Field Donut Domain Climbs Up the Lightning Zipper Ladder of DNA - Implosion/BLISS - IS what makes you self steering. (self-empowered)

Click for Spinnable Interactive Java Animation - courtesy Heart Coherence Team

Only FIRE IN YOUR GENES / Passion / Bliss
Imploding and Igniting Your DNA by BRAIDING
ENABLES you to steer as a self organizing shape shifting (genetic) worming..

Implosion is the suction that MAKES you self steering..
Until you find your BLISS and your PASSION - you are by definition food for parasites..
Everything that does not learn to attract charge from within (implode / into bliss and passion)
becomes by definition parasitic & not self sustaining.

Going Through Dimensions: Is ability to superpose axes of symmetry..
The topology of 3 folded dimensions maps a physical wave.
The 4th dimension is easily visualised as the dynamic turning inside-out
of the donut, creating geometric acceleration.

Exerpt from

ET's over Baghdad - Annunaki's last stand - more info.. ( Latest in the drama of the soap opera - Return of Enki - - featuring 1/4 million US troops versus Nephilim over Baghdad ): Quoting from Dan Winter in Implosion Group's "Grand Attractor" :

"The Middle East is like a hive of bees swarming around their last memory of where there WAS honey. AND they forgot how to MAKE honey. (The blue fire oil produces is an unsustainable substitute for the UV blue fire of genes ignited by bliss . Tantra/ kundalini/ even menopause -blue coooning - are examples of the DNA's wisdom - totally unknown to doctors -that it is demonstrably FATAL to be stuck below the speed of light). The honey is bliss - the skill is charge (compression into acceleration by self-similarity / akin to igniting compassion). The dome of the rock is an old seed for (the necessary recursive symmetry) capacitive charge. Bliss in groups is the only way to compress into acceleration their genetic memory to achieve sustainability (be saved). Their unconscious knowing that if they don't get bliss - they will DIE - makes them ready to kill. (Just like it makes your teenagers ready to die in pursuit of bliss. And the immune system of your teenagers depends on being taught self-empowering BLISS).

The symmetry skill to steer into the vortex of blissful CHARGE is the precise geometric origin of BOTH the Hebrew and Arabic Alphabets - based on only one equation to map the Golden Spiral on the torus/ah. (Since both religions were formed by the same now hopefully apologetic interventionist half Draco family. ref: and ) / Enlil / Yalweh vs Enki Adonai the medium grade half Draco DNA degraded interventionist Nephilim.
Getting genes and glands compressing and up to speed (blissed out) is THE problem of the history of geometry.
And it is the essential problem of the history of HERstory. People who have bliss do NOT shoot each other.
Callahan's measure that predicts where war will break out -magnetism's conductivity thru the soil between 2 villages - predicts where FEELING CAN TOUCH BY SYMMETRY. This is the SCIENCE of how PEACE can be taught. ( ) . PEACE happens where field effects implode to make centering force (literally make peace). This is measurable by harmonic analysis (power spectra) in brain waves as peak experience/euphoria, heart waves as compassion ( ) , planet waves as the 'Schumann resonance" becomes a (Phi) cascade learning to collapse charge,, ....
In other words - this is how to achieve the symmetry of charge ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED to realize biological sustainability / PEACE ( & immortality).
History as it is taught on this planet doesn't know what the important problem IS. (Maybe because it is missing HERstory -from the stars..) . There can be no issue even close to the importance of getting genepools immortalized ("saved"). . IGNITING your genes and glands.
Sacred Geometry is THE symmetry solution for - putting you 'In Charge'." - end quote from Grand Attractor.


In Lawrence Gardner's new book Lost Secrets of the Sarcred Ark ( - he claims to know: "What was the Ark of the Covenant? Where is the Ark? What were its relationships to the Golden Fleece and the Philosophers' Stone of Nicolas Flamel? In fact, what is the Philosophers' Stone - and how does it work? "

Gardner is proof that, like the Annunaki - you can waste many lifetimes in disempowering worship of 'miracles' (means - don't try to understand) - phenomenon - with never a glimpse of the soul empowering pure priniple: the recursive (Phi) mathematics of the valence radii of Gold - produces acceleration of charge by implosion. - The real meaning of CHEM - from the 'blackness' / black hole access - in the word alCHEMy. The only biologically sustainable implosion field - begins in the ekg-Heart of Gold. Mechanical substitutes are just a soul-costing way to join the borg. (Gardner's skull like George Bush's by shape alone evidences the absence of the glandular equipment to fabricate implosive bliss - result: fear steers to decay). Real geometric meaning of golden fleece: .

