Subject: DNA as Radio Transmitter / DNA as Magnetic Superconductor,

from Dan Winter, 2/7/00

Follow up to:../magneticx wherein it became clear, that the concept of disturbing DNA as a {heart modulated?} radio station might intimidate genetic engineers from further rushing in where angels fear to tread, ONLY if more credible science could be referenced.

Published simultaneously with Fusion-Phi Phenomenon-Unlocking Ultimate PHIre, ../fusion Fusion: is PHI (Golden Mean) the solution to ALL of it's meanings? Along with "The Phi Phenomenon" key to VISUAL Fusion, is the possibility of FUSION at the Atomic Level, intimately linked to the pure principle of Golden Ratio based PHI Embedding, with all the Implications of creating self-organizing/self-aware wave systems this implies..? Is this an ultimate way to unlock the key to maintaining the PHIre of life?

return to




Recommend View This in Conjunction With:

Relationships to Health & Aging And Acoustic, Electrical & Magnetic phenomena in the body /cell/ DNA and RNA How the Molecules of Emotions effect the DNA/RNA / How the Heart's music generates the musical charge that cascades into those emotion proteins, enzymes & hormones.James Barrett 1/7/2000 at acoustic's & DNA,


Exerpts and Links:

dedicated to: Jaan Suurkula <> Physicians and Scientists for Responsible
Application of Science and Technology, , Who initiated these dialogs..

[Fwd: DNA waves and genetic engineering]
Fri, 21 Jan 2000 07:29:33 -0500
Dan Winter <dan@..>
Sacred Geometry & Coherent Emotion
adonia mckinzie <>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DNA waves and genetic engineering
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 11:05:04 +0100
From: Jaan Suurkula <>
To: dan@..

Dear Dan Winter,

We would be grateful to have the e-mail address fax or phone number of
Molecular Biologist, Georgia Tech Ph.D., and Adonia McKinzi, Ph.D., quoted
in your web document http://../magneticx/index.html



Jaan Suurkula, MD, A.A.A.S.
Chairman of PSRAST
Physicians and Scientists for Responsible
Application of Science and Technology
A Global Network for impartial interdisciplinary evaluation
of the safety and value of new technologies
Fax Europe: +46-322620944 Fax U.S.: +1-(703)-783-7231
winner of the StudyWeb Academic Excellence Award


David Hudson:"And I just saw this. Dan Winters does such a good job of depicting it that I said, oh hell, I'll just use his slides. It just so happens that Dan Winters said that the nucleus or the DNA interacts with this frequency. So people in music and all this that play all this beautiful music, they say it calms the soul, it does all these things, they say, "Dave, would music effect the DNA itself?" I don't believe so because, I think, that what you're trying to effect is in fact a null, and that frequency that you're trying to generate is in fact a frequency so short that even our nuclear physicists can't produce the Planck frequency. But that frequency in fact is where everything is and that frequency just happens to interact with the DNA in the cell. It is the God-Force or the Creative Vibration or the energy that is everywhere timeless in the universe and that's what the electro-magnetic null produces. So what frequency is it? It's not important. It's two waves equal and opposite, that's what's important. (audience question) It's actually Dan Winter's book, it's a big thick book, but I don't remember the title of it. It's Dan Winter's book and that's what it's in. Anyway, next slide.
And here he says, he's showing the cell again, the inter-reaction of the zero point energy which he shows depicted as the center or literally that the vibrations actually go to null, to nothing and that's the center. And that's the frequency inter-reaction of the DNA. That's one way of picturing it and so I'm using his slide, but that happens to be the frequency that does interact with the DNA, and his terminology here is, lightning-spun up-primal soup- all lightning is unipolar because of the consistent orgone electro-negative. Well he's talking about this as orgone energy. That I don't know if I ascribe to, I don't know if I like his terminology here, but his concept of the electro-magnetic zero point is accurate. I'm not telling you that I believe everything that Dan Winter's writes, I'm telling you that this particular part of it is accurate. Next slide. Okay, next slide."


