.).

The concept that replacing the missing harmonic - creates healing is repeated in many branches of clinical literature. This can apply to voice harmonics ( Signature Sound Works, , Biosonics ) , heart harmonics (Dardik) , even forest harmonics (Bioacoustic Habitat theory).

Using the HeartTuner you can see WHICH harmonic could be repaired, replaced, brought back to power in the Heart - to heal. And using this musical key information you could do something about it. You could a) play music in the exact key frequency missing , b) learn emotions which tend to return the missing peak, c) examine the enviornment / electrosmog causing trauma at the missing frequency. For example, for years - all over Europe we found many people with a missing harmonic at 6.25hz. Later we realized this was a perfect octave (6.25 - 12.5 - 25 - 50 ) of 50 cycle - the electrosmog frequency of all Europes power distribution! This was no coincidence. When you sleep too close to bad magnetic fields (clock radio too close? transformers?..) your body is traumatized and responds by avoiding the touch of that wave - like emotional 'armoring' for frequencies.

While most users of HeartTuner move right on to using the Cepstrum - Coherence measure (next) there is a lot of fun and utility to be gained working with the simple spectrum. The key word is - what EMOTIONAL FEELING / EXERCISE creates harmonics in a perfect nice rounded INCLUSIVE CASCADE?

In addition to the original medical proof that harmonic inclusiveness predicts the survival of your EKG against disease -


c.) Interpreting the CEPSTRUM - The COHERENCE Display:

How does the Cepstrum MEASURE INTERNAL COHERENCE? : - the waves of the harmonic analysis are examined as a cascade to see if the space between contained harmonics are locked together in phase (COHERENCE). If the cascade peaks are evenly spaced- then the Second Order Power Spectra (Ceptstrum) shows a peak indicating the distance between internal harmonics. The position of the display peak is therefore inversely proportional to the musical fundamental of the heart AND Heart Rate. The HEIGHT (or amplitude) of the displayed peak is proportional to THE AMOUNT OF INTERNAL COHERENCE IN THE HEART at that moment. After some observation you will notice that whenever the heart finds something shareable ( like - speaking your truth , liking a joke, experiencing healing, or even feeling love!!) - that this COHERENCE PEAK WILL RISE IN RESPONSE!

below - earlier version of this COHERENCE display:

So - step ONE- is to learn what emotion RAISES THE PEAK. This corresponds to learning WHAT MAKES YOU PASSIONATE! Observing whether this peak rises - with some experience - then allows KINESIOLOGY TO BE MEASUREABLE! ( Muscle strength equals the electrical COHERENCE your body delivers). In effect - then this part of heart tuner - makes cellular intelligence measureable. This also functions as a kind of lie detector ( since speaking your truth raises the peak - speaking a lie lowers it). The science for this is simple. Waves that can distribute together without interference are called SHAREABLE. The scientific name for waves that are shareable (do not interfere with each other and their world) is called COHERENCE. SO - measuring coherence - is a way to check your lover and your used car salesman- after you get a little experience. Not only can you check individually to see what feelings are shareable (COHERENCE IS PURE INTENTION) - but further (below) you can measure for empathy ability.

--Step TWO - is to learn - how to MOVE this peak - from right to left. People who are stuck at one frequency - are also stuck emotionally. This ability to vary Heart Rate - is called HEART RATE VARIABILITY. It is not only a key medical health indicator - it is also a key indicator of EMOTIONAL FLEXIBILITY. For those who have very little change over time in this right left movement (heart musical key) - we recommend - first - more exercise to get heart rate high, and then to begin to notice what FEELINGS produce movement here. Eventually we learn that the skill to intentionally choose EMPATHY is related directly to the ability to CONSCIOUSLY move this peak to LINK HEARTS.

-- Step THREE- is to learn - to LINK HEARTS with another person. This makes EMPATHY - and the passing of emotional charge and healing and even tantra and love - between bodies- all MEASUREABLE! What you are looking for is the moment(s) when 2 hearts peak lines up. This means that at those moments they acheive what is technically "micromotion entrainment" or "phase lock" or "linked hearts". This is important because it measures when BODIES CAN EXCHANGE THE ELECTRICAL CHARGE LIKE BELLS TUNED TO EACH OTHER. You can even tell - who moved toward the other - while one stood still. This suggests who is flexible enough to seek EMPATHY actively and consciously. This is useful for:

+ healers wishing to learn to share energy with their patients.

