Biologic Architecture

edited by Dan Winter - in collaboration with.......

"What is the (Electrical) Architecture of BIOLOGY?
Only when Science defines the SYMMETRY of What MAKES LIFE- Can Architects BUILD LIFE"

The Blissful Whisper Breath Feeling You Get When You Enter 'Sacred Space' IS in Fact the Efficient Distribution of Weak Biologic CHARGE.
FRACTALITY Allows this Exquisite Efficiently Distributed or 'Shareable' Field to NOURISH ALL BIOLOGY.
- However squarish buildings full of metal and non-fractal material (molecules whose charge was not originally fused in phase with biology) - create a fractionating electric field - which eventually destroy the germinating seed, the human immune system, human bliss - and even the very souls of our children. Defining the difference for science- can re-invent architecture: into ' a fractal field' in the service of biology!

Biology is choreographed directly as a result of the sharing of weak electric field bonds ( capacitive coupling and 'mitogenic radiation'). FRACTALITY - idealized in Golden Mean Ratio - perfects this perfect DISTRIBUTION OF CHARGE - because - PERFECT COMPRESSION (which fractals allow) MAKES - PERFECT DISTRIBUTION. We long knew that all biology arranges itself into Golden Ratio, fractal and self- similar geometry. NOW -that we know WHY. We know exactly what the electric field of truly BIOLOGIC ARCHITECTURE - should look like!

It is so simple, our buildings need to LOOK like pine cones and roses, AND be made of the SAME biologic materials ('phase conjugate dielectric' / electrical fractality - DEFINING the very WORD organic). That exquisite feeling we get inside when we are nearing BLISS - often associated when entering sacred temple - now has definition in physics. Charge distribution has been made efficient by biologic fractality. A temple is literally a solar fractal 'capacitor' (having the 'capacity' to store charge efficiently DUE to fractality).

The result is the FEELING inside - will ring those inner bones we always use to determine the very MEANING of SACRED SPACE. The nice thing - now - as electricians and designers of sacred space - we now can USE the physics to TEACH the principles of the sacred / the truly biologic structure. The electric measurement principles to prove this are elegant: the same fractality measured by INCLUSIVE harmonics - which predicts which human heart will best survive (all disease in general! - called Fractal Heart Rate Variability: ) - is EXACTLY the same way a capacitor analyzed for harmonics can 'tell' if a space is sacred (examples: ).

this is preliminary material for our glossy color book on biologic architecture

featuring chapters from several sources, also text and many images (especially Michael Rice) from

-- input from our collaborating sacred architects is solicited now... Dan..


Could doorway into the divine literally mean the doorway into the place where CHARGE BRANCES perfectly? From the perfect SCION or VINE or FIL or SCIOnce..

Have you ever wondered WHY the doorways to temples were usually Golden Mean proportion? Why is the cultural definition for beauty usually linked to Divine Proportion / perfect geometry? There must be some more fundamental REASON in science to relate the tradition ideas of proportion and harmony to the real physics and science of what SHAPE does to serve biology directly.

Our ideas of beauty are so often linked to 'sacred architecture' and it's sense of proportion. Yet unless there is some really specific link between what allows biology and DNA to thrive - directly from these ideas we have of 'pleasing shape' - then architecture would be condemned to wander aimlessly in relatively horrific visions of our post-modern era (usually meaning - meaningless!).

BUT - fortuneately there is a perfectly excellent science and bio-physics which absolutely vindicates our centuries of dwelling on the abstruse and abstract ( and previously poorly defined or testable) ideas of what is beauty - and what building type makes biology happy. In a way this science is new - but the concepts it is based on are old. The shape of a capacitor (has the CAPACITY to store electric charge) determines if the field effect it makes - HELPS or HINDERS a seed to germinate! In other words - does your structure create an electric field which either FEEDS or BLEEDS DNA?