same article:

p. 235
Scientific American
May 1995
David Paterson
"The researchers examined the electrical properties of short lengths of double-helix DNA in which there was a ruthenium atom at each end of one of the strands. Meade and Kayyem estimated from earlier studies that a short single strand of DNA ought to conduct up to 100 electrons a second. Imagine their astonishment when they measured the rate of flow along the ruthenium-doped double helix: the current was up by a factor of more than 10,000 times-over a million electrons a second. It was as if the double helix was behaving like a piece of molecular wire."
"For some time, chemists have suspected that the double helix might create a highly conductive path along the axis of the molecule, a route that does not exist in the single strand. Here was confirmation of this idea.
Retrotransposons as Engines of Human Bodily Transformation
Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.
(Journal of Scientific Exploration, 13, no. 1, Spring 1999, pp. 9­24)
National Institute for Discovery Science
1515 E. Tropicana Ave., Suite 400
Las Vegas, NV   89119
ph: 702-798-1700, FAX: 702-798-1970
Abstract - The historical literature suggests that there are unusual physical, as well as psychological, consequences in humans to the attainment of the exalted state of mind known as enlightenment, nirvana or samadhi. These reported changes include, but are not limited to, sudden reversal of aging, emergence of a light body and observed bodily ascension into the sky. This paper proposes a "jumping DNA" or transposon-mediated mechanism to explain rapid and large-scale cellular changes associated with human bodily transformation.
Only 3% of human DNA encodes the physical body. The remaining 97% of the 3 billion base pair genome contains over a million genetic structures, called transposons, that have the capacity to jump from one chromosomal location to another. Transposons that jump to a new location via an RNA intermediate are known as retrotransposons.
The three main classes of documented or putative retrotransposons in human cells are SINEs, LINEs and HERVs. SINEs and LINEs have been unambiguously shown to transpose in humans and there is indirect evidence that HERVs are active. A 1700 base pair DNA sequence was isolated from purified activated human T cells (Kelleher et. al, 1996). The sequence of this DNA contains a novel combination of all three transposon families (SINEs, LINEs and HERVs) arranged like "beads on a string". I describe it's structure and I propose that this DNA sequence, because of its cassette like configuration and its transcriptional expression and regulation, would be an effective participant in large scale transposon mediated genetic change that eventually results in transformation of the human body.
The hypothesis is testable by using the DNA sequence as a molecular probe to monitor transposon activity in the blood cells of individuals undergoing profound psychological transformation as a result of advanced meditation, near death experience (NDE) or close encounter experiences with UFOs. The relevance of these proposed experiments to the study of survival of human consciousness after death is discussed.
In the future, attention undoubtedly will be centered on the genome, with greater appreciation of its significance as a highly sensitive organ of the cell that monitors genomic activities and corrects common errors, senses unusual and unexpected events, and responds to them, often by restructuring the genome. - Barbara McClintock, Nobel prize acceptance speech.
: mobile DNA - transposon - HERV - Alu - line - NDE - enlightenment ....Download the full paper see link above

Interspecies Global Mind
Howard Bloom 08.12.1999

The History of the Global Brain XX

The global brain is not just human, made of our vaunted
intelligence. It is webbed between all species. A mass mind knits
the continents, the seas, and skies. It turns all creatures great
and small into probers, crafters, innovators, ears and eyes. This
is the real global brain, the truest planetary mind.
* Excerpts from :
The Microbial Brain and our Use of it.
which were among the first cellular beings. The microbial brain rapidly
learned new lessons and added to its arsenal. From it evolved a super
weapon, a sliver of 50 or 60 genes wrapped in a protein capsule
capable of boarding and grappling. This was the VIRUS, the bacteria's
collaborator and its foe. Viral assaults devastated bacterial colonies -
yet they tested bacterial intelligence, tweaked bacterial ingenuity, and
amplified bacterial skills. Viruses also pried loose genetic pages from
the creatures they attacked and inserted them in the DNA library of
those they visited next while on their predatory rounds. Thus they
became couriers through which bacteria swapped molecular
pamphlets of new tricks and old collective memories.

