Bliss On A MAC!
Dan Winter Announces Apple Support for HeartTuner / BlissTuner
-- If you were waiting to operate the world's most sophisticated consciousness / empathy / heart training biofeedback environment-HeartTuner / BlissTuner - until it would run on your favorite - Apple Mac computer, well - the time has come! (uses Parallels new version, runs on any current Intel chip Mac)
Now Apple enthusiasts can play with all the exciting new features - HRV - EEG Golden Ratio. We must acknowledge all the development effort with the Heart Coherence Team:
- note the special offer below > free 25 DVD of which 7 are HeartTuner/BlissTuner training, plus personal (Mac and PC) support from Dan Winter..
if you place your order thru the inventor:
Bliss (in Tune..) is running HeartTuner / BlissTuner on a Mac!!!
Implosion Group (publications originally written by Dan Winter) newsletter Happy NEW YEAR! -Jan 3, 07 url:
Main Index: or 1 Million hits/month average in 06, Our film library..To Subscribe email to: , To unsubscribe email to - Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian
DVD's/Books - Course Calendar - Films Online - HeartTuner/BlissTuner Latest - Origin Alphabets Physics -Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Articles
HeartTuner BlissTuner -runs with speed- and ALL the new HRV / BlissTuner etc features-(and clickable window with window) in MaxOS
- Uses the New- Parallels -Running Windows XP in Apple Mac- faster than in most PC Machines:
Now all the amazing new EEG / HRV / EKG features of the latest HeartTuner / BlissTuner are available to you on the fabulous new Apple Mac platform. (Requires Intel - based Apple / Mac - all the current models. HeartTuner / BlissTuner tested excellently in the (highly acclaimed) new updated Parallels - operating Windows XP at speed within the Max OS. Probably also runs OK in the less flexible Apple BootCamp - Windows ).
Instructions to HeartTuner users: After you install Parallels newest, into your Intel equipped Mac ( uses Windows XP with SP2 standard setup disk)- plug in HeartTuner to either USB port in your Mac. Then simply click on Parallels USB menu to tell Windows XP to see the "C2++" hardware (unnecessary if you chose 'automatically mount USB devices' when you set up Parallels). Windows XP will recognize it, and (permanently) set up the USB Human Interface Device drivers automatically - standard in Windows. Now your standard HeartTuner new software installed in your Windows Mac emulator - runs great- enjoy!
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Empowered Scientific Description and Hygiene for
Peak Experience / Peak Perception / Peak Performance / Ecstasy / Bliss / Enlightenment: How Your Body and Biology - Flips the 'Switch' to GET FRACTAL > Attract CHARGE + be IN CHARGE! |
-HeartTunerPRO Special- Including 2ch HRV + BLISSTUNER EEG 2ch now with TWO Ways to Measure Empathy with special TRAINING , SUPPORT, - with the new 2 channel HRV/Empathy system- the price has not increased: 1575 Euro / 1064 GBP. Complete HeartTuner Input Preamp Hardware w/USB, 2 sets EKG + EEG Electrodes- Complete HeartTuner PRO Software Environment -Plus- Free Gift- TRAINING! - if you order thru the Inventor- Dan Winter- Complete 25+ DVD Video Set including 7 disks on HeartTuner/ BlissTunerTrainings (from ) +3 Books of Dan Winter including Ecstacy&Immortality Book - Complete Hardware Warranty & Support from Inventor of HeartTuner -- To Order:-email (your Visa/MC info+ship to) or PAYPAL to: 310 651 8123 | The HeartTuner / BlissTuner System ( thanks to software + development with Frank see )
. - HRV / Breath / Cardiac Synth + new>HeartTuner measures BRAIN-HEART Linkup!..The Heart Brain Connection Measured.
Heart~Tuner- BlissTuner - key links:HeartTuner/BlissTuner special offer info - with training HeartTuner BlissTuner Pro 04 Complete Working Demo Download Frequently Asked Questions QuickStart Guide to SCREEN INTERPRETATION HeartTuner Research History BlissTuner - Info HeartTuner / BlissTuner and Attention Deficit Neurofeedback Users Group / Message History is Open to All Now- Special Arrangement - The Most Complete HeartTuner and BlissTuner Training Set Ever- Seven DVD + One CD (English Language Set) - Details Below - Most DVD are 2-3 Hours Film Each - $99 US / 85 Euro ( Billing in Australian =133) + $13.50 US Shipping - All Addresses All Deal With HeartTuner, EKG Biofeedback+BlissTuner actual teaching sessions |
skype phone danwinter with a click or-regular phone US 310-651-8123- for free callback |
If you are interested in the new international online video conference call interactive VIDEO education with Dan Winter - from Implosion Group - or have questions about the HeartTuner/Blisstuner - or Books/DVD's - or have something important to say or ask... Just Click.. You can phone danwinter at SKYPE by just clicking(left), or US inward phone rings globally- 310 651 8123, or email , course calendar indicates where we are... (the click icon even says when we are on live phone).. even when we are offline- leaving a message is easy & effective - Getting immortal- means getting SHAREABLE! .. |
Spend 4 Intensive Days with Dan Winter: Multimedia, Visuals, Experientials, Bliss Process and VERY Stimulating Discussion. Dan Winter is widely acknowledged as the most original and penetrating wholistic science teacher on the planet today. Read the radical incrimination of the current scientific views AND the real NEW SCIENCE (on gravity and DNA and the wave musical recipies of self-awareness and self-organization) at PhiRICAIS (Making the Case for PHIre)- How Science can measure LIFE FORCE / & BLISS making Gravity in DNA. . (latest hottest Dan Winter).
Note while Dan Winter's body of thinking is very inclusive and in depth - (3 books / animations / 2000+ pages - see main index ) - this 4 day curriculum is particularly designed in consultation with Feng Shui Seminars and Holistic Architecture to be inviting and accessible to the layperson. While providing substance and rich stimulation for the scientific or technically oriented, this course -especially the 4 day Part One (see the pdf file below) is specifically intended to be introductory and require NO previous knowledge of science / physics etc. Of course a healthy curiousity about the connection between wave science / musical harmonics VERSUS the nature of consciousness and spiritual experience is a great reason to come. The course IS intended for those who themselves intend to APPLY this knowledge practically and/ or professionally - clinically, in healing, in sacred architecture or feng shui, and in teaching.
NEW-TWO Ways to Measure and TEACH EMPATHY..from the Heart (TUNER)
examples of PHASE CONJUGATION (like the CADUCCEUS BREATH) creating healing in biology - we celebrate the release of..
.. the NEW HeartTuner BlissTuner - HRV / Breath Software Release - emerges from Beta this week!..
-FULL 2 CHANNEL HRV / Breath Disply
-Long Term HRV History Data Storage - for REAL LONG TERM WELLNESS STUDIES!
Can you make a caducceus in your breathing - to add fractal harmonic inclusiveness AND COHERENCE to your HRV / heart...
or are you being taught to breathe at only one frequency: (more on this at>) the Heart Math MISTAKE?
NEW- TWO Ways to Measure and TEACH EMPATHY..with the Heart (TUNER)
see new article below- Measuring EMPATHY with HRV (breath in Heart Rate Variability).. HeartTuner is now the world's premiere system to measure 2 persons HRV simultaneously for EMPATHY training - as well as the ONLY system measuring Heart COHERENCE (cepstrum peak AMPLITUDE) - PLUS measuring empathy with EKG phase lock directly (cepstrum peak left right position-alignment means musical phase lock between 2 bodies- a tantra / counseling / empathy / healing charge transfer - defining indicator).
Our beautiful couple - harmonics displayed above..
HeartTuner state of the art way to measure EMPATHY and Heart Coherence
- Proving when our couple FEELS each other TWO ways:
1. EKG Phase lock (Short wave 2-20 hz - 'and we'll talk in present tenses..')
2. HRV Heart Rate Variability -Matching Curve - Longer Wave Breath / Entrainment harmonics- .05-3hz
New evidence: Heart Rate Variability -'getting on the same WAVELENGTH' - helps MEASURE EMPATHY:
'Wired to Connect.' - By Anne Underwood - Newsweek Magazine + Daniel Goleman's book "Emotional Intelligence"
Oct. 23, 2006 issue - "Carl Marci was jubilant. After a year in therapy, trying to decide whether to propose to his girlfriend, he had finally taken the plungeand she had said yes! As Marci recounted the story to his shrink days later, his therapist appeared to share the triumph with him. And it wasn't just an act. Marci, a psychiatrist himself at Massachusetts General Hospital, had wired himself and his therapist to special equipment that records heart-rate variability and "skin conductivity"two measures that, taken together, indicate the ebb and flow of emotional arousal. When he examined the data later, Marci was stunned. Lines on the two charts rose and fell in perfect unison, revealing that his therapist was truly sharing his excitement. "It's no accident that we speak of being on the same wavelength with someone," says Marci. "In a moment like that, you really are."
That is precisely the point that science writer Daniel Goleman makes in his new book, "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships." As Goleman contends, human brains are "wired to connect," and to a much greater extent than we ever realized. It's not just that laughter and bad moods are "contagious." Empathizing with a friend, whether in grief or elation, can activate the very same circuits in our own brains as in our companion's. Eleven years ago, when Goleman published his best seller "Emotional Intelligence," no one understood on a neuronal level how social interactions actually workedhow the brain processed rejection, for example, or experienced loneliness."
ALSO - new in the BlissTuner - Knowing that OCTAVES (alpha to beta) in Brainwaves set up the linear CHANNELLING / TELEPATHY modes - versus the GOLDEN RATIO - sets up the empowering BLISS /PEAK PERCEPTION / ENLIGHTENMENT modes. NOW - added FEEDBACK CUES (above pic) on the eeg spectra screen- allow you to immmediately see WHICH OF THE TWO KEY RESONANT STATES -PHI RATIO - versus OCTAVES - YOU ARE ACHEIVING!
Note also below the new TM TUNER-display from the BlissTuner> showing MULTIPLE Cascade markers of Golden Mean..displayed- allowing us to see when advanced meditators reaching even up into gamma (like 45-48hz etc) frequencies, are in fact able to do that in GEOMETRIC Golden Ratio / charge compressing- cascades!
'Channelling' / telepathy state (octave or powers of 2 - cascades) above
- in dramatic contrast to 'Bliss' / Creativity state (phi or Golden Ratio cascades) below-
Note also below the new TM TUNER-display from the BlissTuner> showing MULTIPLE Cascade markers of Golden Mean..displayed- allowing us to see when advanced meditators reaching even up into gamma (like 45-48hz etc) frequencies, are in fact able to do that in GEOMETRIC Golden Ratio / charge compressing- cascades!
More HeartTuner / BlissTuner Testimonials:
Can you make a caducceus in your breathing - to add fractal harmonic inclusiveness AND COHERENCE to your HRV / heart...
or are you being taught to breathe at only one frequency: (more on this at>) the Heart Math MISTAKE?
the "HeartMath Mistake" is revealed where FRACTAL and GOLDEN RATIO Breath/HRV - Supports + COEXISTs with, HIGH Internal Cardiac Coherence
(or ICC - the real cepstrum COHERENCE measure invented by Winter- they don't understand or use-- Rollin McCraty, Gary Schwartz et al - wrongly claim teaching Cepstrum coherence prevents HRV ..) more on cardiac synth - options - download:
click above to download Medical Research pdf - click here for more on 'HeartMath Mistake'
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HeartTuner / BlissTuner - inventions from Dan Winter - are currently developed and marketed by HeartCoherence Team (left) -
If you order your system thru |