..so many have asked about Dr. Dan Burisch: " Look to a genius -- Dan Winter. I have, in my searches." commentary about Dan Winter.. here is again the reprint.. (return back to main Implosion Group Index)
Dondep and Crackajack Internet chat with Dr. Dan Burisch 23rd January 2004- (reprint from link)
(also see... Dr.Dan Burisch (Solfeggio Cube..et al) Analysis of Dan Winter's Work on Implosion, Alphabets and...)
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Dr. Dan Burisch: phi and Phi I hope. 1.618 vs. 0618. Look to a genius -- Dan Winter. I have, in my searches.
pagemarker: Dr Dan, we research him and you, too.
dondep: Dan Winter? What should we make of him? He is under indictment, isn't he? Not that that matters...
Dr. Dan Burisch: He's an absolute genius!
From this off-the-cuff comment, it seems the inference is that Dan Winter’s either extremely good at what he does - or possibly has seen something which few people have in terms of modern physics or sacred geometry and mathematics.
The Torus as the Building Block of all Creation
The author Jan Wicherink writes in his book ‘Souls of Distortion Awakening’ (see http://www.xs4all.nl/~ator1341/SODA_toc.html) how Dan Winter has a new model of physics, which Winter terms ‘Implosion’. In line with other cutting-edge researchers and scientists Dan Winter theorises that the universe is created from a super conductive fluid or ‘ether’ that flows through everything. This ether ‘vacuum’ is extremely dense and frictionless. Wicherink writes how Dan Winter believes that vortexes in this fluid are the building blocks of all matter. In other words, the Torus shapes he speaks of are the building blocks of all creation.
Dan Winter calls these forms, which shape atoms the ‘Anu’. In this way, together with the Platonic Solids he says they form the atom. Put simply, the ether forms vortexes and when 2 join together they form a Torus a very stable flow form. This donut shape is, in effect, a spherical form folded inwards at the poles creating a tiny hole in the middle. In Dan Winter’s Implosion theory, individual ether Torus’ can be ‘nested’ inside each other with the vortex ‘cones’ aligned with the faces of the Platonic Solids.
With the Platonic Solids nested into each other, a fractal, geometric pattern is formed. All the Platonic Solids can be nested precisely into one another. In this Implosion Theory the electron shells of the atom are thus created. The electrons on the electron shells correspond with the vortexes that are nested in Platonic symmetries (mistaken by conventional physics as electron particles, according to Dan Winter).
The vortex as a wormholeThe vortex in Dan Winter’s theory (shaped like a tornado) would appear then to be a wormhole (also in Superstring theory a torus donut is effectively the same as a cup or tube). From this it is easy to see that Dan Winter now theorises this new physics model is largely about wormholes.
In his thinking, the Golden spiral is the path to perfect compression. When wrapped around the shape of a Torus or donut. (He uses the term ‘embedding’ as a symbol for ‘making’ The centre of the torus donut makes the shape of a pair of vortices eg. a wormhole.
The Origins of the Hebrew Alphabet
Dan Winter claims the Golden Ratio is the true origin of the Hebrew Alphabet. (He was the founder of The San Graal School for Sacred Geometry). This approach uses Chaos Theory to predict seemingly random chaotic systems - like weather. They are however, not random. Other authorities in this area take a completely different view to Winter here.
See http://spirals.eternite.com for more information on this Theory
Dan Winter began with the original idea to mathematically model the origin of the alphabets. In his independent view of the Torus ring, he says there is Hebrew Letter (Alphabetic elements of symmetry) shapes on the Torus (donut shape). In his opinion some of these spirals that tilt and compress are the key to getting DNA (The Double Helix) to ’implode’ as a Torus ring eg. ‘tune’ it correctly.
The letter symmetries burnt by the DNA spiral into the Torus ring indicate the angles to tilt - make alphabet and alter DNA codons. The result is a ring donut (Torus) of DNA not a Double Helix.