Later cells learned to build a different form of collectivity - the
multi-trillion-celled cooperative which forms a plant, an animal, a you
or me. 3.5 billion years ago bacteria had their global brain up and
running - running very fast indeed. By swapping genetic bits and
reengineering themselves they could create upgrades in hours or in

The Microbial Mesh - a Group Brain without Parallel in Creativity

In the 1900s, France's Louis Pasteur,
England's Joseph Lister, and Germany's Robert Koch discovered that
microbes were the source of much disease. What they failed to realize
was the cleverness of the newfound enemy. Bacteria are quick to
dodge the onslaughts of our drugs and immune systems. By
lengthening or shortening bits of apparent junk DNA15 , they re-tailor
their membrane and their interior workings so they can shift
appearance, roles, and tactics, evade our defenses, then a few
generations down the line switch back again. VIRUSES HACK INTO OUR
swap scraps of DNA with creatures from other microbial species or
simply scarf up the DNA fragments from dead cells and try them out
for efficacy.

Plasmids helped the process mightily. These are boarders in the
bacterial cell, walled off with their own DNA, which itch to multiply
from time to time. When two bacteria slide up against each other, a
plasmid will build a pipe between the pair and move a part of itself
through , hauling precise forgeries of a few of the old host's genes
as it goes. Then it will create a clone of itself and of its genetic
contraband in the new home.
..... we used it to
insert a gene into a human cell in gene therapy. Completing the new
package we called biotechnology was PCR - the Polymerase Chain
Reaction - which rapidly copied DNA fragments using an enzyme
we burglarized from the heat resistant bacterium Thermus aquaticus.

This paved the way for the drug industry in the 1990s to create new
pharmaceuticals by harnessing bacteria, plasmids and their products
as gene sequencers, splicers, and reshufflers, and even as
assembly-line producers of complex proteins
A bacterially-based Revolution in GeneticEngineering

Viruses are Worldwide Transportation Experts

The knowledge gained could prove vital for yet another face-off with
the microbial army, one whose loss might devastate humanity.

Bacteria will be our Allies as well as our Foes

For the global brain is
not just a human interconnect, it is a multi-species thing. And that, in
fact, is what it's always been.

It is said that we have enraged nature by tearing at the pattern of her
tracery, and for this transgression we shall be punished mightily. But
we are nature incarnate. We are made up of her molecules and cells.
We are tools of her probings and if, indeed, we suffer and we fail,
from our lessons she will learn which way in the future not to turn. For
all that lives and all that ever has is part of a collective brain, a neural
net of the most sprawling evolution-driven, wor

Subject: Fwd: WhiteGold: DNA and Iridium in Egypt
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 08:06:02 EST
To: dan@..


Subject: WhiteGold: DNA and Iridium in Egypt
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 20:35:15 -0800
From: Buzz Lange <>
Organization: midnight!west

Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 22:48:32 -0700
From: Barry Carter <>
Subject: Re: WhiteGold: DNA and Iridium in Egypt

Dear Evelynn,

At 10:02 PM 1/25/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 20:18:25 -0500
>To: White Gold Forum <>
>Subject: DNA and Iridium in Egypt
>Just some interesting information....Evelynn
>The Year in Weird Science
>By William R. Corliss
>Organic Chips
>Jacqueline Barton and her colleagues at the California Institute of
>Technology revealed last winter
>that long strings of dna carry electricity. They speculated that dna may be
>an information
>superhighway that carries signals between genes located along the wirelike
>molecule. In this way,
>genes that are far apart can turn one another on and off.

Dr. Barton has been exploring this property of DNA for quite a while. David
Hudson mentioned a Scientific American article related to this in several
of his lectures:

Scientific American
May 1995
David Paterson
"The researchers examined the electrical properties of short lengths of
double-helix DNA in which there was a ruthenium atom at each end of one of
the strands. Meade and Kayyem estimated from earlier studies that a short
single strand of DNA ought to conduct up to 100 electrons a second.
Imagine their astonishment when they measured the rate of flow along the
ruthenium-doped double helix: the current was up by a factor of more than
10,000 times-over a million electrons a second. It was as if the double
helix was behaving like a piece of molecular wire."

