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5 Tetra Nested Stellate in Dodeca,
Is This Outer Electron Shell
Geometry of Gold
Also The Waveform of Perfect Pent Recursion/Self-Embeddedness:
an "Intentional" Waveguide "Wormhole"
to the Zero Point.
Is this the principle
of the Electrical Conductivity of Gold
in the Blood,
and the electrical geometry of the Heart
at Compassion's Moment.
I. ED WILSON, EEG Transcendence Induced by Fibonacci Audio Tones.
II. Phi Audio Chord induced vulnerability and transcendence reports.
III. Phi or Square Root Phi intervals between EKG harmonics during
reported compassion states.
IV. Pent/Dodeca recursion geometry found in most living proteins,
DNA/ EarthGrid Dodeca/ Zodiax Dodec. Pent symmetry produces infinite
recursive wave lengths AND velocity modes by exclusively constructive
V. The Golden Spiral pair Heart fractal is mathematically idealized
translation of vorticity.. EquiAngular spiral path conserves all
ratio information infinitely into compression. Phi Ratio perfect
distribution of spin pattern is also perfect distribution for
VI. Electrical Scalar waves which best assist people to NOT dissociate
with their bodies, are PHI/Golden Mean Optimized (Embedding),
Bob Shannon's work.
I. That EEG harmonic cascade geometries will idealize in Phi based
harmonics during reported transcendence experiences. This will
permit biofeedback to teach transendence.
II. That Earth grid ELF harmonics will demonstrate recursion as
Gaia's self regulation stabilizes, enabling the teaching of planetary
self-awareness using global media and planetary feedback. (Ref:
HeartBeat Earth Project.)
III. The brain,heart, breath, earth/Schumann harmonics will evidence
cross-correlated coherence and recursion as "critical mass
intentionality" is learned interpersonally.
The Implosion Physics of "Critical Mass Intentionality":
The Heart and Geometry of Gold..
The quantum concept of critical mass describes enough symmetry
that nearby wave packet inertia (quanta) are self-organized or
drawn in.
This means that critical mass by definition is a wave attractor.
Mass itself as an idea merely refers to sufficient wave symmetry
to store inertia; this is the only measure and definition we have
for mass. Mass is a ritual for containing spin. Thus critical
mass would be not only enough symmetry to store inertia, but enough
attractiveness as wave phenomenon to begin sucking in all surrounding
inertia or spin density. This may all at first seem a bit abstract
until we consider what it means in psychological terms.
If we look at the atomic physics of a substance which stores maximum
intertia or mass, in pure geometric terms, we will probably get
a clue to the geometric principle of critical mass itself. Gold
for example has long been known for its molecular nobility and
its mythic or alchemical
relationship to pure intention. The atomic geometry of gold therefore
may be our essential clue to what is critical mass intentionality.
Another use of gold which suggests a relationship to pure intention,
in addition to alchemy, is the David Hudson, Ormes, mono-atomic
white gold powder "manna" product. Medical reports from
users suggest, revitalized immune systems and longevity. Psychological
& "spiritual" reports from users frequently include
terms such as "transcendence" or purified intention,
and a renewed connection to a sense of life purpose.
Clearly the monoatomic nature of the gold Ormes, is to acheive
near complete solubility in the blood. We know from Albert Szent
Gyorgyi's work that trace or "dopant" minerals in cell
metabolism are used to create a kind of seed shaped fractal which
has the effect of arranging the geometry and conductivity of cellular
waters. Specifically he says that profound ice like cellular water
geometry is induced by proper mineral solution. He also describes
"triplet state electrons" able to distribute their spin
information democratically across huge numbers of biological molecules
ONLY when cellular waters are exquisitely ordered. This permits
efficient timing and choreography in higher cellular metabolism.
Let's now consider what conductivity effect soluble gold in the
blood would have in this scenario of the ordering of cellular
waters. In order to understand this, we may need to look at the
actual geometry of the outer electron shells of the gold. Gold
is molecularly uncorrodeable because the symmetry of its layering
of electron shells is elegantly complete. Electron shell layers
are composed of concentric woven s,p,d,f subshells. The s subshell
is a donut, whose shape includes 2 votex or electrons. The p subshells
is 6 electrons as vortex arranged like 3 donut donut vortex pairs
nested in a cube or octa symmetry. Interestingly, according to
"Psi Perception of Quarks" by Phillips, the d and f
electron subshells are donut vortex pairs arranged in the symmetry
of icosa-dodeca. This makes sense because Armand Wyler found 5
and 7 symmetry spins possible around the icosa depending on whether
you included the symmetry spin of the top the half as a perfect
mirror opposite of the bottom.
In summary we may simplify the atomic table s,p,d,f subshell nest.
We may suggest that those 2,6,10,14 electron groups are really
platonic solid like symmetry nests of 1,3,5,7 donut vortex pairs.
Their arrangement progresses from a single torus, to 3 as an octa-cube,
to 5 and 7 vortex pairs arranged as icosa-dodeca. This platonic
solid like nesting of the electron shells is visible in the atomic
table according to Crooks as depicted in the book by Phillips.
This would mean that the completed outer electron shells of gold
would literally be repeated d and f subshells nesting of dodeca
icosa stellations or interdigitations. (Refer here to Greater
Maze Theosophical Model). The Golden Mean stellation of the icosahedron
makes a dodecahedron and vice versa.
Since Golden Mean wave interference generates only CONSTRUCTIVE
interference, this becomes the only perfect fractal symmetry in
which to store mass or spin.
Because this shape is therefore perfectly self-embeddable, it
is the perfect fractal attractor for waves. Visually, we could
conceive of gold dissolved in the blood as inducing quantum electron
tunneling through the zero-point, an implosion induced by fractal
vortex symmetry.
This is more than a description of electron spin distribution,
it is the heart shaped wave guide for potentially infinite awareness
Vedic wisdom has always suggested importance in dissolving precious
metals into the blood. We can now begin to glimpse in pure principle,
the relationship between noble of completed recursive symmetry,
and noble intention. This is like learning how to braid a fractal.
The completion of embeddedness is the completion of connectedness.
Intention made pure includes this most conencted state of "consumed
perspective" among pressures or viewpoints. A wave fractal
is where intention consumes perspective.
We can relate this idea of completed nestedness to clinical biofeedback.
If we test for coherence and recursion in biological oscillators
we should be able to clearly and in rigorous mathematical terms,
optimize for self-reference or self-awareness. The "Heart
of Gold" is all enfolding as recursion becomes perfect (Golden
Learning to complete a symmetrically fractal cascade in the heart
and or brain harmonics is therefore must logically be a specific
psychophysiological correlate to a critical mass of pure intention.