Mathematically and spiritually,Winter thinks this gives consciousness that will lift mankind to a ‘new stage.’ The Torus ring therefore holds the possible viewpoint for which spirals are required of the alphabet to achieve this ’lift’.
One question is are the 2 spiral paths on the way to the Torus ring donut the origin of symbol and alphabet? This in Dan Winter’s opinion is ‘non destructive compression.’ (The vortex of a tornado and water is relevant here. Also if Chaos theory or another theory can predict the movement/motion.)
Dan Winter says that the compression symmetry of human DNA (fractal) could allow human architecture (i.e. bodies) to survive the upcoming solar maxima (2012).
He asserts that the ancient texts of every tradition contain symmetry ingredients to ignite DNA to immortal implosive charge radiance. According to Winter, the Golden Spiral mapped on The Torus donut (Shape of all field effect) casts shadows when viewed from a tetra cube.
Winter says the 3 superscript commas over the Hebrew Letters (Crowns on the Torah) indicate your relative view from the symmetry axes of the tetracube. The Matrix (3x3x3 arrangement of the DNA spiral = 27 letters of Hebrew Alphabet.)
Toroidal DNA
Dan Winter used the alphabet as a template to braid DNA into a Torus.See http://www.soul invitation.com/circularDNA
He thinks when DNA is braided it gives the turns necessary to re-enter a donut which are burned into the ‘anu’ (small particles) that make up the vortex donut.Dan Winter thinks the route to immortality is through the sun. He theorises the centre is a black hole. In the sun’s furnace Dan Winter says certain biological emanations (properly blue DNA field effect) as soul groups can survive.
The Hebrew letter shadows are shadows of a self-organising spiral or self-organising Torus donut of Fields. This is indexed by the symmetry of the Tetrahedron.
According to Dan Winter’s theory, the universe is made of only 1 substance sine waves (Also see ‘The Secret of Light’ by W Russell). There are just 2 geometric forms The Torus or Vortex and the Golden Mean Spiral. The Donut Torus form is the only shape of waves that can become coherent i.e. retain a regular shape. As more of the waves are created, they must ‘nest’ in the right pattern so they can retain their form the best pathway to achieve this is The Golden Mean Ratio (Fibonacci).(Sine waves particularly link to the work of Hans Jenny. Go to www.cymanticsource.com)
In Dan Winter’s view, only a Golden Mean symmetry will allow converging waves to add and multiply at the same time (without interfering with each other and cancelling each other out.) A Golden Mean spiral can ‘nest ‘triangles/squares and 5-sided figures creating a Dodecahedron. (This Dodecahedron is the perfect Golden Mean nest for turning information into coherent structure. (That’s why it’s also the pattern for the braided DNA molecule). Again, other leading researchers have different views on the importance of the Torus.
See Ratcheted Dodec image. This reference was included in a report by Dr. Dan Burisch. For the original go to http://www.goldenmean.info/orion
The Icosahedronal donut and dodecahedronal donut generate the only other 2 naturally occurring numbers Pi and E
As noted by investigative Mythologist, William Henry, Phi is the Divine Ratio also called the Golden Mean. This is expressed in The Pentagon (5 pointed star). The ratio of side to diagonal in any regular pentagon is the Golden Mean.) In 3D the 5-sided Phi symmetry is icosohedron and dodecahedron. (This is the symbol for earth’s magnetic grid and Pleroma (fullness) = ‘the All’ the sum total of all levels
A Dodecahedron in 3D is like a 12 patched 5 sided leather ball.There is a hidden energetic component around earth 12 angled planetary grid or matrix. (Hence Ley Lines) Icosahedron has 20 faces and 12 vertices Dodecahedron has 12 faces and 20 vertices Icos and Dodec represent male and female powers
Dan Winter theorizes;
From this simple Torus Donut shape and these 3 naturally occurring numbers Phi and Pi and E the universe is built. These were called by the Egyptians ‘the Neter’ forces.