+ counselors

+ marriage therapy

+ tantra

+ conflict resolution and peacemaking

+ corporate concensus process learning

+ business people wishing to get on the same wavelength consciously as their clients ( as the one of the largest national banks of australia uses the system in the corporate headquarters).

Look for a distinct feeling in the room of TINGLE or PRESENCE or COHERENCE at this moment when 2 person get the skill to link hearts. Historically - we find it is more common for women to be able to link hearts than men. This can make for a fun and playful game (below we get to gaming enviornment on this).

-- Step FOUR - is to learn to move from HEAD centered emotion to HEART centered emotion. From decades of work we have learned that peoples Heart RATE and therefore CEPSTRUM peak tends to park at certain geometries. The range for the most common rates is between .618 hz and 1.0 on the Cepstrum scale. (Later we also chose to display - the corrected lines also where the lines are at multiples of the Plank Time Constant - which is sacred - embedded - and not dependant on the second whose duration may not be part of nature. Note on the top pic- red line versus yellow lines on the x axis hz scaling.) Our subjective experience is that persons whose Heart 'musical key' parks nearer to 1.0 are more conceptual in their current emotion. Whereas those whose heart 'musical fundamental' parks closer to .618 hertz - or the .618 times PLANK TIME red line near - are usually experiencing a more touchy feely - contact permissive emotion. Many feel that this is a beginning for how to train people to learn to move from HEAD centered emotion (near 1.0) to HEART centered emotion (near .618). This may be an oversimplification - but it is amazing how often this seems to be meaningful as people move from conceptual to empathic feelings. This is currently a hypothesis to be tested - and we appreciate your input.

Finally - for EKG we discuss interpreting the time history plot . (Bottom graph in the full screen pic above).

Notice that this graph currently can display COHERENCE or CEPSTRUM average. And that the duration of the time scale AND the AMOUNT of AVERAGING for the plot- is adjustable on the horizontal scroll bars. The amount of gain / verical scale is adjusted with the vertical scroll bar.

A simple experiment we conducted recently with this graph: During a healing session - at the peak minutes of the session - this curve sustained a beautiful climb to a higher plateau. As well it was noted that when a microwave cell phone rang nearby - the hearts coherence suffered an immediate drop for a time. The hypothesis is- that if there is reasonably stable baseline here, that a curve climbing increase will correlate to a heart which gains sustainability (HEALING) by gaining coherence. Wholistic healers are urged to test this for themselves!

Next: Interpreting the EEG - the BLISSTUNER.

by selecting the Double Hemisphere BRAIN - on the INPUT SELECTOR:

The BlissTuner EEG display comes up:



Mind Mirror (3 times the cost of HeartTuner with less than 1/3 the features).. correctly describes this brainwave picture- but misses the PURE PRINCIPLE (Golden Mean / Implosion- RATIO in the cascade symmetry) triggers BLISS & Learning. Here is their description of THIS brainwave biofeedback learning picture:

"The AWAKENED MIND brainwave pattern combines the intuitive, empathetic radar of the delta waves, the creative inspiration, personal insight, and spiritual awareness of the theta waves, the bridging capacity and relaxed, detached, awareness of the alpha waves, and the external attention and ability to consciously process thought of beta waves, all at the same time. It is a brainwave pattern shared by people in higher states of consciousness regardless of their philosophy, theology or meditation technique. This brainwave pattern can be found during "peak experience" and in all forms of creativity and high performance. The awakened mind is also the "ah-ha," appearing at the exact instant of solving the problem, or getting the insight."

NeuroScience notes: Bliss - Euphoria - Ecstasy- & INSIGHT - connected to a BEAT & BIG FLASH- a Large Scale Neuro-Electric Phenomenon?

