The Summer of Wonder for Sacred Geometry and Science of the Spirit Studies..
Exciting Event Announcements and Updates..Plan the Highlights of your Summer!
Discuss the worlds most exciting Science of Consciousness Research- with Dan Winter AND with John Michell in Glastonbury or with Henry Lincoln in Grail Country South France** - or with Jim Hurtak in Budapest.. or- in Turin.. Barcelona.. Mexico ... Bogota .. Quebec..
Fractal Field:New Electrical Definition of Life / Architecture / Life Sciences / Peace / Atmosphere Maintenence..
Fractal Fields are EASILY proven to be the BEST way to Grow ALL DNA! Would your biology teacher (the one in a steel and aluminum tomb of a building / city ) have you believe DNA does not CARE what field effect it grows up in??
Since all biologic growth is limited by ability to absorb energy, it is self evident that the best way to compress that LIFE FORCE in to nourish biology is FRACTAL!
- Since fractality is the perfect geometry for compression, it is therefore the perfect geometry of distribution - AND the RADIANCE of charge efficiency which defines all of life.
Implosion Group (originally by Dan Winter) Summer of Wonder UPDATE May 08, 07 Main Index: 1 Million hits/month average in 06, Our film library..To Subscribe email to: , To unsubscribe email - Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian , - SiteSearch , DVD's/Books - Course Calendar - Films Online - HeartTuner/BlissTuner - Origin Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Newest Compleat 400 Image Implosion Powerpoint! - ”Fractality Causes Charge to ACCELERATE! - Since all biologic growth is limited by ability to absorb energy it is self evident the best way to compress that in to nourish biology is FRACTAL! Recursive Feedback=Self Awareness=Fractality. 100 Years of Writing Field Equations, has physics yet investigated whether the same fractal field that causes gravity could also most nourish DNA
**New: Special with this announcement -
Early registration discount for our special June 29- Grail Science Week Retreat and Tour of South France - extended til end of May- more info below..
Also new: HeartTuner BlissTuner International Release as Presented at Conferences from Sydney, to London- and North and South America..
May 24-27: Turin, Italy - PART TWO- 4 Day - ADVANCED - Residential - 4 Day Training / Conference Retreat. Rural Italian Setting, with Translation,(English & Italian) info: May 31-June 4 - UK "Avalon Rising" with Dan Winter, John Michell, many more- see pic and link: June 9 - Glastonbury : Full Day Grail and Avalon Spirit and Science Seminar- Info email -, Green 07899 727 467 ,
June 29- July 5:Early Registration discount extended thru May! Science and the HOLY GRAIL - Fabulous Week Grail Country South France - 3 days of Presentations - 3 days special on the road- Tour of Grail Sites- South France.. Taught by Dan Winter, + French Culture Guide- Valerie - co hosted with , Roger Green> new exciting details about our 07 South France Grail Tour! (more pics of the 50 stimulating people from 12 countries with us for this exciting weeklong event - in our 2006 Tour)
July 13-15 Barcelona, Spain: (see pic and link) July 27-30 Budapest..- International Conference - with Roger Green, Dan Winter, Tour of Sacred Sites in Hungary..
Oct 4-7: Mexico City- Four Day Course- English and Spanish (US visitors welcome!) - with Our Stimulating Dedicated Group - Arturo and Ninon- more info: Oct 18 - 21: Bogota, Columbia -COURSE ONE, OCT 25 - 28 COURSE TWO . Nov 9-11 - Quebec: Dialogs on Science, Consciousness& Community- hosted with Blue Eagle - and a Panel of Scientists and Spiritual Leaders Info : Insert here: exerpt from our Spanish Calendar:
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