Dan Winter says that a directed intensity of consciousness or ‘focus’ is fractally attractive along the patterns created by Phi, Pi and E - This creates matter.
The attractive quality is then seen as gravity. ‘Intention’ like gravity is a lens that bends light.
HelixJoined: 27 May 2005Posts: 25Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:28 am Post subject: Replies...catching up
>>>> "Indeed intention is becoming a piece more important, by the day, within my research. Heisenberg anyone? "
Reference to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle (See ‘A Brief History of Time’ Chapter 4 by Stephen Hawkins.)
Focus in the form of the great geometric archetypes (Including the 5 Platonic Solids) generates a sense of symbolic gravity.
Everything in the universe can be created from this ‘nesting’ on one torus donut with a pair of vortices (2) = 3; three donuts with 6 single direction vortices; five donuts with 10 vortices; and 7 donuts, with 14 vortices. (The vortices = the electrons in each orbital shell.)
These patterns form regular shapes the 5 Platonic Solids (Perfect forms).
The Tetrahedron one pair of vortices (1)The Octahedron and The Cube three pairs of vortices (3)The Dodecahedron 5 pairs of vortices (5)The Icosahedra -7 pairs of vortices (7)
These basic shapes are important in transmitting the very waves structure of matter (best understood as templates that generate the focus of intensity, necessary to bend the straight energy flow of light into a circle of atomic structured matter.)
HelixJoined: 27 May 2005Posts: 25Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:25 am Post subject: Some responses.......
Dan: We do know the vortex theory is supported, as vortices are found inside the face (bell) of a portal.
William: "The fact that a torus is a good hyper-surface to map the range of compound motion curvature is nice, but why a torus? Well, maybe in a higher order dimensionality of observation, our entire universe appears as a torus. And maybe what shows up as a torus in a higher dimension, shows up as a sphere in this one (hint hint)."
Dan: >>>Or...what appears as a sphere in this one is the bell of a hyperdimensional vortex.
The only way that Dan Winter says you are able to maintain shape along a path is to maintain an elegant nest of ratios, which intertwine Phi/Pi and E such as the DNA double helix spiral.
This means DNA or is proof that DNA is a structure that codes to transmit information along the pathway of temporal evolution of physical life forms on this planet.
32 paths (kabbalah), 5 Platonic Solids.
According to Dan Winter the best pathway to maintain this ‘nest’ of ratios is Golden Mean. Ratcheting a cube 5 times at 32 degrees in the same space creates a dodecahedron. 32 degrees gives the powers of Phi/Pi squared, cubed, etc. The Golden Mean pathway allows information (shape) to be moved without loss of momentum (mind).
The closer we can come to forming this shape the more energy can flow through us (Note 10 Sefirot Tree compresses down to form a dodecahedron shape in 3D as Dan Winter shows in an animated gif on http://www.soulinvitaion.com/treeoflife.html
Focussing our intensity on these shapes and flow patterns creates a super conductive energy exchange.
An orderly arrangement of wavelengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields and frequencies. In Winter’s view this can only happen through resonant structures of Golden Mean pathways. This harmonic cascade of inter-connectedness is the structure of our holographic universe. See Kabbalistic Paradigms.doc
HelixJoined: 27 May 2005Posts: 25Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:28 am Post subject: Replies...catching up
-------->>>Sure. To me, we are living within a giant hologram, a thought of God (if you will), and we can only possess limited understanding via our brains. I separate the soul/spirit less than traditional Hebraic understanding, due to a NDE in the mid ‘70's...but then again I wasn’t really "dead". I am not quite sure where the division line is between the personal soul and the individual’s spirit, aside from the understanding that the spirit may be shared across individuals through their experience of it.
Dan Winter therefore sees DNA as the seed crystal for the higher dimensional light body. DNA is a perfect Phi structures crystal that connects long and short waves in a 3D pattern, which is designed to transmit information (In the form of a living being through time and space The 4th Dimension).