- From the French Magazine Sciences et Avenir, Sept 2003, Exclusive: "We know finally where lives God " (by Anna Alter) , thanks to Valerie Sandelin & Jean Senot- for forwarding & translating.

"The understanding researchers have of this (brain) organ of big complexity progresses every day. Neuropsychologists analyzing the functioning of the brain during religious experiencess or during prayers were able to explain how both lobes could "trip out" and provoke a BEAT- " peace of mind, a big flash ". This phenomenon would be at the origin of the states of grace, ecstasies, appearances and the other miracles.
Scientific integrity requires our researchers to analyze real ways which allow homo sapiens sapiens to raise themselves to radiant heights by transcendental means (still measured?by science): Via positiva consists in fixing an object, and Via negativa requires(demands) to think of nothing, to empty completely the head. By a specific mental activity, normal functioning of the brain is perturbed - to disconnect him(it) from the reality,...
The neuropsychiatrists, can now compare to the descriptions given in the Gospel, the Koran or in history books, in view of the symptoms shown by certain seers, diagnose in these patient's (with the view from our age) an epilepsy of the right(straight) temporal lobe. A disorder of the electric activity in this group of neurones provokes very particular visual and auditive hallucinations, except for left-handed persons whose brain is differently latéraliséd and organized. (Insert here from Winter: Cross Hemispheric Coherence?). The subject in these 'pointed' conditions - sees the light and hears (from within?) words, exactly as saint Paul on the road of Damascus or Joan of Arc in her village of Lorraine of Domrémy. " The fundamentalism and the religious fanaticism are also explained by a conditioning from the youngest age entailing a dysfunction of " deep intellectual regions ". The faith and the religious rites can have beneficial effects, antistress notably,- noting however that too much is also dangerous....

We know now HOW bliss is triggered- are we ready to teach that? Biofeedback has the tools, now we have the software --Check out some screen array samples from the new HeartTuner Pro04- Including the Bliss Tuner trainer module (screen top right).


A short historical review on electrical measures of Bliss / Euphoria / Ecstasy:

Dan Winter - thanks to his mentor Prof.Al Ax (long time collaborator with Elmer Green & Joe Kamiya - founders of biofeedback) - had helped construct the electrical lab / polygraphy where fear and anger were first described electrically (1980's Univ Detroit Psychophysiology Clinic). Dan was then the first to locate Golden Mean ratio in Manfred Clynes famous Sentic wave shape definition of LOVE in music science - the shape of the touch or hug or squeeze which expresses LOVE as wave embedding. ( ). Dan first measured intense healing emotion electrically - when he discovered EKG harmonics spaced in Golden Mean arithmetic coherence cascades during HEALING LOVE - at Millard Fillmore Hospital lab 1991-1994. (complete history and graphs at ). This provoked the Heart Math Institute to hire Dan to teach them how to measure EKG harmonics and began their career in science. Dan then developed the mathematics of cepstrum (2nd order not inverse power spectra) to measure INTERNAL COHERENCE - revolutionizing the measure & teaching of emotional and brain coherence which became his invention HeartTuner ( ). The implications for true understanding of COHERENCE - explored at - revolutionize the worlds of A.D.D. / Addiction training by coherence - and organizations (like Heart Math & TM) whose foundations are based on coherence - yet never acheived measurement. Also in the mid 1990's the famous Dr. Ed Wilson - (compatriot to Candace Pert-author of the silver bullet theory of emotion:"Molecules of Emotion")- Ed was at that time research director of The Monroe Institute (Hemisynch Tapes). Ed had discovered that Fibonacci to Golden Ratio audio cascades -beat note differentials in audio headphones - triggered 'liquid phonon heterodynes' in the brain which quickly became the DEFINITION of transcendance in brainwaves. He launched people consistently into transcendance / bliss states using Phi / Golden sound ratios in headphones alone (differential beat cascades). Ed abandoned Bob Monroe - who was afraid to release this- and came to make a documentary film with Dan Winter - comparing his brain bliss work with Dan's EKG studies. They put extensive examples of his 3D color brain surface maps (Lexicor 32 ch. EEG) in that film. In summary (Ed found) - EEG coherence areas at the hemispheric opposite extremes - defined DISSOCIATION (in brainwaves) and was triggered by OCTAVES audio input (NOT fibonacci or PHI)- as opposed to brainwave coherence lighting up specifically in the TOP CROWN CENTER of the brain - when triggered by FIBONACCI (leads to Phi Golden Mean) audio cascades. This latter state he DEFINED as brainwave TRANSCENDANCE; it is clearly related to the triggering of CROSS HEMISPHERIC brainwave coherence. -