Now to our ET's over Baghdad update (If you cannot fabricate biological bliss - you are ready to kill for the remanants of borg technology to accelerate DNA. The 'Crystal Pyramid' phenomena - below - like the Crystal Skull is the death gasp last attempt of the fallen Mag / Drac DNA line to sustainably / but without life, freeze genetic memory into hex quartz based capacitance- good for controlling - but the death of biological newness / growth.

The word Babylon [read Iraq}comes from Baa-b'EL - AN. Baa-B'El like Baa-bek and Beelzebub was one of Enlil's terms for his brother Enki. The Baa EL from An-unaki (Baal was probably a shortening of Ptah-taal see link -Ptah was Enki's line Akhanaton/Moses etc.). Enki- being more tech savvy got his {gold} mining equipment set up more efficiently than his brother (Enlil / Yalweh in Uru-sha-El am.. Jerusalem). Ab-RA [Ra was EA/Enki / Ab-ra-ham came from Ur u - the Draco line} used what was probably a HEX array of {Orgone like} paramagnetic capacitors to fabricate a charge dense field to inhibit cellular aging.(see measurements) This was standard mining equipment issue - when entering such a weak bio-charge atmosphere like Earth- similar to the way todays miners are issued gas masks. This techno- zone of life support was called Edin {Eden} which Sumerian was later translated to mean space-port since Sitchen doesn't know the meaning of biological charge density. From the below we hint that Enki returns - tosses George Bush [government of Enlil's shapeshifting bodysnatchers] out of 'the garden of Eden' - in the process of recovering his mining gear. Study carefully the trail of dead bodies on which George Bush's rule is built ( ).

Read about Enki's loophole allowing intervention: recovery of his mining gear: "The reason that the Andromedans use the word Paa Tal, which is by the way a Draconian word, is because the Draconians have legends about warring with a race that was creating human life forms that were opposed to Draconian philosophy. The Paa Tal (Enki's secret 'Ptah' blood thru his mother - who killed Enlil's mother)) created life forms that could evolve on their own, with free expression. {hint:self-empowerment} . sThe Draconians (Enlil was loyal to them), on the other hand, created races to function as a natural resource for their pleasure. So, you have two very different philosophies."

This is how to end our race's astral milkhouse phase as 'spawn of the Nephilim':
In re-orienting this world with its true origins, Thoth served to enlighten humans in that age that they were not the spawn of the Nephilim, the fallen angels ...

Ports of Gaol:"Eggs Files"for Dragons..Feeling for Europes ... .. I speculate it was much later in our evolution here as "the spawn of the Nephilim" (per Thoth), that they discovered the logic of human bliss emotion as being

How the Worm Turns-BLOOD RITES: Defining the Difference between a ... ... of self-awareness. (refer to - need no longer be merely 'spawn of the Nephilim').

: (thanks to Randy in Thailand for the following):

 "Using the 'breadcrumbs' dropped by both Richard Hoagland and Fred Sterling, here is our clue to unraveling the mystery:

Create a 'square' by first drawing a line between the Great Pyramid (29.5 approx.) and Hawaii (19.5 approx) Now intersect that line at right angles with another line the same length. Now connect the lines. What you get is a square with the corners pointing to the following places:

1. 29.5 degrees = EQ: 07Mar2003 12:23:10.0 0.5N 27.2W 10 M =4.9 M NEI CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE---- (ATLANTIS?) ALSO from your page: 'The Island of Puerto Rico glowed with the same type of light .........For a period of 2 HRS!' And Puerto Rico lies right at that same 19.5 degree latitude

2. 19.5degrees = Hawaii Volcano is bulging. Hawaii is made up of the Mountain Tops of Lemuria!

3. 19.5 degrees = Luzon, Philippines!!! (And where are the American Troops right now? uh huh!)

4. 29.5 degrees = Great Pyramid!!!!

NOTE: U.S. Troops are headed into Iraq. Babylon is where the Crystal Pyramids are.

QUESTION: IS THE GROUND GLOWING NEAR BAGHDAD/BABYLON? In fact, the Israelis have been trying to figure out what the 'purple' light is that is glowing over Baghdad!!! (Must see if I can find that article in mainstream news. Anybody else see it? It has been within past few days.)

NOTE: Sunpar reported that a 'Light Ship' was poised over/near Baghdad with 4 beams of purple light streaming down!

Raker (7:06 AM) : Hello dear Sunpar........To day this is what I have...there is a ship out in the atmosphere shining a beam of light containing blue pulse within, contained within the beam is Baghdad...this is its protection. Baghdad is not to be taken. For those who cross over the boarder into Iraq enter hell, many will fall, the number is insurmountable.....I saw this while speaking on the phone to my aunt who has been psychic since she was six...she concurs...
Sunpar (7:50 AM) : Yes, I understand this. Baghdad is tethered to this ship. This is what I have been talking about all along. I get the most energy coming from it this time of day. My thumbs tingle and I am light-headed.
Sunpar (7:52 AM) : The ship is marquise is shape. I've named it Mar Ki. (insert ed: Merk-chi- merk ka- [ba}) I drew it yesterday. When it spins, it looks like it has four points. It is golden in color and it has soft metallic skin.
Raker (7:52 AM) : The ship is HUGE...and on board they are transfixed in making sure the beam is on target and fully operational to enclose Baghdad...
Sunpar (7:52 AM) : Yes, I see that Baghdad is protected to a 50 mile radius.
Sunpar (7:53 AM) : Like it has a force field around it.
Sunpar (7:53 AM) : The ones on the ship are of the Annunaki who have joined with the Galactic Federation.
Raker (7:54 AM) : Yes indeed this battle is the final one.....the US will suffer in its senate with a revolt
Sunpar (7:54 AM) : This is their time of intervention, for this land, is in all respects, their place of origin when they visit earth.
Raker (7:54 AM) : ok...I did not see them as the dark.....
Sunpar (7:54 AM) : No. They are not dark forces.
Raker (7:54 AM) : ok......*S*S*
Raker (7:55 AM) : yes I know....I had good vibes from them today
Raker (7:55 AM) : My aunt saw more than me....she said they will suffer tremendous loss
Sunpar (7:55 AM) : Very soon. It just depends on what takes place in Iraq.
Sunpar (7:56 AM) : Who will suffer tremendous loss? The ones invading? If yes, unfortunately, I agree.
Raker (7:56 AM) : I got told today a time but fear to announce it///
Raker (7:57 AM) : Yes those who cross the boarder will enter hell they said
Sunpar (7:57 AM) : It¥s all in place. First week in March is what I get.
Raker (7:58 AM) : Hehehehehe..I got to day, 1 week and 1 so close together...*S*S
Sunpar (7:58 AM) : Like I said, it depends on when Iraq is attacked.
Sunpar (7:59 AM) : So then, 8 days from now?
Raker (7:59 AM) : We have been told, so to lessen the impact so we can be ready
Raker (8:00 AM) : Yes the time was given to me at 12 min past 2 this afternoon...
Sunpar (8:00 AM) : Would that make it March 7th?
Raker (8:00 AM) : Friday....
Raker (8:01 AM) : Yes its the 28th today Friday...
Raker (8:01 AM) : Are you going to put it out there?
Sunpar (8:02 AM) : I am not sure. If I do, I think I will put it out there as happening the first week in March, not the specific day.
Sunpar (8:03 AM) : Do you feel a heaviness about you?
Sunpar (8:03 AM) : As if you are enclosed in some kind of protective apparatus?
Raker (8:04 AM) : yes I agree, as I am feeling that if you do it, it will set the stage for the info you are getting as a reliable source...

Notice that it says: "Baghdad is protected to 50 mile radius." It is interesting that the Crystal Pyramids are supposed to be about 50 miles from Baghdad!


A POSSIBILITY: Is all of this being activated from the Hawaiian Islands? I highly suspect that it may be. I'm talking Earth Consciousness here!!!