"For some time, chemists have suspected that the double helix might create
a highly conductive path along the axis of the molecule, a route that does
not exist in the single strand. Here was confirmation of this idea."
pp. 33-34

Matti Pitkanen, in a private post about three years ago, wrote the
following about an article in Science magazine:

In the newest Science, vol. 275, 7. March 1997 there was a very
interesting article about the work of Barton and her group. Barton et al
have done several experiments between 1993-1997 related to the conductivity
properties of DNA double helix. The conclusion of Barton et al is that
DNA double helix has the ability to do chemistry at distance: "A DNA
molecule with a chemical group artificially tethered to one end appears to
mediate a chemical change far down the helix, causing a patch of damaged
DNA to be mended.".

DNA as conducting wire instead of insulator

What seems to occur is flow of electron current along DNA with very small
resistance. Typically the experiments involve electron donator and acceptor
separated by a long distance along DNA. When acceptor is radiated it goes
to excited state and an electron current flows from donator to acceptor as
a consequence. Standard wisdom tells that this should not be possible. The
current should flow by quantum tunneling between adjacent building units of
DNA and it should diminish exponentially with distance. For proteins this
is known to be the case. In experiments however no distance dependence was

There exist a theory which assumes that the current could flow along the
interior of double DNA, that is the region between the bases of strand and
complementary strand. The electron would be delocalized in bases rings
these rings would form a stack along DNA. The current would flow by
tunneling also now but the tunneling probability would be so large that
distance dependence would be weak. The critics of Barton argue that this
model cannot explain all the experiments of Barton and that the model is
not in accordance with basic organic chemistry and biology: ordinary sun
light should have rather drastic effects on us. Barton admits that they do
not understand the mechanism.

TGD-based explanation in terms of exotic atom concept

TGD suggests a possible explanation of phenomenon in terms of closely
related concepts of exotic atom and charged wormhole. The concept of
exotic atom in turn relies on the concept of many sheeted spacetime. Exotic
atom is formed when one or more outer valence electrons of ordinary atom
are dropped from atomic spacetime sheet to a 'larger' spacetime sheet, now
spacetime sheet with a form of DNA helix. As a consequence, charged
wormholes feeding the em gauge flux to the larger spacetime sheet are also
generated. Electrons in larger spacetimesheet could be delocalized and
this could lead to a smaller ground state energy. What is important is that
the electrons on the larger spacetime sheet move effectively in empty
spacetime and therefore electric current can flow freely without resistance.

Charged wormholes could provide also a mechanism of superconductivity:
photons are replaced with the excitations of wormhole BE condensate in
this mechanism. It is however too early to say whether super conductivity
is really in question and even whether this superconductivity mechanism
really works.

In the experimental arrangements of Barton typically donors and acceptors
of electrons are Rh and Ru atoms. Both have 5s unpaired electron and this
electron would drop on the larger spacetime sheet from the atomic spacetime
sheet and induce electric current. Some colleagues of Barton did not
observe the effect when using organic molecules as donors. A possible
explanation is that these molecules are such that their valence electrons
cannot drop on lower spacetime sheet (it is not energetically favourable,
they could be paired, for instance).

For exotic atoms, charged wormholes and the related mechanism of super
conductivity see my homepage

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Pitkanen Quote<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>From these three papers and Matti's commentary, it would appear that the
repair of DNA is linked to the presence of monatoms of the platinum group

>High, Wide, and Hot
>More than 1,400 tons of ultrapure green glass is strewn across the Egyptian
>desert near Libya's
>border. Shards of this Saharan glass contain traces of iridium, suggesting
>an extraterrestrial
>origin. But no surface impact craters have been found or detected by
>satellite radar probes. Mark
>Boslough of Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
>theorized that the desert sand
>was melted by searing heat from a high-altitude exploding meteor. He
>calculated that a meteor 10
>yards across entering the atmosphere would detonate with an energy
>equivalent to a three-megaton
>blast. This would melt the sand below like sugar beneath a blowtorch.

There is another possibilty which might also explain the presence of
iridium. It may have been present in the sand as m-state iridium and been
converted to metallic iridium by some phenomena associated with a meteorite


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
Blue Mountain Native Forest Alliance
WEB Page:
Phone: 541-523-3357

Help Protect America's Heritage Forests at


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-------- Original Message --------
Frequency Harmonics
Sat, 22 Jan 2000 20:08:54 -0800
"James Barrett" <>
"Al Harris" <>, "Jonathan Goldman" <>,"Marysol Gonzalez Sterling"
<>,"Dan Winter" <dan@..>
"Panos Axiomakaros" <>, "Jane Kohl" <>,"Ray Flowers"
<>,"Letecia Layson" <>,"RavenHeart"


This web page has 33 pages to it.. but the information is all there or linked for those that wish to
review.. Comment 1 This paper will explore some possibilities that might assist in shedding
light on the resonance relationships. There are several areas that will be looked at in detail:

1.The complete genome of the DNA of an organism.
2.Smaller areas, or fragments, of an organism's DNA coding.
3.Possible resonance occurring at the molecular or atomic level.

Section 3 is of most interest. below is a taste from the article. It is not a hard read. James

Section 3. Resonance of atoms & moleculesThe possibility that atoms and molecules give off frequency signals that can be
co-resonated is being given more and more attention by certain scientists working in this field. A very readable
introduction to this subject was written by the French physicist Jacques Benveniste, and is accessible on the internet
at: and

Benveniste states at the second website that "it is well documented that molecules emit specific frequencies." He is also performing documented research that
links into the frequencies of certain molecules using audio sound (see other links at above sites for more information and journal references). However,
Benveniste does not state exactly which mechanism(s) he is tapping into (i.e., bond frequencies, frequencies associated with mass, nuclear resonance, electron
resonance, or other possibilities).

Another French physicist named Joel Sternheimer is also using audio sound to resonate molecules. An article in New Scientist magazine (May 28, 1994,
p.10), titled "Good vibrations give plants excitations", briefly describes his work, as do a number of websites. For purposes of this discussion, readers are
encouraged to look at the following sites: and

While Sternheimer likewise does not state which molecular resonance mechanism he is tapping into, there is a clue in the New Scientist article and internet
links that is worth examining.

In each of these sources, there is a musical staff with notes on it. Underneath each note is a capital letter. These letters are symbols for an amino acid.
Sternheimer is using a certain note for each individual amino acid, as given in these examples. But on what basis does he make this association?

There is a relationship between mass and frequency that can be looked at. If one goes to the physics formula that converts atomic or molecular weight to
frequency, we are given:

frequency = (atomic or molecular mass) x (a constant)

Please see the table of "Energy Conversion Factors" in D. Lide, ed., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 76th ed., (CRC Press, 1995), on page section 1-5.
In the far left hand column is given various energy units that can be converted to other types of energy units, including frequency. For these purposes we are
interested in the symbol "u", which means atomic or molecular mass. When that line is followed across to the far right column which is labeled "Hz", there is
given a conversion number:

2.25234242 e+23

Therefore, to convert an atomic or molecular mass ("u") to frequency, we would multiply the mass by the above conversion number.

Is this the mechanism that Joel Sternheimer is using in his work with sound? Looking at the first musical note "A" in the New Scientist
article, it has the letter "M" underneath it, which is the symbol for the amino acid methionine. Its molecular weight is 149.2139, which, when multiplied by
the above constant to convert to frequency, yields a result of:

3.360807966 e+25 hz

When this extremely high frequency (at the very highest end of the electromagnetic spectrum) is divided down by octaves to the very bottom of the
spectrum in the audio range, (i.e., doubling the wavelength many many times), we come to a frequency at 444.8 hertz, which is indeed a musical note
"A", as seen on the musical staff in this article. Analysis of all the succeeding notes and correlating amino acids shown in this musical example reveal the
same pattern: Sternheimer indeed seems to be using a mass-to-frequency conversion correlation, and then dividing down by octaves all the way from one
end of the spectrum to the other, to achieve his aim of stimulating the action of certain molecules, proteins, and enzymes.