... and this sets the stage for the next ELECTRICAL bliss precedent history... our friend: Dr. Korotkov in Russia - found and published clear evidence that Golden Mean ratio was the KEY ATTRACTOR - identifying BLISS / Euphoria in brainwave harmonics. See

also see Cross Hemispheric COHERENCE in his BLISS measures -below: ( Dr.K.-of the famous GDV clinical aura discharge diagnostic tools- was first also to measure how death is successful when CHARGE propagates successfully from the corpse - suggesting a whole new industry instructing people on the electrical hygiene to survive death - non destructive / fractal charge distribution - see .)

Dr. Korotkov was invited to document the intensive bliss related visualization training used in the successful WORLD WITHOUT BLINDNESS PROJECT in Russia. There - children who were blind - began to literally see thru their inner sight - using a bliss training. The project received a lot of media attention. (Pics below & Films of TV shows available- acknowledgement again to Dr.K. - link above).

In the process- Dr. K was able to consistently document the electrical description of this state of consciousness- which we have called bliss:


Summarizing (simplifying) the above electrical measures to identify / teach BLISS:

1. The ratio between (principle) brain harmonics goes to GOLDEN RATIO..

2. Left and right hemisphere - come into COHERENCE (phase lock)

3. Minimizing Temporal activation corresponds to reducing the EEG map Dr.Wilson correlated to Dissociation (vs. Transcendance which is Golden Ratio phired CROWN activation).

4. Increase SIZE of the aura - (GDV)
(Dan Winter, Dr K., & Heart Coherence Team strongly hypothesize that GDV area -'aura radiance'- WILL correlate to Heart Coherence- as HeartCoherence correlates to muscle strength enabling HeartTuner to measure kinesiology.)

5. Increase in FRACTALITY (folded-surface) of the aura.


Also note that there is precedence confirming the power of acheiving cross hemispheric coherence in EEG - in triggering Healing. The Mind Mirror literature above is as well clear - that this form of coherence - WHEN ALSO COMBINED WITH COHERENT LINK UP TO A SECOND PERSON BEING HEALED - is a clear correlate / indicator - that functional energy healing occurs.

The Heart Coherence team - using the basic insight from Winter, successfully launched Heart / EKG biofeedback making empathy (phase lock ) and coherent emotion (passion) measureable (using 2 channel ceptstrum of EKG). Now in the next generation release of HeartTuner Pro04 Software ( ) Heart Coherence team is launching

One of the many new modules in the new HeartTuner Pro04 software being released in the next weeks - is explicitly designed to allow 3 of the most important features of BLISS - to be gently and carefully teachable in the new 2 channel brainwave setup for HeartTuner. This design - a BLISS TUNER?- specifically allows - at a glance biofeedback to teach:

A- Golden Ratio between the Major Harmonics - Usually Alpha to Beta in EEG Spectra

B- Cross Hemispheric Synchrony (Both Hemispheres in Symmetry )

C - Overall Internal COHERENCE.

In the tests here - both Dan & John & Frank whose brainwaves are shown felt clear 'rushes' or tingles of BLISS presence when the succesful graphs were taken.


3 Sessions In Sequence
Showing Golden Ratio Replicated
In Brain WaveEEG During Bliss Visualization
Vs. Charge Attraction

Above.. Dan Winter brainwave bliss series.. below.. John - during alpha bliss visualization in Germany

In addition the new software module will graph the overall coherence as 'rising thermometers' - plus the key harmonic RATIO to optimize for Phi/ Golden Mean.


See here: Using BlissTuner and Neurofeedback for Attention Deficit and Addiction: