2nd International Biologic Architecture Conference & Design Festival
- Press Release
- A New Science of LIFE FORCE in Buildings-

FRACTALITY (Phase Conjugate Dielectrics-Defining Organic Materials) Concentrate / Distribute the CHARGE of LIFE FORCE In All Living Architecture

(this exerpt on the web at: www.goldenmean.info/architectureabs/biologicalarchnews.html )

Implosion Group (originally by Dan Winter) newsletter June 30, 09 goldenmean.info/architecture Main Index: goldenmean.info 1.5 Million hits/month average in 09, Our film library..+NEW-Main PHOTO Gallery!- To Subscribe / Unsubscribe email to: imposiongroup@yahoo.com - Language Index- English, French, Spanish, German, Italian , - SiteSearch , DVD's/Books - Course Calendar - Films Online - HeartTuner/BlissTuner - Origin Alphabets Physics - Stellar Purpose/History of DNA Newest Compleat 400 Image Implosion Powerpoint! - Fractality Causes Charge to ACCELERATE! - Since all biologic growth is limited by ability to absorb energy it is self evident the best way to compress that in to nourish biology is FRACTAL! Recursive Feedback=Self Awareness=Fractality. 100 Years of Writing Field Equations, has physics yet investigated whether the same fractal field that causes gravity could also most nourish DNA
New- Jun 20, 09: Flash Film 10 min: "Gravity Explained:From Little Black Holes to BIG Black Holes" - at goldenmean.info/gravityexplained

Centering Force in a BUILDING- IS a New Unified Field!
The same FRACTALITY in SPACE - which defines LIVING SPACE (measurement below) in ARCHITECTURE.. leads to:
Breakthru in physics: PROOF- Golden Ratio Fractality- CAUSES Gravity!: goldenmean.info/goldenproof )
Order Directly the SPECIAL OFFER -Implosion Group -Dan Winter - 25 DVD Education Set 144 Euro+10 Ship- as described at goldenmean.info/tools
Secure Direct - PayPal / Visa /MC Purchase- secure order online (below) - or email visa/mc/paypal to danwinter @goldenmean.info

25 DVD Set Implosion Group- Includes Biologic Architecture Film DVD

Some of the Collaborators - Co-Sponsoring the 2nd International Biologic Architecture Conference and Design Festival- Cardiff, Wales- Oct 3 & 4- 09

Mark O'Reilly: Just Ask Scarlett - Bio Architecture Consulting

Welcome to the first BioArchitecture Foundation Newsletter.  We have some exciting things planned for Summer & Autumn 2009 and are inviting you to get involved if you are feeling creative! 
Feel free to forward the newsletter to others who may be interested.
LIFE FORM Our Life Form project will gather biological architecture enthusiasts and their work and we would like to invite you to be part of kickstarting creative solutions on the subjects of holistic architecture, earth energies and sacred space in the UK .¬† If you would like to get involved but are unable to attend the festival then don't worry ‚ you can still participate in the design competition by submitting your entry by email!
Do you have visual design work or research which you would like to exhibit for Life Form?  Can you help us with advertising?  Please contact Alex by email if you would like to get more involved with our Life Form project info@biologicalarchitecture.co.uk

 JULY 09_ LIFE FORM SCULPTURE COMPETITION As part of the Cardiff Design Festival, the BioArchitecture Foundation are running the Life Form competition for a sculpture design to be crafted and installed at Coed Hills Rural Artspace (www.coedhills.co.uk).  The theme of the competition is inspiration from nature and as such should include fractal geometry, natural materials and connections with the landscape.  The competition is completely free and open to anyone with an imagination, and a selection of the entries will be exhibited at the Life Form conference in October during the festival.  Please take a look at the attached brief and visit the website at www.biologicalarchitecture.co.uk

OCTOBER ‚09_ CARDIFF DESIGN FESTIVAL www.cardiffdesignfestival.org
Planning for the festival is underway.  Below is a provisional list of some of the events in the pipeline.  Check the festival website throughout the Summer for updates and more information:

Launch of the Design Festival 1st October ‚09 The Festival is in discussion with Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas's office. The launch of the festival at the Senedd building as previously with a showcase of the best of Welsh Design. The British Council have been invited celebrate their recent ‚Cityscapers‚ project at this event.  