Now if anyone tries this mathematical computation, you will soon find out that it will take what seems like half a day to divide down by octaves from the top
end of the spectrum to the audio range of the spectrum, especially if you are dividing by 2's. One can use a larger divisor, such as 4096 (2 to the power of
14), to achieve these results more quickly.

However, there is an even faster shortcut! One can simply take the atomic or molecular weight, and multiply it by the constant 1.4904752, to get a
representative frequency in the audio range. This writer, after having used the long process many times, now uses this constant to get the same results a LOT

Incredible as it may seem that frequencies at the very top end of the electromagnetic spectrum can be "signaled" from the very bottom end of the spectrum,
this indeed seems to be what Sternheimer is doing, and he does get results. At this juncture we must ask, however, what type of wave is he using? Would this
technique work with the square wave that plasma beam researchers are using? Keep in mind that this technology has been specifically developed to debilitate
rather than stimulate certain things. Or would a sine wave tend to stimulate and a square wave debilitate? Only further research will shed more light on these

Furthermore, would applying the square root of 2 relationship (as described in section 1 of this paper) be a possible mechanism to debilitate certain

While much more research needs to be done on this aspect of using frequencies to affect molecules in some way, here are a few examples that may shed
some light on the possibilities.

Many bacteria need a constant source of the element iron to survive in living tissues. In fact, they have developed mechanisms to rob the body of this
element from its more complex molecules. Could sending a "debilitating" frequency associated with iron possibly serve to "scramble" a frequency signaling
mechanism for bacteria?

The atomic mass of the most common isotope of iron is 55.9349. (Iron-56 has a prevalence in nature of 91.72%). To arrive at its frequency association,
multiply it by the constant 1.4904752, which gives a result at 83.3696 hz. To theoretically debilitate, multiply by Ö 2, which gives us 117.9024 hz. If we
multiply this number up by two octaves (x4), the result is 471.6 hz.

Songs creates amino acids
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 09:33:32 -0800
"James Barrett" <>
this came in tonight.. and then review acoustic.htm page again.

You will see that which I complied in the acoustic.htm (link at top) page is more true that some would like to believe. james barrett:


French Physicist Creates New Melodies - Plant Songs

Remember those song birds we used to hear in the fields? The sounds of animals in nature singing a symphony of soft and subtle sounds as
all things flow together to create a living and vibrant concerto? Science is now showing that these sounds actually do influence the growth
of plants. Researchers have demonstrated that plants respond to sounds in pro-found ways which not only influence their overall health but
also increase the speed of growth and the size of the plant.

Many people remember hearing in the late 1960's and 1970's about the idea that plants respond to music. There were lots of projects in
high schools and colleges which successfully tested the effects of sound on plant growth. It was determined through repetitive testing that
plants did respond to music and sound. The first book which brought this idea to most of us was: The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter
Tompkins and Christopher Bird (Harper & Row 1973). In this best selling book a number of astounding revelations about plant growth
were revealed. The idea that plants were influenced by sound in both positive and negative ways was demonstrated by several world class
scientists at that time.

When we think of plants being affected by sunlight we are really looking at the effect of a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum on
plants ? that portion which includes visible light. It should not surprise us that sound also impacts plant growth because it is, in essence, an
extension to other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The science was first disclosed in an article by Andy Coghlan which appeared in New Scientist (May 28, 1994, p.10). The article confirmed
old ideas by placing them in a scientific context. It tells an excellent story about the impact of sound on plant growth, bringing to light what
was before considered esoteric or mysterious science. After reading this short article and those which follow in this issue of the Flashpoints
a good deal more will be thought of "singing gardeners" and "plant communicators."

Many people remember reading accounts of plant growth being stimulated by sound waves. At that time, "talking" to plants and playing
plants different types of music was used to influence growth. A number of people were using these techniques without being able to
completely explain the phenomena. This article is part of that story ? a story which could have a profound impact on the way we grow and
produce our food.