He theorises its goal is the creation of a 5th Dimensional intelligence, one with the information of the universe stored in the crystalline coding of the DNA geometry.
This 5TH Dimensional awareness sees all space and time, energy and matter as components of the original waveform and bends light into a circle. When light folds back on itself, it becomes ‘self aware’. This creates the Blue/UV explosion of energy that accompanies the rise of Kundalini energy (The phase-lock of biological entities into the flow of the universal information energy stream). This creates ‘enlightenment’ here the awareness of the universal mind meets itself at every wave junction.
Vincent Bridges ‘The Green language of Light’http;//www.jwmt.org/vln4/readlight.html
" We know that DNA emits a weak form of coherent light that has been demonstrated to work as a communications system between cells and even between larger organisms. In this sense the point of light is indeed the instrument of the spirit. It is nothing less than the mechanism, the framework, so to speak that allows mind to exist in the universe, The language of light emitted and received by the DNA may be the original of all languages, the ultimate hidden language of initiation."
"The twenty-two letters of the alphabet descended from the crown of God whereon they were engraved with a pen of flaming fire. They gathered around God and one after another spoke, each one, that that the world be created through him…"
From The Zohar, The Book of Splendour by Moses the Leon (13th Century).
According to Dan Winter, the Hebrew ‘Flame’ Letter Alphabet forms the set of symmetry views of the only pathway for waves moving from the cosm into the ‘still point’ forming the heart of all light and man. - Also see Flame Letter document
‘Walking’ over The Flame Letter (see http://spirals.eternite.com), we see a sequence of shapes as the viewpoint changes (Reference the ‘position of the observer’ chat on ED2 below).
HelixJoined: 27 May 2005Posts: 25Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:28 am Post subject: Replies...catching up
>>>Please extend a recursively-heart-felt "hello!" to him, from myself, when you two should again communicate. Shalom! Mathematically, that algorithm’s iteration may be definable as limiting to the infinite.
"It" is not the most asymmetric spiral, which is hewn from the Torus, but the Torus as recursively proposed (as much can be said of points in our space) and moving as enjoined rings cycling toward each other (from a 2 dimensional perspective, the apple). The beauty of a dancer’s motion, with the turn of the wine glass, is only one part: the observer’s position, within our reality is as important to the construction and teaching of the Creator. A dancer in motion, as the center of a ring of observers, produces variant paths for each. Fixing the position of the observer is the error, teaching only so much...limited as is with humans. It is a flowing process, not a "singular" one for one hand, as God’s hand cannot be black-boxed with a simple tool or by any singular or defined number of people.
The first words in Genesis ‘Bereashith" (left to right on animation on http;//www.spirals.eternite.com) means ‘at first/in principle’ (Translated as ‘In the beginning’).
Dan Winter believes the origin of the creation of matter out of light occurs when charge inertia leans the symmetry path to turn inside out (EG. Folds back on itself recursively) and tie a ‘slipknot’
These are the sequence of 7 turns (of mind) necessary to turn inside out on the surface of a Torus donut.
William Henry talks of ‘the language of birds’ as the ancient ‘angels’ language spoken by Adam and Eve pre-Fall when mankind had a direct connection to God.
Dan Winter says Fulcanelli (an Alchemist) recognised the initiation of the Argonauts (Quest for The Golden fleece) derived from the language of Birds. Fulcanelli insists that forms derived from this language can be found in dialects from Greek/ Christian/Incan/Picardy/Provence and a Gypsy dialects/ These global remnants unite all mankind. The reference to the Gypsies is to the Torot (Note. From Tony Bushby The secret in the Bible we see the 22 Hebrew letters in the original Egyptian Torot. Also some information here came from modern Gypsies in Cornwall, UK who still use the original version.)
Is this ‘Green Language’ a symbolic approximation of the information transmitted by weak laser pulses coming from our DNA Dan Winter wonders?