At first it seems appalling that bio-science has not thought of this before. We all know - that if you step inside a square-ish aluminum or all metal frame - you basically feed NOT SO GOOD. However - if you step inside a Golden Ratio - perhaps granite or anient 'paramagnetic' (we will do definitions shortly) - stone - THEN YOU FEED ALL TINGLY AND GOOD INSIDE. This information is so intuitively obvious that almost no-one would serve you water in an aluminum cup. Why serve your house with aluminum siding?

So - what we need is some serious science to understand the almost universally agreed intuitions we have about what is SACRED and spirit nourishing space. In other words: how shall we define spirit and the sacred - using some REALLY practical science - which architects can USE!

The challenge here is we must translate the almost universal inner language that almost ALL humans share - which is - there are some spaces that FEEL great - and other spaces that make you feel absolutely sick. Now obviously- if you were doing science about this quality of feeling - you might have many variables- like differences in temperature, moisture, air pollution, noise pollution etc. Yet - most of us would agree that even if you took ALL these other variables away, there are certain places that absolutely feel FABULOUS - and other spaces which ALWAYS make you feel queazy and uneasy and no so good inside. .... SO - what is this difference in the quality of FEELING - to a space. AND - can science get help us get our head around- defining that difference - in a measureable way to that architects can HAVE A GOAL??

In other words- if sacred space is REAL - then science should be able to get at least CLOSE to being able to measure it. If not, how are we to determine the paycheck for an architect? "Dear architect: I have decided I want to employ you to build a space which not only FEELS sacred - but that sacredness directly (and measureably) translates into how well DNA thrives inside, and how enhanced are humans ability to HAVE BLISS EXPERIENCE inside!"

So - you make your contract with your architect. He must build a space - where seeds germinate best, and people get bliss experience best. Great. NOW- you must have some measuring stick to determine at the end of your contract with your architect - to define whether or not the building succeeded to the contract goal?? The architect is standing there - he just built your building - and now you must determine whether to pay him. (Remember- originally in China where doctors were paid when people were NOT sick). Success should determine reward.

In other words- IF sacred space as a concept could be defined and measured ... THEN - the idea would be shareable ( and hopefully architects would stop building these metal monstrosities where everyone feels like s___*** expletive deleted.. !)

SO - the task is urgent to create some meaningful SCIENCE around - what indeed is sacred space. What makes all biology feel GREAT!! The nature of space - must be electrically described in such a way - that science can determine if the FIELD EFFECT of a space or building - is in fact GOOD or BAD for biology.

Seems like a simple task doesn't it. Yet - why has bio-physics not done this til now? Well- perhaps one reason - is that as cultures have evolved we have come up with a 'tower of babel' language problem around this question of WHAT IS LIFE FORCE? Well - let's see - is life force, living energy .. chi, orgone, barrakah, shaktipat, freshness, elan vitale, vril, eloptic, eck....??

How can we build a building to MAKE LIFE FORCE- IF we do not know what that is? Here is the problem we must address.

To have this conversation - we are going to suggest some exciting real NEW physics, and yet our committment to you the reader- is that we are going to use terms which are fun and accessible to the average high school science class. Imagine if a life giving new revolution in physics were possible - without once requiring a Ph.D to understand it. Such is our revolution for understanding the 'FRACTAL' ELECTRICAL ARCHITECTURE OF BIOLOGY.


2. What FIELD really serves the FIELD of BIOLOGY?

Well- our biologists of course first wanted to understand whole bodies, then they needed to understand glands, then of course that becomes a study of cells, which became a study of molecules, when resolves to a study of atoms, which focuses in to a study of electrons and photons, which becomes a study of.... the SYMMETRY OF WAVES OF CHARGE. You get the point - we went from long waves to short waves - in order to understand how the NEST or EMBED. If the little wave is not dancing with the right drummer- then it fights with the bigger wave- and dies. In music this is called harmony, in biology this is called EMBEDDING or SUPERLOOPING, and in bodies - it is called HEALTH.