Eccentrics who sing to their plants? People playing melodies to organic matter with the expectation that it will help stimulate growth? These
ideas were the thoughts of some "non-scientists" until French physicist and musician, Joel Sternheimer, discovered the mechanism for how
plants respond to the stimulation of sound waves. Sternheimer com-poses musical note sequences which help plants grow and has applied
for an international patent1 covering the concept.

The sound sequences are not random but are carefully constructed melodies. Each note is chosen to correspond to an amino acid in a
protein with the full tune corresponding to the entire protein. What this means is that the sounds sequenced in just the right order results in
a tune which is unique and harmonizes with the internal structure of a specific plant type. Each plant type has a different sequence of notes
to stimulate its growth. According to New Scientist, "Sternheimer claims that when plants "hear" the appropriate tune, they produce more of
that protein. He also writes tunes that inhibit the synthesis of proteins." In other words, desirable plants could be stimulated to grow while
undesirable plants (weeds for instance) could be inhibited. This is done with electromagnetic energy, in this case sound waves, pulsed to the
right set of frequencies thus effecting the plant at an energetic and submolecular level.

Sternheimer translates into audible vibrations of music the quantum vibrations that occur at the molecular level as a protein is being
assembled from its constituent amino acids. By using simple physics he is able to compose music which achieves this correlation.
Sternheimer indicated to New Scientist that each musical note which he composes for the plant is a multiple of original frequencies that
occur when amino acids join the protein chain. He says that playing the right notes stimulates the plant and increases growth. This idea is
particularly interesting because it may lead to the eventual obsolescence of fertilizers used to stimulate plant growth. This new method
would be cheap and relatively easily provided throughout the world, thereby avoiding many of the problems associated with the extraction,
shipping, environmental and economic costs of chemical fertilizers.

Playing the right tune stimulates the formation of a plant's protein. "The length of a note corresponds to the real time it takes for each
amino acid to come after the next," according to Sternheimer, who studied quantum physics and mathematics at Princeton University in
New Jersey.

In experiments by Sternheimer, he claims that tomatoes exposed to his melodies grew two-and-a-half times as large as those which were
untreated. Some of the treated plants were sweeter in addition to being significantly larger. The musical sequences stimulated three tomato
growth promoters, cytochrome C, and thaumatin (a flavoring compound). According to Sternheimer in the New Scientist, "Six molecules
were being played to the tomatoes for a total of three minutes a day."

Sternheimer also claims to have stopped the mosaic virus by playing note sequences that inhibited enzymes required by the virus. This virus
would have harmed the tomato plants.

The note sequences used by the inventor are very short and need only be played one time. For example, the sequence for for cytochrome C
lasts just 29 seconds. According to Sternheimer, "on average, you get four amino acids played per second" in this series.

The inventor also issued a warning for those repeating his experiments. He warns to be careful with the sound sequences because they can
affect people. "Don't ask a musician to play them," he says. Sternheimer indicated that one of his musicians had difficulty breathing after
playing the tune for cytochrome C.

Plant stimulation by sound may have profound implications. The idea that a cheap source of "electromagnetic fertilizer" has been
developed should be exciting for many third world countries. At a time when human progress can be made through simple solutions in
agriculture, resources are being wasted in the extraction of mineral and oil compounds for fertilizers. If this method of fertilization were
followed the human intellect would prove superior to physical capital in terms of distribution and production of this new technology.

The idea that sound can have a healing effect on humans is being explored by a number of independent scientists around the world. The
know-ledge of the "sound effect on proteins" offers insights to health practitioners of the benefits to humans. In addition to the favorable
economic factors, the increased vitality of the plant substances can positively impact the health of all humans that consume them.

The patent includes melodies for cytochrome oxidase and cytochrome C which are two proteins involved in respiration. It also includes
sound sequences for troponin C which regulates calcium uptake in muscles. Further, a tune was developed for inhibiting chalcone synthase
which is an enzyme involved in making plant pigments.