We know that DNA emits a weak form of light and has been demonstrated to work as a communications system between cells (See Bill Hamilton’s Biophotonic Quantum Matrix and The Secret Life of Plants Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird) and even between larger organisms
So light = spirit. It allows the Mind to exist in the universe. Dan Winter says the language of light emitted and received by DNA may be the ultimate language of initiation. (In 2012 the solar increase in Gamma radiation will affect DNA in an unknown way. (’Something wonderful will happen… William Henry is correct in this regard ’ Dan)
Also see the document Healing Sun and William Henry.
Dan Winter calls the constructive nesting of field domains ‘word making.’ His opinion on the Hebrew Letters is The Golden Mean spiral on the surface comes to maximum recurciveness and sustainability when the upturned screw position turns back to fold onto itself. This makes 3DFractality of each letter
See http://spirals.eternite.com for more details
The principle is ‘Implosion a Grand Attractor’
See also PG 77/8/9 of Kabbalistic Healing by Jason Shulman The Strange Attractor. Also PG 76 Fractal Paradigm. See Kabbalistic Paradigms.doc for these.
Dan Winter discovered apparent Golden Ratio based cascades in Heart Harmonics indicating compassion/empathy.See www.goldenmean.info/compassionmap
The work of Dr Korotkov in Russia. He has measured and published clear evidence that Golden Mean ratio was KEY ATTRACTOR identifying Bliss/euphoria in brainwave harmonics.http://www.goldenmean.info/brainphire
Dan Winter believes the 7 symmetry angles of a Tetrahedron (A Platonic Solid) perfectly reveal a profoundly hidden sevenfold symmetry map on a spin-coupled toroidal surface.The 7 colour map must define 7 spin Tetrahedron axes. So maximum compression of charge-produced sustainability occurs for each particle. The result was a charge symmetry map was produced.www.heartcoherence.com/tetraphysicsinside
Also See: The 7 Arrows of the Heart and 7 colours of the Rainbow. Go to www.goldenmean.info/7arrows/index.html
The combination of the Phi spiral and the Torus donut makes the shapes of all creation.
HelixJoined: 27 May 2005Posts: 25Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:18 am Post subject: Responses..... Helix wrote
>>>This torus with portals was imaged hovering approximately 10microns above a sample of clear (hexagonal) alpha-quartz, where a cleavage face was parallel to the objective’s nearest lens. The crystal’s cleavage face had been moisturized with synthetic marine saline, allowed to nearly completely evaporate prior to the shots being taken. This particular series was produced during the "Shiva experiments", propagated and imaged by me, and conducted under the watch of the named Co Director (Deborah Burisch). It was filed as a permanent report (#03-03), by her, on August 29, 2003.
WilliamJoined: 29 May 2005Posts: 7Location: NorCalPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:21 am Dan wrote>>>Much may be learned from the Tree of Knowledge, as from that hewn from the Torus, but the Tree of Life is reserved but for God to give as a gift, and striking out as with the Tree of Knowledge one may not come to "knot" but to its homophone. Also-
Dan wrote>>>Mathematically, that algorithm’s iteration may be definable as limiting to the infinite. "It" is not the most asymmetric spiral, which is hewn from the Torus, but the Torus as recursively proposed (as much can be said of points in our space) and moving as enjoined rings cycling toward each other (from a 2 dimensional perspective, the apple).
Also - Dan wrote>>> >>>That embedding, if I am correct, can be detailed by the Lotus principle, and if Bill Hamilton is correct, may be able to be decoded as a process, within certain aspects of emitted BioPhotonic energy. We WILL see.
HelixJoined: 27 May 2005Posts: 43Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:36 am Post subject: Responses... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------My replies are after the ">>>"
Dan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bill wrote:
"Answer: vortices are structured objects which interact and form larger structured objects like atoms, molecules, and nuclear topologies."