In order to make our point about what SHAPE of ELECTRIC FIELD can make ALL BIOLOGY HAPPY - we are going to use 2 examples:

1. A seed. The difference between a seed that is alive, versus a seed that is dead is: the ability to shoot out an electric field strong enough to change the angle of incoming water. By radiating an electric wave of charge- the seed does two things- it shapes the angle at which the next molecule bonds - to determine the shape of growth- AND the seed changes the angle of incoming water molecules with their load of mineral / food. IF there is no charge field coming from the seed- there is nothing to determine the pattern / direction of growth - and nothing to shape the incoming water and mineral bonds. SO- if an electrical engineer (you and me) were talking about the difference between life and death for a seed - we would say : ABILITY TO RADIATE CHARGE is life! .. You can probably guess where we are going with this electrical definition of life: IF radiating charge efficiently becomes our definition of life - THEN something first must efficiently compress that charge so that it CAN radiate. > FORTUNEATELY - for physics - the answer is simple - CHAGE COMPRESSION IS PERFECTED when FRACTAL. And thereby - charge radiation (perfect distribution means LEAST storage) - is perfected ALSO when FRACTAL!

One nice rather medical example of this ideal: Nobel winning Albert Szent-Gyorgyi in "Electronic Biology and Cancer" figured out the difference between a healthy cell and a cancer cell. At a primary level - the critical difference was the {triplet state electron} ORDERLINESS OF ITS WATER. Super ordered {fractal?} water geometry - makes CHARGE DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENT - and THAT is the end of cancer! - ref: , also many pictures of water making fractal / molecular pent patterns- . Another nice more plant physiologic example: our wonder plant doctor friend in Werrra Meissner - points out that the most healing potent part of the plant for his medicines is always the growth spurt part RIGHT AT THE TIP OF THE BUD. Here the CHARGE RADIANCE is strong - where that charge is embedded in the molecules of the cells near there, is where you can find the most healing part of the plant.

2. Second example: Your Heart! We are so happy that Dr. Irving Dardik's work on perfect nesting/ embedding / superlooping to define which heartbeat survives - has been made popular. Our extensive pictorial review is at . The major new popular book is: "Making Waves". It is all a nice pictorial way of understand why THE HEALTHY HEART IS A FRACTAL HEART! We applied this to our HeartTuner - teaching fractality : see . The point here is to understand HOW the life saving quality of FRACTALITY which is well known to be the key ingredient to Heart survival - can be applied to defining sacred space - for architecture.

YOU need to understand HOW your heart can get fractal - so YOU can apply this to finding and making the architecture of sacred space. First - lets simplify the science. To be clear, let us begin with how it is measured. Here is what a fractal (healthy) heart is NOT. A healthy heart is NOT one where the heart RATE does not change. The first thing we say to folks first having fun on our HeartTuner - is to watch whether their HEART RATE VARIES. We always say: IF YOUR HEART RATE IS STUCK, THEN a) YOUR EMOTION IS STUCK - and b) YOU ARE GOING TO ATTRACT DISEASE. It really is as simple as this - being a 'couch potato'- forgetting to exercise- you lose the RANGE OF CHANGE in your heart RATE- and THEREFORE you lose RANGE OF CHANGE for your EMOTIONS!!

When your heart (like your psyche) is able to RELAX between beats, that opening electrical spark gap - allows the ENVIRONMENT electrically INSIDE your hearts charge. This means that IF the heart is in a FRACTAL or HARMONIC INCLUSIVE environment and IF you know you to relax BETWEEN heart beats- THEN your heart can EAT CHARGE! Your heart will then constantly and fractally modulate the amount of time it needs before its next beat- and that fractal or harmonically inclusive VARIABILITY- indicates ABILITY TO ABSORB CHARGE from environment in general.

Now - we can get a lot more musically specific for how all this is measured. Essentially- when we look at HOW MANY HARMONICS are in your heart - we see whether you are healthy - LOTS OF HARMONICS PRESENT is called HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS ( in the medical terms of Heart Rate Variability or HRV) - versus - if there is only ONE primary harmonic in the lo frequencies of your heart (HRV) - then YOU ARE TOAST! (meaning disease is coming). Dr. Dardik's classic paper (see above) showed clearly that virtually ALL CHRONIC DISEASE DISAPPEARS IF- you heart harmonics are INCLUSIVE. (that means LOTS of DIFFERENT frequencies are present). Not only, cancer, aids, heart disease and such, but also juvenile delinquency, even AGING statistically DISAPPEAR if you can keep a heart which is musically FULL of different harmonics. THIS became one of numerous recent medical advances ALL concluding that A HEALTHY HEART IS A FRACTAL HEART (medical links at ).

SO - how are we about to apply this to biology. And particularly - does this tell us about the correct ARCHITECTURE OF BIOLOGY - and therefore the correct BIOLOGIC ARCHITECTURE?

We need to look at the essential principle behind- why harmonic inclusive or fractal electrical behavior - in the heart - AND in ANYTHING ALIVE - produces increased survival. This principle Dr.Dardik - hinted at in his original papers (see: Cycles Magazine article link from ). He said - the task of the surviving heart was to learn how to be A LITTLE WAVE which learned to NEST AND SURVIVE inside BIGGER WAVES. (This is a story for kids: 'the little wave that could!'). The heart cell is a wave, within- the heart beat is a wave- within, the heart RATE is a wave- within, the BREATH is a wave- within, your DAY is a wave- within, your GALAXY is a wave - within.... You get the flavor- the little wave here starts out as simply a wave of CHARGE - and ends up being the sustainability (immortality) of your vitality!

Physics can be very clear that their are certain wave shapes and rhythmns which allow little waves to NEST OR SUPERLOOP within bigger waves- in such a way - that 'NOBODY GET HURT'. In other words- PERFECT NESTING or PERFECT EMBEDDING or PERFECT SUPERLOOPING - resolves to an issue somewhat like... which curves can you include in the famous carved wooden -NESTED ONE WITH THE OTHER - Russian Dolls. Some curves allow one to nest inside the other, OTHERS SHAPES JUST CANNOT NEST!

The way medicine learned THE PRINCIPLE BEHIND DISEASE RESISTANCE ( fractal or harmonic INCLUSIVE -Heart Rate Variability) - actually is the ANSWER for architects! When we take a look at this PRINCIPLE behind the great SUPERLOOPING (how to get the little loop successfully EMBEDDED in bigger loops!) - from Dardik - we can do a lot more science than he did... AND it gets profoundly SPIRITUAL - and can tell us about ARCHITECTURE!

Dardik - did us a great service when he pointed to the overarching principle - namely FRACTALITY. We have summed this up by saying - not only in your EKG - but in EVERYTHING THAT LIVES - your choices are clear- GET FRACTAL or GET DEAD!!

In order to apply this principle, make it practical, measureable, testable, teachable with feedback, applicable to architecture- and therefore SHAREABLE - we need to define it's measurement and harmonics.

We ARE really getting somewhere here, if we have set as our goal - understanding what are the symmetry or harmonic elements of the FIELD EFFECT which produces thrival and survival. We now know that the quality of that field is going to be - INCLUSION OF MAXIMUM NUMBER OF HARMONICS, and therefore FRACTAL.

Next - as architects- we need to know what that looks like - and HOW and WHY that works to well to make biology thrive - electrically.


3. WHY and HOW fractality / harmonic inclusiveness - in field effect shape or symmetry CAUSES ALL BIOLOGY TO THRIVE:

Biophysics as a discipline gradually gets more and more distilled into essence - as it approaches maturity as a science. First it was - shoot the parasite (Pasteur vs. the bacteria) - then it was - study the parasite from there we learn the service it is doing (Hanneman / homeopathy) .. to todays - whole systems approach means no one is evil - some are just misunderstood.