Life Form 3rd and 4th October ‚09 The BioArchitecture Foundation presents Life Form: A day of presentations exploring biological architecture, holistic building systems and geomantic built environments followed by a day of interactive workshops in constructing energetically harmonious landscapes and life-supporting architecture. Check out the website for more information and updates at www.biologicalarchitecture.co.uk

 Cardiff Web Scene ‚ Ignite Cardiff #3 15th October ‚09 If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only had 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds?
Around the world, creatives, web enthusiasts and entrepreneurs have been putting together free Ignite events in answer to this question and now Cardiff Web Scene together with Nocci are very excited to be holding the third Ignite Cardiff in the Wales Millennium Centre as part of the Cardiff Design Festival.
Join us for an evening of fun, fast and informal talks on anything from typefaces to how to survive a Zombie invasion.  Entry is free.  Ignite Cardiff #3 is supported by Box UK. www.cardiffwebscene.com/events/ignite-cardiff-3

 Dalton Maag ‚ Type Talks Celebrated  typographer Bruno Maag will be entertaining us with another of his inspirational talks on Typography. www.daltonmaag.com

Greyworld Andrew Shoben of Greyworld has agreed to talk to us all about their past and present projects. An entertaining and inspirational speaker – and fantastic work.

May you live in interesting times Discussions are underway with Bloc about mutual collaboration between the festival and ‚ÄòMay you live in interesting times‚Äô, Festival of Creative Technology 2009 which will continue to focus on the presentation of innovative work in and around Cardiff over a two-day period. Included will be a conference, new commissions, residencies, screenings, and artists‚ projects in public sites across the city. To keep up-to-date with programme developments please register your details on the festival home page - www.mayyouliveininterestingtimes.org.uk

 Design Circle, Reflecting Wales 09 The call for entries for a second annual exhibition of innovative works in the built environment in Wales, Reflecting Wales, is planned to go out in June 2009, and submissions will be invited from architects, designers, artists, theorists and students whose work critically challenges or engages with the build environment in Wales.  For details on last year's exhibition, go to: http://www.designcirclersawsouth.co.uk/reflectingwales/, and for further information, contact exhibition@designcirclersawsouth.co.uk.

 Other things (dates t.b.c .We'd love to have The best of Welsh Graduates show again and a portfolio clinic. There are also rumblings of exciting events from Momentum, Wales at Home, the DBA, Creative and Cultural Skills, Design Wales, Melin Tregwynt, Eco Design Wales, Precedent and there's talk of a Design Festival Pub Quiz ‚ with one question posed in advance by each contestant (at least you'll know one answer)

There is also talk of a design market in a farmers market style!
Kind Regards  Alex Miller

 BioArchitecture Foundation
Email:       info@biologicalarchitecture.co.uk

Website:   www.biologicalarchitecture.co.uk

Biologic Architecture Film- with Dan Winter- interviewed by Jessie Krieger of Stanford- RELOADED- 09:

Response in 2007 - 'Biologic Architecture' University Symposium- Mexico - was incredible. Government sent enviornment ministers, University sent Dept Heads. Magazine and new International Insitute "ARQKA" Announced. - more pics from Mexico Conference Online: goldenmean.info/mexico07

The concept is simple- ability for charge to propagate efficiently has long been known to predict biologic growth in liquids
it is called redox potential- We have pioneered redefining redox (charge availability to react) properly
as fractality ( charge compression efficiency is charge distribution efficiency - is life).

The new information - is that charge distribution efficiency ( fractality) in air - predictor of growth (sacred space ?)
IS measureable. Simply put - the breath of sacred tingle when you enter sacred space - is now measureable..
AND predicts growth....>

My background is electrical engineering - for years I have been pioneering weak electric field measures as predictors of growth
The electric field of a building ( its capacitive field - phase conjugate or not) DIRECTLY determines how well seeds germinate ( and everything grows) which would then define sustainability in architecture.

Try this as you watch seeds freshly planted in an aluminum cup - die. (Think of your aluminum building as you watch them unhappy). Measure the number of harmonics in its capacitance (very lo)
-Now put them in a hemp and stone pot... they grow- measure the harmonics in the capacitive field:
You will get the same HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS (fractality) which doctors use to predict how long your heart (HRV) is going to live.

- In summary we are suggesting biologists need to see why steel and aluminum in buildings poison every living thing
-because they prevent efficient charge distribution (they are opposite to electrically phase conjugate - opposite to fractal. - see table of fractality in materials choices below...

Oneness in physics is precisely what allows fields to bond and become one

It is now clear that that science is FRACTAL (phase conjugate)- and
revolutionary. This is because perfect compression IS the only path to ONENESS (the so called Unified Field) - for
waves or people.

--This FRACTAL FIELD UNIFIED THEORY is even sweeping the science literature goldenmean.info/newscientistfractalsolutions/

It results in deep spiritual revelations- like the physics of enlightenment / bliss goldenmean.info/clinicalintro

It results in specifically the science of alchemy for how PEOPLE become ONE goldenmean.info/scienceofalchemy

AND revolutionizes how biologic architecture produces ONENESS and growth in structure goldenmean.info/architecture
(an international curriculum
AND it results in technology that can quickly and very cheaply heal earth and water goldenmean.info/phaseconjugatewaterconfidential/

--The PEACE UNIVERSITY uses science to teach oneness.