"My conceptual model on atomic structure is based on the ring vortex model rather than the sphere vortex model but has a similar core as Tewari's spherical vortices - a void, but a void toroid within a toroid rather than a void center of a sphere. I have drawings which are in my bound notes of which you will soon have a copy."
>>>The information about natural vortexing of water: absolutely fantastic!!! Your concept involving a ring (toroidal) vortex model is in keeping with current continuous creation models, and is supported by me, due to the Selkie evidence (The actual image of the positive Selkie versus negative of "sphere" positions...you have from some time ago), the direct thermal imagery of the portal's face, and the recent Portal data where the biophotons actually travel on an angular path, meeting each other in an explosive burst which yields the em river and particles.
BTW...yes...the below scratch image is a real one of the biophotons nearing head on collision! Enjoy!
HelixJoined: 27 May 2005Posts: 25Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:25 am Post subject: Some responses....... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------">>>" = mine.......
William wrote;
"The continuous creation generative pathways, it is now rather strongly conjectured, have 4 essential chaotic attractor functions that seem to come into play, and their interaction as a temporal Gaussian impulse derive exactly 7 nodal process states (or phase states if you will) of continuous creation (e.g. A. Young), which then can be found to very neatly derive 27 harmonic intervals of unique novelty of relational expression. Okay. And this can be embodied musically, (blink) when following an explication of a harmonically coherent (and even conjugating) just-intonation scale of 7 notes, like the 7 prime vowels (more on that later), that are derived using only 2 prime harmonic composite constituents (3 and 5) as separate from the One, which is also Two. (how male and female of it all!), and that these are easily shown to derive exactly 27 different intervals of harmonic relationship."
>>>GOT MY FULL ATTENTION!!! Indeed, his four-fold reality system is very close to the four levels of soul (from Hebraic foundations). His philosophical utilization of the torus as a self-referential "time structure" is the subject of my "apple" statement of yesterday: go to http://www.arthuryoung.com/barr.html and check on figure 1b....but then again you already know this, don’t you? Yes, it is both yin and yang, it is both male and female, just as God (by aspect) is both male and female.
William wrote: "There are natural emphases or dominance at certain points along the Lah swath path of course (Tenen), but all the species necessary for life and meaning and evolution are inherently embedded, like a universal embedded genome just awaiting a trigger point to produce a particular phenotype expression. Yep, that’s where the observer participant get to critically influence the game. We are not just helpless spectators."
>>>That embedding, if I am correct, can be detailed by the Lotus principle, and if Bill Hamilton is correct, may be able to be decoded as a process, within certain aspects of emitted BioPhotonic energy. We WILL see.
We do know the vortex theory is supported, as vortices are found inside the face (bell) of a portal.
William: "The fact that a torus is a good hyper-surface to map the range of compound motion curvature is nice, but why a torus? Well, maybe in a higher order dimensionality of observation, our entire universe appears as a torus. And maybe what shows up as a torus in a higher dimension, shows up as a sphere in this one (hint hint)."
DAN >>> Or...what appears as a sphere in this one is the bell of a hyperdimensional vortex.
below - exerpt correspondance between Dan Burisch and Dan Winter
Dan (Burisch to Dan Winter) wrote:
> Hi, Dan! I responded in the Think Tank. Plus, you have some people in there saying "hi" to you.
> Dan
> Dan Winter <danwinter@goldenmean.info> wrote:
> Hi to Dan B. and Marcia
> sorry it has taken me a bit to respond to your kind sharing of your manuscripts et al..
> in addition to the link to you at
> goldenmean.info/healingphase
> we added one from the home page to your kind review of implosion group...
> --
> I finally printed all that you sent - and have some random thoughts and ideas in response..-
> hope this is constructive..
> --
> the way the BA emerges (superluminal) from the bio-field - KA -
> requires implosive charge acceleration due to recursion (gravity making..