We talked about about getting from the short wave (quantum) approach - to the long wave (whole body ) approach. So we might be ready to ask - what is the essential electrical SHAPE which allows INFORMATION (namely: CHARGE) to flow - FROM little systems TO bigger ones. You want to be sure the subatomic particles in your DNA have good phone conversation with your intergalactic guardian angles don't you? What is physics answer for best charge transfer from big systems to little ones. You already know the answer to this one, Einstein would probably have solved his unified field if only someone would have told him that something called FRACTAL is in fact INFINITELY COMPRESSIBLE. This means- that fractals change scales PERFECTLY. This ability to be SCALE INVARIANT - or PERFECTLY COMPRESSIBLE - puts FRACTAL electric fields in something of a class by themselves (physics is still mostly clueless here).

We have written numerous articles about this skill to get fractal and compressible (implode-able) in the charge fields in DNA being the KEY to taking memory thru death! ( , ).

Two radical principles emerge - in our pure symmetry electrical science of WHAT IS LIFE:

1. Scale invariance / compressibility and therefore fractality are immortal

2. The REASON fractality and immortality are keys to survival for charge waves and YOU - are they perfect the EFFICIENT DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC CHARGE.

Now here- we might take pause for a short and very painless glimpse at real breakthrus in unified field physics. One of the qualities you need in order to be brave enough to see your inner feelings as GOD or the creative principle in essence, is to understand that what you bend into shape (namely CHARGE) when you choose a FEELING (and field effect) in your heart - is the universal stuff (charge) which MAKES matter - and ALL creation!

Our unified field dialog BEGINS with the essential idea - that the UNIFIED STUFF of which all is made, may be nicely and non-schizophrenically defined as electric charge. ( we presented this at unified field physics colloquia like Budapest - see: ).

Other - relatively evolved Unified Field Physics theories premised on the notion that CHARGE is the universal substrate include:

The universal medium or ether should correctly be imaged as a squeezeable and compressible 'smoke' or 'jello' like substance whose essential difference between COMPRESSION versus RAREFACTION is called ELECTRIC CHARGE. When charge rotates, permitted by symmetry - the inertia stored is called MASS. That rotation further defines TIME. Charge is able to remain rotating without centrifugal dissolution ONLY WHEN BALANCED WITH a CENTRIPEDAL (corriolis like?) force that results from SELF SIMILAR CHARGE COLLAPSE THRU CENTER - CAUSED BY FRACTALITY ( turning compression of charge into heterodyned Golden Ratio ACCELERATION of charge - thru light speed) .. called GRAVITY. ( more: ).

So - by understanding how symmetry arrays (like your EKG and EEG and then your ARCHITECTURE) get a HANDLE to THROW CHARGE AROUND and between frequencies into GRAVITY - puts you IN CHARGE. This gives YOU the inertia to throw charge into non-destructive compression - called CREATION( mass is compressed charge - YOU are empowered).

The KEY here is to understand how LIFE fits in. We need to describe how LIFE FORCE is the CHARGE DISTRIBUTION PERFECTED BY FRACTAL CHARGE ACCELERATION (especially IN THE CORE OF DNA) - and how that INTIMATELY EMBEDS IN GRAVITY. (Why for example do you need to avoid the un-fractal moon - if you want a seed to germinate. If your building has a squarish metal core like the moon does, then you will kill seeds too! Let's understand the PRINCIPLE. )

First - from the biophysics. I remember when my biophysicist friend Prof.Earl Ettienne, explained how cell metabolism only worked if the long wave chains of incoming food, could be translated smoothly into very coherent short wave high quality ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT. He was fond of saying this high quality coherent UV light was the 'motor' of cell metabolism. A nested ladder from long wave to short wave - whose musical dance of COHERENCE defines healthy cell life. We later made the case that the orderly harmonic distribution of the sweet BLUE FIRE (UV) juice was the economics of not just meiosis / meitosis (cell division timing/ cancer = touch inhibition failure - see ) - but sexuality in general. Our 'Biology of Blue Fire' video- made with 3 MD's, more recently: physics of tantra + kundalini - at .

To summarize here, imagine how hard it would be to make the case that a billion sub cellular molecules suddenly somehow open a chemical thru the mail that tells them it is now the instant to start cell division. Obviously, mechanical bonds DO NOT EXPLAIN THE EXQUISITE TIMING DANCE OF CELL DIVISION! No- cell division quite clearly is the coherent dance of a very large and very coherent electric field (better described using waves than the packets of waves called particles). HOW cell division's electric field GETS coherent - has everything to do with fractal contructive compression of charge.

Now - we should carry on this dialog - how to redefine cell metabolism using fractal field effect analysis - in a biophysics class (links above) - but what is needed here for the BIOLOGIC ARCHITECT - is the executive summary. The executive summary is easy: biology can only EAT CHARGE. Charge is our ONLY real food - the TINGLE from the fresh apple IS the food - grind it and overcook it - and the TINGLE is gone - AND the life support is gone. Further- biology can only EAT CHARGE- if the method of serving that charge is FRACTAL. The reasons for this are self evident and beautiful. Electric field theory means that all biologic (survival) information exists as the electric field of charge which become biology's molecular bonds. SO - thrival and survival depend on getting those electric field coherent enough to stand as waves.

Further, DNA, philotaxes, and every living proteint (being 5 sided),- in summary ALL OF LIFE - is based on GOLDEN MEAN RATIO - because that geometry is what allows charge to compress non-destructively. Compressing charge non-destructively- means storing survival memory efficiently. Coherence perfects harmonic, fractality perfects coherence, and Golden Ratio perfects fractality.

This works because in physics Golden Mean ratio is called 'optimized translation of vorticity'. This means that rotational energy (charge rotating in a circle is called: mass), can be non-destructively 'translated' or transformed - into the more centripedal charge imploding- called GRAVITY (charge collapsing in scale invariant implosion- compression translated into acceleration by Golden Ratio ). The secret is to see how the place where charge acceleration is accomplished BECAUSE OF FRACTAL SELF SIMILAR CHARGE COLLAPSE / IMPLOSION - becomes a wave holy communion FUSION core -for centers of gravity in general, AND DNA IN PARTICULAR! What we are calling attention itself - begins with understanding implosive and gravity making ( DNA does it ) charge compression.

Looking at HOW Golden Ratio is the only way waves can recursive add (multiply) - ( the sequence ..., .618 , 1.0 , 1.618 , 2.618 ...- permits you to add any 2 numbers to get the next OR mulitply by 1.618 to get the next). Since every time waves meet the very NATURE of wave interference (recursive heterodyning) is that waves must add and multiply - the Golden Ratio is THE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF CONSTRUCTIVE WAVE INTERFERENCE.

We cannot emphasize this too much. THE SOLUTION TO CONSTRUCTIVE WAVE INTERFERENCE - means - the end of fighting! Waves can agree. It means - the most number of waves of charge COULD AGREE TO CONVERGE AT ONE PLACE. We must study intently to learn WHY this is the correct beginning to our problem : SCIENCE DEFINES SACRED SPACE.

(If you are open to exploring how non destructive wave agreement - becomes a generally science of how to teach PEACEMAKING as science - please see ).

When waves compress perfectly, they then radiate FROM THE FRACTAL PLACE OF PERFECT COMPRESSION - into perfect charge DISTRIBUTION. Perfecting charge distribution is absolutely electrically our solution to the space where we feel BLISS.. and where all DNA gets happy. All communication gets efficient - right down to the cellular level. Places where charge radiates effortlessly - always have charge fields that look fractal like a rose- THIS is our key to building sacred space! Here the tingling blissful feeling - is the effortless way biologic information is distributed. In psychological and even religious terms - this is access to the collective unconscious: it needs very appropriately to be understood in rigorous electrical terms.

.. SO we must first learn how this is measured: electrically.

4. Electrically measuring LIFE FORCE and SACRED SPACE. ( this will be scenes from )

5. Biologic Architecture: Use of Color

Mathematician 'Rene Dumal' in the classic Gurdjieff/ Sufi book 'Mount Analog' suggests - access to the spiritual 'mountain' or path - is optimally available only by the light of the GREEN FLASH. The spiritual student is advised to search diligently for the conditions which allow your world to be bathed in this ultimately purified green light, in order to perceive how to climb the 'spiritual mountain'. (Then climbing that mountain is a series of portals or gates opened each by the gem generated every time you do a purely intentioned act).