> ( nice discussion in the new film
> www.goldenmean.info/realgrail
> have you looked at the difference between the double hex of your cube (cubeocta is stellated tetra)
> to when that array is JITTERBUGGED into icos / dodec
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jitterbug+site%3Agoldenmean.info&btnG=Google+Search
> as the (superconductive / fusion ) moment when implosive wave constructive (phase velocity) interference is initiated..
> as in the geometric evolution from Hebrew to Ophanim / Enochian
> goldenmean.info/orion
> (when the 7 spins of tetra container- your cube - meet the 5 spins of cube in dodec.. anu..
> -also- are the frequencies you chose for your cube proper multiples of the necessary to embed (sacred) / required to implode..
> wavelengths of plank and hydrogen
> as at
> www.goldenmean.info/antakarana
> (mpeg dragover in flash of dangerous pure mechanical implosion chord there..
> note the caution there about any mechanical generation of implosion(namely nausea..etc..
> regarding that problem ..is your solf cube going to self empower? bliss tuner does by showing how the frequencies are made within (goldenmean.info/clinicalintro
> --
> -- re the catastrophy lake the reticulum experienced.. note how only once DNA has learned to make gravity (bliss experience
> of charge compression- the real cube solution..
> can the steering of suns be accomplished..
> the sad genetics of j-rod at the hands of the dracs- reflected THEIR failure to understand what wakes DNA
> to gravity making - and sustainability into star steering etc..
> it sounds far fetched to think stars fall apart when DNA is not given freedom to find its own implosion (bliss)
> but it is a true and fundamental principle of the universe..
> atlantis sank.. when the (cubic wratchet..) tuaoi stone..was used to enslave the people.. dna got dizzy.. gravity de-stabilized..
> .. the culture that cost j-rod sustainability in his DNA (draconis probably) did not know their way out of a cube..
> their alphabet (the matrix) was stuck there..
> the only real phase conjugate dielectric - is biology - to finish that - takes more than discovering the cubic
> alphabet / machine code = hebrew - behind the hive mind computer ASHTAR that hexed j-rod..
> here we need to ignite our DNA.. that will require.. tilting (jitterbug) that cube into the real next dimension.. dodec/icos
> where it implodes in our DNA>. the only place where the frequencies can sustain the implosion..
> that genetic alphabet is actual the blood of angels - see ophanim enochian..
> that blood line= the atun (enki ) you speak of (ptah..paa taal..
> those rituals call storms because they are your body..
> the electric field you inhabit is the range of your coherence generated by perfecting the compression called compassion
> (the gravity of feeling fractally correctly inside what is without..
> --
> I do congratulate you and marcia et al - for gathering so much interest and focused thinking.. on the secret wave recipes for implosion - it does seem tho that the human element of self-empowerment is what was lost when the borg culture could not make
> a proper egg (the electric field to ensoul a seed) inside their cube / matrix (hebrew alphabet genetic software machine code of their hive mind..)..
> similar to enlil in bible code stuck seeing another nuked jerusalem unable to fix it cause his bodys electric field BA was stuck in the cube.. his DNA could not ensoul - no jitterbug- bet his chin never made the 32 degrees tilt..
> as opposed to 'fixing humpty dumptys egg- the real dragons egg
> egg effect ( see hermes enki picture there figuring the equation to make perfect egg..
> http://www.goldenmean.info/fractalfridge/
> the designer for that egg was enki / hermes - your atun
> ok enough dreaming for today..
> let us dialog
> warmly
> dan winter
> --
> Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.
> (Humbly serving the "Apostle to the Apostles")
> "eiecitque Adam et conlocavit ante paradisum voluptatis cherubin et flammeum gladium atque versatilem ad custodiendam viam ligni vitae" Gen. 3:24 (V)
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Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.
(Humbly serving the "Apostle to the Apostles")
"eiecitque Adam et conlocavit ante paradisum voluptatis cherubin et flammeum gladium atque versatilem ad custodiendam viam ligni vitae" Gen. 3:24 (V)
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