Studying the physics of what allows you to see a bright green flash at the moment of a perfect sunset on the water, is illustrative of the spiritual physics of color. Here are some things we learn - by investigating the photon's immersive symmetry mysteries:

First - we know from hydrodynamic physics that all energy domains travel as toroidal or donut shape. We therefore conclude this must be true of the photon. The only way it can self organize is into the flow geometry of the seven color map of the donut. See animation here of how the 7 symmetry arrows thru a tetrahedron define the 7 color map of the moebius photon.


Note that the geometry of the line which produces the 7 color map of the photon donut divides the 7 color regions on the moebius strip in such a way that each color touches ALL others. This 'rainbow connection' is very 'touching'.

In this way we get some clue to the physics for why rainbows classically quantize into 7 color regions. The photon donut upon reaching the traffic jam of compression in the prism sorts the photons into the 7 spin angles of the tetra where their inertia does not cancel (this physics is the origin of 7 layers of human heart muscle):"Alphabet of the Heart". Implosive compression is the origin of all self-organization from chaos.

Note that among the color bands, in the center of the optical 440-880 angstrom octave of color lies green. Here the inertia of the flux of the photon is neither centripedal or centrifugal - thus here lies the physics of photosynthesis and healing green.

The red- is the centripedal side of the photon. The blue is the centrifugal or unpacking (by most conventions - defining the YIN ). This has immediate implications for color healing and architecture of color.

Note that physics can prove that color is nothing more than the tilt or phase angle of the photon as a three dimensional donut. (How positively unreal and flatland to say color is purely 2 dimensional wavelength. What field in physics is entirely flat - 2 dimensional? Certainly not the photon!)

Color is only perceived in the cones not the rods of the retina. If Goethe had only known. Cones CAN only be used in wave antenna physics to measure the TILT or PHASE ANGLE of incoming field effects!

Another proof is that the angle of the spiral on that donut whose shadow makes the Hebrew letter ALEPH - begins their word ADOM meaning RED - or as Fabre D'Olivet transliterates in 'Hebraic Tongue Restored' - meaning HARD MAKING POWER. (The ability to make density versus rarifaction). Thus we confirm - that RED is the centripedal (making dense by converge versus diverge).

(pic here of Hebrew letter origins meaning color)

Blue is its opposite.. Centrifugal, Unpacking, Wetmaking..

So the 7 color map (7 symmetry axis tetra) of the torus donut photon produces a hex cube (2 tetra) shadow which has 3 opposites.. the hex color wheel.

So red in architecture is for where you want to invasively impress compress. The blue is for where you wish to unpack, diverge, make unfolded and touch permissive. The green is for where you wish to allow - the field to steer from without - empathy - compassion - without the prejudice of centripedal or centrifugal. See again that when you catch the photon in the eyes cone perfectly from the side - it is neither pushing you in or out. We call this peaceful balance GREEN.

...Now - back to the GREEN FLASH. We saw the magnificent GREEN FLASH 3 days in a row in a perfect sunset off Perth, Australia. The experience was consistent with many of the physics articles about the physics of what permits the GREEN FLASH. The ability of the perfect angle of refraction of the solar rainbow into differentiated color - to work at the moment of sunset - depends on:

- perfect flat horizon

- perfect still conditions

- AND- perfect (fractal) charge compressive atmospheric conditions. The beauty of this physics IS spiritual: Non-destructive charge compression DEFINES sacred space: where waves self organize. This is the electric geometry of perfect (fractal) atmosphere - which is REQUIRED to permit the GREEN FLASH. ( see: Measuring fractality- and therefore life and the sacred- in air at: ).


6. Biologic Architecture: use of dowsing / site mapping

7. Commercial aspects of Biologic Architecture

8. Intuitive aspects of Biologic Architecture..